Tuesday, February 24, 2009

If Objecting To The Destruction of A Child Before It Is Born Makes Me A "Bibtard", Well Kiss My Bibtard Ass

Cnulan said ...
The bibtard phenomenon is as real and dangerous as I've called it out to be - principally because of the real dangerous politics of the folks who organized, funded, and ruthlessly exploit these malleable atavisms who are incapable of being reasoned with.

You on the other hand, are a specialist in handwavy signal noise fully and completely incapable of even articulating why you claim to believe a fraction of the things you claim to believe.
Your polemical use of "unborn child" didn't go unnoticed btw. Your dominionist co-religionist Mahndisa goes so far as to pretend that an undifferentiated clump of cells is an "unborn child" - so there's really no end to how reactionary and ignorant the bibtard mind is capable of pretending to be - pursuant to the theocratic political agenda of the unscrupulous sadducees and pharisees manipulating it.

Denmark Vesey said ...
Didn't go unnoticed? Negro I didn't write it to go unnoticed. What the hell do you call something 23 weeks old with a heart beat and finger nails in it's mother's womb?

That wannabe scientific shit you poppin' is border line sorcery mixed with a little technology and medieval alchemy. What you call the Christian Right is the Hegelian counterpart to your Secular Left. You are both controlled by the same puppet masters and herded to a predetermined Luciferian outcome. Yeah, yeah I know you went to church when you were a kid. It was probably Lucifered up by then anyway.

The observable truth is my God. Your God has you championing the destruction of unborn life and pretending grown men fucking each other in the ass is on the same spiritual plane as a marriage between a man and a woman.

I say later for all the arguing about "belief". Pick.
Thordaddy said...
Nulan splithers,

Your... co-religionist... goes so far as to pretend that an undifferentiated clump of cells is an "unborn child"

Is this any sillier than the scientist Nulan claiming these same clump of cells to be the "cure" for some of mankind's greatest diseases?

Is this an example of Nulan's trash being another Nulan's treasure?

You value abortion for the same reason you value homosexuality. It culls the palying field and you never need get your hands dirty. This is fundamental to a supremacist. You also value eugenics. What is "dopamine hegemony" other than a precursor to a eugenics program?

And so your life-long pursuit has been to seek the genetic causation of white supremacy. Go on wich ya bad self...


CNu said...

I say later for all the arguing about "belief". Pick.

laissez le bon temps roulez - up against the wall bibtard...,

"The Tragedy of the Commons" is an influential article written by Garrett Hardin and first published in the journal Science in 1968. The article describes a dilemma in which multiple individuals acting independently in their own self-interest can ultimately destroy a shared limited resource even where it is clear that it is not in anyone's long term interest for this to happen.

Central to Hardin's article is a metaphor of herders sharing a common parcel of land (the commons), on which they are all entitled to let their cows graze. In Hardin's view, it is in each herder's interest to put as many cows as possible onto the land, even if the commons is damaged as a result. The herder receives all of the benefits from the additional cows, while the damage to the commons is shared by the entire group. If all herders make this individually rational decision, however, the commons is destroyed and all herders suffer.

Anonymous said...

"it is in each herder's interest to put as many cows as possible onto the land, even if the commons is damaged as a result. The herder receives all of the benefits from the additional cows, while the damage to the commons is shared by the entire group. If all herders make this individually rational decision, however, the commons is destroyed and all herders suffer."

Precisely the Jooish plan to destroy this country by empowering various special interest minority groups at the expense of the whole (LBJ's Great Society welfare state & affirmative action to underqualified Blacks, Hispanics & feminuts and overextended loans to Blacks & Hispanics with bad credit, for example).

But in the end, the whole ship goes down under the massive debt and outsourcing caused by these Jooish policies, and ironically with rats off first...see Katrina.

CNu said...

sniff, sniff...,

Reptiles have been having their way with your backside again turdy...?

Let's see who jumps first.

Unemployed former dixiecrat bibtards with guns who can't stand having a Black president, see Waco

- or -

Compliant and grateful soon-to-be recipients of stimulus patronage who've been left to fend for themselves throughout all the many long years of republican federal patronage going exclusively to the rural, right-wing, racist fringe that's brought the country to the edge of systemic collapse.

