Monday, June 29, 2009

Michael Jackson Accuser Jordy Chandler Says Father Made Him Lie About Michael For The Money

"I never meant to lie and destroy Michael Jackson but my father made me to tell only lies. Now i can’t tell Michael how much i’m sorry and if he will forgive me ”.

Evan Chandler, Jordry's step father was tape-recorded in 1993 saying amongst other things, “If I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever"

Jordan Chandler then told a psychiatrist and later police that he and Jackson had engaged in acts of kissing, masturbation and oral sex, as well as giving a detailed description of what he alleged were the singer’s genitals.

"Now for the first time i can’t bare to lie anymore. Michael Jackson didn’t do anything to me, all was my father lies to escape from being poor.”


Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

It's ashamed what people do for money. It's even more ashamed that there is a sucker born every minute. Like I said before, MJ's judgment was off. You don't hang around little kids without their parents around, reduce liabilities especially if you are that rich!

Michael Fisher said...

This story is purported to be a fake.

Denmark Vesey said...

Yet ... it is so obviously true.

RJEsq said...

No way!! He was lying?!

[Insert sarcasm here.]

I hope the executor of Michael's estate sues this shit out of this greedy lying MF. (no offense, Mike :-))

Anonymous said...

side note...

"a shame" does not equal "ashamed."

Youre way too smart to be making that small mistake girlfriend. Cant have you out there like that.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Hehehehe sure enough. Thanks for the correction. I make mistakes too but appreciate it;)

Big Wayne said...

" I make mistakes too" -MSR do.

Last week, you led the charge on Mike being a pedophile and were quite judgmental in your positions.

You had already convicted him of this nonsense merely because your brain could not fathom why an individual would merely settle false claims out of court, as opposed to subjecting himself, his person, his entire life to extreme scrutiny and an extensive and costly trial.

Here__________________________ is where your retraction and apologies belong.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Actually Big Wayne, you are entirely incorrect. I didn't accuse him of being a pedophile at all. In fact, I said that none of us really knew what happened with those boys but that his judgment was off.

I still maintain the same position. You don't hang out with young boys without their parents around; I don't care what your intention is.

I think that parents who allow their kids to be with adults who aren't family unsupervised are taking unnecessary risks.

I also feel as though he took unnecessary risks by putting himself in that position; I felt as though his judgment was impaired and apparently it was on a great many issues.

And I still feel the same way, if someone was accusing you of a moral crime like child molestation, it doesn't make sense to settle especially if the claims are false and malicious.

And like I said, I have legal concerns of my own and am true to my word. As rich as he was at the time of his accusations, he could have gone to trial and his innocence would have shown through especially given his legal counsel.

Bottom line, you were incorrect because you chose to misread and misconstrue my statements.

That is on you.

The Smooth Criminal (Aka Big Weeeezaay) said...

" I think that parents who allow their kids to be with adults who aren't family unsupervised are taking unnecessary risks."

Do you mean like the BILLIONS of people who drop their kids off for school every day? Teachers = Non familiar adults. Kaboooom! Are you a parent, MSR? Do you emplore this risky practice of dropping your kids off at school/daycare/camp/ymca, soccer practice, piano lessons, dance class? Lol. This is gonna be easy.

"I didn't accuse him of being a pedophile at all."
No, but you blatantly inferred (not an oxymoron) it and continue to do so. I will connect the dots for you, should you continue to feign ignorance.

" As rich as he was at the time of his accusations, he could have gone to trial and his innocence would have shown through especially given his legal counsel."

Sure he could have. But that would mean that he gave a shit about what you and people like you think. Mike was a non-conformist. He was comfortable enough with his actions and secure enough in his truth that he felt no need to prove it to you. His heart was so big that instead of proving his innocence, which he could have done litigiously, he instead paid his accusers as they needed the money so desparately that they trumped up phony charges using the most heinous crime imaginable, charges that would polarize the world. He then forgave them. Mike was a man of God.

Ask yourself, if Jesus Christ the man faced trumped up accusations, do you think he would have fought his accusers in a court of men? Or do you think he would have given to them, then forgiven them, all to his own detriment. Mike was closer to Jesus than you will ever be.

I respect that a helluva lot more than the person who screams to the mountaintop to profess his innocence to people who don't enrich his life. People who only take from him.

Those who truly felt Mike, knew this was bullshit. You, MSR, don't feel Mike.

You can't feel Mike.

Here ___________________ is where your retraction belongs.

Intellectual Insurgent said...


There are many good reasons why someone like MJ would settle a case instead of going to trial that have nothing to do with liability or not.

You throw open the doors to every piece of your private life in a case like that and how anything you do can be interpreted in a negative light, up against a little boy with whom the jury will likely sympathize, and juries are horridly unpredictable.

So MJ was risking a media circus worse than what came from the accusations, possible judgment in the bazillions and the trauma of trial, which he probably couldn't have handled - as his lawyer, I probably would have advised that he settle too.

