Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Intellectual Acuity + Keen Insight = A Rare & Daring Honesty

ThorDaddy said...
Casper is given to the idea that homosexuality is primarily about attraction to the same as opposed to an aversion to the normal.

That's why both sides can be accused of being conformists.

Being heterosexual is rational and not necessarily intelligent until one is given to recognize its essence. Then heterosexuality becomes a spiritual pursuit and as such requires one to apply his intelligence.

Being homosexual is irrational and only finds positive value by denying its real motivation.
It covers its emnity towards idealized heterosexuality with the media-generated image of homosexual "love." This "love" may be genuine, but it is neither "rational" nor the prime motivator of the active homosexual.

And in the game of rational versus irrational, it becomes clear that homosexuality does not contain any characteristics that would signify or indicate "intelligence." That's how I read DV???


CNu said...

DV, "thordaddy" is an unreformed white supremacist knucklehead named Josh Farst who used to haunt the beige bell curve boy's blog.

He posts through a cheesy motel chain's firewall in southern california. Here's a more accurate facsimile of your boy "thordaddy" than Jim Brown.

You never cease to attract the highest calibre of confederates with your anti-homosexual diatribes....,

Denmark Vesey said...


I don't give a fuck if he is the Grand Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and wears a Fuck Obama button on his lapel.

What he said in this post is intellectually aggressive and insightful.

I don't need white boys to "like me" in order to exchange ideas and perspective.

"Casper is given to the idea that homosexuality is primarily about attraction to the same as opposed to an aversion to the normal."

Truth has no color race or politics. It's just the truth.

CNu said...

Nah DV,

This isn't about truth or insight, it's about specious validation of one of your own deep-seated prejudices.

The fact that farst and turdy exemplify the only types that you can muster to go along with you on this type-a-shyte, should be cause to pause...,

Anonymous said...

"And in the game of rational versus irrational, it becomes clear that homosexuality does not contain any characteristics that would signify or indicate "intelligence." That's how I read DV??? "

George Walker Bush married to Barbara Bush

Richard Bruce Cheney married to Lynee Cheney

Bernard Madoff married to Ruth Madoff

Alan Greenspan married to Andrea Mitchell

Need I continue with your claim of hetero vs. homo intelligence B.S.??

Or does the word bigot or KKK ring a bell?

Anonymous said...

"Truth has no color race or politics. It's just the truth."

In fact, the only way for real racial tolerance is if everyone put aside their self-identity racial biases and just stood for the truth together.

I mean, if a Black Muslim, President of Iran, Reptilian "conspiracy theorist," Ron Paul Libertarians and Klan members can all agree on Jews being one of the roots of all evil in this world - isn't that a beautiful thing? So many diverse groups converging in harmony upon the same truth - even from various "countradicting" agendas? Isn't this what the world needs more of?

Instead of yet more racially-correct but anti-truth rhetoric?

But Cnu's ranking over race over truth is ironically racially-divisive and furthering the divide, more than narrowing it.

Anonymous said...

^ Oh yea, and let me add Catholic Bishop in there too! :D

Basically, everyone exept for brainwashed Americans!

Anonymous said...

"I don't give a fuck if he is the Grand Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and wears a Fuck Obama button on his lapel."

Speaks volumes!.. The man with the former slave Denmark Vesey moniker in bed with the slave master. The "Blackest Man on the Planet" Huh! Pull the curtain back like in the Wizard of OZ... to find a little white dude maybe. Hyprocrisy!?

CNu said...

I mean, if a Black Muslim, President of Iran, Reptilian "conspiracy theorist," Ron Paul Libertarians and Klan members can all agree on Jews being one of the roots of all evil in this world - isn't that a beautiful thing?


Nah turdy, here's a beautiful thing....., sadly, Samuel the chemist was too kind.

Denmark Vesey said...

cnulan said...

