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- You might be a Plantation Negro if you think Eugenicists want to straighten your teeth.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you describe yourself as a "Republican".
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you describe yourself as a "Democrat".
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you have ever said "The Troops Should Come Home When The Job Is Done"
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you plan on getting a Flu Shot.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you have more than $500 in the bank and less than 5 days worth of food and water in your home.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you don't own a handgun.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you send your kids to school so they can get a job when they grow up.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you call yourself "an African-American"
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you ever thought Ron Paul's political platform was "kooky".
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you think high fructose corn syrup is a vegetable.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you think Bilderberg is where they manufacture BMW's.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you think The Federal Reserve is any more of a government entity than is Federal Express or G Unit Records.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you allow the hospital to inject your children with any drug & chemical combination they decide.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you confuse Health Insurance ... with health.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you think Israel is 'Our Only Friend" in the middle east.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you think "Hip Hop Glorifies Violence", but went to see The Terminator
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you consider Bill Gates a genius and Tupac a thug.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you think "Global Warming" is caused by man.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you ever sat through "Sexual Harassment Training".
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you thought Chris Brown should have been summarily convicted and incarcerated after the incident with Rihanna.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if taking your shoes off at the airport doesn't piss you off.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if in 2007 you were more angry at Michael Vick than at Dick Cheney.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you have neither plans nor prospects to marry a sister.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you don't understand "Save Darfur" was a hoax.
- You might be a Plantation Negro if you really think Wanda Sykes has a "wife and twins".
Brilliant DV.... Before everyone starts trippin' the operative word is "might".
You're alright with me bruh!
Dammit. I almost got a 100%. Is it plantation-ish to crave good grades on tests?
I might have a problem with #19. Is it your contention then that if there is such a thing as "Global Warming" the footprint of man on this planet is entirely benign? Or are you a proponent of the idea that there is no issue or risk of climate change, caused by human or any other factors?
And just because the fools on the plantation have an idea, does it necessarily mean it's a bad one, simply because it originated on the plantation, or because the plantation residents will invariably put it to use for massa before themselves?
Gentlemen! Gentlemen! 'ppreciate it.
What up Ex?! Where you been man?
Ah. Global Warming.
Ummm. Let me put it like this Ex:
a) There exists a tremendous diversity of opinion among scientists about what causes fluctuations of Earth's average temperature. CO2 as the main cause of global warming is only 1 possibility, but it the single dominant message of every plantation institution from the media to education the system.
(Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant, but a naturally occurring atmospheric substance.CO2 makes up .054% of the atmosphere. Volcanoes produce far more CO2 than humans. Animals produce more CO2 than volcanoes.)
b) The lack of diversity of opinion within the public discourse about what causes the fluctuations in the Earth's average temperature is evidence of a Plantation Managed Meme.
c) Man Made Global Warming, like "the Holocaust", has evolved beyond something the individual is supposed to seek evidence of and think about ... and become something you are supposed to just "believe".
Blindly believing the Plantation is ... you know the rest.
(There is no accident the biggest Eugenecists and population control organizations blame human beings for the heating of the earth. It's a great excuse to scale up their operations)
You might be a plantation negro if you think B. Hussein Obama is God's Son.
You might be a plantation cracka if Submariner kicked your ass on the blog and you come back posting as "Anonymous".
You might be the Blackest Man on the Internet...
... if you’ve spent several hundred dollars on “colon cleanse.”
... if you’d rather listen to Jay-Z than read James Baldwin.
... if you believe the Trilateral Commission is tapping your phones.
... if you like neo-Nazis more than faggies.
... if the fifth digit in your Social Security Number is an even number (and you know what that means).
... if you think Noble Drew Ali was more intelligent than Einstein.
... if you prefer women two or three shades lighter-skinned than yourself.
... if you think “Baby Got Back” should be the National Anthem.
... if you’d rather be LeBron James than Jim Gates.
... if your kids have polio.
You might be the Blackest Man on the Internet...
"... if you’ve spent several hundred dollars on “colon cleanse.” UBM
That's right! Especially if you don't have cancer.
"... if you’d rather listen to Jay-Z than read James Baldwin." UBM
That's right! A Plantation Negro dutifully says he prefers Baldwin. Can't repeat a line of Baldwin. But can hum the entire chorus of Hard Knock Life.