Man in the Mirror said...

Insurgent, she will not accept that well presented, well thought-out perspective. The position has already been presentend to her. To MSR, outside perception is paramount even at the risk of your own personal and financial welfare. She says if you're innocent, then by all means prove it.

Denmark Vesey said...

I'm with Mahndisa with this one.

Blackmail me? Fuck 'em.

I'll burn this money up before I give it to some lying little bastard.

If it's going to come out, it's going to come out anyway.

Mike paid the cats 22 M and people still think he touched that little lying faggot.

If he didn't pay, what worse would have happened?

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

This is just a difference in perspective, nothing more. II, given the legal issues that I now face, I've had a few attorneys tell me to give up and one say that I have a chance. Lawyers are subject to their personal philosophy and how they interpret the law.And their advice certainly reflects that fact.

If I was in MJ's position, I would have been extremely pissed that someone was falsely accusing me of molesting them. The proof is in the pudding when the family wants money and pursues it as a civil matter.

If MJ was really guilty, why didn't they pursue criminal charges? This type of reasoning could blow such a hole in their case.

When someone is a public figure, their lives are already under scrutiny. I would do anything I could to show the world that I was innocent. Child molestation charges are a lot more serious than someone accusing a star of being a diva or spoiled like so many others.

And II, you well know that with as much money as he had his legal counsel should have been paramount. They could have done motions in limine to exclude evidence, they could have done motions to for expert testimony allow evidence of the boys psychiatric status saying that it went to the truth of his assertions.

Many of these things could have been done pretrial and could have gutted the prosecutions case before it even went to trial. I think that was a better strategy than to settle out of court with people who were trying to ruin him.

They could have examined the family's financial records and so forth.

If someone is truly innocent, then settling out of court on such a foul, egregious accusation makes little sense.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

One other thing II, if he was innocent and had good legal counsel, why would he possibly face a judgment in the bazillions?

Anonymous said...

"Those who truly felt Mike, knew this was bullshit. You, MSR, don't feel Mike."

That's cuz the only ones who were allowed to feel Mike were White kids and a token White woman or 2.

Lets face it, the guy was basically a Klansman in Blackbody in Whiteface.

Of course, who'd even want to feel him? The dude bleached his balls, for gawsakes.

Big Wayne said...

^ ehhhh...Byrd. Grown folks talking.

MSR, nice way to jump right over BW's commentary. I was hoping you would engage. Smart move not to.

DV, my brotha,I am a bit perplexed. You are a man of God, no? Yet when you have an opportunity to live more in his likeness, you'd opt not to. You'd opt for the path of self righteous pride and affirmation from others. You put your reputation amongst flawed humans over your relationship with your omniscient God. How do you think the Nazarean would have handled the scenario?

"Mike paid the cats 22 M and people still think he touched that little lying faggot."

For one 22M to mike was like $22 to us. That's no exaggeration. Yes, Mike had a million times more dough than many of us. keep in mind he'd been making hundreds of millions for decades. So, let's keep the numbers in relative perspective. 22M wasn't shet to Mike. $22 to go the fuck away and just let me be? All day. Errday. And I'm no attorney here, but if there was substantial evidence to pursue a case against Mike, couldn't/wouldn't the local DA have pursued the charges and a conviction regardless of a settlement in the civil case? Don't give me the no witness no testimony answer. They pursue rape and domestic violence cases all day after charges have been dropped by the accuser. Why not here?

Secondly, so the fuck what if some people think that. Some people don't. You being amongst them. Since when do you live your life by the way others, who don't mean shit to you, view you?

" If someone is truly innocent, then settling out of court on such a foul, egregious accusation makes little sense."

To you MSR, perhaps. But it makes all the sense in the world to me. Mike was a bit of an introvert. Off the stage, he was a shy, unassuming, private guy. He didn't want his business or life opened up to the world. You, for some reason, just cannot see the value in this.

If he didn't pay, what worse would have happened?

Compromising of one's own values.

Now ask yourself, DV. Is not having to compromising your values, not bowing down to the masses, not having your genitals examined and your life scrutinized and the opportunity to thumb your nose at your persecutors worth $22? No brainer. Yeah, we all got a price, but $22 won't buy a pack of wool socks. I know you ain't that cheap.

Mike was a religious man. He knew the truth and had reconciled it with his God. He answered to God, not you and I. If his God knew the reality, what any man thinks doesn't really matter.

Btw, MSR,

Do you mean like the BILLIONS of people who drop their kids off for school every day? Teachers = Non familiar adults. Kaboooom! Are you a parent, MSR? Do you emplore this risky practice of dropping your kids off at school/daycare/camp/ymca, soccer practice, piano lessons, dance class? Lol. I knew it would be easy.

Denmark Vesey said...

Big Wayne,

If Pookey threatened to accuse you of molesting him, unless you paid him $22 ...

