Friday, February 13, 2009

Sasha Says Media Spin Suggests "Women Are Not Always Victims" But "Some Women Are More Victims Than Others"

Sasha said ...
Interesting comments.

As I think about this issue, I believe this is more about how the media chooses to identify "victims" within the category of women, rather than a men vs. women battle.

Meaning, would the media give a damn about this incident if Rihanna looked or was built like Monique?

If this was Usher and Tameka Foster, would there be the media lynching we are seeing now? Rihanna is more of a "victim" to the media because she is a light, tiny, pretty pixie and less because of what Chris Brown allegedly did.


uglyblackjohn said...

Sasha has it about right.
Because she (Rhianna) fits into an ideal that more closely matches what most of society wants (pretty, thin and successful) - she has value.
For many, Monique is still seen as "Other" and less desirable - and of less value.
But on the whole, the fact that Rhi (A Black woman) can be seen as having value is good.

Anonymous said...

Nonsense!.. This is more about 99% about celebrity and selling papers and ad revenue... Otherwise, the battle between Wesley Snips and Halle Berry would have been on the news everyday when he bitch slapped her back in the day!

uglyblackjohn said...

Nah... Wesley was Too Black and was seen as acting as he was expected to.
CB is more accepted in pop culture as a "good kid". His actions were not fitting of someone whom the pop media could identify with.

Anonymous said...

I am talking about the half white women! Slapped by a dark brotha... Back in 1980 something. C and d listers at that time. No one cared!