Monday, February 09, 2009

Madoff Major Contributor To AIPAC? Say It Aint So

Adam Silverman said ...
Possible Emerging Pattern:

1. Madoff scandal breaks; reveals over a trillion dollars illegally placed in Israeli banks, while destroying many key activist nonprofits and individuals invested in it;

2. Within weeks, Israel begins genocide in Gaza, diverting the eyes of the entire world from revelatory Madoff scandal (like 9/11 diverted from Rumsfeld's revelation of Pentagon's missing $1.3 trillion on 9/10/01) while also confiscating Gaza's vast natural gas fields for Israeli/US/UK energy corporations controlled by NWO that can be used in planned planetary takeover.

3. AIPAC -- financed by stolen Madoff money -- orders AIPAC-controlled US Congress to vote for resolutions supporting US/Israeli Gaza genocide in a (hopefully unsuccessful) attempt to legitimate US government /Israeli actions constitutionally/ internationally and to the American people.


Anonymous said...

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely...

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's mad-deep...damn.

I'd like to see Skip deny this Jewish super control now with his technocracy BS.

I called out the Jews months ago, and now the extent of their iron grip only keeps getting more and more obviously apparent...

Listen to the truth, folks. DV's on the same tip here.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and NYC mayor Bloomberg rushes over to Israel during the Gaza conflict.

Anonymous said...

IDK if its a conspiracy or not. This Madoff mess would have never been discovered but for so many of his investors calling in their investments to get liquid. The man's been doing this game for 30 years. The Jewish Foundation of L.A. was one of the largest vicitms in L.A., approx. 6.2 million. That doesn't include other individual Jewish investors. The man seems to be a pariah amongst Jews I know. Am I just falling for the okeydoke? Holla at me.

Anonymous said...


The best term for Zionist Jews, is Zionist Jewish Apostates. They have clearly rejected the commandments of the Torah forbidding establishing an earthly State and commanding them to remain "among the nations" until the Messiah comes. They've murdered, and they've stolen. And they do NOT represent the practice of real Judaism: Adherence to the Torah's 10 commandments and 613 laws. They've brought ruin and disgrace and Antisemitism upon all Jews.
Zionism is a policy of the Third Reich.

Is the media controlled by Jews? No. It's controlled by Zionist Jewish Apostates who've done to Judaism exactly what Radical Jihadists have done to Islam. The American media is 100 percent controlled by them, as is international banking, the dollar, and the United States. They are international gangsters, falsely hiding behind a usurped Jewish identity, nothing more. Their six pointed star's origins are not even Hebrew but Babylonian. The Star of Moses has five points. They're not "Semites", nor does being a real Jew require one to be a Semite. It requires obedience to the Torah. "Antisemitism" is "newspeak", a lie. "Israel" as a Jewish national state, is blasphemous under Jewish law. What can stop them. Wrong question. They are the most hated nation on earth. The outrage around the world against them grows on their murderous fascist imposition like a cancer.

Israel can not possibly survive. They can kill as many people opposing them, as their superior technology allows them to, but they can not kill the contempt it grows.

We now Question: Has the basic American
Christian identity also been stolen
by the same Zionist movement??
Remember the America that was once
respected and loved by most?
Have foreign lobbies and influence of the
corrupt zionist syndicate become the
occupiers of our governments, local,
state, and federal ? Are our universities
also becoming occupied by the foreign
Zionist movement?

How nieve Americans have become, totally
deficient in worldly wisdom or informed judgement. OPEN your eyes and ears.

The ZOA Campus Activism Network publishes a national student pro-Israel magazine, The College Zionist.

down the Wall. New book coming soon .


Anonymous said...


The best term for Zionist Jews, is Zionist Jewish Apostates. They have clearly rejected the commandments of the Torah forbidding establishing an earthly State and commanding them to remain "among the nations" until the Messiah comes. They've murdered, and they've stolen. And they do NOT represent the practice of real Judaism: Adherence to the Torah's 10 commandments and 613 laws. They've brought ruin and disgrace and Antisemitism upon all Jews.
Zionism is a policy of the Third Reich.