I mean, if a Black Muslim, President of Iran, Reptilian "conspiracy theorist," Ron Paul Libertarians and Klan members can all agree on Jews being one of the roots of all evil in this world - isn't that a beautiful thing?



CNu, Now, come on Bra. Give My Favorite White boy some props on that one.

That shit was hilarious.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Speaks volumes!.. The man with the former slave Denmark Vesey moniker in bed with the slave master. The "Blackest Man on the Planet" Huh! Pull the curtain back like in the Wizard of OZ... to find a little white dude maybe. Hyprocrisy!?" Casper


Calm down Casper.

You going to bust a vein in your forehead or something.

Look man. Yet again, you miss the point. So let me slow it down to your level.

Attacking the messenger strengthens the message.

I notice both you and our very own Group Identity Policeman CNu, have completely ducked the substance of Thors' (that's funny even typing) point.

Yeah, you mumbled something ridiculous about George Bush, but you didn't address him.

In fact, the white boy grabbed you in your intellectual collar, and you didn't respond adequately. You want play slave vs. slave master.

Well that aint my shit Negro.

Prove the racist wrong. Make your point and let it stand on it's on merit.



CNu said...

Being heterosexual is rational and not necessarily intelligent until one is given to recognize its essence. Then heterosexuality becomes a spiritual pursuit and as such requires one to apply his intelligence.

Alright magne,

Since even a stopped clock is right twice a day, I'll grant that a grain of truth appeared in Farst's comment.

But I'll bet you a gentleman's dollar that he's totally incapable of further expounding on this grain. I'll bet that you can't do very much with it either - because the grain of truth isn't what excited you as much as his "validation" of your bias.

Anonymous said...

"What he said in this post is intellectually aggressive and insightful."

Wait one GOT DAMM! minute... You align yourself with some bullshit from a person who was called on his real agenda! RACIST and you want me to argue some intellectual point. NO MOFO you argue how you and a RACIST see eye to eye.. That's the real story here. I think it speaks volumes that you think more like a Skin Head than a Black Panther! or "God's Son"

Big Man said...

Birdeye really does not like Jews. It's amazing how every post contains something about them. That's a fixation.

Me, I don't think Jews are the root of evil. Man is the root of evil. The love of money is the root of evil. But, I ain't gonna throw that burden on the Jews.

Big Man said...


I'm sure racists agree with some of the stuff I believe.

What I'm gonna do, change my entire belief structure so that nobody I think is scum can agree with me?

Maybe they just see the truth in some of messages, while their idiocy prevents them froms grasping everything I say.

If CNulan understands the way racism in America works, but thinks I'm an idiot for believing in Jesus, should I refuse to acknowledge his points on racism? That doesn't make much sense.

Sometimes folks are right, sometimes folks are wrong. That's life.

Denmark Vesey said...

" because the grain of truth isn't what excited you as much as his "validation" of your bias." CNu

That's where you don't know me Craig. I'm not seeking group validation. I'm an elitist. I think I'm better than most people.

It frees me up from the need to be among the herd.

Words don't validate.

Experience validates.

So I'll 'expound upon your little grain' right here and now by contrasting the essential product of the heterosexual experience - Life


the essential product of the homosexual experience - Death

The more intelligent choice is self evident.

Anonymous said...

Big Man
"What I'm gonna do, change my entire belief structure so that nobody I think is scum can agree with me?"

Big Man.. Define Intelligence?

Then explain how one's sexual preference defines their level of intellect? Then explain to us how everyone who you think is hetero.. how you know what there real sex life may be? You can't and no-one on this board can. So therefore, the B.S. argument is only a smokescreen for certain people (DV) who are to cowardly to just state they HATE HOMO's!

Denmark Vesey said...


What's the matter man?

You are not taking any of this personally are you?

You completely skipped Big Man's point.

Anonymous said...

Nah... just how we get down in my hood... never that... just trying to cut to the chase... I want his direct input on the original topic. I know cats are sitting on the sidelines. While we entertain ;)

CNu said...

