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What's up for Rihanna and Chris' future?
Yeah, of course, Brown released that pathetic (Requisite public scorn reminiscent of Michael Vick) statement (through his publicist, not Facebook), but we aren't satisfied (issuance of official Plantation position. This is how they shape public perception, and why Casper thinks the way he does) with this superlate sorta-apology. Chris hit all the right notes, all right, calling for help from his family, friends and God.
Please! As predictable as a publicist could pen it. And who cares if anybody swallows it, really, the important question is: Will Rihanna buy it?
We asked a pro (Propagandist. This woman doesn't offer anything different than an audience member of Oprah would have to offer. It's standard feminist mantra) about the potentially nasty sitch of a reconciliation:
"You'd be surprised by how much bad behavior is tolerated by people in relationships," (Notice the insertion of the meme which suggests men and women who stay in relationships are stupid. It also suggests 1 person is right, and 1 person is wrong. Which is rarely the case) says relationship expert and psychotherapist Shannon Fox. ("Relationship expert? That must mean something to Casper. Psychotherapist? That must mean something to CNu)" "Abused women (Victims need a title) leave their abusers (Notice the inevitable establishment of the Victim vs. Villain story) and return an average of nine times (Silly, incalculable psychobabble mumbo jumbo statistic easily repeated by ignorant masses until they believe it) before they leave for good or are hospitalized or killed." (The All Important FEAR FACTOR. Women must be made to fear men. These commercials air well on Lifetime and The Oxygen channel between movies about women killing their abusive pedophile husbands. 64 times a week.)
Wow, brilliant deconstruction bro!
Like I said, you need your own podcast show!
"return an average of nine times before they leave for good or are hospitalized or killed."
This is actually the other point. Most of these women are addicted to these beatings by their own free choice.
I had an ex who actually worked at a woman's shelter. She eventually quit because it was so eye-opening - that they simply couldn't keep these women away from their "abusive" men. They weren't supposed to ever call them, etc - but they would break all the rules all the time to.
Well, beat me once, shame on you. Come back again and again to get beat nine times...shame on me!
Seriously, who's really at fault here? Why should I have to pay to protect women who refuse to protect themselves??? And then blame only the men for it?
And just how was Casper tricked? In all honesty... You and Byrdeye have made more of this celeb news than it deserves. Are you even concerned about the 700+ billion debt that your kids will need to pay back to the Chinese that "God's Son" just signed. I think you two have been diverted & tricked! More interested in following the bogus men don't have rights nonsense!
Henry Makow has turned out quite a few weak cats - thinking they're in on the JWO game - when in fact, they're nothing more than manwhores on the stroll for Henry.
Fantasy role-playing games - and the escapist suckers who play them - have made him a wealthy man....,
Ahhhhh CNu. Come on man. Actin' all jealous.
Why you player hatin'?
Funny cat. Attacking the messenger who bears a message with which you apparently agree.
Told you before Makow is a convenient reference for you squares who need footnotes to see the light.
My relentless acknowledgment of the obvious is derived from a source much more esteemed than some Henry Makow.
I'll give you a hint: They all walk like Denzel.
On a serious note, anybody wanting to understand where Obama stands in terms of people-centric vs. deep state centric loyalties - should watch what he does with regard to this issue very closely.
Are you even concerned about the 700+ billion debt that your kids will need to pay back to the Chinese that "God's Son" just signed. I think you two have been diverted & tricked! More interested in following the bogus men don't have rights nonsense!
You Idiot
Told punk ass conformists years ago about the hi-jacking of our government and the pillaging of our economy.
Got the same reaction I'm getting now from punk ass conformists like you when I tell them about the consequence of Group Identity Politics and Secular fanaticism disguised as "progress".
The same people told you to take out a subprime loan are the same people implying to girls it's OK to hit men and if men hit them back they are supposed to put the men in jail.
Dupes like you have been trained to call this trick a ... "bailout".
When in reality this economic collapse is going to go down as the greatest THEFT in the history of the world.
