Saturday, February 28, 2009


ThorDaddy said...
So the materialist psuedo-scientist continues to invoke non-materials things like language, ensoulment, consciousness, being, etc., all the while pretending as though he can't give a material account (his scientific explanation) for a material phenomenon (beginning point of a new human being).

A unique human being begins his/her being before, after or at conception.

The lying materialist by default claims a unique human being does not begin at conception. He refers to such an event as a "glob of cells" or a new mutant parasite. The only known parasite to be voluntarily born by its host and representing the fundamental claim of evolution, i.e., reproduction and survival.

Therefore, the psuedo-scientist implicitly supports infanticide ("being" begins after conception) or he supports the egg and sperm are "alive" theory. You're "alive" before conception.

The second theory most closely aligns with Modern Evolutionary Theory and the idea of common descent. The problem for the psuedo-scientist is that if a unique human being begins before conception then we like the sperm and egg, are merely outlying remnants of the OOL (origin of life). Sloughing off a dead skin cell would be equalivent to this OOL sloughing us off like an abortion. It is this understanding... That we aren't anything unique or special... Rather, we are but appendages of a larger singular biota that leads one to a radical autonomy that boils down to nothing more than "might makes right!"

This is Nulan's romanticized version of "white supremacy."

Nulan is a radical autonomist who cares less when life begins. He refuses to answer a question he claims his material science should be able to answer all the while invoking non-material things to obsfucate on this fact.

In short, Nulan has virtually conceded that a unique human being has a non-material beginning that manifests materially. There is a concept for this idea of a material and non-material entity. It's called conception. It is where unique life begins and your material science says as much.

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