If CNulan understands the way racism in America works, but thinks I'm an idiot for believing in Jesus, should I refuse to acknowledge his points on racism?

Big Man, I've never in my life believed anyone is an idiot for believing in or following the teachings of the Christ.

OTOH - I absolutely abhor a large segment of the population that has shown itself utterly incapable of understanding, much less exemplifying those teachings, and, who mistake their own narcissism for Christian morality.

Christianity is easily one of the most difficult and demanding religious praxis known to mankind.

Very few are able to do anything more than to aspire to become a Christian.

Too many not even knowing what it would mean to aspire to the thing, walk around and proudly boast of having accomplished the thing.

Lying to others and lying to oneself about something as difficult and demanding as Christianity is spiritual murder-suicide....,

CNu said...

So I'll 'expound upon your little grain' right here and now by contrasting the essential product of the heterosexual experience - Life

deep...., NOT!!!

As has been clearly demonstrated - the fleshly life as a thing in itself is a crass and potentially disgusting commodity bought/sold/traded/trafficked by the lowest and least qualified common denominator like so much high-fructose corn syrup....,

If you want to make a case for heterosexuality as an elite spiritual pursuit, I hope you've got something better than that up your sleeve brah.

Cause from where I sit, all I'm seeing is validation of bias from a highly dubious source.

CNu said...

C'mon..., let's get it started.

1 Corinthians 11:11 (King James Version)

11Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

CNu said...

Being heterosexual is rational and not necessarily intelligent until one is given to recognize its essence. Then heterosexuality becomes a spiritual pursuit and as such requires one to apply his intelligence.

You must learn to distinguish among at least three kinds of love: instinctive love, emotional love, and conscious love. There is not much fear that you cannot learn the first two, but the third is rare and depends upon effort as well as intelligence.

Denmark Vesey said...

Naaaaaaaaaa Na Na Na Craig.

Life is a disgusting commodity?

Whey Dem Bumbaclot get dat frum?

What kind of conversation can we have predicated upon that Malthusian nonsense?

And since we haven't seen your rejection of Brother ThorDaddy's original premise - only a snide acknowledgment of it's inherent merit - we can assume you agree with White Nazi Anti-Semite Skinhead Conservative Racist Litterbug or whatever Group Identity Label you need to pin on him?

Denmark Vesey said...

"and conscious love. There is not much fear that you cannot learn the first two, but the third is rare and depends upon effort as well as intelligence." CNu

Please point to an example of two men who have achieved "conscious love" ... and then go fuck each other in the ass.

CNu said...

Please point to an example of two men who have achieved "conscious love" ... and then go fuck each other in the ass.

rotflmbao...., whew!!!

Anonymous said...

"Group Identity Label"

Whats more Group Identify in numbers...

Gay/Homo/Lesbian or Anti-Gay/Homophobe?

Me think your more part of Group Identity then you want to admit... Thus making you a conformist!

Anonymous said...

Please point to an example of two men who have achieved "conscious love" ... and then go fuck each other in the ass.

I find it disturbing that your only constant description of homosexuals are men fucking each other...Never an issue with women licking the split! But then again you don't really care about women! My bad! Let the ass beating commence!

CNu said...

Josh Farst's original premise that aroused Denmark Vesey's inner skinhead;

Being homosexual is irrational and only finds positive value by denying its real motivation. It covers its emnity towards idealized heterosexuality with the media-generated image of homosexual "love." This "love" may be genuine, but it is neither "rational" nor the prime motivator of the active homosexual.

While I believe he meant to write "enmity" - I'm absolutely certain that it was this specific, unsubstantiated piece of homo-bashing sophistry that you seized upon in order to justify your own deep-seated animosity.

The burden of proof that this is true falls on the two of you - he who made the assertion - and he who ate it up like it was manna from heaven.

