Monday, November 01, 2010

The Polio Death Rate Was Declining Before the Vaccine Was Introduced

Undercover Black Man said...
How about the infection rate, Einstein? DV, on this one, you're a daily fucking disgrace. You're acting to bring about a world where this is more common.

Denmark Vesey said ...
"Shut Up Denmawk Vesey! Who Iz You Ta Challenge Massa Medisun!!"

Calm down Mills. Catch your breath. You turning all red in the face.

Don't get all pissy with me now that your entire worldview is crumbling. You're angry because I am attacking the tenets of your Plantation Negro Faith.

I told you a long time ago. Denmark Vesey is school for you.

The cognitive dissonance you currently experience is a process of emancipation. That's what I do. Denmark Vesey frees Negros from mental slavery. Even Negros with Plantation degrees and Plantation jobs.

Now I know you have spent your entire life investing in a paradigm that has taught you Plantation Medicine like Plantation Education is sacrosanct. I'm here to tell you it is not.

Plantation Medicine keeps you sick, it keeps you poor and it keeps you enslaved. If you had children they would be full of Plantation Genetically Modified Food, Plantation High Fructose Corn Syrup, Plantation Asthma Medication, Plantation Ritalin and their little immune systems would harbor the ticking time bombs of every Plantation Issued Vaccine known to man.

You've spoken extensively about "Bwak peeple need to concentrate on dey real pwoblems lik da Bwak on Bwak murder rate!!"

I'm here to tell you that Plantation Food and Plantation Medicine kills 1,000 times more black people each year than drugs and murder combined.

Mills, you've got degrees, jobs and money. And Plantation food and medicine is going to kill your black ass, unless you wake up.

Didn't you say you were 50 pounds overweight? It's only a matter of time before the toxins and pesticides saturating your diet of genetically modified "food" starts poisoning you. The Plantation Doctors are going to prescribe what the Pharmaceutical Companies and Insurance Companies dictate they are to prescribe to treat (pacify) your symptoms. The prescription drugs and poison food you ingested will then embark upon a race to see which can kill you first.

Now you my brother and I love you. That's why I'm fuggin with you.

I will continue to attack Plantation booby traps like the Polio Vaccine Myth until black people stop lining their children up to receive squirts of monkey virus in their mouths like it's some kind of Secular Communion.

Monkey Virus is For Monkeys. Say No To The Polio Vaccine.


Undercover Black Man said...

How about the infection rate, Einstein?

DV, on this one, you're a daily fucking disgrace. You're acting to bring about a world where this is more common.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Most people who contracted polio got flu-like symptoms and it passed without complications. People likely to get paralysis were already immune compromised.

There is nothing wrong with catching certain diseases so long as you haven't tampered with your God-given immune system's ability to fight.

Undercover Black Man said...

Tragic, DV. You're just tragically foolish.

I used to think your ignorant ass was funny.

Undercover Black Man said...

And why not try answering my other question? It'll require a little research.

What about the infection rate? Was the polio infection rate declining before the vaccine was introduced?

CNu said...

David, he IS funny.

Very funny.

Denmark Vesey has both method and an aim.

Frankly, both are genius.

Once you figure the aim out - you can have a great deal of fun with the method.

If you don't figure the aim out, then the method will seem very ill indeed - though it will remain compelling because of the high style with which it's perpetrated.

Figure it out mang.

Denmark Vesey is school for errbody.

Anonymous said...

DV, you are attempting to mislead with your graph. It only tells us that the rate of DEATH by poliomyelitis was declining, but doesn't say why (advances in critical care and respiratory support?) or if the rate of infection was also increasing.

"In the immediate pre-vaccine era, improved sanitation allowed less frequent exposure and increased the age of primary infection. There was infrequent boosting of immunity from natural exposure (to the virus), pooling of susceptibles, and ultimately the occurrence of epidemics, with 13,000 to 20,000 paralytic cases reported annually. In the early vaccine era, the incidence dramatically decreased
following IPV introduction in 1955. The decline
continued following OPV introduction in 1961. In 1960, a
total of 2,525 paralytic cases were reported, compared with
61 in 1965." (From U South Carolina med school website--page 5)

By the way I'm not vouching for the graph. You cannot draw a conclusion about prevalence (the number of cases of a disease existing in a given population at a specific time period) or incidence (The number of specified new events--people getting the disease, during a specified period in a specified population) of disease from that statistic. In other words you can't say that it was going away. You can only say that fewer people were dying (if that graph is correct). It says nothing about the crippling affects of the disease.

DV, I'm curious do you know the rationale behind vaccinations?

Anonymous said...

...this should read "I'm not vouching for YOUR graph.."

Anonymous said...

Intellectual Insurgent,

Just noticed your comment. Hope you are having fun in Egypt, looks like a great time, I hope to visit in the next 2 or 3 years. Were you or your children required to get any vaccinations before entering the country? Just curious.

On your comment only the "immune compromised" isn't exactly correct as it seems you are implying that only those with immunodeficiency or defective immune system are at risk.