And I'm here to tell you the same people who stole your home are trying to break up you family. If they haven't done it already.
I'm way ahead of you Casper. Agree. Disagree. Stop reading. But stay in your place.
"You Idiot
Told punk ass conformists years ago about the hi-jacking of our government and the pillaging of our economy."
If I am the idiot... How many degrees do you have?? I bet you $5,000 cash you surely don't have a Masters or a PHD because intellectual progressive grownups stop fantazing or having homo erotic thoughts about teenage pop singers/rappers in their teens!
So when you get your braces off and ready to act like a REAL man and have REAL men debate without the grade school tirades. Then you let us know!
to the blackest boy on your block
"return an average of nine times before they leave for good or are hospitalized or killed."
You know, this stat really bothers me.
Because it means that of the 1000 women killed a year by DV, each had 9 chances to just leave the guy before he struck the final blows. 9 chances!!!
I mean, if you're that stupid to keep coming back 9X...don't you win the Darwin award for being such a glutton for punishment?
And how is $300 million* going to remedy that? The sheer stupidity of these women?
* And didn't Obama say this stimulus package was to "rebuild our infrastructure?" Well, how the hell is another mega-moneyshot to the anti-male warchest our "infrastructure???"
for starters, because it puts the crosshairs squarely on pinheads like yours turdy.
that works for me!!!
If I am the idiot... How many degrees do you have?? " CASPER
I have a GED.
I'm not impressed with the quality of Plantation Educations.
The overly degreed strike me as well indoctrinated, poorly educated and unimaginative thinkers.
Asking a man to reject a historical and social narrative spoon fed him by the colleges and universities he took out loans to attend is an arduous task.
Apparently you need more than the obvious to prove it to him.
"It's very difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it." Upton Sinclair
for starters, because it puts the crosshairs squarely on pinheads like yours turdy.
that works for me!!!
The quantity of disdain you demonstrate towards Byrd and Mills is disproportionate to the quality of your argument vs. theirs.
In fact. I see their argument.
I even see where where Casper gets that doctrine he parrots.
What's your point?
"I'm not impressed with the quality of Plantation Educations."
So your not promoting your kids go to college? Secondly, the doctor who delivered your child/children didn't impress you huh!?
"fed him by the colleges and universities he took out loans to attend is an arduous task."
Many of the intelligent enrollees go for free BTW. Even the ones with the superior fast twitch muscle fibers from quality genetic breeding. If you have both you actually get paid to go! Those stipends where great!
Cnu's point is that Mills & I represent the suppressed part of himself that he disdains and so disassociates with. You see, deep down he agrees with us about Blacks having lower IQs on average, but instead of accepting and integrating that issue within himself - finds it easier to deny and confront it externally in others.
Fact is, he disdains most people because he feels they are all intellectually inferior to himself.
I mean, it must be painful trying to chat up bruthas at the Y to tell them about the dopamine hegemony, and they ask him which Fiddy album that is?
Integrating and accepting the reality out there can be a painful process, because no matter what ID group you belong to, some of it ain't gonna be good. But, that's why so few people are wholly-integrated with reality, isn't it?
Cnu is just another textbook example of someone who tries to blame his own willful dissonance with reality on that thorn in his side on others. When in fact, it would still be there stubbornly poking him whether Mills & I existed or not. So it's a weak cop-out and he knows it.
The quantity of disdain you demonstrate towards Byrd and Mills is disproportionate to the quality of your argument vs. theirs.
You a bell curve boy too DV?
"Mills & I"
"I'm not impressed with the quality of Plantation Educations."
So your not promoting your kids go to college? - Casper
Not really. I doubt the college industry will be relevant 2015. Peep my post on the future of education.
Colleges don't educate people Casper. Colleges sell peasants the illusion of middle class inclusion.
"Secondly, the doctor who delivered your child/children didn't impress you huh!?" Casper
No, Casper he didn't.
In fact, if we ever have more children it would be natural child birth, probably at home.
"fed him by the colleges and universities he took out loans to attend is an arduous task."
