Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Cruxifixion of Chris Brown vs The Truth About Domestic Violence

Under grants from the National Institute of Mental Health, the Family Research Laboratory from University of New Hampshire conducted a study on domestic violence. The following results came from the study:

  • At least 50% of domestic violence victims are male
  • Most domestic violence is initiated by females
  • Females are 3 times more likely to use a weapon during domestic violence
  • Females beat their spouse more severely and more often than males beat their spouse.


Anonymous said...

National Domestic Violence Statistics:

According to the U.S. Surgeon General, domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women in the United States.

The American Medical Association estimates that their male partners assault 2 million American women each year.

The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 95% of the victims of domestic violence are women.

According to the FBI, a woman is abused every 12 seconds in the United States.

35% of all emergency room calls are a result of domestic violence.

Of those who abuse their partner, well over 65% also physically and/or sexually abuse the children.

Each day .....4 women die as a result of abuse.

Each day .....3 children die as a result of abuse.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation reports that 32% of female homicide victims are killed by their intimate partners. (Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 1999.2000)

Michael Fisher said...


First of all you have to define domestic violence.

The definition the DOJ's Office On Violence Against Women uses is this:

"Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner."

Examples for that they provide as thus:

# Physical Abuse: Hitting, slapping, shoving, grabbing, pinching, biting, hair-pulling, biting, etc. Physical abuse also includes denying a partner medical care or forcing alcohol and/or drug use.

# Sexual Abuse: Coercing or attempting to coerce any sexual contact or behavior without consent. Sexual abuse includes, but is certainly not limited to marital rape, attacks on sexual parts of the body, forcing sex after physical violence has occurred, or treating one in a sexually demeaning manner.

# Emotional Abuse: Undermining an individual's sense of self-worth and/or self-esteem. This may include, but is not limited to constant criticism, diminishing one's abilities, name-calling, or damaging one's relationship with his or her children.

# Economic Abuse: Making or attempting to make an individual financially dependent by maintaining total control over financial resources, withholding one's access to money, or forbidding one's attendance at school or employment.

# Psychological Abuse: Causing fear by intimidation; threatening physical harm to self, partner, children, or partner's family or friends; destruction of pets and property; and forcing isolation from family, friends, or school and/or work.

Now tell me. Are the majority of these examples "violence"?


"The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 95% of the victims of domestic violence are women."

Show me the source for that one.

Anonymous said...

The Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire, under grants from the National Institute of Mental Health, recently finished the last of three national studies on domestic violence. The first two studies revealed results similar to the latest study. Anyone who would like a copy of the latest study may order it from the University of New Hampshire (ask for document V55).

The data tape and documentation of the 1975 and 1985 studies are available from the Interuniversity Consortium For Political and Social Research at the University of Michigan. Original data is also available on CD-ROM from Sociometrics, Inc. in Palo Alto, CA.

Anonymous said...

"First of all you have to define domestic violence."

What's the relevance of the the DOJ's definition. Any study by a University should use the same definition. No? Please google the DOJ's stats I posted for reference.

"At least 50% of domestic violence victims are male"
"Most domestic violence is initiated by females"

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...


Since you done cited the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire, let's see what the Family Research Laboratory's Profs. Murray A. Straus and Ignacio Luis Ramirez have to say: "the results of
more than 100 studies based on data from surveys of family problems and conflicts show that
“...women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships....
The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 58,000.” ( see also Archer 2000;
Fiebert 1997, pp. 273)."

Moreover, their study (same link as above) of intimate partner violence among University students (about Rhianna's and Chris' age) say as follows:

"In all four samples, there was no significant
difference between males and females in either the overall prevalence of physical aggression or
the prevalence of severe attacks. Among the 553 couples where one or both of the partners
were violent, in almost three quarters of the cases (71.2%) there was gender symmetry in the
sense that both partners engaged in this type of behavior. When only one partner was violent,
this was twice as likely to be the female partner (19.0%) as the male partner (9.8%). Among the
205 couples where there was an act of severe aggression, symmetry was less prevalent
(56.6%), but when only one partner was violent, it was again twice as likely to be the female
partner (29.8% female only versus 13.7 male partner only). These results are consistent with
the gender symmetry in IPV found by more than 100 previous studies. They extend those
results by showing that gender symmetry prevails in four different cultural contexts. The
presence of gender symmetry in these different cultural contexts, combined with studies
showing that women are injured more often and more seriously by partner-assaults, and studies
showing that women initiate IPV as often as men, suggests that programs and policies aimed at
primary prevention of IPV by women [emphasis by Straus and Ramierez] are crucial to ending IPV and for reducing the victimization of women"

Michael Fisher said...