... "if you believe the Trilateral Commission is tapping your phones." UBM
Nah. But funny enough, Plantation Negros didn't acknowledge the Tri Lat Com till they published a website.
"... if you like neo-Nazis more than faggies." UBM
LOL. Nah. The Blackest Man On The Planet simply doesn't allow his "enemies" to be spoon-fed him by propagandists. Nor does he believe there is anything "neo" about Nazis. They've just reinvented themselves. Now they are called NeoCons and Plantation Negros are comforted by the thought they are in charge.
"... if the fifth digit in your Social Security Number is an even number (and you know what that means)." UBM
Nah. That's a Plantation Negro urban myth.
"... if you think Noble Drew Ali was more intelligent than Einstein." UBM
That's Right! A Plantation Negro wouldn't dare even consider such a thing.
"... if you prefer women two or three shades lighter-skinned than yourself." UBM
Nahhhhh. When women of all shades dig YOU ... you The Blackest Man on the Planet.
"... if you think “Baby Got Back” should be the National Anthem."
LOL. Funny.
"... if you’d rather be LeBron James than Jim Gates." UBM
... uh. Let me see.
1) A handsome, 6'8", super rich, chocolate brown, well-endowed, super-star ...
2) An ugly, short, pale, nerdy, corny, super rich but poorly endowed eugenecist who got lucky licensing a computer program he didn't write.
... CHECK!
"... if your kids have polio." UBM
Nah. If you really the Blackest Man on The Planet. Your kids are beautiful smart and healthy. And most importantly - They Exist.
Plantation Negros like pussy. But they don't like women enough to bond with one long enough to produce a child.
That was fun Mills. Run it back.
2) An ugly, short, pale, nerdy, corny, super rich but poorly endowed eugenecist who got lucky licensing a computer program he didn't write.
I said "Jim Gates," not Bill Gates.
Thanks for playing, DV.
DV, Dr. Sylvester James Gates is a physics professor at the University of Maryland and a staunch Black partisan brother who spent years tutoring young Black students at MIT.
Even though it's been years since i last saw or spoke with Jim, it is inconceivable to me that he'd have anything whatsoever to do with something as trifling and worthless as Mills...,
Anti-plantation exemplar....,
^Craig. Jim Gates got plenty of white genes in him. Which once again proves my point.
^ Check this asshole out. If you're gonna use my name, bitch, at least link to my website.
... it is inconceivable to me that he'd have anything whatsoever to do with something as trifling and worthless as Mills...,
Want to bet money, CNu?
"... if the fifth digit in your Social Security Number is an even number (and you know what that means)."
What is the urban myth behind that???
Mills what the hell is wrong with you man?
"... if you’d rather listen to Jay-Z than read James Baldwin." UBM
That's right! A Plantation Negro dutifully says he prefers Baldwin. Can't repeat a line of Baldwin. But can hum the entire chorus of Hard Knock Life.
Fake UBM...
Tacky, but funny.
You might be a Plantation Negro if you really think Wanda Sykes has a wife and twins.
The sperm-donor is plantation negro for sure. No Nat Turner Blackman would allow his sperm to be exploited by degenerates.
Sykes probably looks better dressed as a man.
It’s a sure bet the twins will call Sykes daddy, and call Alex mommy.
Only a plantation negro could laugh at the jokes of a sick human being.
Anonymous 9:09. You tryin' too hard. It's telling.
Ill said...
It's either a myth, truth, or half truth that suggests the 'government' issues only even numbers to a particular digit in the SSN's of African Americans, ostensibly for some sort of nefarious tracking.
Brother Mills fancies himself a debunker of Afro-Centric conspiracy theories. Which explains his attempt at mockery.
He mocks himself.
The necessary corollary of his scorn, is the implication that "DA GUVAMENT WOODN'T NEVVVvvA TRACK NO BWACK PEEPLZ! DA GUVMENT IS MULTEH CULTUAL N CULOR BLIND!
Ill, that's what an "even digit in your social security number" means.
You might be a plantation negro if you are always trying so hard to prove you are not one!
You might be a plantation Negro if you are always comparing apple to oranges!
Worse than being a plantation negro is being a know it all plantation negro!
