Sunday, June 19, 2011

There Is More To Wealth Than Cash

CNu, Submariner, Mike Fisher, Big Man, GDawg, T Stephens, Ugly Black John, The State, Manar's Daddy, Wesley Gibson, Exodus Mentality, Casper, Doc DMG, ThorDaddy, The Big Brother Big Man, Brother Law, Kid Blaze, Ill Math, Undercover Black Man, P Dice, The Doc!, Constructive Feedback, Casper, JNorris, Dr. Love, Cash Rulz, That Dude, Gee Chee Vision, Cadeveo, Makheru Bradley, Big Mark, I Wonder As I Wander, PHX, Sharif Ali, Richmond Muhammad,
Ensayn1, my man Big Wayne and ALL the fathers to be who get down at DV dot N.E.T . Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day To Any Brotha Who's Got A Chick


CNu said...

and to you sir.

me and the chirrens off to the nelson atkins to play some frisbee and look at some art.

Denmark Vesey said...

... they got art in Kansas?


CNu said...

You would LOVE Kansas City magne.

Check it out.

Nestled over by the Kansas City Art Institute, UMKC, Stowers, and the Plaza.

Absolutely one of the most beautiful treasures to be found in any city in the world.


We'll even get your diet right too magne, after you take in the attractions.

We'll take you and your peeps to have some fabulous Gates Barbeque.

Sadly, they'll be ruined for any more of that tofutti and raw vegan crap after feasting on some incomparable slow, pit-smoked KC-style swine.

Undercover Black Man said...

^ Not to mention... the stomping ground of Ahmad Alaadeen.

Denmark Vesey said...

Aight. Aight. I gotta give it up.

Hell. KC appears to have more cultural appeal than Los Angeles.

I'm cool with the Swine BBQ. But if ya'll can find any non Genetically Modified Vegetables in the state, you could throw that on the grill for a brother.

Or a piece fish that actually swam in the ocean or a lake instead of festering indoor fish farm, that'd be really cool.

("But you know. DV is ... "eccentric" like that. He actually likes his food to be real. How crazy is that? How many times does DMG have to prove to him unprocessed food is dangerous?)

Submariner said...

Man that's nice Craig. My little girl is quite the art enthusiast and was mesmerized How Art Made the World and Power of Art. I'm thinking that Kansas City would make for a fine family road trip next year.

Happy Father's Day to all you cats.

lawegohard said...

I get off the plane and go straight to Gates for their non-swine products.

My pops is from KC. He is the coolest dude I know. He's 65, wise, and rich (like owns houses, no debt, mad cash in bank, hella' retirement package).
He has built a legacy with his work that inspires me.

Michael Fisher said...

Thanks, DV. Same to you.

Thordaddy said...

Thanks DV... Hope you have a great Father's Day, too!

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day Gentlemen...
the good nurse

The Doc aka Slim Goodbody said...

What's good, kinfoke?

Yeah, noticed your sidebar. I was wondering if it was just me, but Drake be rappin' his ass off. Dude just jumped off the poach (so to speak) but he's ill as a mutha...

Yeah, happy pappy day, an' all 'at good stuff like 'at thur.

Anonymous said...

Hope all of you had a nice Father's Day. If you haven't please encourage your fathers, brothers, and son's 50 years or older (45 for black men and those with a family history) to at least consider having their prostate checked. Black men have a very high incidence, and death rate from Prostate Cancer. Don't fear the finger.

Big Man said...


When y'all gonna come up with a better test than that finger thing?

My pops got one and said he was never doing it again. He gets the blood test now. I don't blame him.

Having a man finger pop me once a year is not the business.

CNu said...

Your primary care physician is not an attractive woman who's also good friends with your wife?


I say, "pick your friends more carefully than you pick your fruit"!

Pick your physician even more carefully than that.....,

Anonymous said...

Big Man,

Very few men like the finger in the bottom. My index finger gives me quite a bit of information about your prostate. Also it's cheap, and likely alot smaller caliber than your average bowel movement. What's the problem? Men somehow think it's unmanly. You asked a good question this might help you understand better why both the finger and PSA are recommended by some groups depending on your risk factors. Regardless, too many black men are dying, we can't afford late detection.

CNu, my wife put her foot down, when she saw a picture of who I wanted to pick as my primary. I'd have been there on my birthday without delay.

The Doc aka The Muffin Mane said...

Well I don't know about you, Cnu, but i'd even feel gunshy having a betty like Kerri Washington give me the "fanga" test. But you do have a point-- it's a lot better than some big sweaty man.

Anonymous said...

CNu said...

Your primary care physician is not an attractive woman who's also good friends with your wife?


Ya'll folks up in denmark vesey are off the hook!!

cadeveo said...

Thanks for the well-wishes, DV. Have a great Father's Day, everyone.

cadeveo said...

Thanks for the well-wishes, DV. Have a great Father's Day, everyone.

makheru bradley said...

Happy Father's Day DV, and all of the other brothers in the house.

And Happy Juneteenth--the culmination of one struggle and the beginning of another.

May Peace and Blessings be unto each and every one of you.

Bado Mapambano!!!!!

that dude said...

Happy Father's Day.

I'm out of town working but my wife and kids flew up and we been hanging all day. Good times.

My first prostate exam gave me a whole new lack of understanding about homosexuality. Pretty horrible. But the alternative is worse so got to do it.

Richmond Muhammad said...

Happy belated fathers day to all the fathers! I don't have children and a chick YET but will soon and best believe soon they'll be a lot of little Muhammad's running around!

Anonymous said...

good lookin out brotha DV! happy Fathers day to you and your Pops as well fam! ONE!

Anonymous said...

kid blaze

Dr. Love said...

Being a "father" is the real education for a "real man" not the four year degree fake out from these so called educational institutions...the bachelor degree is to first get a chick to form a family..the first born and every child after is your first degree..raise them to hopefully do the same which gives you your "masters" you become "paw-paw" who has to "asist in their development along with the children you have raised...the "phd" is the next level if you are truly "lucky/blessed" you are now the great paw you look back at the "generations" you created...doing all this and keeping your "woman" happy and in your corner.. has your back and not on your are the "go to guy" in the 4th quarter with the game on the line and YOU WANT THE FUCKING BALL"....MY fathers' day I had to deal with the murder trial of one of my grand children...their was a conviction of the young disturbed "black man" but the only real justice was I stuck this horrible experience out to the end...don't need a pat on the back for doing what I was supposed to do.. the real satisfaction would have come if my two year old had come into my bedroom with her "sippy cup" and said "paw-paw..juice.....Happy Fathers Day