Sources tell Denmark Vesey, Rihanna knows that what happened that fateful night in Hollywood was partially her fault. An anonymous insider and family member reported to DV, that Rihanna knows that despite the media polemics she is no pure victim and Chris is no pure villain. They both behaved badly.
She is refusing to go along with the ridiculous plans to charge Chris with everything from Terrorist Threats to Kidnapping that could send the 19 year old heart throb to prison for 10 to 20 years. Leaving a Los Angeles District Attorney scrambling with the task of manufacturing enough "evidence" to convict the young black male heart throb without testimony from the only person in the world who can claim to have witnessed the event. Feminist groups are hopping mad and suggesting Rihanna suffers from some sort of psychological condition because she wants to get back together with the man she loves.
Feminuts frothing at the mouth will use any excuse to paint men as evil and put another one behind bars.
Even when the female "victim" doesn't agree or want to press charges.
Now how f'd up is that???
Maybe Chris can get Rhi to testify for him against the feminuts.
Well, I guess when you got hundreds of millions of taxpayer money to burn...no case is too small or without merit.
True Byrd. True.
The opportunistic media reaction to the Chris Brown Rihanna case is another example of Divide and conquer.
Divide races. Divide ethnic groups. Divide religions. Divide denominations. Divide regions. Divide neighborhoods. Divide families. Divide husbands and wives. Divide parents and children.
Conquer them all.
Is this from the plantation news or from DV news?
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