And since we haven't seen your rejection of Brother ThorDaddy's original premise - only a snide acknowledgment of it's inherent merit - we can assume you agree with White Nazi Anti-Semite Skinhead Conservative Racist Litterbug or whatever Group Identity Label you need to pin on him?

I'm still waiting for either one of you to elaborate on the hetero-positive fragment that he lucked up on. I won't be holding my breath, however, because neither one of you has anything more substantive to say on that topic.

Anonymous said...

"I find it disturbing that your only constant description of homosexuals are men fucking each other...Never an issue with women licking the split!"

Well, the Bible only speaks against male homosexuality, not lesbianism.

So, given that the majority of Americans (including Obama and possibly yourself) are Christians - then you must be severely disturbed living here.

Denmark Vesey said...

I'm still waiting for either one of you to elaborate on the hetero-positive fragment that he lucked up on. I won't be holding my breath, however, because neither one of you has anything more substantive to say on that topic." CNu


Craig. I think I've elaborated about as much as I need to elaborate.

Heterosexuality produces life.

Homosexuality produces death.

Now homosexuals and the social engineers who promote it can do whatever they wish - but forcing society to behave as if the only difference between the two is a matter of ... preference ... is a LIE.

It is DUMB.

It is patently FALSE.


Now you can talk in riddles and circles all you want, Craig, but you are going to have to come up with something better than Nazis and Skinheads share the determination to reject Homo Propaganda.

CNu said...

Nah DV, actually I don't.

See, this two-legged piece of trash strolled up in my joint trying to make the same argument about Black partisanship.

IOW - he swore up and down that my openly professed love for the culture that loved and nurtured me was the equivalent of [sic] "emnity" for white folks. Furthermore, he demanded that I prove to him that I don't harbor enmity toward "his people".

Phuk all-a-that.

The fact that you've uncritically assumed an identical position wrt homosexuality is more than enough to put you in a pair of Doc Martens and red suspenders.

There ain't a dayyum thing elite about that....,

Anonymous said...

Well, the Bible only speaks against male homosexuality, not lesbianism.

Who wrote the Bible?

Anonymous said...

"Heterosexuality produces life.

Homosexuality produces death."

Oh really!

How many military and Iraqi civilians have been killed since the Bush invasion? 100,000 maybe?

So are Bush and Cheney gay and your the only person who knows this?? Come on dude... You can do better than this dumb shit!

Anonymous said...

"but forcing society to behave as if the only difference between the two is a matter of ... preference ... is a LIE."

Who exactly is coming to your house and by gun point forcing you to bend over... Who! Tell me. I will call some really badass chicks to come kick their asses for you!

CNu said...


Don't ask, don't tell..., LOL!!!!

Casper, you better ring the bell and dismiss these cats from school the way you been hurtin heads up in here today!

Denmark Vesey said...

"The fact that you've uncritically assumed an identical position wrt homosexuality" CNu


I don't know what you are talking about.

But it sounds like more of that Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend idiocy.

I have a hard time understanding the language of cats who equate the experience of black Americans to the experience of a disparate random group of sexual perverts masquerading as "a people".

Homosexuality, like heterosexuality, is a behavior. Not an ethnic group.

Which is the inherent flaw of you practitioners of the religion of Group Identity.

Anybody can become a group with enough marketing.

That's how they fooled ya Craig.

They elevated butt Fucking to the same level as 10,000 years of blackness.

And you bought into it, because some people who don't like blacks don't like faggots either.

CNu said...

I don't know what you are talking about.

Ohhhh yes you do.

But it sounds like more of that Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend idiocy.

Only to one pretending that homosexual preference is elective rather than innate.

Homosexuality is as innate as stupidity.

Homosexuality, like heterosexuality, is a behavior. Not an ethnic group.

Homosexuality, like heterosexuality - is an innate set of predispositions.

Blackness - OTOH - is a culture and not an ethnicity. We are VASTLY more hetergeneous than any other folks in America.

Anybody can become a group with enough marketing.