Would you pay him?

Denmark Vesey said...

As far as Jesus.

I don't see the conflict.

JC wouldn't have paid the cat either.

pink said...

Big Wayne, I feel like you're imputing a whole lot of great reasoning to MJ based on maybe some of your own personality and maybe a little bit of fantasy, but not necessarily reality. I don't know why he settled out of court, it could be because his time is too valuable to spend years caught up in a civil suit, and that's fine, I get that. But all of that choosing to be in God's likeness and being a religious man... doubt it... if he felt that seriously about God he wouldn't have spent his entire life fighting against what God made him to the point where he finally turned to drugs to kill his own feelings (having already killed his features, his complexion). If he felt that deeply about God he would have wanted to pass on his own genes and that of his wife rather than buying some black market white babies. You love MJ, I'm sure we all do. But let's not start making stuff up.

Big Weeezay said...

" Big Wayne, Pookey threatened to accuse you of molesting him, unless you paid him $22 ...
Would you pay him?"

Nah man. You still don't get it. I wouldn't pay him not to accuse me of this. I would pay him to go away. So, the answer to your question, my brother, is...yes.

Your turn.

" Now ask yourself, DV. Is not having to compromising your values, not bowing down to the masses, not having your genitals examined and your life scrutinized and the opportunity to thumb your nose at your persecutors worth $22?"

Big Wayne said...

"Big Wayne, I feel like you're imputing a whole lot of great reasoning to MJ based on maybe some of your own personality and maybe a little bit of fantasy, but not necessarily reality."

Very astute observation/analysis, Pink.

But not necessarily NOT reality.

Why would a man with the following greater than Moses, an innocent man accused of society's worst crime allow himself to be persecuted by the masses. This man pronounced his innocence to everyone who would listen. He had done nothing to this point for his word to be discredited. Still you Romans insisted on crucifying him.

Sounds pretty familiar to me.

Big Wayne said...

God's son sits at the helm of this country, and wears a 42" long athletic cut Brooks Brothers suit.

His other son died last week.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

To answer your question, anonymous posters, although I am a new mother I don't drop my son off to daycare or to any school. If I am not around, he is either with his Daddy, his grandparents or some other trusted family member or friend.

Yes, school is a place where parents trust that the teachers will act above board and usually that is the case, but there are teachers who abuse that power and that makes me uncomfortable. To be honest, my husband would prefer that we home school our son when he is of age or hire private tutors.

Because of what I've seen, there is a lot of evil in the world and I wouldn't trust very many people to watch my son if I wasn't one hundred percent sure of them.

You mention Christianity and so forth, but there is nothing in the good book that says that you have to allow for someone to bear false witness against you. In fact, bearing false witness is against the ten Commandments.

You are comparing MJ to Jesus Christ which I find difficult to accept. Surely the fickle nature of humanity is something they both experienced and both changed the world in their ways. However, the similarities end there to my way of thinking.

You will not convince me that I must apologize for anything I've said or opined about.

A famous person is just that; a person. And if you honestly would let your kids be around some guy unsupervised because he is a megastar whom you admire, then I question your sanity.

And about paying an accused molester to go away, that is your prerogative, but we don't see the world the same way.

Wanting to defend myself against those who accused me of molestation has absolutely nothing to do with how people perceive me and everything to do with what I think is right and how I perceive myself.

If I give the accuser money, knowing that he's guilty of lying and I'm innocent, then I'm contributing to his wrongdoing. I am setting it up so that he can take advantage of another generous soul and live a life of lies and betrayal.

If people don't take a stand against wrong behavior, then it will continue to occur.

Anonymous said...

"Mike was a religious man. He knew the truth and had reconciled it with his God"

"LMAO!" - God

Big Wayne said...

" You mention Christianity and so forth, but there is nothing in the good book that says that you have to allow for someone to bear false witness against you." -MSR

Oh really?

Matthew 18:21-35

-Then Peter came up to Him and said, ‘Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? As many as seven times?’ Jesus said to him, ‘I do not say to you seven times but seventy times seven.

God's other son died last week.

You Roman.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Yes well I also read Thou shalt not bear false witness in the Bible too. For some reason, you seem to think that Jesus would want people to lie down and take abuse. That doesn't make any sense at all. He sacrificed himself, according to the Word. But he also got pissed from time to time, particularly in the temple when he felt that the money changers were bastardizing God's will.

He also got pissed with people rampantly divorcing one another for no good cause. Jesus spoke out against things wrong with the world.

And sure, he spoke about forgiveness and not being petty,which makes sense. But I daresay it isn't petty to fight for your honor self respect. If someone falsely accuses you of something then tries to rob you, I think that qualifies as something that should be handled legally.

One thing the Bible says in particular, is not to hold up any idols in leiu of God. Seems to me like you are worshipping at the alter of Michael Jackson.