I'm betting that you and yours are pushed up against the wall first.

Denmark Vesey said...

The Magi devised every sort of barbarity in order to please the evil spirits, such as, concocting foul portions, mixing poisons from plants or corpses and even human or child sacrifie, as the Canaanites and Israelites had been in the habit of doing for centuries to the god Baal and Moloch.

Anonymous said...

20% in LA county now on the dole...meanwhile, liberal "diversity" mecca CA is bankrupt...and our new Pres wants to spend us out of debt...lol. You see where these policies lead, and this country is headed? Remember, where CA goes, the rest of the country follows. Writing's on the wall here..

Cnu - Actually based on his sane take on our financial crisis, I woulda voted for Alan Keyes, after Ron Paul. If Ron Paul was Black, I would still have gladly voted for him, too. I did not support Obama because he is a false Pharisaic prophet, even if at least a good cop to Dubya's bad cop.

But when all you have is a hammer, all you will see are nails...

I think you have gotten caught up in the false dichotomies of race and Dem/Rep. But, what is the common denominator here? Between race-hustlers, liberals and neocons?

Well from what I've seen, Zionist Joos and their British golems. And behind them...well reptilians, if you so believe.

CNu said...


DV, I didn't know you were a pentecostal member of the Bel-Aire COGIC?

Purty shoes and holy-rolling too!!!

Will wonders never cease?

Magi (singular 'magian', 'mage', 'magus', 'magusian', 'magusaean') is a mystic whose meaning has since at least the 4th century BCE denoted a follower of Zoroaster, or rather, a follower of what the Hellenistic world associated Zoroaster with, which was – in the main – the ability to read the stars, and manipulate the fate that the stars foretold. The meaning prior to Hellenistic period is uncertain.

Pervasive throughout the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Asia until late antiquity and beyond, Greek mágos "magian" was influenced by (and eventually displaced) Greek goe-s, the older word for a practitioner of magic, to include astrology, alchemy and other "wisdom". This association was in turn the product of the Hellenistic fascination for (Pseudo-)Zoroaster, who was perceived by the Greeks to be the "Chaldean" "founder" of the Magi and "inventor" of both astrology and magic. Among the skeptical thinkers of the period, the term 'magian' acquired a negative connotation and was associated with tricksters and conjurers. This pejorative meaning survives in the words "magic" and "magician".

In English, the term "magi" is most commonly used in reference to the Gospel of Matthew's "wise men from the East", or "three wise men", though that number does not actually appear in scripture, and there are as few as two or as many as twelve in various sources. The plural "magi" entered the English language around 1200, in reference to the Biblical magi of Matthew 2:1. The singular appears considerably later, in the late 14th century, when it was borrowed from Old French in the meaning magician together with magic.

Thordaddy said...

Nulan splithers,

Your... co-religionist... goes so far as to pretend that an undifferentiated clump of cells is an "unborn child"

Is this any sillier than the scientist Nulan claiming these same clump of cells to be the "cure" for some of mankind's greatest diseases?

Is this an example of Nulan's trash being another Nulan's treasure?

You value abortion for the same reason you value homosexuality. It culls the palying field and you never need get your hands dirty. This is fundamental to a supremacist. You also value eugenics. What is "dopamine hegemony" other than a precursor to a eugenics program?

And so your life-long pursuit has been to seek the genetic causation of white supremacy. Go on wich ya bad self...

CNu said...


DV, your hairless mutt Josh made GOOD SENSE right up to that last little drunken paragraph-let...,

your life-long pursuit has been to seek


(Genetic Omni Determinism) GOD's right hand man is privy to a great many things boy.

In fact, he's forgotten vastly more than all-a-ya - putting all your little pointy heads together and pushing as hard as you possibly could - (you know, like you had to do back in the day after eating a weeks worth of that gubmint cheese) - could ever possibly know.

CNu said...

pappy hemingway is spinning in his grave at about 1500 RPM right about now...,

CNu said...

'La Sorcière' is a history of witchcraft, published in 1862. That link is to an english language translation of it for bibtards, chickenheads, and their skinhead camp followers.

