Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Homo Media Does It's Thing To Chris Brown • Of Course The Brother Is Guilty Until Proven Innocent

And the drama with female beater Chris Brown continues!

In the aftermath of his arrest for domestic abuse, Brown has been dropped suspended from his Wrigley's gum ads and his MILK ads have also been pulled.

Now, a radio station in Cleveland, WAKS FM 96.5, has pulled all music by Chris Brown from airplay!

We agree. Some things are just not tolerable!

Pop-star Rihanna may have to undergo plastic surgery after she was allegedly assaulted by her singer boyfriend Chris Brown. The 20-year-old singer has cancelled all her 21st birthday bash plans and has gone into hiding, 'The Sun' reported.

There are reports that Rihanna's face was bruised and swollen and she suffered from a bloody nose, split lip and also had injuries on her forearm and hand, claimed the newspaper.

Brown reportedly fled the scene before surrendering to the police 13 hours later.

He was charged for making criminal threats and was freed from prison after being granted a bail of USD 50,000 Charges of domestic assault may also be filed later against Brown.

"The publicity given to male domestic violence,as opposed to the other equal or more prevalent kinds, illustrates how elite social engineers select information to shape mass perception and behavior according to the New World Order agenda. "
Casper said ...
So why did you not also include women who put a man's penis in their mouths. Is that intelligent behavoir? How about when you place your tongue on a woman's vagina... clearly next to her rectum. Is that an intelligent sex practice? Skip the rhetoric and just say your a bigot!


Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

02 11 09

They really have demonized this dude. And Michael Vick too. Madoff is not in jail for helping to further fuck up our economy but Vick and Brown have been utterly CRUCIFIED in the media. Total and utter lamery. Plain and simple.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

02 11 09

And don't get me wrong, Vick is a monstor cuz I'm a pit bull junkie! I just don't think there is balance in the media coverage, as you have aptly stated.

uglyblackjohn said...

As with Vick, it's just a case of using a high profile Black to teach the other Blacks how to acculturate.
Like the old public lynchings - where all who viewed them would become afraid that the same could happen to them.

Anonymous said...

"Madoff is not in jail for helping to further fuck up our economy but Vick and Brown have been utterly CRUCIFIED in the media."

Even if I don't agree Madoff is out on bail. Vick was out on bail prior to his trial and Mr. Brown is out on bail.

Anonymous said...

"As with Vick, it's just a case of using a high profile Black to teach the other Blacks how to acculturate."

And what was it with Phelps and ARoid, Clemens, Hilton, Anna Nicole Smith, Palin etc????

Selective memory maybe!

uglyblackjohn said...

@ Casper - Phelps is not in jail while charges are being filed against others at the same party. ARod & Clemens will see no jail time.
ANS and Palin - no jail time.
Hilton did a minute (she even got a short break on the outside) in jail.
Damn... of those you mention - only Hilton (you might add Martha Stewart) received any real punishment.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Uglyblackjohn on this one

Anonymous said...

I believe in giving and receiving respect and I'm trying to understand your perspective, DV and UBJ. It is not your responsibility to edify me, but I'd appreciate it if you would.

UBJ: When you say, "As with Vick, it's just a case of using a high profile Black to teach the other Blacks how to acculturate," I'm wondering, to what aspects of the dominant culture are the mainstream media trying to make him conform?

Also, do you believe that Vick was in fact guilty as charged/convicted (just as Madoff is and hopefully soon will be) but was unfairly and harshly demonized and persecuted compared to white ppl who committed equally heinous/worse crimes?

Or do you think that the acts of Vick and Chris Brown (w/o knowing full details) are not in fact criminal, and are the oppressive constructs of a society determined to control and subjugate its minority population? Do you think their acts do not merit punishment because they are not wrong under any law, including God's (if you believe in that sort of thing)?

Neither? Both?

Just trying to clarify the phiosophical perspectives behind what's goin on. Thx.


Anonymous said...

That's all nice and politically correct, CW. Perhaps under postmodern Derridean thinking, nothing is right or wrong, there is no true law or moral center on which to base things on, only constructs.

If you adopt that, you can classify everything as relative. There's no white or black! Race and white and black, and white culture and black culture are simply constructs used to separate and divide us, we're all the same. Aren't we? I'm black, too.

There's no good or bad or right or wrong, that's just the dominant society telling us how to behave. Cruelty, assault, even murder aren't really criminal, because crime is a system of society designed to oppress the masses.

In that case, I'm going to go hunt your dog, eat it on their front lawn, expose myself to some minors, then get drunk and drive around your favorite aunt's neighborhood at 90 mph on Sunday around 11:30 around the time when she's heading to church. Just kidding! But I can pass for white, so I'll get away with it.