I won't join that service and have paid homage. WE disagree on this issue. I ain't a Roman but whatever.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

As an aside, you and I likely have a different interpretation of what forgiveness means. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting about a wrong and then allowing the wrongdoer back into your life so they can abuse you again. That is called stupidity.

Forgiveness is acknowledging the truth about a situation and not holding a grudge about the wrongdoers. Not holding a grudge is far different than allowing someone to abuse you.

Big Wayne said...

MSR, you have finally exposed to me the root of our difference here. This is what distinguishes people like you from people like me and Michael.

" But I daresay it isn't petty to fight for your honor self respect. "

It is an inherently flawed and ultimately SELF destructive practice to seek SELF respect outside of one's SELF. MSR, that your level of SELF respect is moreso, if not completely and totally, a byproduct of the perceived notions, which external, at times insignificant sources maintain of you, rather than your own perspectives of yourself based on personal experience and SELF reflection, is, to me, extremely telling. (DV that's good shit right there. Put it on your front page, italicize some words, make some bigger than the know what you do)

You see, while Michael may have been insecure about certain aspects of his physical appearance. He was secure in the goodness of his heart. He knew he was a good person. We are talking about the man who holds the Guinness World Record for his support of 39 charities, more than any other entertainer. He knew he lived by his Father. So, when his dignity was questioned, when his honor tested, it was his SELF respect which afforded him the strength to endure the persecution from you Romans.

Mike's SELF respect wasn't a byproduct of what you Romans thought of him. It was a result of the security he had with his actions and his strength of his relationship with his God.

That'll be $8.

Who's Next!

Big Wayne said...

" Forgiveness is acknowledging the truth about a situation and not holding a grudge about the wrongdoers. Not holding a grudge is far different than allowing someone to abuse you."

Is. That. Right.

I imagine Jesus was "not holding a grudge" by allowing the crown of thorns to be placed on his head. Nah...that's not abuse.

I suppose he was "Not holding a grudge" when he was repeatedly beaten, kicked spat upon and worse as he carried this 100 lb wooden cross a distance of over 600 yards, while slowly bleeding to death.
Nope. No abuse here. Anybody seen abuse?

I guess Jesus was "not holding a grudge" when he allowed himself to be tied to this cross and stakes to be driven through his hands and feet. Abuse. Shmabuse.

MSR. You have made this far too easy.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

No only in the confines of your own mind do you feel this is easy. It is not a debate, merely a sharing of different perspectives. How I interpret what I've read in the Bible differs from your own. No, he didn't hold a grudge when he was crucified because he chose to sacrifice himself, so it was a willing act and he also asked his Father to forgive the people who abused him for they didn't know what they were doing. I don't feel that he held a grudge at all and according to the Word, he did all of this voluntarily.

I don't believe for a second that Jesus Christ equated abuse with forgiveness for normal every day people. He made the ultimate sacrifice to save humanity. There is also a strong undercurrent in the word that talks about being wise and arming yourself against powers in high places. There is also another sense that to allow evil to take place is to be in comission with it.

Self Respect is not a Roman concept at all. Bearing false witness is a crime outlined by the Christian doctrine. He should not have placated that boys fathers wicked desire to destroy his reputation by giving him one red cent. By doing so, he put the boys family in a position to teach the boy how to be a deceiver and liar, which is antithesis to being a good person and a good Christian.

Self respect and integrity are to me pretty much the same thing. I don't believe for a second that being a good Christian means sanctioning deceptive behavior in any capacity and it doesn't mean allowing yourself to be abused in the name of God. Your so called arguments make little sense. But alas. I am tired of this.

Have a nice night.

CNu said...

Big Wayne is truth!

Accept no substitutes.

Denmark Vesey said...

" Now ask yourself, DV. Is not having to compromising your values, not bowing down to the masses, not having your genitals examined and your life scrutinized and the opportunity to thumb your nose at your persecutors worth $22?"

What you don't understand young grasshopper, is that paying $22, or .22 or $22 Million, (or taking your shoes off at the airport)




compromising your values.

It's also making a bitch out of yourself.

It's also painting a red bullseye on your ass.

Pops taught me as a kid, 'You cannot be civilized with uncivilized people. They don't understand it.'

Plus BW. How did paying off that kid, his stepfather and their lawyers work out for Mike?

CNu said...

Nowhere near as well as tossing their asses in liquid nitrogen and running them through a wood-chipper into the pacific ocean would've worked out.

But then, even though he could've easily afforded to, MJ didn't role like that....,

Big Wayne said...

You good, DV. Good at avoiding land mines and not answering strategically placed questions. You haven't answered this question below. Would you mind humoring me?

" Now ask yourself, DV. Is not having to compromising your values, not bowing down to the masses, not having your genitals examined and your life scrutinized and the opportunity to thumb your nose at your persecutors worth $22?" won't answer. Actually, now that I have stepped to you this way, you will answer "no", but that will be from sheer impudence. Not because you truly feel this way. You would have stated so one of the previous times you addressed it without answering.

