Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, a national Christian public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, commented, “Crystal Dixon is a courageous Christian woman whom we are privileged to represent. The University of Toledo brags about being friendly to ‘lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning individuals.’ They apparently are also proud of their hostility toward Christians.”
Thompson observed, “Where is the so-called free expression of ideas that universities so adamantly defend in other contexts? Not only does Crystal Dixon have a constitutional right to express her opinion, but that opinion represents the view of a majority of Christian Americans."

"As much as I feel that gays have the right to marry in CA due to our state Constitution and precedent, I havta draw the line somewhere. She was clearly fired by the thought police. I hate this type of intolerance that the gay lobby puts forth. They are just as intolerant of people as Craig's 'bibtards'!" Mahndisa

Brother Nulan doesn't seem to appreciate the ridiculous 'stooperstions' of that equally religious Secualar Fanaticism to which he subscribes.
Your oversimplifications are depressing. The bias and bigotry of hateful know nothings doesn't even rise to the level of moral objection. Your assertion that I subscribe to any secular belief aside from the principled one that the state has no business legislating and enforcing morality borders on slander DV.
Corrected for clarity, my belief system is difficult because it focuses on real knowledge. How to even try and explain what that means given that so few people bother to appreciably learn anything even remotely approaching real knowledge?
In a nutshell, it means that we have been gifted with the means to participate in our evolution as a species. Our intelligence and self-awareness are the tools by which our participatory involvement with GOD (genetic omni-determinism) are accomplished.
This is Work. A system of knowledge and behavior which gives the appearance of a religion. The GOD of this religion is identical to the GOD of engineering or of biochemistry. The sacrament is concerted effort to pursue real knowledge and not fall subject to the chronic failures of sleep and suggestibility.
12 07 08
Yes, using knowledge makes sense but if knowledge is not tempered with a sense of feelings like compassion or empathy, then decision making processes are screwed up. That video on submariner's page about how the human brain needs feeling to make decisions tells us this.
We aren't automatons and so any sense of morals or ethics must come from the great aether; I think of as a universal consciousness or GOD. Also if you don't believe that humans are connected in that way, consider that humanity's sense of morality should come from propagating the species. That is a moral and biological imperative. With that said, there are many things that are unethical by this standard and secular fundamentalism that legalizes baby killing as well as the GOD HATES FAG movement that rationalizes gay murder and bigotry and just as anathema to our survival...
12 08 08
Here is the link to the submariner post.
Yes, using knowledge makes sense but if knowledge is not tempered with a sense of feelings like compassion or empathy, then decision making processes are screwed up.
Those who have been the victims of evangelical pansociality and the hateful ostracism which that entails have my full and complete sympathy. Bigot and bully purveyors, not-so-much....,
We aren't automatons and so any sense of morals or ethics must come from the great aether;
Post adolescence, a human being dies a little bit every day in the death that Jesus spoke of when he admonished a prospective follower to let the dead bury their dead. It would be wise for us to ponder this as part of our own reality, a part we pretend to hide as one who sweeps the dust under a rug and imagines the room to be completely clean.
What dies in us before cellular death?
Our potential, our capacity to make efforts, our possibilities. Time flows and we fail to notice that our potential is withered. Our response to life becomes more and more automatic each day. We lose spontaneity and replace it with habits at every level, such as usual ways of thinking, emotional reactions, likes and dislikes…
I think of as a universal consciousness or GOD. Also if you don't believe that humans are connected in that way, consider that humanity's sense of morality should come from propagating the species.
There is inside us both a wolf and a lamb. The trick is to learn to harness and feed the wolf without sacrificing the lamb. What you describe as conscience above is the lamb. In order to access it, the lamb must thrive and have a life of its own. (thus the Christic symbolism of the lamb)
There is none of that left in the evangelical pansocialist who is all harsh angles and gnashing teeth, determined to judge as he/she deems themselves judged by a vengeful, panoptic father god.
There are no remaining evolutionary possibilities in such a one, or as Jesus put it, they are already dead...,
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