Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Natural and Unprocessed Is Barack Obama. Plantation Medicine Is The Bush Administration.

Hawa Bond said...
DV. I'm with you.

Heating kills the natural enzymes in food that help the body perform natural processes... which is why a fresh organic apple will ALWAYS be healthier than apple pie (added sugar and all).

Anyway... Once my mom was caring for my son during the day while I worked. He fell ill with fever. I explained to her that I feed my kids a modified diet instead of putting them on antibiotics (which the doctor ALWAYS prescribes without seeking proof that a bacterial infection exists). Do you know how many prescriptions I didn't get filled????

Anyway, she went against my direct orders, got the antibiotic, and gave it to my son. He ended up in the hospital for 4 days with a bacterial infection from killing the good bacteria in his intestines.

A slick doctor (I read him from a mile away) came in talking about all the EXTRA tests we needed because my son had Chrons disease. He did his best to convince me. I told him, "My son doesn't have Chrons disease. He took antibiotics when he should have." He looked at me like I had three green heads.

Needless to say, I skipped the tests, I skipped the drugs, and my son has been FINE SINCE FOR YEARS.

Do you know who supported me? The pediatrician from another land who agreed with me, behind the other doctor's back, that the diagnosis and push for more drugs/tests was RIDICULOUS.

I forgot to mention... I have EXCELLENT insurance. I am always a target for "more useless tests" because everybody wants to get paid.

I have read the studies. I have read at length about the medical industry. And while I believe some enter the profession to actually help... medicine is dead to healthier natural alternatives as a result of rampant capitalism and greed.


Submariner said...

Ms. Bond do you drink organic milk or pastuerized milk.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Most organic milk is pasteurized. Presumably you mean raw?

Anonymous said...

The logic fallacy cum hoc ergo propter hoc seems to be at the foundation of most of the arguments online lately...autism and vaccines, etc.

It would be wrong to comment directly on Ms. Bond's son's diagnosis, as the details are not complete. I do of course hope he does not have Crohn's Disease, as it is horrible and often debilitating. It might be wise to familiarize yourself with the symptoms anyway.

Submariner, are you thinking MAP?

submariner said...

it was a trick question what with her "Heating kills the natural enzymes in food that help the body perform natural processes"

Anonymous said...

Ah I get it, I didn't read that sentence closely enough. I suppose then we should not mention the stomach or pancreas...

submariner said...

Precisely. It all goes to what I've written about the dualist approach and educated people inclined to speculate on matters but not study them closely.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Merck is now trying to regulate (limit consumer access to) colloidal silver..

Better stock up now, folks!

Anonymous said...

Yes colloidal silver...you never know when the Blue Man group will be holding open tryouts. If you happen to see him in Madera...