" What you don't understand young grasshopper, is that paying $22, or .22 or $22 Million, (or taking your shoes off at the airport) IS
IS IS compromising your values."

No. It's not. And I'm still trying to find out if you took your shoes off the day you were sent to exile. That's another question you avoided weeks ago.

You good, DV. But Big Wayne can see right through it.

Plus BW. How did paying off that kid, his stepfather and their lawyers work out for Mike?

DV, do I gotta take you back to Christianity 101? Mike didn't do this for his own benefit. He did it for the benefit of his opressors. Jesus didn't die for his own benefit. He did it for others. He allowed himself to be used as an example to the world.

Jesus Christ: 3 Days after His death. The truth was revealed. And the world knew that HE was who HE said he was.

Michael Jacskson: 3 Days after his death, the truth was revealed. And the world knew that he was who he said he was.

Coincidence? I think not.

God's other son died last week.

You Romans.

pink said...

Big Wayne, do the other truths that we learned 3 days after MJ's death, such as the purchase of his white children which were neither born of his sperm or his "wife's" eggs, or that they never consummated their marriage fit into this MJ=JC equation?

Big Wayne said...

Pink...Ma. You gon' place yourself right in the middle of my crosshairs after how I just did MSR? And my Big Bro?!

You really wanna do this? I'm telling you. If this is the best you got, I'm gonna put you in that wood chipper Nulan mentioned above.

Actually, I think Imma give you a pass.

Forgive her Father, she knows not what she does.

God's other son died last week.

You Roman.

pink said...

LOL I'm not placing myself in the crosshairs, just trying to figure out how far you're going to take this thing...

(and I must have missed something because I thought Mahndisa pretty much has this all wrapped up)

Big Man said...

Big Wayne

I think MSR was right in that you made a lot of assumptions about what Mike was thinking when he decided to settle that case. And you built your argument based on those assumptions.

But, I will commend you for doing a HELLUVA job building an argument on those assumptions.

Anyway, I have no idea whether Mike was a believer or not. He said he grew up a Jehovah's Witness, yet I know they don't allow all those surgeries and other procedures as part of their religion.

I think Mike was just a troubled and gifted man. Since we are all God's children based on our humanity, I'm not going to argue with you calling him God's son. Comparing him to Jesus is a little much though.

Honestly, Mike's decision to settle out of court could have been an ultimate act of forgivenss and goodwill, or it could have been a celebrity trying to keep embarrassing details about his life from the public. We will never know.

But it was entertaining to watch y'all argue about it.

Big Wayne said...

Aight Pink, that's innocent enough.

Here you go:

" Big Wayne, do the other truths that we learned 3 days after MJ's death, such as the purchase of his white children which were neither born of his sperm or his "wife's" eggs or that they never consummated their marriage fit into this MJ=JC equation?"... "

So, what I understand is that a man with unimaginable wealth, international fame and a following greater than Moses, accepted as his own seed, nurtured, loved and provided for children who, otherwise, would have ended up sitting in shitty diapers in a trailer park or meth lab in Kansas? Michael didn't purchase these children, he R-E-S-C-U-E-D them. You, as a Roman, choose view this supreme act of love, as anything other than that.

To respond to your question.

Yes. It. Does. Perfectly.

"(and I must have missed something because I thought Mahndisa pretty much has this all wrapped up)"

LOL. No you didn't.


Big Wayne said...

My man...Big Man!

You are certainly no Roman.

The comparisons are fair.

God's other son dies last week.

pink said...

Wait a second now, don't get it twisted, those children were not ADOPTED, they were MANUFACTURED. Debbie Rowe carried the first two based on some genetics chosen by "God's Son" who apparently didn't wish to see his own likeness or that of his "wife" in the next generation. The youngest was also carried by an unknown serrogate.

Big Wayne said...

Pink come on. Semantics. Their method of entry into this world is non consequential. Adoption, Test tubes, natural birth, C-section, surrogacy, all non-factors.

The most precious gift on this earth is our children. Can you describe for me a more noble act than caring for, rearing, nurturing, educating, and loving children?

I'll be waiting.

This man's heart was more pure than Colombian yayo.

It is our hearts by which we are ultimately judged.

Mike's sitting with his Father right now forgiving you for dragging his name through the mud.

God's other son died last week.

Big Man said...

Big Wayne

You are a funny cat.

I think Pink has a point. Clearly, it wasn't just about MJ adopting babies. Much like these white folks parachuting into Africa to "rescue" a dark baby, while leaving all the babies in here in the states to the ward of the state, MJ only wanted to live with a certain type of child. That's his choice, but I won't pretend that it was pure alturism. Having children is never about altruism. It's always about believing that we have a certain set of values that need to be passed on to future generations.

Mike shouldn't have been carving up his face. He shouldn't have been sleeping in the bed with those children, no matter how innocent their interactions truly were.

