Tuesday, January 05, 2010

You Don't Have To Be A Rocket Scientist. The Connection Between The Polio Vaccine and The Origin of AIDS

Overview of the theory

One theory of the origin of AIDS is that it developed from contaminated vaccines used in the world's first mass immunisation for polio. There are a number of reasons why this theory is plausible enough to be worthy of further investigation.

• The location coincides dramatically. The earliest known cases of AIDS occurred in central Africa, in the same regions where Hilary Koprowski's polio vaccine was given to over a million people in 1957-1960.

The timing coincides. There is no documented case of HIV infection or AIDS before 1959.

• Centuries of the slave trade and European exploitation of Africa exposed Africans and others to all other diseases then known; it is implausible that HIV could have been present and spreading in Africa without being recognised.

• Polio vaccines are grown (cultured) on monkey kidneys which could have been contaminated by SIVs. Polio vaccines could not be screened for SIV contamination before 1985.

• Another monkey virus, SV-40, is known to have been passed to humans through polio vaccines. A specific pool of Koprowski's vaccine was later shown to have been contaminated by an unknown virus.

• In order for a virus to infect a different species, it is helpful to reduce the resistance of the new host's immune system.

Koprowski's polio vaccine was given to many children less than one month old, before their immune systems were fully developed. Indeed, in one trial, infants were given 15 times the standard dose in order to ensure effective immunization.


Anonymous said...

A rebuttal from Nature. And an Abstract, but I can't get the entire paper, can't log into server from home.

It's an interesting hypothesis.
I think this conspiracy theory will be around for awhile.

Constructive Feedback said...

Brother Vesey:

Knowing what you now know about HIV/AIDS what would your advice be to President Obama and the Federal Democrats regarding the rampant levels of HIV infections in certain large Black metropolises? (Baltimore/DC/ATL/NYC)

Would you tell Obama to stop all AIDS research and instead go into the coffers of the CIA and obtain the research notes on the creation of the virus?

Denmark Vesey said...


To be honest with you brother.

I wouldn't expect President Obama or The Government to do anything about the levels of HIV infection in Black communities.

I would expect black people to do something.

I think whatever they did, would start with more good information and less government dependence.

Actually, I think government dependence is why HIV is killing black people disproportionately to the general population.

Hell, the average Plantation Negro still lets the government or corporate medicine decide whether they vaccinate their child or not.

Anonymous said...

So, answer me this Mr. Overly Inflated Ego:

Are you denying that HIV/AIDS exists as you've stated on your Gary Null film from January 8, 2010 post or are you saying that it DOES exist but is from Polio vaccines.

Having trouble keeping your lies straight?