Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"Domestic Violence" Propaganda The Profit & The Motive 001

The Family Place, an abuse shelter in Dallas, recently placed race-baiting advertisements on local buses. The ads depict a smiling African-American girl crowned with a tiara who innocently predicts, “One day my husband will kill me.”

The Family Place — funded to the tune of $2.9 million a year and whose director receives an annual compensation package that tops $163,000 — receives much of its funding from the federal Violence Against Women Act. (Paid Propaganda)

The Booming Domestic Violence Industry
The Social-Work Movement that Fights Domestic Violence has Grown Large on State and Federal Tax Monies
Massachusetts News

By John Maguire

All across Massachusetts, the social-work movement that fights domestic violence is booming.

Only ten years ago, the women's safety-advocates were a small group of idealists, operating on pennies. Today the movement has grown large on state and federal tax monies.

Every month, it seems, it spawns new sub-programs, clinics, shelters, research institutes, counseling centers, visitation centers, poster campaigns. The state disbursed about $24 million for domestic violence services last year, but that certainly is not all the money spent. Today domestic violence is a big industry in Massachusetts.

Mapping the full extent of the domestic-violence industry is not easy, because it's a cottage-industry, spread out in hundreds of places. State and federal money goes to well over a hundred institutes, clinics, programs for counseling or outreach or coordination or training, computer databases, coalitions, shelters, PR agencies and other groups.

"Since the 1980s the domestic violence industry has expanded at a remarkable rate, due in part
to the statistics produced as a result of self-advocacy research projects.2 Unfortunately, people
are being encouraged to complain about the most minor of slights and even encouraged into
making false allegations. Many DV applications are made purely to gain the upperhand in
forthcoming Family Court hearings."


"The domestic violence industry that promotes "women as victims of male patriarchy" is playing a significant role in separating families. Their protocol insists on separation of the parties,
immediately, which prevents any opportunity to reconcile or even discuss in a civilised manner
an impending separation. Being falsely accused of domestic violence as happens in many
cases is unlikely to endear the accuser to the accused."


Anonymous said...

U.S Department of Justice

Female murder victims are substantially more likely than male murder victims to have been killed by an intimate

In recent years -

About one third of female murder victims were killed by an intimate.

About 3% of male murder victims were killed by an intimate.

Of all female murder victims, the proportion killed by an intimate has been increasing.

Of male murder victims, the proportion killed by an intimate has dropped.


Denmark Vesey said...

The Plantation Negro responds INSTANTLY with Plantation Propaganda.

No acknowledgment of the operative point of the post, which is the intentional, profit-driven, marketing of "Domestic Violence" and the industry that has developed around it.

No acknowledgment of the implied suggestion of the post, that one of the sad consequences of profit driven Domestic Violence charges is hundreds of thousands of men imprisoned unnecessarily and millions of weakened families as a result.


Plantation Negro

Anonymous said...

It's atrocious that all these male feminists have misappropriated so many funds to the the anti-male feminist slush fund.

$300 million is now earmarked for more of this feminist BS, giving man-hating lesbians a bottomless warchest to persecute men with.

Meanwhile, CA is about to release 57,000 inmates due to lack of funds...

And male victims of female DV get...NOTHING.

Nice allocation of resources there.

Well, YOUR votes & tax dollars hard at work, fellas!

Be sure to thank JOE BIDEN, god's son's righthand man for this!

Anonymous said...

"The Booming Domestic Violence Industry
The Social-Work Movement that Fights Domestic Violence has Grown Large on State and Federal Tax Monies
Massachusetts News
By John Maguire"

Funny how you post John Maguire's articles and don't call it Propaganda! Funny how you didn't respond to the previous DOJ statistics days ago that contradicted your B.S. study from Maine. Hypocrisy once again I see!

Anonymous said...

I'd rather be a Plantation Negro than a House Negro (DV) any day.. least I with my people... Who include women. Versus the sellout!

House Negros
Their living accommodation were better than those of other slaves. In some cases the slaves were treated like the slave-owners children. When this happened close bonds of affection and friendship usually developed. i.e. Thordaddy

Anonymous said...

"with my people... Who include women"

LMAO! You've obviously not read much from feminists, have you?

Cuz they CERTAINLY do NOT include you as part of "their people."

No, you are their sworn enemy! The oppressive massa to their slave! They would literally love to see you gutted like a pig.

"All men are good for is fucking, and running over with a truck."

