Imagine if Heath Ledger's body was found next to a pile of Chinese herbs, a bottle of colloidal silver and some echinacea. Or imagine if Heath had just returned from a colon cleanse.
I can hear the Secular Jihadists now:
"We tried ta Tell you! We know things you don't! We know things you can't possibly understand! If it can't be tested!! If it can't be proven! It doesn't exist! Scientific Method!! Not God! Science!!"
But when Ledger's body is found next to bottles of FDA-approved, Peer Reviewed, doctor prescribed drugs,
...crickets .... crickets ....
Doctors prescribe pharmaceuticals that kill 100,000 Americans a year. Anyone who uses them or prescribes them is committing an act of faith. That's OK. But don't pretend it's faith in the scientific method. The scientific method would never create a product with Leaky Ass Syndrome as a side-effect.
The ultimate Scientific Method is God's Method. Who you think invented science? Man is a little arrogant pea brain tampering with that which he does not know.
Secular fanatics tickle me.
Or imagine if Heath had just returned from a colon cleanse.
it's the nimiety of your eccentricities once again magne. whew.....,
I needed that.
And Ma Huang, Gingko and Yohimbe are all completely safe and have no side effects? People have been taking these for years you say.
The man overdosed. Simple.
"The man overdosed. Simple."
Just like Len Bias.
Imagine a drug dealer telling the cops ..."Nah. Nah. He wasn't supposed to mix crack with weed and ecstasy! The man overdosed. Simple."
He'd be doing 15 to 20.
But let Merck sell the drugs and it's all good.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Man you are just too funny DV!
Dood, he's got a point about that "leaky-ass syndrome"...,
We have a bad habit of rewinding pharmaceutical commercials so we can hear the litany of disclaimers - and sure enough - leaky-ass seems so widespread, I think it's safe to say it's fairly typical.
Who here has actually prescribed the medications that Heath Ledger took?
Likely only Submariner and me.
Really MOTI, you should stop trying to talk about subjects where you have no experience or understanding.
Heath Ledger died of a drug overdose. Many of the drugs mentioned may cause respiratory when depression taken inappropriately or in large enough quantities.
I believe Len Bias snorted cocaine and was drinking alcohol the evening he died. I don't recall other drugs.
Schools open (and not the late night adult education or correspondence crap MOTI likes to preach):
Cocaine (much like the other -aines, lidocaine, novacaine, etc.) is a local anesthetic that blocks both the conduction and generation of electrical impulses in excitable tissues such as neurons and cardiomyocytes (cardiac muscle). This may cause an arrhythmia. Cocaine also binds to a particular transporter causing increases in epinepherine, norepinepherine and dopamine...this may lead to increased heart rate low blood pressure. Cocaine also causes vasoconstriction of coronary vessels cutting off blood to his heart muscle. Also if he was drunk enough the alcohol could have caused respiratory depression...you've all seen how your really drunk friends breath when they are passed out...
Again MOTI what's your point...more conspiracy? Len Bias was targeted by corrupt DC cops who laced his cocaine? What now?
The key is to see what percentage actually got "leaky ass". There's a difference between major side effects and all side effects. (Yeah, I think it's funny too...).
Speaking of leaky-ass, does anybody remember these jokers here?
No pun intended, but how they came and went with the quickness?
Them shits was hilarious.....,
How does a company even muster the audacity to release something like that into the marketplace?
Hehhehehehehehehehehehehehe Olestra olestra olestra, a bad memory in the annals of my mind. I thankfully never tried the stuff. I prefer beef tallow, lard and olive oil myself. At least you know exactly the origin of these products. I didn't know anything about Olestra...
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