Sunday, February 08, 2009

Submariner Says You Better Recognize

Submariner said...
David Mills, you're right that acid remarks don't assail the quality of your argument. But the tacit avoidance by you and Byrdeye to address the historical evidence provided by Craig Nulan and Michael Fisher effectively places you in intellectual limbo.

The irrefutable fact is that blacks in America made remarkable progress after the Civil War. (I'll leave in abeyance the antebellum era.) Read the memoirs of U.S. Grant. See the BookTV After Words interview with Philip Dray, author of Capitol Men. Until very recently, two parent households were the norm for black folks. Paul Robeson, despite a pristine academic career and graduating from law school alongside a future SCOTUS justice, couldn't be gainfully employed as a lawyer. So that shit about K and R games is wack.

From the Thirties to the Fifties Sal Mineo, James Cagney, Elvis Presley, and Marlon Brando were the portraits of delinquent youths and hard-boiled criminals. Read colonial American and Shakespearean English descriptions of the Irish.

During this past election cycle, even Barack Obama and his entrenched middle-class supporters were featured as the Giant Negro, a chimerical delusion of insecure white psychopaths. I spoke to nurses who told me straightfaced that their husbands were arming themselves and stockpiling their households for inevitable racial conflicts.

In the end, if you can't muster even ten minutes to scroll through some linkes, then it's doubtful that you'll ever make a sincere effort to examine Derek Bok's Shape of the River or Adam Fairclough's A Class of Their Own. You and Byrdeye will remain content to exist in an Aristotelian universe comprised of an intellectual silo.


Anonymous said...

To paraphrase Churchill, we are not at the beginning of the end but the end of the beginning.

We are about to witness what would've and should've happened long ago. The first black entrepeneurs, congressmen, and magistrates emerged in a nation of lynchers. They were effectively repulsed but took a circuitous route to arrive at this moment.

Other ethnicities have been promulgated as the ideal. But tell me where is this Chinese or Japanese American president?

When commissioned to write the the history of his people, Virgil didn't start with Rome. He began with their forced dispersal from the plains of Troy. It was their ability to endure and advance despite hardship that made them worthy. So too it shall be when the story of Black America is recorded.

Anonymous said...

Wow, is this the best you got? Talking about an isolated point in history 60 years ago???

And yet, in the 40s, Japanese were thrown into internment camps and Chinese were forbidden from even immigrating in with the Chinese Exclusion Act. They were thus far worse off than any Black man.

Yet, they still overcame all this to attain K-gaming results today...despite all this country's racism against them, and due to consistent K-gaming efforts.

Meanwhile, Blacks excelled at and came to predominate sports and music at the same time. Despite all efforts to keep them segregated out into Negro leagues and race music. Not to mention reverting to a 70% daddyless baby rate.

As you can see, nature will beat nurture everytime, eventually. The rest are just excuses.

This is called genetic water seeking its own level, my friend. When the floods come, even manmade levees can't hold them back forever...

You are treading down a false path, where K-gaming Whites are scapegoated as oppressors rather than benefactors - that eventually leads to "liberated" self-rule in r-gaming favelas like Detroit, Liberia & Zimbabwe. Where r-gaming Blacks then bitterly realize that they were better off leeching off K-gaming Whites than on their own.

But deep down, I guess you already know this. Which is why you're living here rather than a Black-ruled Black country. (And probably choose to vacation in non-Black countries, as well.)

CNu said...

the reptilian sperm-receptacle doesn't realize that his dumbass lives in the world's only Black country right now...,

Submariner said...

That black American cultural hegemony is a fact is attested to by Byrdeye being solicitous of the 'Blackest Man on the Internet' to the point of being unctuous and this same culture being responsible for David Mills's greatest artistic achievement.

Byrdeye's intellectual limit is revealed by his erroneous citation of the figure sixty years despite my reference to the Civil War. How can I, therefore, accept that he could exceed me on any intelligence scale when he doesn't bother to consult Google or Wikipedia before responding?

The next delusion is that America is a white country. When have whites ever lived in North America without black and brown people? Next he'll be declaring that English is the native tongue when the historic record shows an olio of French, German, Dutch, Gaelic, Creole, and Spanish - and that's just among the colonial settlers.

Again, why no Chinese American POTUS? Where is the Chinese contribution to American culture rivalling gospel, jazz, blues, rock, and hip hop?