"I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig."

"I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them."

Valerie Jean Solanas (April 9, 1936 – April 25, 1988) was an American radical feminist writer, best known for the attempted murder of Andy Warhol in 1968. She wrote the SCUM Manifesto (Society For Cutting Up Men) , a popular feminist essay on patriarchal culture advocating male gendercide, the creation of an all-female society, and the New World Order.

Anyhow, keep supporting your own disempowerment and the JW0!!! Fetch & play dead. Good boy! :D

CNu said...

It's atrocious that all these male feminists have misappropriated so many funds to the the anti-male feminist slush fund.

If I recall correctly, Casper (like myself) has never had an intimate female acquaintance violently put her hand on him.

Maybe it's in our selfish self-interest to have the system continue to cull weak maternal fornicators like you cats with a history of being struck, stabbed, abused, and beaten by women?

You all know who you are - and your weak mens' group identity politics is seriously played out.

The year's '94 and my trunk is raw
In my rear view mirror is the mother fuckin' law
I got two choices y'all pull over the car or (hmmm)
Bounce on the double put the pedal to the floor
Now I ain't tryin' to see no highway chase with Jay.
Plus i got a few dollars i can fight the case
So I...pull over to the side of the road
I heard "Son do you know why I'm stoppin' you for?"
Cause I'm young and I'm black and my hats real low?
Do I look like a mind reader sir, I don't know
Am I under arrest or should I gas em up?
"Well you was doin fifty-five in a fifty-fo' "
"Liscense and registration and step out of the car"
"Are you carryin' a weapon on you I know a lot of you are"
I ain't steppin out of shit all my paper's legit
"Well, do you mind if I look round the car a little bit?"
Well my glove compartment is locked so are the trunk in the back
And I know my rights so you gon' need a warrant for that
"Aren't you sharp as a tack, you some type of lawyer or something'?"
"Or somebody important or somethin'?"
Nah, I ain't pass the bar but i know a little bit
Enough that you won't illegally search my shit
"We'll see how smart you are when the K9 come"
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me

Undercover Black Man said...

What this conversation needs is a musical interlude.

Click here to hear "Better Stop Knockin' Me Around" by Butterbeans & Susie.

Anonymous said...

As usual Cnu, your concern never extends beyond your own myopic, narrow self-interests.

I guess a man who has never been murdered shouldn't give a flip about anti-murder legislation, either?

I'm concerned because it is a GROSS misappropriation of MY tax dollars - being used to further a larger agenda that is not only against me, but simply unjust and unfair.

In a time of economic freefall...I think spending $300 mill on this feminist warchest is the LAST thing we need to be doing!

Anyhow, if an international superstar like Chris Brown can get smacked by a woman, are you really saying that's because he's "weak" and you're just oh-so-much more badass than him? As usual, male pride stops males from ever admitting they have a problem..

Anonymous said...

"I guess a man who has never been murdered shouldn't give a flip about anti-murder legislation, either?"

Byrd... I assume you are good with math?

If you had a stock that was losing -33% of it's value and you started it off with $100,000. And you also had another stock that was losing -3% of it's value and you started off with $100,000 with that stock as well. Which stock would you be most concerned about correcting the performance?


If 33% of women are killed by their lovers and 3% of men are killed by their lovers... And your running the DOJ... which problem would you provide more attention to?


What came first.. Cancer causing food or cancer therapy?

Anonymous said...

^ Ok, well just to use your "mathematical" example and assuming that stat is accurate and up-to-date - shouldn't there then be a sister act for men - VAMA - that is funded to the same proportion to the tune of $27 million???

(Actually more tho, since non-fatal DV is still committed more by women.)

If a man has been violently assaulted by his partner, where does HE go for help? A VAWA shelter? Oh wait, he has a penis, so is not allowed. So, where does he seek shelter from further harm and legal assistance?

Anonymous said...

BTW, 33% may sound like a lot %-wise, but what is the actual ABSOLUTE # of female deaths by DV per year, Casper?

And then divide $300 million by that and tell me how much is getting spent on each female casualty? And if that's proportional priority-wise to other preventable deaths in the US?

Keeping in mind that women CHOOSE their partners out of countless candidates, to begin with...

CNu said...

As usual Cnu, your concern never extends beyond your own myopic, narrow self-interests.

no permanent alliances turdy, only permanent interests....,

Anyhow, if an international superstar like Chris Brown can get smacked by a woman, are you really saying that's because he's "weak" and you're just oh-so-much more badass than him?