Sho's you right, including the wildly heterogeneous folk called "Black". If it's biology you're arguing for Blacks and against homosexuals, then you lost that argument before you even began.

They elevated butt Fucking to the same level as 10,000 years of blackness.

When the day comes you can trace a cluster of African logic, language, and values back 10,000 years - please let me know. The uniquely American cultural formation known as "Blackness" is a whole lot younger than any of that.

And you bought into it, because some people who don't like blacks don't like faggots either.

Nah, homosexuals do me and mine no harm whatsoever. OTOH - we have to struggle with the stupid on a daily basis. Consequently, I hate stupid. It's an incurable condition that contaminates the climate of human consciousness for those of us with higher aspirations.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Only to one pretending that homosexual preference is elective rather than innate. Homosexuality is as innate as stupidity." CNu

Yup. And so is pedophilia. So is beastiality. Don't want to see that shit in my living room either.

According to your Gay Propaganda template that means I hate people who practice beastiality.


They can screw dudes or dogs, doesn't matter to me.

Just. Don't. Tell. Me. It's. The. Same. As The Relationship Between Me and My Wife. Or the same as the relationship between you and your wife.


But it is different.

Viva La Difference

All the rest is propaganda produced by the same Eugenicists and Rockefeller Foundation psychopaths who are shooting High Definition Domestic Violence Videos referencing the Chris Brown and Rihanna story as we speak.

"Homosexuality, like heterosexuality - is an innate set of predispositions." CNu

No Craig. Homosexuality is two men fucking each other in the ass.

Put the white boy books down for a minute.

It's a pscyhological disorder that causes an organism not to behave in it's biological self interest.

Not a crime. A quirk. A Disorder.

Some of the most beautiful human beings in the world, have also happened to this particular disorder.

So what. Doesn't take away from their marvelous humanity. I can love Miles Davis with "accepting" heroin addiction.

Why can't I love James Baldwin without "accepting" sodomy?

CNu said...

It's a pscyhological disorder that causes an organism not to behave in it's biological self interest.


We've already covered this ground, and if it didn't serve a valid and highly useful purpose it would've been selected out of the human species so long ago that there wouldn't be a single trace of it anymore.

The simple fact that it's a human behavioral universal tells us beyond any doubt that it's a useful variation conferring great selective advantage.

So what. Doesn't take away from their marvelous humanity. I can love Miles Davis with "accepting" heroin addiction.

Why can't I love James Baldwin without "accepting" sodomy?

By your boy Josh Farst's logic, neither one of us can love Black folks because it will predispose us to supremacist hatred of his'n.

Go into any gay bar in any city in America. Go into any skinhead ratskellar in any city in America. In which of these will you find yourself at risk of great bodily harm?

Denmark Vesey said...

"Go into any gay bar in any city in America. Go into any skinhead ratskellar in any city in America. In which of these will you find yourself at risk of great bodily harm?"


I wouldn't be in bodily harm in either place.

Unless I touched glass in the Gay bar or sat bare ass on the toilet.

I'd have a beer. Introduce myself as the blackest man in America. Introduce my wife. Talk to the skinheads about the real cause of WWII, genetics, farming, military history, hunting or flyfishing.

I'd talk to the faggots ... oops. ... the Gays, about food, travel, Brioni vs Prada or the timeless appeal of Biedermeier furniture.

If the subject of propaganda comes up, I'm going to let the homos know I peep what the lobby does - IN THEIR NAME.

Just like I would expect the skinheads to point out that Jews financed the NAACP and choreographic the so-called Civil Rights Movement.

But the Skinheads aren't pushing books in my kids school or lobbying the government for $300 Million to produce man hating propaganda.

The skinheads aren't forcing Christian Ministers to virtually apologize for being Christians under the threat of being declared persona non grata and barred from reading the invocation at Presidential swearing in ceremonies.

Big Man said...

Couple of additions.