Is the media controlled by Jews? No. It's controlled by Zionist Jewish Apostates who've done to Judaism exactly what Radical Jihadists have done to Islam. The American media is 100 percent controlled by them, as is international banking, the dollar, and the United States. They are international gangsters, falsely hiding behind a usurped Jewish identity, nothing more. Their six pointed star's origins are not even Hebrew but Babylonian. The Star of Moses has five points. They're not "Semites", nor does being a real Jew require one to be a Semite. It requires obedience to the Torah. "Antisemitism" is "newspeak", a lie. "Israel" as a Jewish national state, is blasphemous under Jewish law. What can stop them. Wrong question. They are the most hated nation on earth. The outrage around the world against them grows on their murderous fascist imposition like a cancer.

Israel can not possibly survive. They can kill as many people opposing them, as their superior technology allows them to, but they can not kill the contempt it grows.

We now Question: Has the basic American
Christian identity also been stolen
by the same Zionist movement??
Remember the America that was once
respected and loved by most?
Have foreign lobbies and influence of the
corrupt zionist syndicate become the
occupiers of our governments, local,
state, and federal ? Are our universities
also becoming occupied by the foreign
Zionist movement?

How nieve Americans have become, totally
deficient in worldly wisdom or informed judgement. OPEN your eyes and ears.

The ZOA Campus Activism Network publishes a national student pro-Israel magazine, The College Zionist.

down the Wall. New book coming soon .


Anonymous said...


There is no money available to secure our borders, when we have the most illegal immigrants of any nation in the world.
Americans are very concerned about OUR
security, but is our government? Seems
they are more concerned about their donors
from the Middle East and their security.

How is it that we can afford to give Israel the
money to build illegal walls around land not belonging to them ??

How is it we can give Egypt the money to build
steel walls to block aid to Palestine??

How is it that we can give Israel a total of
$140 BILLION dollars in direct aid.
Another $15 BILLION in military aid.

Egypt the second largest recipient of USA
tax-payer money at $64 BILLION.

Our national debt for USA tax-payers $11.6
TRILLION dollars. Of that how much of it
benefited the Middle East more then the
USA citizens???

We will have to take our Country back from
the corrupt that allowed it ALL to take place.

Hold our government representatives responsible.

Anonymous said...



Do you ever wonder about where the control of our
financial institutions, including Wall Street remains .

Monopolies in America:

Federated, they own all of the major department stores in America, many of which are in the same mall. This diminishes the chance of any competition. Also, Walmart is probably one of the biggest monopolies in America. They come into neighborhoods, offer jobs at minimum wage and put all the ‘mom and pop’ stores out of business, making it nearly impossible to buy from anybody but them.

They are so powerful they spend twenty four hours a day working out how they can alliminate the other to define themselves as a few. Mc Donalds, Micro Soft, Bank owners and the Wall Street Market. Kentucky Fried Chicken, all major companies, they work into gether and take out the weakest link. But if you want to get serious you can include the Bush family, Rockafella family,Binladin family, and of course the Rothchild family which are all linked to the National security bank. They run the world and they are the main players in the world. The others go under them. A secret society and they run the show. They push the buttons and then sit back and watch the game run on its own. And the money just keeps growing in the bank.

Monopolies continued:

According to these reports, Madoff was the chief financier for a vast Israeli spy and sabotage network set up by former Israeli Security Agency (Shin Bet) director Jacob Perry (Yaakov Peri) who `transformed’ himself into one of America’s most powerful businessman and led what FSB sources call the “Murderous/Fatal Gang of 7″ which references the leaders of this American-Israeli cabal who besides Madoff and Perry include:
Henry Taub, Hungarian born American-Israeli who created the giant United States payroll company ADP which continues to funnel to Israeli intelligence services financial records for nearly every US citizen.
Maurice Greenberg, American-Israeli who was the former chairman and CEO of American International Group (AIG), the World’s 18th largest public company and its largest insurance and financial services corporation which has (so far) funneled over $180 billion in US taxpayer money directly to Israel.
Larry Silverstein, the American-Israeli billionaire who secured a lease for the World Trade Center buildings in New York on July 24, 2001, insured them for $3.55 billion spread among 24 different insurance companies, and after their destruction 2 months later on 9/11 collected $4.55 billion for Israel.
Mort Zuckerman, Canadian born American-Israeli billionaire who through his vast publishing empire has direct control over 70 percent of the news reported in the United States.
Edouard de Rothschild, French born American-Israeli member of the all powerful European Rothschild Banking Empire and director of the Rothschild & Cie Banque reported by the FSB to hold nearly 80% of the wealth stolen by Israel from the United States Government and its citizens.