Would you bother to sleep with one eye open if DV tugged your sleeve and told you that he had been confidentially informed - on good authority - that Chris Brown was coming to get you?

Anonymous said...

(Actually more tho, since non-fatal DV is still committed more by women.)

Whats the source for this statement??

Anonymous said...

Ok, I found a stat: 1000-1600 women die from DV annually in the US.

(Of course, that's probably padded, but let's just go with it.)

$300 million/1000 = $300K per female victim.

Now, compare this to 8000 people dying from NSAIDs and 40K from car wrecks per year...

And the fact that women could freely choose NOT to date wife-beaters.

Disproportional allocation, much?

Might this money be better spent to save more lives by researching more health cures that can benefit everybody?

Anonymous said...

"Whats the source for this statement??"

Women beating men 1/3 (compared to 1/4 vice-versa) now amongst youngest generation (2003)

Anonymous said...

Byrdeye this is from your own source. You may want to read it again!

Murray Straus, co-director of the Family Research Lab at the University of New Hampshire, has found both men and women are involved in physical aggression, but he emphasizes injury rates are not the same. "The likelihood of an injury to a woman requiring medical attention is much greater. Men cause more damage."

Anonymous said...

"The likelihood of an injury to a woman requiring medical attention is much greater. Men cause more damage."

And your point is...that men are physically stronger than women? DUH? Isn't this why women shouldn't pick fights with men, or choose to date beaters to begin with?

And if they do, why should my tax dollars subsidize their poor judgement?

Denmark Vesey said...

Murray Straus, co-director of the Family Research Lab at the University of New Hampshire, has found both men and women are involved in physical aggression, but he emphasizes injury rates are not the same. "The likelihood of an injury to a woman requiring medical attention is much greater. Men cause more damage."


If you conducted a study of the outcomes of violent confrontations between people who weighed less than 150 pounds against people who weighed more than 150 pounds ... you will surely see that people who may more than 150 pounds cause more damage to those that way less than 150 pounds.

Agreed? (simple yes or no will suffice)


Should we punish all people over 150 pounds "For Not Walking Away" when attacked by people less than 150 pounds?

(If you fail to answer either of these questions I am going to conclude you are not serious, and I am not fuggin with you no more)

Anonymous said...

Q:you will surely see that people who may more than 150 pounds cause more damage to those that way less than 150 pounds.

A:Highly likely yes!

Now you answer my question. Even if Hamas fired some rockets into Israel from Gaza 1st... Who is more demonized for their actions.. Hamas or the Israeli military for their response?

(If you fail to answer this question I am going to conclude you are not serious, and truly have a MC Hammer poster on your wall)

Denmark Vesey said...

ven if Hamas fired some rockets into Israel from Gaza 1st... " Casper


1st, before what?

(I want to be clear)

Anonymous said...

1st, before what?

After the last cease fire agreement.. leading up to Obama's Inaug! for clarification

Undercover Black Man said...

Even if Hamas fired some rockets into Israel from Gaza 1st... Who is more demonized for their actions.. Hamas or the Israeli military for their response?

Whoa... spectacularly well-played, Casper!

If DV were morally consistent, he'd have advised Hamas in the strongest possible terms never to fire rockets into Israel... lest they reap the obvious consequences: a retaliatory beatdown.


Michael Fisher said...

Just a factual correction:

Actually it is well known that it was Israel who broke the cease fire agreement between Hamas and Israel.


Anonymous said...

"Actually it is well known that it was Israel who broke the cease fire agreement between Hamas and Israel."

That's why I stated "Even if" Thanks for the clarification.. Still waiting for Denmark's response!

Denmark Vesey said...

"If DV were morally consistent, he'd have advised Hamas in the strongest possible terms never to fire rockets into Israel... lest they reap the obvious consequences: a retaliatory beatdown.



LOL. Stop Mills. Why you encouraging the cat?

To suggest the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians BEGAN with the firing of Hamas rockets ...
and was FOLLOWED by a ... retaliation ... from Israel is as RIDICULOUS as suggesting the Nazi holocaust was a retaliation for Jewish resistance in the Nazi death camps.

The mere fact the Palestinian people are confined to concentration camps from which they fire these rockets to begin with, is evidence of Israeli aggression prior to the fact.