Romans speaks on lesbianism. That's for Birdeye, who wants to try to complain about one thing and give a wink-wink to the other.



You mentioned the thing about non productive biological traits being self-selected out humanity long ago. Can't get with that. Humans have many, MANY sexual traits that are not positive and do not help the species reproduce. I think DV mentioned two of them in his comments about his problems with homosexuality.

However, I think that DV is being dishonest. He's not on some live and let live shit as long as folks don't try to force me to think the way they do. After all, nobody can FORCE you to think anything. That shit is always a choice, even if you're indoctrinated young.

So, I can get with DV on his thoughts that homosexuality is the result of genetic deviation from the norm. Makes sense to me. But, I can't get with him on this idea that anybody can force you to think a certain way just by advancing certain ideas. They can persuade you, they can trick, but they can't force you.

Now, I think DV is right when he says that a certain agenda is being pushed regarding homosexuality that equates it with blackness and co-opts the black struggle for the gay struggle. I don't care for this. I think it's dishonest and it's not a good comparison. And I understand why DV complains about it.

But, I think he spends a tad bit too much time talking about the whole subject. However, it is his blog and he should write about what interests him, the same way I do at my spot.

CNu said...

Attorney General Eric Holder: We're cowards on race...,

You'd be much more convincing if you'd ever been in a fight with a skinhead brah, or even with a dude for that matter.

However, I'll take you at your word about the affectatious banter with the gay boys.., only cat I know with a picture of a phukking shoe up on his blogs sidebar - when it comes to the gay eye for the straight guy type shit, I believe you know EXACTLY what you talkin bout.

CNu said...

You mentioned the thing about non productive biological traits being self-selected out humanity long ago. Can't get with that. Humans have many, MANY sexual traits that are not positive and do not help the species reproduce.

Big Man, you up on topics under the rubric of evolutionary psychology?

I ask because you're approaching the phenomenon in question somewhat too linearly. By reducing the problem space to a simple, linear, process of sexual procreation, you've neglected the crucial fact that we are a fundamentally social species - and that individual sexual selection is part of a larger tapestry of group selection processes.

Now, if even haplo-diploidy insects (hive-dwelling, social, cousin-kin ants, termites, bees, wasps, etc..,) have complex, non-linear reproductive optimization strategies, focused on group rather than individual genetic outcomes, then it only stands to reason that you would observe many of the same types of patterns among other more complex social organisms.

If you're interested, I'd be happy to recommend some literature. You might try anything from E.O. Wilson or perhaps D.V.'s tacit guru Richard Dawkins who coined the term "meme" to describe self-replicating cognitive traits.

Wilson in particular is interesting because he and his cohort have recently had to revisit their thoughts on multi-level selection. I just now searched my blog for E.O. Wilson and the second article from the top Rethinking the Theoretical Foundations of Sociobiology is a fairly recent Wilson joint and rather much a peach when it comes to the topic in question.

Check it out and please let me know your thoughts.

Thordaddy said...


You're like the asshole calling the "butthole" black... LOL!

I've been on quite a search looking for anything substantial carefully explaining your non-racist racist theory of white supremacy. It must be at least 20 years in the making and you're still peddling only bits and pieces. I figure by the time you're done actually explaining your theory it will come via two papers... One contradicting the other just as you attempt to give a "genetic" basis to "white supremacy."

Man, you might just be the biggest black-hater of them all with a pursuit like that?

Isn't it time to put some of your "dopamine hegemony" predictions to experimental test?

Just answer these questions...?

What is the essence of "heterosexuality" and can it be idealized?

Does the notion that the homosexual mutation "was chosen" by a select environment give rise to the idea that homosexuality has the characteristic of "intelligence?"

CNu said...

Fisher and Mills played fetch with thordaddy last year. For any interested in how that went, go here. For dedicated dog-lovers among you, feel free to carry on with this mutt directly by whichever channel you prefer.