Here's the joke of all jokes: While some quasi-intelligent black folks fret and frown about whatever it is rich powerful white people do behind closed doors... one out of every three black pregnancies is aborted, one out of every three black students drops out of school, and 22 black people are murdered every day... by other black people.
All of this because of choices people make.
But rather than focus discussion on the power people have to shape their own destinies -- on the importance of making responsible and constructive choices -- some want to keep the people passive by focusing all mental energy on the multifarious sinister machinations of mysterious, all-powerful forces.
Why get that high-school diploma? The Bilderbergers gonna do what they wanna do anyway. I ain't got no power... except for this gun in my hand...
You might be a plantation cracka...
Come on now Plato. You know craka's run the plantation with the help of loyal house negroes like B. Hussein Obama.
What a touching scene at Arlington. The First Negro sends a wreath to the Confederate Memorial in recognition of honorable men like Stonewall Jackson.
"The path of development that has brought the United States to this current period of enormous prosperity is undeniably littered with abominable racial violence, genocide, enslavement, discrimination, and structural subordination. Yet, our national identity remains grounded in notions of merit, opportunity, successful assimilation, and the promise of a rising tide lifting all boats. We feel much more comfortable acknowledging and condemning horrors pocking the national figures of other nations…but we have yet to officially acknowledge the evil perpetrated here at home against persons of African descent, not to mention the mass slaughter of the native people who were found here when Europeans ‘discovered’ America.”
(Katherine M. Franke)
The craka's who run the plantation(yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard about the lady at Xerox and Bolden at NASA) know that they can count on Obama to never, ever open that can of worms (officially acknowledge the evil perpetrated here at home against persons of African descent) which might lead to... (gasp, re re re par, ah ah, I can't say it).
"You might be a plantation Negro if you are always comparing apple to oranges!"
Costructive Fee ... I mean "Anonymous".
Just because YOU don't understand ... doesn't make it apple v orange.
"one out of every three black pregnancies is aborted, one out of every three black students drops out of school, and 22 black people are murdered every day... by other black people." UBM
That's lame Mills.
You think 1 out of 3 black pregnancies being aborted has something to do with ... being black.
You think black people murdering black people is some sort of black phenomena.
Yet when white Germans murder millions of white Poles, Russians and Slavs ... you parrot some nonsense about state sanctioned murder being "OK".
You think black people dropping out of school is especially unique among black people.
You think that way for 2 reasons:
1) You've been conditioned to perceive these phenomena through a racial lens.
2) You are predisposed to perceive blackness as a flaw. You are comfortable with that paradigm, probably because you feel a little ... less-than-black ... your self.
Whereas the Blackest Man On The Internet sees the industrialization and marketing of abortion as the work of Eugenecists disguised as Liberals and Pro-Choice advocates who are really Luciferian occultists, bent on select population control.
Whereas the Blackest Man On The Internet sees the murder rate and incarceration rate and the dropout rate as the inevitable consequence of a war on families.
You've been trained to snicker at the mention of Bildeberg. But you know nothing about it. Do some checking.
Google Bilderbeg and 'Population Control'. Google African-Americans / Abortion / Government Funding.
Fact is Mills, historically black people have had lower divorce rates than the general population and much lower abortion rates.
This recent surge in both is not the result of a presence of melanin in the skin.
No. As much as you would enjoy a simple minded: "Negros Need To Stop Killun Negros" answer.
It's deeper than that.
For example Mills your children were aborted before you even had them.
They made you not want them. How's that for Population Control?
You've been conditioned to perceive these phenomena through a racial lens.
The "Blackest Man on the Internet" thinks I'm looking at the world through a racial lens? Craig Nulan, self-annointed "black partisan," thinks I'm racializing something that ain't racial?
Listen... I am here to critique a mode of thought... a mode of thought which equates righteous blackness with a passive, disempowered view of the social reality... wherein the destructive choices of individuals (such as the choice to get pregnant as a teenager, the choice to drop out of school, the choice to rob and kill) are excused as the inevitable results of a plan... a sinister plan by mysterious, all-powerful forces.
How do you thwart the Prison/Industrial Complex? By telling black youth to be law-abiding as a way of life? Fuck you. You do it by attacking the police.
The relentless avoidance of the concept of personal responsibility is the folly of the conspiracist branch of "black partisan" ideology. And I'm going to point that out whenever I can.