To make Rihanna analagous to the Palestinians, Chris Brown would have had to have killed her mother, tortured her brothers and bulldozed her home BEFORE she smacked him.

Get that Mills?

Casper is going to pretend like he doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Casper is going to pretend like he doesn't.

Noticed you still didn't answer the question. So I guess you are rocking MC Hammer pants and poster!

Checkmate! Tyson left hook to Spinks glass jaw!

Undercover Black Man said...

I'm a bit dense, DV. You mean it makes sense for Hamas to fire rockets at Israel... yet it doesn't make sense for a 120-pound woman to strike a 200-pound man?

When it comes to women, you seem to argue that comparative weakness is the main reason why a woman should never get to trading blows with a man.

Why, then, isn't "comparative weakness" reason enough for you to reject physical violence as a tactic by Hamas?

Or why, at least, don't you tell Hamas to prepare for and accept two black eyes and a busted lip if it chooses to engage its big bully neighbor with physical aggression?

Denmark Vesey said...


The fellas are gassing you up.

Your argument is as flawed as two dicks and no chick.

Michael Fisher said...


"About 3% of male murder victims were killed by an intimate."

That's because the overall murder rate of males is so much higher than the overall murder rate of females.

77% of all homicide victims are male (1976 - 2005). While during the same time period (1976-2006) 65% of intimate homicide victims were female.

The thing is, however, that intimate homicide of females is very low overall. In 200, for example, 1182 women have been killed by an intimate partner in a population of 300 million.

So actual homicide is a miniscule problem compared to domestic violence (actual violence) itself. And in those cases, as Murray et al have shown, females are about somewhat more likely thn males to be perpetrators.

And it makes plenty of sense. Female violence against males is socially sanctioned. Be it the slap in the face on TV and in the movies, or the any other physical mistreatment of men for "offenses" such as stepping out with another women etc.

Denmark Vesey said...

I'm a bit dense, DV. You mean it makes sense for Hamas to fire rockets at Israel... yet it doesn't make sense for a 120-pound woman to strike a 200-pound man?" UBM

A 120 pound woman can shoot a 200 pound man ... IN THE FACE ... if properly provoked.

"When it comes to women, you seem to argue that comparative weakness is the main reason why a woman should never get to trading blows with a man." UBM


My argument is one shared by Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jesus Christ. Nonviolence.

Why are you NeoSuckers so loathe to encourage women to practice nonviolence as a method to achieve peace?

"Why, then, isn't "comparative weakness" reason enough for you to reject physical violence as a tactic by Hamas?" UBM

There is a difference Brother Mills between Violence and Resistance.

Was Rihanna's attack upon Chris Brown while he was driving his car an act of Resistance or an act of Violence?

"Or why, at least, don't you tell Hamas to prepare for and accept two black eyes and a busted lip if it chooses to engage its big bully neighbor with physical aggression?"

Actually Mills, I will suggest to Hamas to continue fighting, to the death if necessary, before they capitulate to Israeli terror.

As I would tell Rihanna to fight to the death, if necessary, before submitting to an act of terror by Chris Brown.

You see what you and Casper fail to understand is that Christ Brown was making love to Rihanna. He was letting her ride in the passenger seat of his Lamborghini. Whatever Chris Brown was doing to Rihanna - she did not want it to stop.

The Israelis are committing genocide.

Now come on. Come back with more "Brilliance".


Anonymous said...

"two dicks"

Wasup with you DV... something you want to confess!?

Michael Fisher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fisher said...

That's in 2005, for example, 1182 women have been killed by an intimate partner in a population of 300 million.


Denmark Vesey said...


Why are you bothering to show these cats numbers?

They aren't interested in facts. They are seeking only to justify the nonsensical positions they have taken on Domestic Violence.

They bought into the propaganda hook line and sinker.

It's easier to argue for the sake of arguing than just saying ... "yeah DV. There would be much less Domestic Violence if as much energy was spent encouraging women not to initiate violence as energy and resources are used to demonize and incarcerate men."

These Negros would rather see the jails bursting at the seams before admitting they are NWO dupes.

Anonymous said...

"That's because the overall murder rate of males is so much higher than the overall murder rate of females."

I am not sure what point you are attempting to make. It doesn't get any easier to understand.

Department of Justice Homicide Statistics:

Female murder victims are substantially more likely than male murder victims to have been killed by an intimate.

In recent years -

About one third (32%) of female murder victims were killed by an intimate.

