Obama, holidaying in Hawaii, has made no public remarks on Israel's unrelenting military assault on the Palestinian territory, which has left more than 380 people there dead.
The former Illinois senator spoke out after last month's attacks in Mumbai and has made detailed statements on the US economic crisis.
But some fear that the US president-elect's reluctance to speak out on the Gaza raids could be sending its own message.
"Silence sounds like complicity," Mark Perry, the Washington Director of the Conflicts Forum group, told Al Jazeera.
"Obama has said that Israel has the right to defend itself from rocket attacks but my question to him is 'does he believe that Palestinians also have the right of self-defence?'"
Getting punked like a biyatch. I'd love to hear what he'll say from some Islamic capital after this "no comment" bullshit. He's going to get shoes tossed at him too.
You can't punk a punk. The man has already reached over and grabbed his ankles for AIPAC. That followed by putting Rahm in charge of his staff. Barack Obama is the most Zionist oriented Negro in history.
to be fair, Israel punks EVERY President.
Very true Anonymous. Israel bombed the USS Liberty in 1973, killing at least 34 American soldiers and wounding 174 more, and the Johnson Administration (and every administration since) has rolled over and played dead as if it never happened.
Gotta co-sign all statements. What Israel did is ridiculous. They're making it clear the only "change" will be the kind they want. If you go the Boy Scout of America website you'll see their website has been hacked by the Muslim brotherhood. People of color gotta unite. One.
"Israel bombed the USS Liberty in 1973"
Yup they were trying to stage a false-flag attack against the US to blame it on "their usual suspects"...but got caught claw-handed.
Of course, once the US realized it was "their friend" Israel and not some dirty ragheads...they quickly swept it under the rug and looked the other way. Nothing to see here folks - keep it moving right along!
And we all know where Obama stands on all this. No surprises here.
Where you been man?
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