"Please google the DOJ's stats I posted for reference."

Nope. Please be courteous enough to provide a link for your citations.

Thank you

Michael Fisher said...


"What's the relevance of the the DOJ's definition."

Well, if the DOJ uses the DOJ's Office On Violence Against Women's definition (I don't know if it does) and you cite DOJ "estimates" of domestic violence, then the relevance of that definition should be clear to anyone.

Constructive Feedback said...

Here you go bro:

Anonymous said...

Popular emphasis has tended to be on women as the victims of domestic violence. However, with the rise of the men's movement, and particularly masculism and men's rights, there is now advocacy for men victimized by women. In a special report on violence related injuries by the US Department of justice (in August 1997) hospital emergency room visits pertaining to domestic violence indicated that physically abused men represent just under one-sixth of the total patients admitted to hospital reporting domestic violence as the cause of their injuries (see table 7 of this report). The report highlights that significantly more men than women did not disclose the identity of their attacker.

Anonymous said...

According to a July 2000 Centers for Disease Control report, data from the Bureau of Justice, National Crime Victimization Survey consistently show that women are at significantly greater risk of intimate partner violence than are men, while data from the National Family Violence Survey contradict these data and consistently show that men and women are equally likely to be physically assaulted by an intimate partner.

Michael Fisher said...

Well, Casp. The stuff you cited now is well outside your "95% of victims are females" range.

Now bing a male you well know that men tend to not report physical assaults to the police. Neither by men on them in general and definetly not assaults by women on them.

Besides, the first question that assaulted men usually face is "what did you do to her that MADE her do this"?

Anonymous said...

While data from the National Family Violence Survey contradict CDC data and consistently show that men and women are equally likely to be physically assaulted by an intimate partner.

The same report, on phone interviews with 8000 men and 8000 women, reported that 7.5% of men have been raped or assaulted by an intimate at some time in their life time (compared to 25% of women), and 0.9 percent of men had been raped or assaulted in the previous 12 months (compared to 1.5% of women)[31].

Now how does a woman rape a man? Well!

Each year, 834,000 men are raped or physically assaulted by intimate partners an average 3.5 times/year, for a total of 2.9 million assaults/year (4.9 million for women). Men in intimate relationships with other men are more likely to be raped or assaulted than men in heterosexual relationships[31].

According to the 2000 CDC/Justice study, "Approximately 23 percent of the men who had lived with a man as a couple reported being raped, physically assaulted, and/or stalked by a male cohabitant, while 7.4 percent of the men who had married or lived with a woman as a couple reported such violence by a wife or female cohabitant. These findings, combined with those presented in the previous bullet, provide further evidence that intimate partner violence is perpetrated primarily by men, whether against male or female intimates."

CNu said...

looks like ronald shut down the 10,000 word makowist tirades with one well-placed picture of rihanna, post beatdown...,

Anonymous said...

I just find it hypocritical some radio stations will ban Chris Brown music but continue play music featuring Black men bragging about abusing the community with drug dealing and Black men verbally abusing women with sexually degrading lyrics.

Interesting how R.Kelly can videotape peeing on a little girl and women secretly distributing the Kelly sex videotape among each other but in another tone, describe Chris Brown as some kind of monster who career is over...

Anonymous said...

MF is 100% right.

And this has already been exposed as a PS'd fake using an old photo.

After studying the feminist movement for a few years, I soon realized that falsifying stats and flatout lies were their modus operandi, not exception...and I've disproven every single one of them on my site already.

Remember, none of these womyn were statisticians or behaviorial scientists - they were mainly pissed-off, fugly, man-hating, lesbian Jewish butches. They were political agitators with an agenda and axe to grind. So not the best source for unbiased facts, mind you, lol..

Might as well ask the Israelis for the "facts" about Palestinians in Gaza..

Denmark Vesey said...

cnulan said...

looks like ronald shut down the 10,000 word makowist tirades with one well-placed picture of rihanna, post beatdown...,


Once again, Makow proves to be on point.

Haaaa Haaaaa Haaaaa Haaaaa Ha Ha Haaaaaaaa!!!!

CNu said...

Occam's razor DV,

Ronald posting the okie doke doesn't magically rehabilitate Makow.

It only goes to show that they're both neverending gobstoppers of addle-brained disinformation.

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ all the miss-"educated" bruthas headfaked by feminist propaganda like bitch-ass suckas..