About 3% of male murder victims were killed by an intimate.


You women haters can continue to spin anyway you see fit like FoxNews... or like Bush and Cheney's WMDs but dude.. The He Mans Womens Haters Club is in full effect! Up in here!

Anonymous said...

Was Rihanna's attack upon Chris Brown while he was driving his car an act of Resistance or an act of Violence?

Where was this ever published!?
Stop making up shit!

Denmark Vesey said...

Where is it "stated" ... he hit her first? Casper?

Women hit men first EVERYDAY.

Why is that assumption so strange?

I just can't imagine nice handsome clean cut 19 year old Chris Brown driving down the street, and pulling over the car AND BEATING RIHANNA'S ASS FOR NO REASON.

Anonymous said...

"Whatever Chris Brown was doing to Rihanna - she did not want it to stop."

Oh really!... Is that why she called the police??? Cause she didn't want it to stop!?

Did it ever dawn to you that maybe Chris Brown was pussy whipped! Why else keep one woman as an international pop star unless you love the pussy you have. Nope! you didn't cause you hate women!

Anonymous said...

"I just can't imagine nice handsome clean cut 19 year old Chris Brown driving down the street, and pulling over the car AND BEATING RIHANNA'S ASS FOR NO REASON."

That's the power of groupie love!
What the fuck do you think Chris Brown is apologizing for??!!

Big Man said...

I brought up the Hamas and Israel argument several days ago...
Just saying.

Big Man said...

That was a good response by DV about Rihanna and the Lambo. DV is a funny cat.

She got hot because she wanted Chris Brown around and being monogamous. That's the best argument why this thing isn't comparable to the Hamas and Israel thing.

Hamas is picking at the big dude who can whip their ass, but that's because they feel like he wronged them irrevocably, including with violence.

Rihanna appears to have hit Chris Brown because he was a 19-year old multi-millionaire sharing his seed with fine women. I mean, Chris Brown is wrong, but he wasn't violently wrong. Violence should never have been introduced to the situation.

Big Man said...

And Casper, Fisher's point about overall homicides was simple.

If there are more total homicides, it's more likely that homicides by violence will be a smaller percentage of thos homicides. Men find a great many ways to get themselves killed due to their aggressive nature and society's ills.

Women, on the other hand, are much less likely to get themselves killed in general, which means homicides due to domestic violence are going to make a up a greater percentage of their homicides.

So, the best way to measure would be to compare total domestic homicides. I think men will still win handily, mainly because from what I've seen men are more likely to take someone's life, but I also think women are more likely to respond violently due to their emotions.

Anonymous said...

Big Man
"Rihanna appears to have hit Chris Brown"

I ask you again.. Show where this is published anywhere... You guys are reaching!!!

Denmark Vesey said...

Get 'em Big Man.

Dem bwahs guppies me Tiger shawk.

Big Man said...


Rihanna didn't call the police. A witness who heard the couple arguing did.

Also, in Rihanna's original story, she got angry about Chris smashing other broads, started a disturbance and Chris pulled over. She threw his keys out of the car, he couldn't find them and beat her ass. Now, Chris Brown agrees with this account, except he says that she hit him first before she threw his keys.

In Rihanna's second release, she said that she didn't throw the keys until AFTER Chris Brown started beating her ass. She says he left to find the keys, came back and then started choking her. This is implausible to me.

Not only did she managed to get away from his initial ass whipping enough to throw his keys, but, after he beat her and she threw the keys, she STAYED in the car until he got back and had time to choke her. That is just strange. I tend to believe a mixture of her first account and Brown's account, which sound plausible considering the age of the two participants and what I know about women.

Anonymous said...

Big Man
"If there are more total homicides, it's more likely that homicides by violence will be a smaller percentage of thos homicides."

Any way you spin it. When it comes to homicides as a percentage... more women are killed by a dude like Chris Brown versus Rihanna killing Chris Brown nationwide! Get it!

If you take a deeper dive into the numbers you will see that the balance of men killed are by other men. So either way you spin it men are more violent... Period!

I am not guessing those are the DOJ's stats!

Big Man said...


My account of Rihanna striking first come from Chris Brown, whose word is just as good as hers, and from her original account which coincided with Brown's.

Why do you find it so hard to believe that she hit first? My general experience as a man has been that women have no problem hitting men. None. They don't BEAT men, but they have no problem striking men when they become agitated, and 20-year old girls whose boyfriends are fucking other girls are very, VERY likely to hit people.

