ThorDaddy said ...

Denmark Vesey said...

Yet I'm able to value some things with which I don't necessarily agree.
Be honest with you, I don't really host a blog to be surrounded by a bunch of muhfuggas who agree with me all the damn time.
I learn nothing from them.
I don't know Thordaddy. I don't need to know his real name. I don't need to know his address. I don't care if pissed people off on other blogs. I don't care if he is an Affirmative Action Denier.
But if dude has something interesting to say, or challenges ideas that need to be challenged, he is welcome.
You don't like the cat? Do to him what Submariner did to Byrdeye. Cut him off with argument not insults.
1 comment:
03 04 09
"But if dude has something interesting to say, or challenges ideas that need to be challenged, he is welcome.
You don't like the cat? Do to him what Submariner did to Byrdeye. Cut him off with argument not insults."
I feel you. Blogging is nice because you get to interact with people of differnt persuasions; folks that you might never otherwise encounter. The whole experience is soiled when some guy is out there insulting others and not debating. Then again, this is what happens on the internet. Some less stable elements can also contribute their two cents. But perhaps that makes it more lively.
Nevertheless, I enjoy a good discussion above eight year olds tossing about insults any day!And ThorDaddy is somewhat enigmatic. On one hand I agree with his notions of conception. But all the race stuff I don't even bother with.
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