Saturday, June 13, 2009

Plantation Medicine vs. The Denmark Vesey Natural Eating and Healing Protocol

SHE said...
Hi all. =) I am new to this site. I am a student of Ayurveda, a 5000 year old system of healing. Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga. In Sanskrit "ayu" means life and "veda" means knowledge or science. Ayurveda is the science of life. Are any of you familiar with this system of healing?

According to Ayurveda, there are several types of acne. Every human being has a different constitution. We are all composed of the 5 elements in varying proportions. Therefore, every body type requires a slightly different treatment for the same ailment in order to maintain an internal equilibrium.

According to Ayurveda...
Acne is caused by an aggravation of pitta (fire + water) and kapha (earth+ water). Something in the diet OR mind disturbs the natural flow of these elements in our body. Mind and body must both be healthy and balanced in order to maintain health.

Acne is aggravated by: over-consumption of sweets, fats, oils, red meat, seafood, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, emotional stress and attachments, inactivity, feelings of possessiveness, depression, and purposelessness. The nature or behavior of these causes are fiery and earthy.

Diet change
breathing exercises - breath of fire and sitali pranayam
Steam bath using rosemary or eucalyptus oils to open the pore are exudate the "ama" toxins. Vigorous exercise to achieve sweating.
Detoxing herbal teas of burdock, neem, tumeric. Etc.

You have to treat the root cause, not the symptom. That is the problem with modern medicine. They need to start taking a more holistic approach. We are complex organisms that are a reflection of our environment. The inner microcosm is a reflection of the outer macrocosm. The goal of Ayurveda is to live in harmony with Nature. Unfortunately, much of our society has lost connection with the life-giving mother.


DMG said...

Wash your face.

Undercover Black Man said...
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Undercover Black Man said...

DV... you should check out some of the comments about Dr. Mercola on the rate-a-doc website

“I was told to stop using my Chrohn's medication, start eating raw foods, and buy basically $500 of their supplements. After about two weeks stupidly following their regiment, I began having bloody diarrhea and lots of pain. ... Luckily I was able to get an appointment with a reputable gastrointestinal doctor and he told me to NEVER go to Dr. Mercola again.”

“First they get you to buy all their drops and supplements. ... Very mechanical, just pushing cattle though to file the insurance claim and get their $$$. after $2K worth of testing, they did me no favors.”

“I spent a lot of money seeking help for my fibromyalgia with Dr. Mercola and his clinic staff. I followed their advice religiously. After 6 months of eating so many greens, I developed a kidney stone because of too much oxlate in my diet. They also missed that I was a diabetic even though they took many blood tests. I found I wasted all my money and was in worse health after the 6 months of multi-weekly visits.”

“I saw this man for 8 years and watched as his practice went more and more holistic. He is a terrible doctor. I saw him many times for chronic strep and all he did was push pill after pill until I developed rashes and other reactions.... He seems to only care about money. ... I would only recommend him if you prefer your doctor to care nothing about actual science or scientifically verifiable studies.”

“I strongly urge everyone to stay away from what I believe is this dangerous healthcare practitioner.... He actually gave advice that hurt me! His website and staff are trained to lure you in -- then it starts -- you pay $200 for this & that staffperson each month, $300 for supplements & other products -- oh -- available from his store!”

“This guy is a TOTAL QUACK! I went to him for help because I have Sarcoidosis. They had me get a hair analysis, blood work ... then they wanted me to get all their vitamins, etc. I ended up paying 1500.00. When I called for my hair analysis report, they said I had to make ANOTHER appointment to get my results! This guy has a real racket going on.”

DV... bro-zilla... where did you find this money-grubbing hustler? Why are you trying to drum up business for him? (Do you get a piece of the action?) And why do you think it makes YOU seem smart to post this dude’s ad copy?

Denmark Vesey said...


UBM. Have you heard that Plantation Doctors KILL 100,000 people a year with the drugs they "prescribe" (sell)?

SHE said...

Hi all. =) I am new to this site. I am a student of Ayurveda, a 5000 year old system of healing. Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga. In Sanskrit "ayu" means life and "veda" means knowledge or science. Ayurveda is the science of life. Are any of you familiar with this system of healing?

According to Ayurveda, there are several types of acne. Every human being has a different constitution. We are all composed of the 5 elements in varying proportions. Therefore, every body type requires a slightly different treatment for the same ailment in order to maintain an internal equilibrium.

According to Ayurveda...
Acne is caused by an aggravation of pitta (fire + water) and kapha (earth+ water). Something in the diet OR mind disturbs the natural flow of these elements in our body. Mind and body must both be healthy and balanced in order to maintain health.

Acne is aggravated by: over-consumption of sweets, fats, oils, red meat, seafood, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, emotional stress and attachments, inactivity, feelings of possessiveness, depression, and purposelessness. The nature or behavior of these causes are fiery and earthy.

Diet change
breathing exercises - breath of fire and sitali pranayam
Steam bath using rosemary or eucalyptus oils to open the pore are exudate the "ama" toxins. Vigorous exercise to achieve sweating.
Detoxing herbal teas of burdock, neem, tumeric. Etc.

You have to treat the root cause, not the symptom. That is the problem with modern medicine. They need to start taking a more holistic approach. We are complex organisms that are a reflection of our environment. The inner microcosm is a reflection of the outer macrocosm. The goal of Ayurveda is to live in harmony with Nature. Unfortunately, much of our society has lost connection with the life-giving mother.