If an intelligence test doesn't rank Lil Wayne, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, and 50 Cent right up there with Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Alan Greenspan, then I reject the model because it doesn't accord with the facts on the ground.

The last century witnessed every single European country lose its colonial possessions. The American intervention in Vietnam lasted from 1950 to 1975 and ended in defeat. An exercise in Somalia was no more successful.

Anonymous said...

Paul Robeson was from the Civil War?

Anyhow, the Jews chose to exploit the greatest racial tension here - which was between Blacks and Whites due to slavery.

Ergo, they promote Blacks over White men to exploit that tension. Obama as POTUS is a part of this "Manchurian candidate" plan.

Ordo ab chao.

But had they happened to have wanted to make a Chinaman POTUS, we'd have just elected Wang Chung...

And please, when you want to drive a car engineered by Oprah or get medically-treated by Fiddy, you let me know. Those may be talented folks, but not necessarily in IQ. Or are you going to tell me that Elvis and Britney Spears are intellectual giants too???

Submariner said...


Since you've proven yourself to be historically illiterate and to possess an abbreviated capacity for reading comprehension and abstract reasoning, I'll limit myself to 2009 and our proximal, concrete circumstances. Growing up as one of two boys born to a single mother in Jamaica, Queens during the crack era, in outward appearance I was indistinguishable from other black kids in the lower income strata. (We always had food but a few times gas and electric were out.)

Presently, I'm an ER doctor, husband, and father. I'm in the top one percent bracket of income earners in the country. I routinely and successfully confront more life altering decisions than any other non-military professionals except for air traffic controllers. My brother is a Brandeis professor who covered this year's inauguration, has been featured on C-SPAN about three times, written opinion pieces and book reviews for the New York Times and Washington Post, appeared on NPR beside Niall Ferguson, and on PBS NewsHour panels with Richard Norton Smith, Michael Beschloss, and Richard Brookhiser.

My question for you is what the fuck have you done? What do your siblings do? What kind of recognition and awards has society bestowed upon you? Because even if white people are genetic hegemons, you, until proven otherwise, are not. Where did you get you your Ivy League degrees from? Or did you go to Cal Tech and Stanford? Do you even have a degree? Are you happily married with well adjusted kids?

Surely, as the product of superior European genes and being a man with uncompromised opinions, you must be published and an intimate of Pat Buchanan's. Your family, like the Kennedys and the Buckleys, must be loaded with exemplars of individual success. After unambiguously making your claim to America greater than mine, you must trace your lineage to a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Being a true white man with unimpeachable credentials, then you must have roots in the Tidewater aristocracy of the Mid-Atlantic or the Brahmins of New England.

I may be a credit to my race, but if you don't have the appurtenances above, aren't you a disgrace to yours?

Anonymous said...

Submariner - Good job. I'm sure most of the Black posters here are actually above the average White IQ. However, if you're that smart, then I'm sure you know that bell curves explicitly allow for tail-end extremes. And the book certainly allows for lots of overlap and crossover between different racial curves.

So yes, there are, by DEFINITION, going to be a number of Blacks with higher IQs than a number of Whites - according to their bell curve distributions.

So, your personal example does not disprove this at all.

Unfortunately, it's a common logical fallacy of trying to disprove bell curves by comparing 2 singular data points. When bell curves more openly allow for that and also more accurately describe group statistics than any singular points, by design. So, they're good for predicting group averages, but not that of any one random individual.

I think most people who argue against the Bell Curve:
1) Are emotionally and personally biased
2) Have never taken statistics and simply don't understand what a bell curve is

Anonymous said...

"When bell curves more accurately describe group statistics"

CNu said...

Sub, was it just me, or did this microencephalic cretin - who failed to document any of his own personal accomplishments - just now pretend that folks who've forgotten more than he'll ever know might not be familiar with a bell curve?

Those reptilians must be off on some seven year itch type ish and prolly wore his monkey behind out, giving him multiple concussions off the headboard in the process....,

Anonymous said...

Sorry Cnu, but I'm just not going to validate sub's illogical argument here by bragging about my own accomplishments...

Because I'm sure if this was a story about another violent Black gang rapist, he would be using the opposite argument that one data point does not represent an entire group.

But no, you can't flip the script at your convenience like that. I'm simply too smart to allow that. :)