"Many of the intelligent enrollees go for free BTW. Even the ones with the superior fast twitch muscle fibers from quality genetic breeding. If you have both you actually get paid to go! Those stipends where great!" Casper
Big Ups for that Casper.
Cnu's point is that Mills & I represent the suppressed part of himself that he disdains and so disassociates with.
nah trick.
neither one of you groupies understands something as simple as the post-industrial Black culture with job openings and a chance for upward mobility that DV celebrates.
you denigrate it as r-gaming and Mills denigrates it as embarrassing oppositionality. neither one of you has access to any aspect of it, and each of you can only stand with your nose pressed up against the window and your little dick in your hand.
I give Mills his propers for opportunistically and parasitically exploiting it in the real world - but you turdy - your preoccupation is like that of any impotent consumer of pornography with DV serving as your Larry Flynt.
As for the rest of your amateur psychoanalysis, that's just a whole laundry list of unintended self-disclosures...,
"post-industrial Black culture with job openings and a chance for upward mobility that DV celebrates"
So, I guess you would suggest Obama add funding for hip-hop to HR1 as an economic stimulus for Blacks?
Well, $300 mil for feminist propagandists...why not rappers huh?
I don't particularly like or care for dogs, and I have absolutely no fear of them whatsoever, having given more than a few of them the feral raccoon treatment in my day.
Because I understand them and all their habits and instincts exceedingly well, and because I tend to dislike them, I admit that I have a bad habit of teasing them and systematically breaking their wills. It's just meanness...,
Now I know you like to keep little toe-licking dogs around for your personal amusement, and as a guest I really should just live and let live. But the truth of the matter is that I can't promise you I won't do bad things to them since you've neither housebroken them or taught them their place.
"Now I know you like to keep little toe-licking dogs around for your personal amusement, and as a guest I really should just live and let live. But the truth of the matter is that I can't promise you I won't do bad things to them since you've neither housebroken them or taught them their place."
(that is some funny shit)
On the real DV... Even you have groupies!.. Not hating! ... Just saying!
"Now I know you like to keep little toe-licking dogs around for your personal amusement, and as a guest I really should just live and let live. But the truth of the matter is that I can't promise you I won't do bad things to them since you've neither housebroken them or taught them their place." CNu
Yeah, yeah I hear you partner.
You don't "like" Byrd.
I don't really get into that shit with men.
Fightin' is the flip side of fuggin. If you know what I mean. Takes equal amounts of energy.
But I'll put the value Byrd's shit ... excuse the pun ... up against any muhfuggah on the blog. Including you.
Let each man's thoughts and ideas stand or fall on their on merit.
Do you really have more in common with Casper, than you do with Byrdeye?
Which would be the most interesting dinner conversation?
"Which would be the most interesting dinner conversation?"
I know for sure some fine ass women would be present if your dinning with moi! So you decide? LOL
Player Pimp (Casper) or woman hater (Bird)!?
Which is your cup of tea DV !?
Now I understand that you have empathy for your dog turdy - and you want me to be nicer to him particularly given that he's tried on more than one occasion to sidle up and lick my hand. (Your dog skipper did that too.)
But the fact of the matter is that I don't let dogs in my house, I don't fight with dogs, and I don't have conversations with them either.
I either leave them alone out of regard for their "owners", or, I indulge my propensity for meanness toward them.
When I discovered many years ago how easy it is to break a dog's will just by staring at it real hard - that the core of a dog's being is fundamentally fearful, obsequious and servile - I simply haven't had any use for any of them ever since.
A Butt Naked Halle Barry and a drunk 25 year old Beverly Johnson better be sitting on both sides of you.
Nah, I'm playin'. But I feel you player.
Still. That's interesting question. Does CNulan really have more in common with Casper than he does with Byrdeye?
Y'all have some funny conversations.
This blog and the characters who visit it, are entertaining. It's why I keep coming back to check it out.
"A Butt Naked Halle Barry and a drunk 25 year old Beverly Johnson better be sitting on both sides of you."
Haha... Rihanna is available!
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