Saturday, June 20, 2009


CNu said...

Denmark, Denmark....,



Here, let me get you some ice for that eye.

dayyum brah...,

Mills knocked you straight the phuk


last night.

Here go that ice,

You aw-ight magne?

Johnny Cash tried to tell you,

didn't he?

that's aight...,

Denmark Vesey still school.

Last night in school

we learned a couple thangs;

art battles science,

art gets its ASS WHOOP'D!!!

when misused by propagandists and profiteers to;

- make broad appeals to the masses,

- induce cognitive dissonance,

- support pseudo-scientific claims,

- hypnotize the suggestible

art straight devilish.

Mr. Vesey

as a leading raconteur

and self-styled art jihadi

What can you teach us about

design/fashion/trend tricknology?

{besides the obvious "don't get caught and clowned believing the paki-pink rock-salt hype!!!"}

Denmark Vesey said...


Look Nerd. Your steps need to be retraced.
You misplaced your mind someplace.
You nutty as a fruitcake
DV aint never lost a showcase to the Undercover paleface or any other muhfuggah up in this piece.

Process salt? How base.
Don't need to be a rocket scien~taste.
Just count the bumps on your face feel your heart backspace
them drugs might as well be mace.

Now run along Ace.

Tell them nerds DV said ... Nayxt!

Anonymous said...

"DV aint never lost a showcase to the Undercover paleface or any other muhfuggah up in this piece."

Um Dee Bo...what size are those Paul Smith wingtips? (I hope they are 11.5 I bet they slide off easy while you are there laying on your back semi-conscious and all) Are you still groggy from last night? Are you seeing double? Follow my finger with just your eyes. Have you had any nausea? vomiting? Do you remember hitting the ground or did everything just go black? I'm going to order a CT Head and Neck anyway just to make sure, you'll need to keep that cervical collar on until after the CT is read.

Nah MOTI, not only did UBM put you down for the count, CNu, Submariner, and many others so consistently stomp you in your own house, I'm surprised you haven't packed up and moved.

What do I know, maybe you are one of those freaky types who enjoys receiving his online spankings while dressed head to toe in PVC. To each his own.

It was quite clear last night that the beat down you received was administered not by those with science degrees, but those who needed only the most basic understanding to make you look silly. Why did you make it so easy? Pride? I refuse to believe you actually tried to argue chemistry because you thought you were correct.

Tell me honestly, is all this--the persona, the rhyming, all of the off the wall conspiracy theories-- just satire?

If not, I'd love to play some Poker with you sometime...I'd only need to wait until the rhyming started.