These fools have no idea who they're dealing with. Feminism is just another tentacle of the JW0 - and we all know how their primary tactics consist of disinfo and Bernaysian manipulation.

Denmark Vesey said...

Ahhhhhh CNu.

Come on bra. You can't have it both ways.

"looks like ronald shut down the 10,000 word makowist tirades with one well-placed picture ...," CNu

thus the inverse:

'looks like Ronald validated the 10,000 word Makowist tirades with one faked-photoshopped picture'.

Why you playin' Casper?

Makow, as usual, is right on the money.

The Marketing of the "Domestic Violence" Meme: "Male Villains vs Female Victims" is a business, it's an industry and a sinister mind fuck to pit men and women against each other for no other reason to divide and conquer.

CNu said...

Sho's you right DV!

Ronald didn't slow up the preposterous Makowist tirades even one little bit with his photoshop'd picture...., ;)

CNu said...

btw - have you tugged your favorite whiteboy's sleeve about finding and trying to keep a woman? If he gets him a big strapping one, maybe she can knock that hooded sheet off his head - and - keep those reptilian batty-bwois off of him too!

Anonymous said...

"The Marketing of the "Domestic Violence" Meme: "Male Villains vs Female Victims" is a business, it's an industry and a sinister mind fuck to pit men and women against each other for no other reason to divide and conquer."

So men should be able to beat the fuck out of their women in your world I see! You probably want the marriage laws to revert back to women becoming the property of their husbands as well I suppose! Hell why stop there.. Lets just warp speed back to an African village so you can have multiple wives as well and beat the shit out of all of them! Playboy!

Michael Fisher said...


"So men should be able to beat the fuck out of their women in your world I see!"

Casper, would you please link to the place where DV advocates that "men should be able to beat the fuck out of their women"?

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fisher said...

Casper. Both DV and I have daughters. Maybe you recall, but at one time I made a comment about DV's daughter in order to make a point. Dude almost lost his mind. What do you think he would do if any man married to her or not would, in some future, dare to even think about putting his hand on her?

So I think you should give him the benefit of doubt and stop baiting based on unsubstantiated allegations.

Anonymous said...

Dude almost lost his mind.

Losing your mind for talk...Is just that TALK! Versus supporting laws to proactively stop a man from beating the shit out of his female intimate partner is totally different Fish! I am not here to wonder what DV would or wouldn't do. I leave that to his own words or non words!

Just because dude has a daughter doesn't mean that he believes she deserves protection from violent male behavior! Not to long ago Fish men didn't need to worry about such legal entanglement.

Michael Fisher said...


Lemme ask you this. Do men deserve protection from violent female behavior?


Intellectual Insurgent said...

Versus supporting laws to proactively stop a man from beating the shit out of his female intimate partner

Laws don't stop anyone from doing anything.

If that were the case, there would be no crime, no?

Denmark Vesey said...

"Is just that TALK! Versus supporting laws to proactively stop a man from beating the shit out of his female intimate" Casper

You see Mike. This is a perfect example of what I mean by: PLANTATION NEGRO

This cat has been trained to believe men NEED the Plantation (Laws) to keep them from beating women. Like men are all beasts poised to explode and attack innocent defenseless women without provocation.

(Notice the merging parallels between the way men are described and the way terrorists are

Casper fails to understand that meme is a sucker move by the government designed to get fools like him to grant more power to police departments and the For-Profit Prison industry under the guise of "protecting women".

The Patriot Act is supposed to protect Americans from terrorists. Actually it is a ploy that robs Americans of their civil rights, gives the government permission to tap our phones, and read our email without warrant or probable cause.

The so-called Domestic Violence laws are a ploy that is supposed to "protect women from men". Actually the laws do far more harm to families than good by unnecessarily filling the prisons with husbands and fathers.

They don't give a shit about protecting women.

But that's the easy part. Ray Charles can see through the bullshit of "Domestic Violence" marketing.

It's the PUNK ASS EAGERNESS of cats like Casper to jump on any mainstream bullshit that demonizes black men.

He doesn't even believe half the shit he supports, as long as a black man gets punished in the end he's happy.

What do you call that phenomenon Mike?

Big Man said...

Begging for new laws is always dangerous.

Michael Fisher said...


"This is a perfect example of what I mean by: PLANTATION NEGRO"

DV. Just because you posit a particular theory doesn't men that you advocate that "men should be able to beat the fuck out of their women". And just because Casper makes a major mistake in view of empirical reality in this matter doesn't mean that he's a Plantation Negro.

Anonymous said...