Do you disagree?

Denmark Vesey said...


"I ask you again.. Show where this is published" Casper



"published" by whom?

"published" equals what?
truth? merit? value?

Casper, the only people in that car, were Chris Brown and Rihanna.

ANYTHING published by ANYBODY other than them, is of no more value than what we say here.

Casper you won't accept the very probable suggestion that Rihanna hit Chris first because that suggestion has not been SANCTIONED by Massa.

Yes Casper.

Like a dog who will only eat food given him by his master ... You will not accept a meme not SANCTIONED by the Plantation.

Which if you think about, is why me and you can't get along.

Big Man said...


The argument wasn't about whether men were more violent. No intelligent person would argue that women are more violent than men in GENERAL.

The question was about who is more likely to instigate DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, which is a totally different animal.

From the stats I saw yesterday, the DOJ's definition of "domestic violence" includes some very specific things that easily skew their numbers. I also so a competing study, which you quoted, that had very diffrent findings.

Now, you've since called those stats bogus. I'm assuming because you think the Family Research group has a bias.

But, DV's argument, which is a good one, is that the DOJ has a bias of it's own. And that's to satisfy lobbyists and others who depend on the federal money that supports the growing industry around domestic violence. Both of y'all could right in this case, but y'all seem to think that's impossible.

Anonymous said...

Big Man
"Rihanna didn't call the police. A witness who heard the couple arguing did."

Sorry dude...Your cred is zero at the moment.

Rihanna didn't call the police. A witness who heard the couple arguing did.

R&B star Rihanna can be heard 'screaming' in the background of the 911 call made to police the night she was allegedly beaten by boyfriend Chris Brown


Big Man said...

I ain't gonna go as far as DV, cause you seem like a decent cat, but you put some unwarranted trust in official accounts. AS someone who deals with law enforcement officials regularly, I know that their account is just that, their account. The media will report this as accurate, but these agencies are compromised and have a vested interest in seeing certain outcomes occur.

In this instance, the only two people who matter are Chris Brown and Rihanna. So, I would give both of their accounts a looksee, judge them based on your own experiences and form and opinion. That's what I did.

Anonymous said...

"Get 'em Big Man."

Bet you like to saying that...Huh!
Sound like my sister!

Big Man said...


How could she be screaming in the background, if she made the call?

Are you serious dude?

I didn't insult you, and you post some shit like that. That's a clearly a failure of reading comprehension. Now, I want you to re-read that article and understand that somebody else called the police and Rihanna was heard in the background screaming. Nowhere does it say Rihanna called and several other accounts say that a witness called the police. do you need me to cut and paste those accounts?

Anonymous said...

"My account of Rihanna striking first come from Chris Brown, whose word is just as good as hers, and from her original account which coincided with Brown's."

OK...Post the story then!

Michael Fisher said...


"I am not sure what point you are attempting to make. It doesn't get any easier to understand."

That's because you are comparing apples with oranges. Casp.

If 100 men are killed overall (by an intimate and by a stranger) and three of those male victims are killed by an intimate, then only three men are killed by an intimate.

If three females are killed by an intimate, but only 10 women are killed overall (by an intimate and by a stranger), then 30% of all women killed are by an intimate.

The absolute number would be the same.

Men constitute by far the greatest amount of murder victims in our society.

Just because these murder victims have largely been killed by other males does not make those murder victims' lives any less valuable than those of female murder victims.

The fact is, however, that female murder of males tends to be rationalized and excused in our society. This is why a minister's wife can point-blank shoot her husband with a shotgun in (i believe it was) the back, and the first question that is asked "what did he do to make her do this"?

Big Man said...

And did you jsut get on DV for using untrustworthy sources and then quote the New York Post?


Do you know anything about the Post's profile in the media? It is a conservative leaning tabloid rag that has no problem making shit up as long at it sells more copies than the New York Daily News.

Your credibility is the one taking a hit homie.

CNu said...


You ever hear of any culture in which the females practice "honor killings"?

You ever hear of any culture in which for thousands of years, millions of males annually have their external genitalia destroyed?

Personally, I don't understand males so weak that they have organized their entire culture and mentality along the collective psychosis that females are property and can be treated any way that a weak-assed male chooses.

Anonymous said...

Big Man
"My general experience as a man has been that women have no problem hitting men."