It's true that other people's perceptions are not that important. What's important is how you are living life in the eyes of God. However, does caution us about being stumbling blocks for our brothers and sisters.

Jesus counseled against it. Paul warned several churches to watch how they dressed or wore their hair because of concerns about causing confusion and hurting their witness.

So, MJ has some responsibility for the things that befell him. Now, if this kid truly lied on him, it's a terrible, terrible thing. But, MJ also put himself in certain positions by refusing to use common sense.

Finally, you gonna have to lay out this MJ and Jesus comparison some more.

I mean, my view of Jesus was a crusader for what was ultimately right in the eyes of God. A man challenging the status quo in all facets of life, who was an example to all men.

I see a lot of good in MJ, but I also see a lot of selfishness. I see a rich man caught up in the concerns of rich people.

And we both know what Jesus said about rich men and heaven.

pink said...

The most precious gift on this earth is our children. Can you describe for me a more noble act than caring for, rearing, nurturing, educating, and loving children?

I can't really answer that question because I, like MJ, don't have any children ;)

Seriously, aren't you at all curious as to why "God's son" didn't care to nourish, educate and love a child with some black blood in him?

Big Wayne said...

" Clearly, it wasn't just about MJ adopting babies."

Clearly to whom. Not to me. I can and will very rationally explain why he may have chosen to father the children he has. But later today.

" Finally, you gonna have to lay out this MJ and Jesus comparison some more"

Big Man, I will also do this later today.

Peace Pink, Big Man, DV. Yah my people.

Big Wayne said...

Oh Snap and a special shot out to MSR and Cnu.

Go do something Christ-like today.


CNu said...

Shocking how your peeps have neither the ears to hear or the eyes to see, aint it?

Big Wayne is Truth!

Heed no philistines.

Accept no substitutes.

would have ended up sitting in shitty diapers in a trailer park or meth lab in Kansas?

why you gotta call out God's country like that!!!


Oh Snap and a special shot out to MSR and Cnu.

oh yeah, whatever you do BW, please don't ever invoke me in the same sentence or with the same breath as a bi-polar bibtard.

Anonymous said...

Jordan (aka Jordy) Chandler has not issued a statement on Michael Jackson, despite online claims. Jordan Chandler, Evan Chandler’s son, is being wrongly reported across blogs Tuesday as issuing a statement concerning his 1990s case.

However, new details are coming out on the Chandler (now 29) suit against Jackson that would be settled in 1994. Chandler was reportedly paid $15,332,250 at the time. LALATE

pink said...

well then, guess it's a good thing Mahdisa didn't issue that retraction...

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Back to the whole settlement thing, my father always told me that the best client is a rich man with "principles". He'll go broke to fight over anything.

MJ wasn't that stupid. He would have paid his lawyers bazillions of dollars to potentially lose bazillions of dollars.

How well did it work out for him? He got a bargain. Either the kid holds him hostage, or his lawyers do. And I'd bet the $24M to the kid was a lot less than the lawyer bills.

Punk ass, bullseye and all that business, yada, yada, yada. Sounds good until you weigh the reality of the situation - no matter how innocent his interactions with kids might be, the plaintiff's lawyers are going to paint him as a super perv, he's going to have to sit there and take it - which is in and of itself undignified.

If I were his lawyer, I would have told him that he could pay the kid $24M, go make some albums and do some concerts instead of being degraded in a courthouse, maintain what little privacy he could holt onto and STOP inviting little boys to the house. Which I suspect is why he had kids of his own, whether they are biological or not.

The innocence of youth must have been the only thing pure, sane and real in his life, surrounded by pharisees trying to leech every penny from him.

Big Man said...

You know, children are a lot of things, but rarely are they innocent.

MJ always said that's why he loved kids, but from experience, I've found that children learn early how to manipulate the world around them. It's in their DNA, I suspect.

I think MJ made a business decision when he settled. That's is. I think he made a stupid decision to keep having little kids sleeping in his bed, and nobody is going to convince me otherwise.

CNu said...

The innocence of youth must have been the only thing pure, sane and real in his life, surrounded by pharisees trying to leech every penny from him.

Liberated from the mind-altering effects of pink salt, Dina is Truth.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Pink salt is going to be the inside joke for a long time to come. LOL!!

Craig, you missed a wonderful pink salt dinner last night. Made some lentil rice and black-eyed peas sprinkled with some pink salt. You would have been running to Whole Foods for some pink Pakistani rock salt. :-)

But only after having seconds of the raw vegan chocolate milkshake I made for dessert.

CNu said...

That chocolate shake would've gone good with the tostadas I organized for my peeps last night.

Thinkin about some old greasy egg rolls and gingery/vinegary tossed salad tonight (to cut that grease)

On my way to the store right now. I'm a see for myself what the markup is on that pink salt.

Honestly, we use Morton's Kosher salt. Like the large rocks, tend to use much less, and yes, it does seem to be a superior flavor additive.