Personal Responsibility?!?!?!
Silly insect, didn't Big Man already send you scurrying away from this subject with the quickness?
DV, check the indisputable fact that the "nullity" has never personally spent a moment's time volunteering to reduce unwanted pregancy, preventable homicide, or tutoring struggling students.
His life is quite literally so meaningless and insubstantial that without fantasy antagonists on the Interwebs - he barely even exists.
Like smeagol, there's so little left that he could truthfully call his own, that those infinitesimal tidbits aren't worth extracting, not even to feed the moon....,
^ Feed the moon? Motherfucker, you couldn't feed your family for six years.
"Listen... I am here to critique a mode of thought... a mode of thought which equates righteous blackness with a passive, disempowered view of the social reality...
***"wherein the destructive choices of individuals (such as the choice to get pregnant as a teenager, the choice to drop out of school, the choice to rob and kill)" ***
Actually Mills you are not here to "critique a mode of thought". You are here to have your mode of thought critiqued, deconstructed and rehabilitated.
DV is school for you.
You don't think the exaggerated cynicism is fooling anybody do you grasshopper? You shouldn't.
What you are experiencing here is Plantation Deprogramming. Everybody who visits leaves a little blacker than when they came.
Pretty soon, I'm going to have you walking like Denzel.
(after all this time here, I'm a bit disappointed you are yet to understand how I use black)
Now let me show you how they have you all mixed up Mills.
I advocate Personal Responsibility.
You advocate Plantation Responsibility.
For example:
I advocate parents take personal responsibility for the immune systems of their children and not pollute them with chemicals marketed by the government for pharmaceutical corporations.
You say parents should vaccinate just as they are told.
In your worldview, the plantation is responsible for our health.
The Plantation is responsible for our education.
The Plantation is responsible our foreign policy.
The plantation is responsible for our mythology.
The Plantation is responsible for the genetic engineering of our fucking food.
The Plantation is responsible for our prejudices and our faith.
Mills, the Plantation is your God.
So, while you have INFINITE empathy and understanding for ... God's Chosen ... you express nothing but scorn for black people whom you only experience through stereotypes spoon fed you by ... The Plantation.
I mean. You will mock Nobel Drew Ali and his Diaspora Mythology, but wouldn't dare question the hysterically outrageous claims of Polish Jews claiming to be the Biblical Israelites ... because God said so ... in a book written by their relatives.
Nahhhhhhhhh. No sarcasm from Undercover Black Man when Jews claim entitlements for less than noble reason. Or swindle $50 Billion. Where are all the "statistics" when Jews do something Mills?
You know how many black people shoot each other on Tuesday nights. How many Jews are running Ponzi Schemes?
Yeah. Aint armed with that information are ya?
But let a brotha question the For-Profit Prison system and you turn into William F. Buckley.
1 out of 3 black kids aborted?
Do you think 40 years of "Planned Parenthood" has anything to do with that?
Planned Parenthood is Bilderberg Mills.
That's something the Plantation didn't teach you.
few things more entertaining than the squeal of a piglet caught under the gate...,
Damn, i fallen and I cant git up!
National Spelling Bee on ESPN right now. GSAS.
Sup DV. I'm still lurking around, but doing more golfing than blogging these days. Still keeping an eye on you guys just in case I have to pull you back in line.
And I will give you that blindly following along with any idea or policy that is advocated by the establishment media, political, or scientific community is foolish. So we're on the same page, in principle, on #19.
Still didn't get my 100% because I got too much money in the bank. Perhaps because I have significant expenses that I to handle electronically.
If you happen to see me on the plantation, I'm just sitting by the door.
You might be a Plantation Negro if you have more than $500 in the bank and less than 5 days worth of food and water in your home.
u deff have more then 500 in the bank....
You are a plantation negro if you dont have $5000 cash on hand, mixture of currencies, precious metals and stones, a cache of weapons, a water table, 30 day food supply, a generator, and independent fuel supply.
You just another broke niggar talkin shit!
You need to purge about half of the list and make it more pity.
(Or does a brother who knows what the word "pity" means is a "Plantation Negro"?
[quote]You might be a Plantation Negro if you think "Hip Hop Glorifies Violence", but went to see The Terminator[/quote]
Correct me if I am wrong BUT I have never seen a news story in which a killer who had just executed a Drive By Shooting that killed a few Black people was stopped by the police and they found the Terminator Soundtrack playing in his CD changer.