Josh T. Farst
PO Box 91360
San Diego, CA 92169
Email: thor1323@aol.com

Thordaddy said...


You're puny... All that MIT brain and only one blog dedicated to what "others" write. Are these your "predictions?" LOL!

When will you prove that "whites" are superior via genetics and hence "explain" the phenomenon of "white supremacy?"

Uncle Tom ain't got nothing on you, homeboy!


You've proven my point. The motivation to embrace homosexuality is rooted in an aversion to and rejection of heterosexuality especially the idealized form.

Logically, it couldn't be any other way. Well, it could, but then one wouldn't really be homosexual, would he?

Thordaddy said...


Even a fool can see that Nulan embraces your homosexuality because it will kill you. Read his work... He's more friendly to the radical-right than you could ever imagine.

Along with his jive hustle partner, Michael "I am not a member of a biological black race" Fisher, these two jokers masquerade as black partisans, but in actuality despise inferior blacks and both work vigorously to prove their superiority to such persons. They even, if you read their work carefully enough, attempt to manipulate such illerate-minded fellas into what appears to be a call for violence?

He despises you and that's why he loves your homosexuality. Get it, white boy?

Denmark Vesey said...

Well well well, Thordaddy.

Welcome to the blog.

I see you and CNu have met.

I take it he has yet to reply to your 'friend' request on Facebook.

I liked that little piece you dropped the other day. I found it an elegant and rare acknowledgment of the obvious.

"an aversion to and rejection of heterosexuality especially the idealized form. "

Good stuff.

Denmark Vesey said...

"I ask because you're approaching the phenomenon in question somewhat too linearly. By reducing the problem space to a simple, linear, process of sexual procreation, you've neglected the crucial fact that we are a fundamentally social species - and that individual sexual selection is part of a larger tapestry of group selection processes.

Now, if even haplo-diploidy insects (hive-dwelling, social, cousin-kin ants, termites, bees, wasps, etc..,) have complex, non-linear reproductive optimization strategies, focused on group rather than individual genetic outcomes, then it only stands to reason that you would observe many of the same types of patterns among other more complex social organisms.

If you're interested, I'd be happy to recommend some literature. You might try anything from E.O. Wilson or perhaps D.V.'s tacit guru Richard Dawkins who coined the term "meme" to describe self-replicating cognitive traits.

Wilson in particular is interesting because he and his cohort have recently had to revisit their thoughts on multi-level selection. I just now searched my blog for E.O. Wilson and the second article from the top Rethinking the Theoretical Foundations of Sociobiology is a fairly recent Wilson joint and rather much a peach when it comes to the topic in question." CNulan

Get 'em Craig.

that brotha is the baddest muhfuggah on the internet.

Remind me of a young Ali.

Thordaddy said...

Nulan opines,

[W]e are a fundamentally social species...

Which is why we have historically rejected homosexuality. It is anti-social.

CNu said...

Dog Homosexuality: Homosexuality does not exist in dogs; it is simply the owner's interpretation. When the male mounts another male, it is not for mating, but a social ritual which leads to establishing the rules of domination.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Which is why we have historically rejected homosexuality. It is anti-social." Thor

Uh Oh.

Quarry has Ali on the ropes.

CNu said...

As much as it pains your "elite" appetite for entertainment, you really should consider becoming a responsible dog owner DV...,

Denmark Vesey said...

"only cat I know with a picture of a phukking shoe up on his blogs sidebar" CNulan

I'm the only cat you know who does a lot of shit.

And it aint a shoe nerd. It's a work of art.

At least when I rock em.

Denmark Vesey said...

cnulan said...

As much as it pains your "elite" appetite for entertainment, you really should consider becoming a responsible dog owner DV...,

Quit frontin' Craig.

You scared of the white boys.

That's why you keep ducking them with disjointed cryptic ad hominem, pandering accusations of ideological partisanship and P.O. Box information.

