Tuesday, February 03, 2009

One Man's Terrorist Is Another Man's Freedom Fighter. One Man's "Fringe" Is Another Man's Fact

Making Canada Our 51st State Could Make It Easier to Buy American

So, at this year's annual World Economic Forum meeting in Switzerland, the United States trumped up the "Buy American" dogma. Canadian Finance Minister, Jim Flaherty, responded by pronouncing that American "protectionism" would be "met by resistance" by countries around the globe- but that Canada would not effect trade restrictions of its own.

After all, why should Canada stand in the way? They are the number one trading partner of this United States.

Although other countries fear the latest US evolution in its trade policy, Canada does not. And, it's all good- we need them. They need us. They ARE us. We are one and the same. Keep reading.

And, therefore, I say- let's get this charade out of the way already- and officially make Canada our 51st State.

That's awfully ... "fringe" ... of you CNu. An observation of the obvious, yet fringe because The Merger of Nations is a meme not yet sanctioned for popular consumption. Don't let Brother Mills catch you entertaining an independent notion without properly identifying it as ... periphery.

Funny. As we stumble towards the Amero in particular and Mandatory Group Think in general, cats who concede the apparent must be dutifully marginalized by Plantation proxies as "consumers of alternative infostreams".

Do you think the Mill's of this world realize the mere participation in the characterization of thought as "fringe" and "alternative" and "mainstream" is in and of itself patently conformist?


CNu said...

Making Canada Our 51st State Could Make It Easier to Buy American

So, at this year's annual World Economic Forum meeting in Switzerland, the United States trumped up the "Buy American" dogma. Canadian Finance Minister, Jim Flaherty, responded by pronouncing that American "protectionism" would be "met by resistance" by countries around the globe- but that Canada would not effect trade restrictions of its own.

After all, why should Canada stand in the way? They are the number one trading partner of this United States.

Although other countries fear the latest US evolution in its trade policy, Canada does not. And, it's all good- we need them. They need us. They ARE us. We are one and the same. Keep reading.

And, therefore, I say- let's get this charade out of the way already- and officially make Canada our 51st State.

CNu said...

Do you think the Mill's of this world realize the mere participation in the characterization of thought as "fringe" and "alternative" and "mainstream" is in and of itself patently conformist?

Personally, I just wish that ugly adolescents would stop scheming and looking hard and instead learn and accept their place in the global virtual arcology of free thought....,

Undercover Black Man said...

Do you think the Mill's of this world realize the mere participation in the characterization of thought as "fringe" and "alternative" and "mainstream" is in and of itself patently conformist?

Dang, DV. I bet you buy "homeopathic remedies" as well.

Undercover Black Man said...

Personally, I just wish that ugly adolescents would... accept their place in the global virtual arcology of free thought....,

I love free thought. Freedom of thought includes the freedom to be a fucking idiot. And the freedom to display oneself as such.

Denmark Vesey said...

Dang, DV. I bet you buy "homeopathic remedies" as well.


Nah Mills. Not me. Give me them chemicals straight from the pharmaceutical corporations straight into my blood stream baby.

No natural shit for me son. No way Jose. Fuck a plant based remedy. Give me some shit out a test-tube that's going to treat the symptom. If I sneeze, it's straight to the antibiotics. DCon-4 Gone up in this camp. Kill every micro-organism in my body! Fuck a micro-ecology.

Come on Mills, be serious man. With as many people as Traditional Medicine is keeping healthy, disease-free and happy, who in the hell would really consider something as fringe as homeopathy? Really.

Undercover Black Man said...

... who in the hell would really consider something as fringe as homeopathy? Really.

You know who would, DV. Millions of unfortunate souls who can't tell the difference between sound information and made-up horseshit.

That right there is a bigger problem for the human animal than all diseases combined.

Denmark Vesey said...

You know who would, DV. Millions of unfortunate souls who can't tell the difference between sound information and made-up horseshit." UBM

Oh. I see.

Unlike those lucid, circumspect consumers of traditional medicine who routinely got their tonsils yanked out, traded breast milk for Nestle's Formula, who today feed their babies high fructose corn syrup and treat their own diabetes with Avandia.