It is no surprise that they have the top 10 Billboard Hip Hop CDs in their collection though.
DV said: "You might be a Plantation Negro if you think "Hip Hop Glorifies Violence", but went to see The Terminator"
CF said: "Correct me if I am wrong BUT I have never seen a news story in which a killer who had just executed a Drive By Shooting that killed a few Black people was stopped by the police and they found the Terminator Soundtrack playing in his CD changer."
Hmmm. I think we're missing some key distinctions when we attempt to compare the two though. I'm pretty sure I saw Cam'ron and Damon Dash making the same comparison during an interview on O'Reilly.To the extent that both rap/hip-hop lyrics and cinema films can be considered in a wide sense to be essentially two distinct but not essentially dissimilar vehicles of story-telling, we can say that both forms require varying levels of the suspension of disbelief for their plausibility. Clearly, some movies are more "realistic" than others ("Training Day" vs "The Terminator") while certain rap/hip-hop songs are more reflective of what is plausible in real life as opposed to stuff that could never happen.
Those who defend the depictions of violence in rap/hip-hop on the basis of the fact that there are similar depictions in film can be challenged on the basis of the view which asserts that the required level of suspension of disbelief is much lower in that of the former as opposed to the latter. In other words, those who attack "the depictions of violence in hip-hop" can tear down the defensive comparisons to similar violence in film by confining film to the realm of so-called realm of "fantasy" (or as O'Reilly says, "cartoons"). When you compare the two in order to "defend" hip-hop, they will reply with, "Well, it's much easier for a kid to imagine shooting a guy on a street corner or selling drugs like they talk about in rap lyrics than it is to go out and shoot someone because they saw some futuristic robots shooting guns in a movie." But then, the other camp can reply with the fact it's just as easy for a kid to imagine themselves as Tupac when Tupac is talking about licking shots at a mark-ass buster as it is to imagine yourself as The Terminator when you're a kid who's got a gun in your hand. Then there's always a subsequent debate about parents and personal responsibility, and so on.
So in a way, the comparison doesn't give us much to work with. And when you think about the dichotomous way in which the issue was framed and discussed on this particular major cable news network, you can start to see how the polarized positions makes for a ten minute news segment in which nothing was really resolved.
At the end of the day, instead of making comparisons between violence in movies versus rap music, we should instead state simply that the human being is an aggressive animal, and leave it at that.
Mr GreyConservative:
Their entire line of argument is an attempt to ELIMINATE the criticism of THEIR work so they can continue to make money in an unimpeded manner. THAT'S IT.
This is akin to "the fox guarding the hen house and having control of the surveillance camera tape from the dash board video camera".
NO HIP HOP OPERATIVE can be allowed to CONTROL the standard by which they are MEASURED! (this includes Russel Simmons and Kanye West and Ludacris). They will always only seek to remove critique.
It is the job of the BLACK COMMUNITY to establish a standard that is in line with our PERMANENT INTERESTS. We cannot afford to "dumb down" our standards for the benefit of those who ultimately care less about our long term future as a community.
We as a people have a double standard regarding what White folks are allowed to put into the public domain about Black people and what Blacks are allowed to do so.
To resolve this conflict we must enforce a standard to which NO ONE is immune from consequence for their violations. Arbitrary laws always benefit the arbiter.
'Sup DV
That's some list y'got thurrr. *Disclaimer*: While I stand firmly against use of the N- word as I've said b4, I'll play along with this one coz its not ON the offensive, even though it IS...
Ok I got a few li'l ammendments to the one's I'm down with, jury's still out on 15 & James Baldwin c'mon now, Hov' is 'the man', but y'can't make the comparison, each is in their own sphere.
This is what I got time for at the mo'.
# 6 U might also be a breatharian, living on little not of the Plantation Mindset.
# 7 U might also be a pacifist OR U might be of the Plantation bec you own one but y'can't discern when and when not to use it.
# 11 Add to that....and you're addicted to errythang with E Numbers like they were Vitamins.
# 24 I see you : )
Maaad props for # 25, dat's a big one for me.
& if y'really believe the govt abt Diego Garcia Island then you might deserve to be called Plantation....
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