Correction... The women you hang with don't have a problem hitting YOU! Sounds like a personal problem.. Upgrade your stable.. Son

Michael Fisher said...

If 100 men are killed overall (by an intimate and by a stranger) and three percent of those male victims...

Anonymous said...

Big Man
"But, DV's argument, which is a good one, is that the DOJ has a bias of it's own"

OK...Then you go to each states statistics and add then up... Since that's what the DOJ does. let me know if they don't jive. Otherwise, anything DV post's from now on is hearsay since it's not his first hand account... GET IT!

CNu said...

I'm not telling you anything you don't know, but given the tendency for things to drift, it may be useful to remember that this is the ideological godfather of all this hot nonsense being preached up in here.

Even when old Henry went half-way around the world to get him a young, dumb, and submissive broad, his punk ass couldn't keep on top of that situation for very long.

Michael Fisher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CNu said...

speaking of biases...,

Michael Fisher said...


"Correction... The women you hang with don't have a problem hitting YOU! Sounds like a personal problem.. Upgrade your stable.. Son"

Casp. That's not cool This blame the victim shit works the other way around to. By that rationale, Rhianna should've never gotten involved with Chris Brown, it being her own fault if Brown did what he indeed is accused of.

Besides, I'm a victim of spousal abuse myself. Which ended my marriage immediatelybecause I firmly believe that no form of violence has any place in any intimate relationship.

CNu said...

Fisher, that last comment was intended as a postscript to ridiculing the cult of Makow, not as a rejoinder to your self-disclosures..,

Big Man said...


If you're response to my posts was a smart ass comment about how I must be a victim of female violence, you're a dumbass.

No, my relationship with my wife is violence free, because we discussed what is and is not an acceptable resposne when she feels frustrated and angry. Hitting is not an acceptbale response.

However, my experience has been that many women are not emotionally equipped for serious relationships at 20 and have not been taught that hitting is unacceptable. That's just what I've seen from watching people and talking to cats. Could be I hang out with all suckers. Or, it could be I'm right and you're just out of good arguments.

Big Man said...

Casper answer me this.

Have you seem a woman hit a man?

What was the man's response?

What response are men taught when women hit them?

How are men taught to view violence against women?

How are women taught to view violence against men?

Are the teachings equal?

Anonymous said...

I agree Fish..Sorry to hear that..Sincerely bro..apologies

Denmark Vesey said...

"I ain't gonna go as far as DV, cause you seem like a decent cat, but you put some unwarranted trust in official accounts." Big Man

See Big Man. You too nice. A true Gentlemen. Salute.

But I can hear Casper now:

"Oooohhhh Masssa!!! OOooohhh Massa!! Denmawk Vesey n Big Mannn Tawkin' bout DoMesTick ViyoLance On da Blowg!! He SpekUlatin Masssa!! Cummin Up Wit Hiz Owwwwwn Theeries Massa!! You Aint Evun Towld NoBody What Ta Think Yet Masssa!!!

DenMawk Vesey Think He Da New Yawk Powst!! He aint Evun Joooish!!!!

Who He Dink He Iz!!!!"

Michael Fisher said...


"I agree Fish..Sorry to hear that..Sincerely bro..apologies"

No sweat.

But here's the point.

Though my ex committed her crime with two deadly weapons (and was subsequently charged by the DA) and despite that fact that I coulda snapped her neck in half a second in legitimate self-defense, I didn't. I got the hell away. Well, at least tried to.


Because I knew then and know now how the legal system including law enforcement is biased against males. Especially black males. If, despite of what she did, she would've had one scratch on her, my ass would be wearing an orange jump suit right now.

CNu said...

"Oooohhhh Masssa!!! OOooohhh Massa!! Denmawk Vesey n Big Mannn Tawkin' bout DoMesTick ViyoLance On da Blowg!! He SpekUlatin Masssa!! Cummin Up Wit Hiz Owwwwwn Theeries Massa!! You Aint Evun Towld NoBody What Ta Think Yet Masssa!!!

DenMawk Vesey Think He Da New Yawk Powst!! He aint Evun Joooish!!!!

Who He Dink He Iz!!!!"

I didn't recall Buckwheat as being the ringleader of the he man woman hater's club....,

Undercover Black Man said...

Has anybody brought up actor Terrence Howard's 2001 arrest for domestic violence against his wife?