Here are the risk factors from Mayo Clinic website for your perusal:

You're at GREATEST RISK of polio if you HAVEN'T BEEN IMMUNIZED against the disease. In areas with poor sanitation and sporadic or nonexistent immunization programs, the most vulnerable members of the population — pregnant women, the very young AND those with weakened immune systems — are ESPECIALLY susceptible to poliovirus.

These factors also INCREASE your risk if you HAVEN'T been vaccinated (emphasis mine, so no vaccination and following is a bad combo):

1. Travel to an area where polio is common or that has recently experienced an outbreak (like say...Egypt, which last saw wild-type polio virus in 2005).

2. Living with or caring for someone who may be shedding poliovirus

3. Handling laboratory specimens that contain live poliovirus

4. A compromised immune system, such as occurs with HIV infection

5. Having had your tonsils removed (tonsillectomy)

6. Extreme stress or strenuous physical activity after being exposed to poliovirus, both of which can depress your immune system.

So, yes prior to the vaccine people with immunodeficiency were at risk, however so were small children, pregnant women and close contacts. A robust immune system wouldn't necessarily provide protection.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

I have no idea if anyone is required to get vaccinated to come to Egypt. I've been coming here almost every year since I was a kid and have never caught anything (knock on wood). So why should I stand in line and get shot with poisons or let my daughter?

Anonymous said...


Different countries have different rules, just wondering how foreign governments treat Americans who refuse to get vaccinated.

I really don't understand why people are anti-vaccination. I've heard arguments, but none have ever had much merit other than "I just don't want it".

It's your choice. Personally I'd be pissed off if I or a loved one contracted a potentially debilitating or lethal disease I knew was easily, and cheaply preventable.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Funny, I cannot for the life of me understand why people are "pro-injecting-toxic-poison-into-the-bloodstream" and have yet to hear one valid reason to do so.

My sister is a pediatrician and this is a recurring topic at dinner as you can imagine. I've begged her to show me any evidence that vaccines did anything that clean water, proper sanitation and improved nutrition didn't otherwise take care of. Still waiting for the evidence.

And she knows as well as I do that it does not exist. The entire religion of vaccination is just that - complete faith. Nothing more.

In the meantime, children continue to die of SIDS, develop leukemia and suffer from an epidemic of neurological disorders and doctors keep their heads in their asses pretending like injecting formaldehyde and aluminum into newborns has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Personally, I'd be pissed if I had to kneel at my daughter's grave every year at her birthday the way my neighbor's mother does because her first daughter died a few days after her DPT shot.

Anonymous said...


Don't take it the wrong way. Your choice is your choice. However, surely your sister doesn't have ulterior motives about vaccinating her niece, and neither do I.

There are volumes of data on vaccines, and has little to do with faith. I'm not going to convince you. I only hope your gamble pays off. Seriously. No child should have to die from an eradicated disease. You've had the conversations with your sister. You know the Risk-Benefit ratio is not in your favor. Why should I bother getting your blood pressure up?

Anonymous said...

I say this to nobody in particular.

If you don't believe in modern medicine, don't use any of the services. I'm sure there are Naturopathic Doctors, acupuncturists, and faith healers who will be happy to treat you. What's horrible is my own mother is one of these anti-modern-medicine people, and I have to watch her deteriorate at a fairly young age. Kidneys, heart, vascular system. She's been pumping herself full of vitamins, internet cure-alls and organic foods going on 30 years now...and is the most unhealthy of her 8 siblings. One of the first patients I operated on in medical school had a volleyball sized ovarian tumor, misdiagnosed by her Naturopath as some sort of intestinal malady, prescribed acupuncture, toxic cleansing and vitamin supplements for 18 months. At age 32 we took both of her ovaries as they had cancer, we stayed an extra two hours in the OR before taking the second ovary, praying that it wasn't involved, since she wanted children. I heard she died 2 years ago. But, you know we don't care about you. We are in it to get kick backs from "Big Pharma", and discuss how the grand conspiracy is going at our national conferences. Or maybe some of us still have nightmares about the people who died needlessly, because of intransigence, gluttony, non-compliance and irrational mistrust. I still recall a nurse who broke down in the Peds ICU after watching a child die because his parents went to some new-age faith healer instead of a surgeon for an incarcerated hernia, that progressed to strangulation, dead bowel, sepsis and death. I won't say what we found when we operated, because I'd like to sleep tonight.

Whatever. My grandfather was a preacher, and he used to quote a scripture that had something to do with shaking the dust off of your feet....

Undercover Black Man said...

DMG, you are heroic. Thank you for taking the time.

Anonymous said...

But, you know we don't care about you. We are in it to get kick backs from "Big Pharma", and discuss how the grand conspiracy is going at our national conferences.


the doctor graduated quick.

The Doc said...

Wow, suddenly I feel like Lane Jast staring down the barrel of Kurt Cobain's Nevermind.

Maybe I should change my name to "The Layman".