And here's the big feminist pay-off now to their hustle (from our "stimulus" package):

For an additional amount for `Violence Against Women Prevention and Prosecution Programs', $300,000,000 for grants to combat violence against women, as authorized by part T of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3711 et seq.): Provided, That, $50,000,000 shall be transitional housing assistance grants for victims of domestic violence, stalking or sexual assault as authorized by section 40299 of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-322).

Ok, now why is this whole office ONLY for violence against WOMEN, and not just PEOPLE?

Sexism much?

Especially given how young women actually commit MORE DV than young men today now???

Again, because of feminist propaganda and media coverage that has distorted the facts.

$300 million. Now you know where the money comes from. False ad campaigns and the manipulation of public perception. That's YOUR tax dollars going to work against YOU now, fellas!


Anonymous said...

"Is just that TALK! Versus supporting laws to proactively stop a man from beating the shit out of his female intimate partner is totally different Fish! " Casper

There's little need for most domestic violence laws, the books already contain laws against physical/ sexual assault. If proven, those convicted of sexual/ physical assault will generally get a harsher sentence than those convicted of domestic violence. This will simplify the issue.

Obama Chic

Anonymous said...

"It's the PUNK ASS EAGERNESS of cats like Casper to jump on any mainstream bullshit that demonizes black men."

#1 This wouldn't be an issue if Mr. Brown didn't allegedly attack Rihanna so if he is demonized he did it(Personal Responsibility)

#2 You are so pro celeb black male to the detriment to the Black Woman Rihanna who was assaulted. (Obviously you place greater value on black celeb men then black celeb or non celeb women)

#3 "Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired. I am seeking the counseling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am committed, with God's help, to emerging a better person."
Chris Brown

On Friday, Brown's father said his son is at home and "very remorseful" over what happened. Rihanna is now at home in Barbados recuperating.

What is he sorry and remorseful for? Why is it that I am suppose to be sticking up for him for?

I am not his grandmother. If the MAN did something wrong then I will treat him like a MAN cause that's what real MEN do.

I find it funny how you will supposedly shoot a man for hitting your daughter but give Chris Brown a pass for beating up Rihanna... Hypocrisy! Groupie Love... don't die it multiplies!

Denmark Vesey said...


"just because Casper makes a major mistake in view of empirical reality in this matter doesn't mean that he's a Plantation Negro." MF

mistake in view?

empirical reality?

Mike that aint why Casper is a Plantation Negro. Casper is a Plantation Negro because he is more loyal to the system than the system is loyal to him.

He confuses justice with consensus. Truth with polls. Good with nice.

He sees government as the powerful and benevolent "Good Massa" who rewards loyalty with the illusion of inclusion.

Despite the exploding prison industrial complex which warehouses his fellow citizens at alarming rates, Casper sees it as some kind of "necessary service" provided by Massa to protect Obedient Negros from the Less Than Obedient horde.

He sees the government as Lord and Savior.

Real freedom, where men and women are responsible for themselves, and where people police themselves is anathema to him.

Anonymous said...

"more loyal to the system than the system is loyal to him."

DV loves black male celebs! Pacman call me!

"He confuses justice with consensus."

DV thinks beating women should be legal! Because DV weighs a buck fiddy!

"He sees government as the powerful and benevolent "Good Massa" who rewards loyalty with the illusion of inclusion"

Kinda how I DV drools over the leader of government "Gods Son" Barack Obama!

"Despite the exploding prison industrial complex"

Has nothing to do with the topic... but I (DV) am out of legit excuses!

"He sees the government as Lord and Savior."

"Doesn't everyone see the leader of government Obama as "Gods Son" like me DV!"

"Real freedom, where men and women are responsible for themselves, and where people police themselves is anathema to him."

Now I DV can not tell you one country on this planet where this exist... But it sounds like great bullshit to say! Fish I need your help again! Please help me!

Anonymous said...

Has nothing to do with the topic... but I (DV) am out of legit excuses!

actually feeding the prisons has everything to do with domestic violence laws.

i know. i'm a cop.

Anonymous said...

actually feeding the prisons has everything to do with domestic violence laws.

Mr. Brown is not in prison... Or am I missing something here! As a matter of fact if you look at the DOJ stats only about 60% of these cases end with a conviction. And they are normally homicides!

Big Man said...

60 percent is a lot.

What's the conviction rate for most crimes?

Anonymous said...

Big Man

If 36% percent of the 60% are homocides .. That would mean that about 24% are non-homocidal domestic violence convictions. I think we all agree that homocides should lead to jail time.. No?