Friday, January 16, 2009

MLK on Vietnam vs BHO on Gaza

This Madness Must Cease

"Somehow this madness must cease. We must stop now. I speak as a child of God and brother to the suffering poor of Vietnam. I speak for those whose land is being laid waste, whose homes are being destroyed, whose culture is being subverted. I speak for the poor of America who are paying the double price of smashed hopes at home and death and corruption in Vietnam. I speak as a citizen of the world, for the world as it stands aghast at the path we have taken. I speak as an American to the leaders of my own nation. The great initiative in this war is ours. The initiative to stop it must be ours."“there is one president at a time,” "Israel has a right to defend itself from rocket attacks."

That stance has thus far been interpreted in the Arab world as a tacit assent to the Bush administration’s Middle East policy — the very policy that Mr. Obama criticized during the campaign as too divisive, and which he vowed to change.

For Mr. Obama, there are risks in being viewed in the Arab world as Bush 2.

“Polarization along the imagined Gaza fault lines traps the incoming Obama administration in an involuntary continuation of the Bush policies that contributed to the increased instability in the Middle East in the first place,” says Trita Parsi, author of Treacherous Alliance; The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran and the U.S.”


CNu said...

nonsense...., God's son was not elected by, nor is he accountable to, the sad and beaten Palestinians.

Which Arab leader are you holding to the standard you've rhetorically held Obama to in this post?

G M said...

"God's son was not elected by, nor is he accountable to, the sad and beaten Palestinians"

Uh, he is when the US is giving billions of OUR TAXPAYER'S money to Israel in FREE AID every year!!!

This same money that is being used to FUND this ethnic cleansing and genocide!

So, you don't think Obama or I have a G'DAMN SAY IN THE MATTER WHEN MY TAX MONEY is getting siphoned over to those ruthless, racist murderers???

If Israel doesn't want any comment from us, then they should refuse our charity too. If they want us to hush, then they should be paying US the hush money. Instead, they take our money but also expect us to hush and obediently do their bidding.

And then brag about it like Olmert!!! I mean, really, how much more can you pwn another country???

Now, if you don't see a MAJOR problem in all this, then somewhere along the line you traded all your common cents for Obama's spare change.

Anonymous said...

When are intelligent men and women going to stop pointing the finger at political figures playing within the strict rules of a seemingly perpetual agreement between nations rather than examining the political system that trasparently endorses it? I encourage you to find more realistic areas for the change Obama speaks of or be EXTREMELY patient.

The King comparison is a total delusion of grandeur. Its a quest for a messiah by people who feel overwhelmed and helpless. BHO's title, forum, associations and the pacts that bind him and the nation TOTALLY prevent it. You've lied to yourself when you knew better.

This man is a politician. Associations usurp natural law in this warped subculture. He, like those before him, will stand on the side of justice and natural law when its suitable. Period.


CNu said...

Interestingly KP, relationships trump resources, profit, and all other considerations as the motive force or aim behind all the major machinations of members of the Trans-European Project, going back now at least 150 years.

BHO stands on the side of deftly and constructively working the relational angle for the benefit of all Americans and with an eye toward doing us as little harm as possible in what promise to be some very trial and tribulation filled years ahead.

Anonymous said...

"BHO stands on the side of deftly and constructively working the relational angle for the benefit of all Americans and with an eye toward doing US as little harm as possible in what promise to be some very trial and tribulation filled years ahead."

I get "save yourself" and "harm to others is regrettable yet acceptable" from the quote above and find it difficult to endorse.

Its amazing how the removal of the two words "us" and "americans" from the passage evoke an entirely different tone and message while maintaining proper grammar. They continue the ideas of nationalism, dark vs light, divide and conquer, lives worth optimizing vs. the expendable, rather than focus on the fact that man is one.

If he is concerned with "us" and "americans" based on the project you cited or his title, King and God's son references should end immediately as King and anyone with the semblance of God's son have an honest universal purview and speak truth rather than promote the selective application of natural law by a construct (or project) void of truth, justice or reality.


CNu said...

MLK worked the America beat - and having accomplished at least a part of his project objective - proceeded from there to more universal appeals, though still within the context of America.

BHO - hasn't even had a chance to warm his seat in the oval office yet, and new age ninnies running around demanding that he play moral oral and get himself shot, have his promise squandered, and any hope of constructive deviation from Hobson's Choice thrown out the window.

The man has his work more than cut out for him shoring up relations within the international community and using these improved relations to advance ANY constructive agenda that his team can define and operationally manage.

Oh, and here's the detail on that project - so you know whereof I speak. It's the same source material and analysis I've offered to DV as a balm to soothe his outlandish JWO eruptions and not wind up bursting a vein, damaging his thinking apparatus and winding up obviously impaired like his poster child turdeye.

Give it a look. You may find its construction sensible and appealing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the detail cnu.

Make no mistake, my critique is not of Obama, its the false claims made by those who liken a politician to a man with the ability to speak their mind with their own convictions as the only filter.