Friday, March 06, 2009

Still Believe In "Global Warming"? Reach Around And Snatch Your Head Out Of Your Ass

Temperatures have plummeted to record or near-record lows in 32 states this winter. On March 2, a global warming protest in Washington, D.C. was buried by nearly a foot of snow. And a new study warns that the Earth could be in for a 30-year cooling trend. Reality is not cooperating with the network news’ global warming theme, yet reporters are unwilling to even discuss the possibility that the Earth is cooling.

Global warming alarmists repeatedly link weather phenomena like tornadoes, hurricanes, ice melt, droughts and wildfires with global warming and the media embrace the stories. Yet, when cities or regions are buried in snow like the city of Chenzhou, China was in February 2008 there wasn’t a word about climate change in the cooling direction.

“It is being called China’s Hurricane Katrina,” NBC anchor Brian Williams said on Feb. 4, 2008. “… the month of blizzards that have brought it [China] to a virtual standstill. Millions have been stranded. Hundreds of thousands of people are homeless.” Williams didn’t chalk up the devastation to global cooling, of course. That doesn’t fit the media’s warming narrative.


Anonymous said...

Brother the climate thing is a real issue. Don't be bambozzled by these fools. The folks who can l;east expect the raising of the temperature and shyte are the main ones talking bout ain't nuthin happening. I say good. Maybe they asses will become extinct.

Anonymous said...

Well, G, it's more than likely that they'll be the last ones, along with the cockroaches, to survive any'a this stuff. Well, let's just say only cockroaches of all stripes will survive then. Don't forget, the wealthy are the ones who can afford to lose a home, and simply pick up stakes and go and pick another. Ironic or tragic. Take your pick.

Anonymous said...

..."only cockroaches of all stripes will survive then..."

Tru Dat!

I jus don't see any of em being the last ones. Not with all that is known, and, in the current socio/political circumstances.