Don't run. Deal:

"Which is why we have historically rejected homosexuality. It is anti-social." Thor

Either address dude's point or concede.

I'm starting to think you're a little embarrassed that you've been championing psychobabble nonsense and ridiculous notions of Group Identity masquerading as science.

CNu said...


my man DV gots no poker game what.so.ever..,

that "queer eye for the straight guy" comment hit you exactly where you live...,

CNu said...

I'm the only cat you know who does a lot of shit.

And it aint a shoe nerd. It's a work of art.


if you say so sweetums...,

CNu said...

Don't run. Deal:
"Which is why we have historically rejected homosexuality. It is anti-social." Thor
Either address dude's point or concede.

aight, aight..,

I concede that;

1. a brother I intermittently hold highly intelligent conversations with in the real world

2. talks so much ridiculous anti-homosexual shit in his imaginary online "denmark vesey" world

3. that the only "person" he can get to back up his ridiculous nonsense in the imaginary world - is a moronic, tile-laying so-cal skinhead who posts hateful drivel online as the equally imaginary hateful character "thordaddy"

but I digress.

what exactly was "thordaddy's" point "denmark"?

CNu said...

I'm starting to think you're a little embarrassed that you've been championing psychobabble nonsense and ridiculous notions of Group Identity masquerading as science.

I'm Cnu across the entire multiverse son.

I spit truth like you make believe muhphukkaz spit halitosis.

Blackest man on the Internet...,

was you drunk when you posted this shit?!?!?!?!?!

CNu said...

I've had a long, but exceptionally successful day today. Suffice it to say that a brother's struggles are at an end - and life is suddenly very, very good - so I'm feeling expansive.

Now I have to go away for a little while and enjoy a celebratory dinner with my people.

When I get back to this, I hope you will have sobered up and had time to organize your thoughts.

At that time, school will once again be in session. Please come prepared with intelligent questions.

p.s., don't go trying to put your little nasty-assed, ignorant dog out in front to catch the coon thrashing that you've invited on yourself. I already told you I don't eat with, talk with, or otherwise interact with dogs.

Denmark Vesey said...

"talks so much ridiculous anti-homosexual shit in his imaginary online "denmark vesey" world" CNulan

anti-homosexual shit? imaginary?

I'm more real online than most muhfuggas are in flesh and blood. Ask those who have experienced both.

Craig. You should stop. Your inner-conformist is showing.


Whey dem bumbaclot get dat frum?

How can one be "anti-homo-sexual"?

Is that like being "anti-attention deficit disorder"?

Told you before and you still pretending like you don't hear me. (which speaks loudly)

Deconstructing the fraud of homosexual Group Identity, exposes the process of societal engineering and the mass hypnosis which produces a manufactured reality.

If you can convince people that two men can marry and be parents, you can convince them of anything.

They can do whatever. But don't punish me for not calling it "marriage" and "family".

Congrats on your day. Sounds like you got busy. Do your thing.

When you get back, stop coming up with excuses for ducking the white boys.

If they were on a blog calling you a "dog", you and Al Sharpton would be on Good Morning America tomorrow talking about "Raysizum Iz Still Alive!"

CNu said...

When you get back, stop coming up with excuses for ducking the white boys.

DV, my differences with your toe-licking pets are existential.

There's nothing whatsoever for us to talk about.

If two of us go into a room in the real world, only one of us will come out.

What part of that don't you understand?

If they were on a blog calling you a "dog",

It's a free country brah.., ain't a dayyum thing stopping them from saying whatever they want.

Undercover Black Man said...

Suffice it to say that a brother's struggles are at an end - and life is suddenly very, very good -

Hit that lotto, bruh?

Anonymous said...

Are we talking $50 scratch-off?

CNu said...


I know it's morning undercovers, but brush, floss, gargle - and then wash your face with soap dood - something kinda assy in there with your usual penis breath....,

(anonymous, be sure and wash thoroughly down south next time, ok?)