Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Slave Master's Religion? Advanced Plantation Negro Deconstruction - 301

" You've had to make all of these twists and turns to obscure in your own mind the fact that you believe in the white mans version of god." DMG

" You've had to make all of these twists and turns to obscure in your own mind the jaw dropping absurdity that a baby ... floating down the Nile river ... in 1391 BC ... could possibly have been white." DV

" You've had to make all of these twists and turns to obscure in your own mind the fact that you allowed the white man to make you believe your version of god, was his." DV

You've had to make all of these twists and turns to obscure in your own mind the fact that your version of 'no God', is indeed very much a version of God." DV

A black man not recognizing the African origins of Christian mythology is like a kidnapped black child not recognizing his black grandparents. The teachings of Christ are no more "the white man's" religion than Cicely Tyson is Adam Sandler's grandmother.


Anonymous said...

Actually all of this is a moot point. I don't believe in gods. That's your department.

Denmark Vesey said...

Yes you do.

The Oral Polio Vaccine is one of them.

Anonymous said...

More important than these pictures of the Black Madonna and Child which can be found all over Europe is the inscription on the walls of the Temple of Karnak (Ipet-isut) which is dated about 1500 BC.

The inscriptions show images which are described as the Annunciation, the Immaculate Conception, the Birth and the Adoration of Heru, with Jehuti announcing to the Virgin Auset that she will conceive Heru; with Kheper, the "Holy Ghost," impregnating the virgin via an ankh which is held to her nose; and with the infant being adored by three kings, or magi, bearing gifts.

"In this picture we have the Annunciation, the Conception, the Birth, and the Adoration, as described in the First and Second Chapters of Luke's Gospel; and as we have historical assurance that the chapters in Matthew's Gospel which contain the Miraculous Birth of Jesus are an after addition not in the earliest manuscripts, it seems probable that these two poetical chapters in Luke may also be unhistorical, and be borrowed from the Egyptian accounts of the miraculous birth of their kings."

Dr. Samuel C. Sharpe, Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity

There you have the mythological forerunner to what some people believe is the actual birth of the Historical Jesus. The temple inscription pre-dates the supposed actual birth of Jesus by 1,500 years.

It may also shock some Christians who are not familiar with pre-Constantine Christianity to find that the original Immaculate Conception in Christianity refers to the birth of Mary, and not to Jesus. Mary’s mother Anna was also a virgin when she gave birth to Mary, per both “The Gospel of the Birth of Mary” and “The Protoevangelion of James.”

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Anonymous needs a name because he or she has been droppin' serious knowledge lately.

Anonymous said...


Very interesting commentary. Much appreciated. I agree with II (I'm sorry II, I won't make it a habit), you should get name.


If you are going deify medicine at least get the imagery correct.

If I worshiped anything, it would be the scalpel. The OR would be my temple. My hands would be my angels of life and death.

Come on now brother, I know you have skills, use them.

Big Man said...

Nah, it doesn't sound like you're worshipping the scapel.

The scapel is just the tool.

I think it might be YOU that you're worshipping.

Pretty normal occurrence actually.

Anonymous said...

I think it might be YOU that you're worshipping.


Anonymous said...

Big Man,

Notice I said "IF" I worshiped, not I "DO" worship (and this was a friendly poke at our host).

I don't 'worship' anything Big Man. I love my work, and I approach it with respect, as someones life is in my hands. I know the science behind what's happening as the scalpel meets the skin and after. I don't leave it to faith. That's your job in the waiting room.

Knowing more than someone is not self-worship, nor is debating. I know what I know, because I've worked hard at understanding the mountain of evidence...and it is a mountain. I know what I don't know, and if there were more time I'd try to know that too.

The crime is being willfully ignorant.

CNu said...


Merely observing the extraordinary levels of insecurity and defensiveness around this topic has been priceless.