Monday, April 05, 2010

God's Son & The Pharisee

WASHINGTON — Early this month, Barack Obama was meeting with the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and other lawmakers when Rahm Emanuel, his chief of staff, began nervously cracking a knuckle.

Mr. Obama then turned to complain to Mr. Emanuel about his noisy habit.

At which point, Mr. Emanuel held the offending knuckle up to Mr. Obama’s left ear and, like an annoying little brother, snapped off a few special cracks.

The episode, confirmed by Mr. Emanuel’s office, underscores some essential truths about Mr. Emanuel: He is brash, has a deep comfort level with his new boss, and has been ever-present at Mr. Obama’s side of late, in meetings, on podiums and in photographs.
Michael Fisher said...
If true that little episode was Emmanuel saying "Fuck you, I run this joint!"


Michael Fisher said...

If true that little episode was Emmanuel saying "Fuck you, I run this joint!"

Anonymous said...

The more you tolerate them, the more chutzpah they get.. They are now the untouchable race.

Rahm say: Bow down, beeyotch!
Obama: Yessum massa!

Unknown said...

Please ain't nothin untouchable about 'em. They're ppl like you and me. The nigga Rahm was fuckin' around, he's an asshole what is he gonna do fire him?

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...

See, this is why I can't be President. I woulda turned around and knocked that asshole out for embarrassing me in front of these folks. I betcha Lyndon Johnson, Kennedy, Reagan (at the very least Nancy Reagan), or even Eisenhower would've fired the guy on the spot. That stunt shows such a deep level of disrespect not only for President Obama, but for the Presidency itself. Obama needs to fire this guy immediately. A President that shows that type of weakness in that shark-infested pond that DC is, is gonna see a rough time ahead.