In this book, Michelet portrays witches as wise peasant women who sacrifice to pre-Christian gods, gods who had fallen into the state of spirits because they and their worshippers were the victims of brutal feudal and ecclesiastical supression. 'La Sorcière' was seized from bookshops by the Napoleonic police because it scandalized the authorities and their ignorant sheep.

CNu said...

couple corollary dots...,

concerning the Inquisition then

and concerning the Inquisition recently...,

The physician-sponsored anti-midwife campaign condemned midwives as "dirty" 28 and "a relic of barbarism."29 Midwife use was common among blacks and former slaves and the campaign played on racial prejudice referring to midwives as "filthy and ignorant and not far removed from the jungles of Africa."30 The physicians also preyed upon the public's bias against the European immigrants and the growing fear of communism in proclaiming midwives "un-American."31

Pursuant to pharmacological and occult interests of my own, I helped a young woman research and prepare her graduate thesis at Harvard on the politics of the Inquisition. So I'm not coming to this from a purely coincidental angle of approach. First, it was a largely secular campaign of terrorism, second it was aided and abetted by the secret society(s) comprising barber-surgeon guild(s), third, you don't really believe that the imagery of the black man of the forest, or the two-horned god is accidental? Do you?

Denmark Vesey said...

Yeah, all that's interesting CNu.

And kind of funny.

Despite the polysyllabic charade, you prove my point.

Whether the satanic occult tradition of witchcraft and human sacrifice beats a path to the support of institutionalized child killing disguised as "science", "choice" and "reason" or whether the tradition beats a path to the opposition of abortion ... is self-evident.

CNu said...

The only thing that's funny here DV, is how little you know about the history and politics of this subject. That said, I got two more polysyllabic words for you;

seigneurial privilege

When you understand the exact nature of what that was, and why it HAD to be resisted, then you'll know a little something substantive and useful about the righteous insurgency of wise women's abortifacient wisdom and prerogatives.

btw - how many unwanted little lives have you adopted and are you currently supporting?

Never mind.

Personal responsibility didn't enter into the absurd and hypocritical rantings of the other irresponsible, reactionary narcissist either.

Thordaddy said...


You don't seem to "see" how self-evidently stupid it would be for the average civilized individual to accept your definition of what constitutes a morally and legally protected human being.

You, being both a Supremacist and a psuedo-scientist, have no business defining life because your very nature necessitates a very myopic understanding.

In short, you are oriented towards eliminating aspects of the human gene pool. And thus, your defintion serves not truth, but your very narrow agenda. You're a biological mercenary.

Anonymous said...

In short, you are oriented towards eliminating aspects of the human gene pool. And thus, your defintion serves not truth, but your very narrow agenda. You're a biological mercenary.


Denmark Vesey said...

"The only thing that's funny here DV, is how little you know about the history and politics of this subject" CNulan

What's funny is a guy with too much information and very little understanding struggling to prove he is most versed in esoteric explanations of relatively simple phenomenon.

Fuck "the" history and politics of this abortion.

Let's examine what we can freely observe:
23 week old fetuses placed in zip lock bags and discarded like rotten meat.

At $1200 a pop.

"btw - how many unwanted little lives have you adopted and are you currently supporting?"


I don't know of any "unwanted life."

It's an absurd concept.

That's another abstract political invention of the secular jihad you want to believe is "science".

The only example of unwanted life would involve suicide, not homicide.

You mention personal responsibility as you mock Nadya Suleman for giving birth to multiple children.

I don't find her behavior any more extreme or any less responsible than the woman who holds the record for abortions at 22.

CNu said...

The only example of unwanted life would involve suicide, not homicide.

um hmm...,

Why was Sycloria laying up at the abortionist?

You're a biological mercenary.

Mercenaries seek payment. This prerogative should be free of charge.

CNu said...

Come on Denmark.

You get in bed with bibtard extremists, surely you know you bout to get up with some domestic terrorist fleas?!?!?!

Don't go all quiet and punk now. Having stirred up your resident bibtards for months, I'd think you'd be ready to talk some BIG SHIT now that one of your pet extremists came into the church I grew up in and assassinated a doctor that I've known since I was a little kid.

Here goes your profile in domestic terrorist cowardice, i.e., the morons you facilitate - and here's the underlying motivation for their murderous politics.