Here's how that one went down, according to the police. Howard and Lori McCommas were arguing on the telephone. At one point, Howard said: "Don't disrespect me by hanging up on me or I'll come over and hurt you."

McCommas then "hung up and contacted 911 fearing Howard was serious." While McCommas was speaking with a police dispatcher, Howard "showed up at the victim's residence and began breaking the door down."

McCommas ran to the rear of the house and into the backyard. Howard then "broke the front door down and ran through the screen door in the kitchen. Howard then grabbed the victim's left arm and punched her twice with a closed fist in the left side of the face." The attack was broken up by Howard's brother, who responded to McCommas's house after he "saw Howard storm out of their house to go to the victim's house."

Do you have any analysis to offer, DV or Mike Fisher, about those men who lash out violently when a woman hurts their "ego"?

Michael Fisher said...


"Do you have any analysis to offer, DV or Mike Fisher, about those men who lash out violently when a woman hurts their 'ego'?

What does that have to do with this discussion? No one that I can see here approves of anyone perpetrating violence of any kind against anyone. At least not I.

I've said just a bit up-thread that I am of the firm conviction that no form of violence has any place in an intimate relationship.

That shoulda answered your question before you even asked it.

Undercover Black Man said...

^ Oh, my bad, Fisher. I got the distinct impression that you were trying to minify the problem of domestic violence against women.

Like when you wrote:

"[I]n 2005, for example, 1182 women have been killed by an intimate partner in a population of 300 million."

You called 1182 a "minuscule" number. But that's because you're not comparing it to the right thing.

Try comparing it to the number of black males killed in 2005 by the police. You wanna talk about "minuscule"?

But when I used to read your blog, I got the distinct impression (I get a lot of distinct impressions) that police violence against black men is America's number-one social calamity.

I guess the bottom line is... all you circle-jerkin' muhfuckas are just hung-up on your own talking points.

Me? I'm just trying to get this 12 pounds of undigested meat outta my colon....

Denmark Vesey said...

Me? I'm just trying to get this 12 pounds of undigested meat outta my colon...."

LOL. I like that Mills. I like that a lot.

And I think you make a good point.

But for the record. Fisher never "minimized" the problem of domestic violence against women.

He just refused to participate in the Mind Fuck of categorizing violence into convenient little Balkanizing subsets.

Fisher strikes me as a cat against Violence.

You Status Quo muhfuggas have been conditioned to chant the Rockefeller mantra "Violence Against Women" ... instead of simply calling violence: Violence.

Just like you have been conditioned to call abortion "A Woman's Right To Choose" ... instead of calling it what it is: Abortion.

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...


"Me? I'm just trying to get this 12 pounds of undigested meat outta my colon...."

Me thinks you digging at the wrong end...


"But when I used to read your blog, I got the distinct impression (I get a lot of distinct impressions) that police violence against black men is America's number-one social calamity."

And where did I ever state such a thing?

The #1 calamity in the balck community is fatherless children, women who don't know how to be mothers (or fathers for that matter), boys that are raised to be girls, and black males killing black males and then somewhere police brutality. The difference between you and me about this is that you, like Lizzard Boy and Thurddaddy want to ascribe these conditions to "black inferior mental acuity" whereas I correctly point to the socio-political structure.

Undercover Black Man said...

And where did I ever state such a thing?

On your blog, Fish... in October 2007. Remember when that 15-year-old black girl bit a cop and then got pepper-sprayed?

You spoke up in the girl's defense (wonder if you would've defended her for biting her boyfriend??) with these words:

"What is happening here is what is called 'acclimatization'. We are supposed to get used to the attack on black youth. Ms. Cotton, the Jena 6, this child, the kids in Cali, my child, your child.

"Don't you folks believe for a minute that white supremacy is dead. It is getting more refined and more deadly."

Michael Fisher said...


"On your blog, Fish... in October 2007. Remember"

Like I said, you are digging for your feces at the wrong end.

I never said in that post nor anywhere else that police brutality is the number one problem.

What I said is ""What is happening here is what is called 'acclimatization'. We are supposed to get used to the attack on black youth. Ms. Cotton, the Jena 6, this child, the kids in Cali, my child, your child."

Which deals with a different (though related) white supremacist dynamic altogether.

Anonymous said...

Whoa. Pump the brakes DV. Anything in extreme opposition of something extreme becomes its mirror image.

Extreme opposition of so called propaganda becomes propaganda in its own rights.