By Michael D. Shear
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, December 28, 2008; A05
Republicans who are vying to lead the national party offered a mix of reactions yesterday to the decision by one candidate for the job to mail out a music CD including the song "Barack the Magic Negro."
Chip Saltsman defended his actions, telling the Hill newspaper that the song -- and others on the CD, which was mailed to party members -- were nothing more than light-hearted parodies.
Is Mr... Saltzman
guilty of a "hate crime"?
Submariner said...
In response to your question, no. But on a crude partisan level I hope that Chip wins chairmanship of the RNC. I would also love to see Sarah Palin as the Republican nominee in 2012. And if Rush Limbaugh hasn't thrown any turds from his aorta by then, surely he'll maintain exceptionally high visibility. Overall, the circumstances couldn't be more favorable for an even greater Obama victory than we just saw. Political observers who think this dude would pose a problem for Barack were probably the same folks who believed going into the NBA Finals that Dan Marjele could seriously challenge Michael Jordan.
Denmark Vesey said ...
Whoa. Whoa ... Whoa. Don't punk out on me Sub. Not you too. CNu got all neoliberal and irrational on me when I ventured to challenge the taboos of Gay Identity Politics. Mike Fisher hid behind the veneer of bathroom jokes. I hope you're not afraid to tackle the duplicity of Jew Identity Politics.
You mean to tell me that if Jesse Jackson Jr. sent out a video entitled "Lieberman The Double-Crossing Jew", he would not be universally hailed an anti-Semite bigot who should be removed from office, tried for a HATE CRIME, and sentenced to jail?
In response to your question, no. But on a crude partisan level I hope that Chip wins chairmanship of the RNC. I would also love to see Sarah Palin as the Republican nominee in 2012. And if Rush Limbaugh hasn't thrown any turds from his aorta by then, surely he'll maintain exceptionally high visibility. Overall, the circumstances couldn't be more favorable for an even greater Obama victory than we just saw. Political observers who think this dude would pose a problem for Barack were probably the same folks who believed going into the NBA Finals that Dan Marjele could seriously challenge Michael Jordan.
If your forefathers are called "boy" long enough and conditioned to accept it, the residue is people accepting limited respect down the road. I call this a severe case of low expectations.
The dichotomy of house and field is quite the hurdle.
Maybe. But if this is where the GOP is going then on a pure material basis they better bundle up like the people who said it would be a cold day in hell before a black man would be elected POTUS. Besides, who needs a black partisan whipping stick when these guys are immolating themselves? I just sit back in amusement the same way I did when the state of Washington with its infinitesimal population of blacks felt the need to pass Ward Connerly-style legislation restricting affirmative action.
Jesse used the phrase "Hymietown" and he didn't do a lick of jail time.
Now, he was reviled and his reputation still hasn't recovered, but he didn't do any jail time then and he wouldn't do jail time now. The media response would be different, but the legal response would not.
Big Man,
Jesse was then.
Jesse Jr. is now.
Different time. Different climate. Post-Patriot Act. This is the era of the warrant-less wire tap and national Thought Police.
For example: Rick Warren has been declared a Persona Non Grata by the Homo Gestapo for daring to state his Christian views on Marriage.
Is he in jail? No. But his lively hood is threatened. People risk jeopardizing their careers for even associating with him now.
He is being punished for his thoughts and beliefs.
It is only a matter of time before criticizing Jews or Homosexuals will be illegal.
Already in Europe scholars have been imprisoned for questioning the sparse physical evidence of 6 million Jewish deaths during WWII.
The same political forces at work there are at work here.
You think Rick Warren's livelihood is in jeopardy?
Nah, homie.
The problem with Warren is that he wants to be liked by too many people and be popular.
No matter what he preaches about gay people, he'll have followers. Hell, if he got more strident about his beliefs that offend homosexuals, he'd probably see his membership increase. However, all his liberal friends who find him so "moderate" would probably abandon him.
Nah, Warren can make money no matter what gay people or Jewish people think about him. The folks he caters to aren't beholden to either of those groups.
Now, somebody like Obama is much, MUCH more vulnerable. He doesn't have the good ol' boy pass to fall back on, and his black pass will only get him so far in a still overwhelmingly white America. He needs the Jews and gays much more than Warren because he needs a wider political base to stay powerful. Warren can continue to do what he's been doing.
CNu got all neoliberal and irrational on me when I ventured to challenge the taboos of Gay Identity Politics.
wherein DV discloses his special inner world.., chock-a-block full of windmills that look for all the world like dragons - but just to him.
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