Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Victim Game Heats Up

Rush To Judgment? Guilty Till Proven Innocent? Need A Villain? Man Hate?

Constructive Feedback said...

Here you go bro:

"It's not a sound bite, this is a real situation," Jay told reporters in Arizona. "If you can't have compassion for others ... just imagine it being your sister or your mom or someone like that, then think about how you should talk about that.

"I just think we all should just support her," he continued. "She's going through a tough time. You gotta realize she's a young girl, as well. She's very young."


CNu said...

best not even look at a stone from inside a glass house....., and whatup with all the hot mess about rihanna being a contagion vector for herpes?

Anonymous said...

Actually, that photo's been proven a PS'd fake.

Cuz there's another one just like it sans the bruises.

Yikes, a herpes-infested man-beater?

So, who's the real victim here again? Remember, the weaker one is not always the victim...

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

02 15 09

That is just a photoshopped pic. But either way, people abusing one another is sad. Jay Z looked real bad for when he assaulted that woman, I never got that. But I ain't into hip hop gossip to the extent that I would care about someone carrying herpes; that is their business Craig. For someone who talks badly about shit frosted monoculture, you seem to have bought into it. Umph Umph Umph...

Anonymous said...

"Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired," Brown said.

"I am seeking the counseling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones, and I am committed, with God's help, to emerging a better person."

Chris Brown

Denmark Vesey said...

Law enforcement sources tell us they typically book a suspect for the most serious crime they can be charged with -- it's then up to the D.A. to file any additional charges.

Given there were allegedly visible injuries, the crime of making criminal threats is punishable by up to nine years in prison. Domestic abuse is four years.

• "Domestic Violence" has become an industry. An industry designed to put as many young men in prison as possible. Modern day slavery. •

CNu said...

But I ain't into hip hop gossip to the extent that I would care about someone carrying herpes; that is their business Craig.

I have a lower opinion of sexual disease vectors than I do of lunatics who drop eight baby litters on the public dime...,

Anonymous said...

God, slow news week much. Wasn't this just a couple fight, like couples have been having for as long as there have been couples. Now they're trying to christen Rihanna the poster child for abusive relationships. She herself declined pressing charges on the incident, but they won't let it die. And let's not forget, she swung first. Technically, isn't what he did self-defense?

And as an aside, is that the God, Rakim standing behind Jay in that clip?

Anonymous said...

The Doc
"And let's not forget, she swung first."

Where is that stated?!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't the whole thing based on him getting a call from another girl, and her going ballistic and swinging on him about it.