Vowing to fight eviction, Frank Torres barricaded himself in his foreclosed house in Carson, Calif., for several hours last week. As resistance to foreclosure evictions grows among homeowners, community leaders and some law enforcement officials,
a broad civil disobedience campaign is starting in several American cities to support families who refuse orders to vacate their homes.
The community organizing group ACORN introduced the campaign with a spirited rally last week in Brooklyn, New York, and will roll it out in at least 22 other cities in coming weeks. Through phone trees, Web pages and text-messaging networks, the effort will connect families facing eviction with volunteers who will stand at their side as officers arrive, even if it means risking arrest.
"You want to haul us out to jail? Fine. Let the world see how government has been ineffective," Bertha Lewis, ACORN's chief organizer, said in an interview.
have helped banks, but they haven't helped families in the way that it's needed, and these families are now saying, enough is enough."
Sheriffs in some places have also taken a stand. In Wayne County in Michigan, Sheriff Warren Evans suspended all evictions starting Feb. 2 until the federal government implements a plan to help homeowners facing foreclosures.
banks are using gov't bailout funds to pay lobbyists to work against the pending mortgage adjustment legislation...,
banks are using gov't bailout funds to pay lobbyists to work against the pending mortgage adjustment legislation...,
It's a genuine existential battle line forming right before our eyes..,
create economic crash -> people riot -> justifies MP police state
50+ years of Jewish meddling coming to fruition now, folks!
DV, every time it gets thick and rank with the stench of stupid, reptile, and ass..., you should break out a bubble-pack of hypertiger wisdom to clear the air....,
Boy, I tell ya - tha game done changed. Because of the recession, America is becoming more populist, and things that would be unthinkable a year ago are now supported by the general public.
I don't know State.
"more populist'?
Were the passengers of the Titanic becoming "more populist" as they scrambled for life boats to avoid the chill of the North Atlantic?
Excuse me Mr. Denmark:
Could you detail for me WHAT Bernie Madoff has been ALLOWED to keep per a LEGAL PROCEEDING that has been conducted yet to take it from him while he REFUSED to yield?
What about the PROCESS of eviction for non-payment did these ACORN supporters have their rights violated?
It is ironic that Madoff will go to jail for what he did while you are arguing that these people who failed to pay their mortgage should commit illegal acts.
I think that YOU and cnulan only need to OWN SOMETHING and have someone TAKE IT for you to match your rhetoric with reality.
If I am not mistaken - my good friend cnulan owns some rental property (or was it Black Ugly John?)
ronald, ronald, ronald...,
silly rabbit, some of us actually embrace "wild west" standards of personal rights enforcement.
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