The markup on Morton's Kosher isn't at all excessive. I think it's a $1.80/lb. If the little crufty creatures at Whole Foods quote me a ridiculous price on pink salt with a straight face, I guarantee you I'm a be back up in here skrate CLOWNING.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Oh, they will quote you a ridiculous price. I'm ready for your clownin! Bring it! LOL!!

The stuff is good, but my cousin who is the supreme cook of all time told Hubby and I the other night that we need to pick up the Mediterannean sea salt from Costco. Ima give that a whirl once I use up the pink stuff.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, whatever you do BW, please don't ever invoke me in the same sentence or with the same breath as a bi-polar bibtard.

sounds like somebody has a crush

CNu said...

uh, nah, aint-i'm-an-ass....,

CNu said...

So I go into wild oats market and phoenix house of herbs on my way home.

no haps on the wild oats side.

but I ran into one of my buddies and we chatted for a half-hour or so.

I asked him about the himalayan,

"you know about the himalayan magne?"

This nucca gettin spontaneously happy like we was talking about good weed or somethin!!!

"sho, I been told. I'm just trying get me some, to try it out"

"They don't carry it here, you have to go out to Whole Foods in Shawnee. But that's the stuff magne."

"aight magne, thanks!"

Disregarding what my buddy say, cause, he's veegan, slightly malnourished, and need to eat a piece of meat - I ease next door to Phoenix.

The little heavily tattooed, pierced - and pungeant with patchouli masking unwashed ass - cruftette say "I'll be right with you"

I say "thanks!"

"you all carry himalayan rock salt"?

she say, "yup, over on the bottom shelf next door - check it out - I'll be right with you"

"That's aight, I'll get it"

I go over and see three types of sea salt, 3.90/lb, 2.80/lb, then the himalayan



I bust out laughing and saunter right back out the way I came in.

I was laughing all the way home.

Last week I calculated that at 8 rupees a kilo, (48 rupees to a dollar) and at $6.00/lb in 150lb lots wholesale in the U.S., they already killing you at wholesale to the tune of a 4000% markup.

But these little crusty-butt, veegan drug dealers got the nerve to double the price and then some yet again, making the total damage inflicted upon their "clientele" an incredible 667 rupees/lb (667 rupees in $13.90) or a 16,600% markup at retail.

My hat is off to the paki marketing geniuses who've managed to trick somebody into believing that their rust contaminated salt is worth the kind of markup reserved here to date for the very finest blonde Afghan hashhish.

I ain't mad at em...,

CNu said...

So then I'm thinkin bout last night's menu at your house.

chocolate shake sounded damn good.

but $.15 worth of starch with $.37 cents worth of salt sprinkled on it?

Made some lentil rice and black-eyed peas sprinkled with some pink salt.

Did you put some ham or fatback in them peas and rice?

Made some lentil rice and black-eyed peas sprinkled with some pink salt.

Did hubby poke around the rice and peas nostalgically, just a little bit, in vague hope of finding a little piece of ham or fatback thrown in the pot for flavor?

Made some lentil rice and black-eyed peas sprinkled with some pink salt.

I know he didn't say nothin, just cussed a little bit under his breath, "dayyum, where the meat?"

Made some lentil rice and black-eyed peas sprinkled with some pink salt.

s'aight, he had him a couple chicago style snap dogs for lunch - so it's all good.

He ain't say nothing, just keepin the peace.

Cause you got it like that, and, well....,

sometimes, marriage just an open-ended truce..,

Made some lentil rice and black-eyed peas sprinkled with some pink salt.

Baby girl don't know no better,

it never even occurred to her to ask; "mama, where's the meat in these rice and peas?"

She trained from the word go.

pure innocence...,

Made some lentil rice and black-eyed peas sprinkled with some pink salt.

"here, let mommy sprinkle a little of himalayan pink and it'll be magically dee-licious!"

You get out your stylized ankh-shaped coke spoon,

open your little waxene envelope of pink salt,

carefully spoon up and sprinkle out a little of that magical himalayan flake on babygirl' rice and peas....,

while you do this, you tell her, "chocolate shake for desert - after you eat up all your rice and peas."

"Yum Yumm!!!"

She just happy to be alive.

strangely grateful that dessert is on the menu...,

Remember this though,

the VERY first brother to buy her a granny burger or a philly cheese steak,

get her to transgress on the maternal dietary strictures,

will wield a disproportionate influence on her emotions and her world view.

too many generations of omnivorous hunter-gatherer in our genes

too much pent up killer-ape appetitiveness.

how could it be otherwise?


Intellectual Insurgent said...

Nulan, you are damn hularious!! Hu-f'ing-larious.

And you got my husband pegged like you know him. If I dare make black-eyed peas without meat, I've got to hear mess for days. Where's the meat? Why isn't there any meat? Babe, how you gon' make dinner with no meat?

