Monday, June 15, 2009

See. This Brother Is Not A Plantation Negro.


Anonymous said...


I'm really curious what your criteria for Plantation vs. non-plantation is. Not to legitimize your plantation hypothesis, of course.

Anyway, Brotherman seems to want to have his services billable to insurance. However as an ND (Naturopathic doctor--assuming his degree is legitimate), I don't think his services are covered in most states. I'll check on that.

And it seems he wants to be allowed to practice without a license. I'd like to hear II's comments about this.

Strange, a Google search of this "Dr's" school only shows up in conjunction with his website (I checked it out since I know the Bay Area well).

I will say that he's right about there not being much of a difference between Democrat and Republican. And Michael Moore's Sicko does take quite a few liberties with facts.

DV, why don't you see if you can get him online for a chat.

Anonymous said...

This dude is supposed to be a healthcare expert; he wants to get paid by insurance companies, and he does not know what single-payer health care is. He should be embarrassed.

A single-payer or "Medicare for all" system that eliminates for-profit health insurance and simply pays for everyone's treatment by private doctors and hospitals of their choosing is also the only solution consistently favored by a majority of Americans in polls. The proposal, already in place in most of the world's wealthy nations, is raised at every health care town-hall forum that Congress members or President Obama speak at, including the one Obama held on Thursday in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

The president always rejects single payer on the grounds that some Americans are too fond of their health insurance companies to part with them.

Anonymous said...

"some Americans are too fond of their health insurance companies to part with them"

LMAO! ya that's it, Obama!

But if so, why not give them the choice?