LOL. Nah Mills. I don't think "homeopathy" is any crazier than walking around with 12 pounds of undigested factory raised meat in your colon, festering like gangrene and hoping Obama's "National Health Care" plan is going to save your ass from the inevitable onslaught of diabetes / cancer.

Muhfuggas nibbling on bee pollen and collodial silver make much more sense to me than Star Jones look-a-likes poppin pregabalin and glipizide release tablets.

You think Plantation Medicine makes more sense than homeopathy? LOL

Mills. You a funny a dude.

Undercover Black Man said...

You think Plantation Medicine makes more sense than homeopathy?

Well, I have my reasons, DV. My senior year of college, I caught a case of cancer. Guess who knocked that shit out?

Not a Chinese accupuncturist. Not a Hopi herbalist. Not a Zulu sangoma. And most certainly not the fine makers of Oscillococcinum.

It was a board-certified oncologist, a product of the American medical establishment, employing fruits of the scientific method... the method which led to the eradication of smallpox and the near-eradication of polio.

I don't think "homeopathy" is any crazier than walking around with 12 pounds of undigested factory raised meat in your colon, festering like gangrene...

Well, it's a good thing nobody's walking around with 12 pounds of undigested anything in his colon. Nobody, DV.

Goodness gracious, is there any hoax you haven't fallen for?

I had a colonoscopy a couple years ago. Ever had one, DV? They give you laxatives to take for a day or two prior. Then they insert a camera up into your colon.

In my case, they found a few polyps. You know what they didn't find? Twelve pounds of undigested meat.

I have lately been tickled crazy at the "colon-cleansing" quacks who advertise on the radio, talking about up to 25 pounds of waste stuck to the walls of your colon "like spackle or paste."

It's simply make-believe, DV. And if you can find me some colonoscopy footage revealing pounds of feces stuck to colon walls, I'll give you $100.

Colon cleansing is a scam. I hope you haven't spent much money on it.

CNu said...

How did a post on supra-national reorganization deteriorate into a diatribe on the contents of David Mill's bowel? (can anyone say "red herring"?)

Anyway, the history of bowel cleansing goes waaaaaaaay further back than any of this hot mess on teevee that has BBCB screeching "hoax!!!" - long and short - hardcore yogic bowel cleansing consisted in swallowing and extruding a very long piece of fabric. The U.S. craze began in the 19th century with sanitariums and the corn flake wars.

Given BBCB's arcane views on genes, race, and intelligence, I'm quite shocked to hear that he's not a vigorous proponent of high colonic enemas and the dietary regimes of a deep thinking benefactor to eugenics like Kellogg.

Kellogg was outspoken on his beliefs on race and segregation, in spite of the fact that he himself adopted a number of black children. In 1906, Kellogg founded—together with Irving Fisher and Charles Davenport—the Race Betterment Foundation, which became a major center of the new eugenics movement in America. Kellogg was in favor of racial segregation and believed that immigrants and non-whites would damage the gene pool. Also, Kellogg gave a large portion of the common stock of the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company to the Race Betterment Foundation. Whether any of that stock has been converted into Kellogg Company stock is unknown. [See Investigation of Race Betterment Foundation by the Attorney General of Michigan; also see, Ruth C. Engs, Progressive Era's Health Reform, 2003, Greenwood Pub. Co., Race Betterment National Conferences, p. 276].

CNu said...

Iridology and it's emphasis on tissue cleansing as a distinct branch of chiropractic medicine is to blame for the further continuation of this line of thought into the 20th century and up to the present day. Much of the photographic stimulus is derived from Bernard Jensen's classic Tissue Cleansing through Effective Bowel Management which is chock-a-block full of disturbing images of material discharged from unhealthy bowels via a strict dietary regimine and high colonic enemas.

Has nothing whatsoever to do with the detox/cleanse programs being peddled on teevee consisting of god awful and sometimes toxic herbal agents that can mechanically traumatize the bowel and inflict long-term damage. Some of the ingredients are irritants that work in the way that pepper gives "heat" to recipes. That's not a flavor, that's tissue irritation.

antisatan said...

Al-Quida was the name of a CIA database.

There is no Al-Quida.

The real terrorists are the NW0 banksters.

Their greatest "enemies" are all those who resist - from holistic healers to freedom fighters to anti-Zionist political leaders.