No matter how many times I tell him he's eaten enough meat, he ain't hearin' it. When I made it veggie style last night, I felt like I was committing a sin. I made chicken today just to atone for it.

He slips all kind of stuff to the little angel when I ain't lookin'. Birthday cake, cookies, etc.

Yes, my daughter is going to associate men with breaking mama's rules. My hubby, my dad, my cousin. All of 'em.

But I'm okay with that. I want her to like men.

Undercover Black Man said...

Nulan owns the stage.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Bi polar Bibtard. Wow that is pretty funny! Especially since you always talk about the neurotypicals here you are invoking a label that comes from them. You are such a fool! But have a knack for coming up with funny one liners, I'll grant you that asshole.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

CNulan. Wow.

In tears of laughter this morning. And II is definitely a good sport.

"You get out your stylized ankh-shaped coke spoon, open your little waxene envelope of pink salt"...

I'm going to have to saunter into Whole Foods tonight on the way home to see how much the markup is on the Pink, myself. I can't believe 16,667%.

Dinner sounded good though

CNu said...

Dood, she got the nerve to put black-eyed peas in front of a brother with nary a scrap of meat in'em?


tell that same brother

"he's eaten enough meat"?!?!?!?!

You know her game must be hella skrong to be gettin away with serial transgressions like that.

Over here though, my son hangs out with me in the kitchen, assimilating all the deep science bestowed upon me by my mother and grandmother concerning the alchemy of butter, lard, bacon grease, gravy(s), beans, greens, bread, dumplings, pie crust, rolls, etc...,

Little man can burn.

He has breakfast on lock, but hasn't yet attempted a dinner spread solo.

At the age of ten, he's already keenly aware of the prevalence of hongry wimmin out there - like II babygirl - and highly susceptible to the charms of a man who can throw down in multiple rooms of his home.

LanceThruster said...

that little lying faggot.

Seems a bit hypocritical to use such offensive terms. I can think of a number of similar terms that might be appropriate for MJ while equally offensive.

pink said...

put some coconut milk in that rice and it's all good.

CNu said...

Oh schnapp!!!

Pink just threw in the Hare Krishna temple vegetarian buffet secret weapon....,

Intellectual Insurgent said...

You know her game must be hella skrong to be gettin away with serial transgressions like that.

You know women Nulan. Game recognize game.

Someone musta told Musiq Soulchild about me when he wrote this song

She got book intelligence
street common sense
Ain't down for the bull...
She can switch her mode from corporate to ghetto
Even when she gone represent
She's that keep it real type
Cause see she's very opinionated
You can take it how you want it
Either you love it or you hate it see but
I'm caught up with her...

I'm smart, beautiful, play a mean game of 9 ball, and have dinner on the table when Hubby gets home from work. I'll spare the rest of the details, but there ain't no woman like me!

pink said...

LOL I'm not a vegetarian, I'm Bajan... we just believe in putting coconut in everything...

Anonymous said...

If you want real cheap pink salt, just buy a pink salt lamp and grind it down yourself.

Anonymous said...

True or not this needs to be verified by some real news sources for it to give Mike back some credibility.

Anonymous said...

I doubt very much that Jordy lied--this really looks like a planted story--an attempt to rewrite history. Don't forget about the three young men who testified MJ molested them. A pedophile is a pedophile but that doesn't also mean they are losers in other ways. Pedophiles can be doctors, lawyers, fireman, or pop stars. Was MJ a pop star? Absolutely, so far the greatest ever. Was he a genius? Yes, when it came to music, absolutely. Why can't he also be a pedophile and, according to numerous young men, he was. He's dead now. Instead of denying it with no evidence to back you up, and with all the evidence that makes the case, let it go.

Anonymous said...

Lol. What a fake article! Hahahaha

Anonymous said...

hello friend,
here is the address of Michael Jackson's accusser Gavin Arvizo, He's the one that had cancer and Michael paid for all his treatments and saved his life, them him and his family accused Michael of child molestation.
They dragged him throught court and caused all Michaels depression , even after Michael was founf innocent the media never dropped it .
Gavin is responsible for that .
He should come foward now and admit that he lied, just like Jordy Chandler did after his father commited suicide from the guilt/ karma.
here's his address, spread it around on as many sites as you can so everyone will write him and tell him to CONFESS THAT HE LIED ON MICHAEL.

Anonymous said...

First - this article is not written by any journalist - they would never write "Now for the first time i can’t..."
It would be " I can't" - so this is not copied from somewhere - this is written by a person that could be anyone.

Then - a lot of sites where the links to the socalled statement that Chandler lied has disappered quickly.
I don't find any newspaper links or videos confirming it, just some "blog" writing.

It could just as well have been a lie that Chandler ever said so.

I would like to know the truth and not close my eyes because I loved Michael's music or because I feel petty for him.

Let's all hope he was lying, but don't judge him before you really know the truth.

What if he wasn't.....?