Sunday, May 24, 2009

African Americans Beginning To Turn Their Backs On Dangerous Vaccines

June 24, 2009

In a recent survey 43% of African Americans said they would not allow their children to be vaccinated under any circumstances.

31% said they would allow their children to be injected with only some of the drugs on the CDC Mandatory Vaccine Schedule.

Only 25% of African Americans said they would absolutely permit their child to be injected with every vaccine offered by the doctors and pharmaceutical companies.*

Many experts see this growing pattern in the number of people rejecting these dangerous, untested and unnecessary inoculations as a trend among African-Americans to reclaim responsibility for their own health care.

Since 1983 the numbers of vaccines marketed to children has exploded 280%.

Staged pro vaccine photo op. 50 years of this type of propaganda is why Plantation Negros still feel vaccines are sacrosanct.* The survey had a + or - margin of 2% points.


Anonymous said...

So now you are resorting to just plain old lying? I don't want to dismiss you as being a clown who is not serious. But you are twisting my arm.

Yes this is satire. It can be nothing else.

Undercover Black Man said...

When are they gonna turn their backs on that muthaphuckin' KFC??

pink said...

UBM are you serious? I'm not sure where you live but next time I pass a KFC I will take a pic and I can guarantee you it will be comprised of 90% white people and where I live is very diverse, racially and economically.

(Now had you said Popeyes...)

Denmark Vesey said...

When are they gonna turn their backs on that muthaphuckin' KFC??

Probably about the same time they turn their backs on processed salt with altered ionic structures.

Keeping Plantation Negros Ignorant and Unhealthy (which is the same thing) Is a MULT-Billion Business.

Do you know how much property black people could own if they weren't spending billions each month on prescription drugs?

Casper said...

Life Expectancy Reaches New Record

Life Expectancy Pushes Past 78 Years; Death Rate Falls for 11 of 15 Top Causes of Death

White women continue to have the longest life expectancy, followed by African-American women, white men, and African-American men. Those patterns have held since 1976, though all groups have seen their life expectancy improve during that time.

Denmark Vesey said...

Cancer Expectancy Reaches New Record

Diabetes Expectancy Reaches New Record

Heart Disease Expectancy Reaches New Record

Hypertension Expectancy Reaches New Record

AIDS Expectancy Reaches New Record

Prescription Drug Addiction Reaches New Record

Autism Expectancy Reaches New Record


They can keep people "alive" damn near indefinitely. Doesn't tell us anything about their well being.

We've lost 5,000 troops in Iraq.

If we had the medical technology we had in Vietnam that number would be 50,000 dead.

Life on mechanical and pharmaceutical life support aint really "life" is it Casper?

Casper said...

DV Said..
"Life on mechanical and pharmaceutical life support aint really "life" is it Casper?"

Where is the empirical data to support your argument?? Considering fewer people can afford health insurance to pay for such support.

Casper said...

Top Causes of Death
Here are the top causes of death for 2006 in the U.S., and the change in their age-adjusted death rate since 2005:

Heart disease: down 5.5%
Cancer: down 1.6%
Stroke: down 6.4%
Chronic lower respiratory diseases (lung diseases): down 6.5%
Accidents: down 1.5%
Alzheimer's disease: down 0.9%
Diabetes: down 5.3%
Influenza and pneumonia: down 12.8% due to a relatively mild flu season
Kidney disease: unchanged
Septicemia (an infection that affects the blood and other parts of the body): down 2.7%
Suicide: down 2.8%
Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis: down 3.3%
High blood pressure: down 5%
Parkinson's disease: down 1.6%
Homicide: down 1.6%

Anonymous said...


Don't waste your breath, or keystrokes. He's willfully ignorant. Check this months archives. He's been pulverized daily, and is still woofing. He only believes in anecdote and pseudoscience. Have him explain what an ion is.

It's kind of sad to see a toothless, feeble lion still try to roar.

Anonymous said...

Look where all those vaccinations of plastic got Wacko Jacko.

Dead at 50.

Anonymous said...

"Here are the top causes of death for 2006 in the U.S., and the change in their age-adjusted death rate since 2005:"

Well, it appears that the rise in holistic medicine has counteracted the increasing toxicities of Big Pharma here.

"South Australian study showed that, in 2000, Australians spent $2.3 billion on alternative therapies, a 62% increase since 1993.3-5 Similar findings have been made in the United States6 and Great Britain."

The recent surge in Whole Foods and colloidal silver is already now showing a mass statistical effect.