



"All the blacks think they can be tops now." green giant

"stop making excuses. the mormon church didn't pull the levers. black homophobes did." max solomon
“If Prop 8 narrows at all, one could fairly say that this time, blacks are the ones who wrote discrimination into the constitution.” Hanah
"Racist gay white men? Scum. But not as a big a problem as homophobic blacks are for gay Americans. The ridiculous homophobia in the African American community has to be acknowledged and confronted. " Andre M.
"I agree the black community has a huge homophobic population and it needs to be addressed!" Aaron Brum
"I think yesterday I became just a little bit racist against black people. On Monday, I was color blind. Actions have consequences." PDuff
Happy Now? This was the real goal behind the push for gay marriage. Group Identity Politics. Pitting one marginalized group against another - with nothing really to gain. It had nothing to do with the overwhelming desire of homosexuals to marry each other (In Canada where gay marriage is legal, less than 1% of the gay make up just 0.1% of all married couples, a proportion which is consistent with other countries that permit same-sex marriage.
In other words, the definition of the most important heterosexual institution was changed to satisfy one couple in one thousand. Why all the fuss when Homosexuals really have very little desire to marry in the first place? Because this is not about gay marriage - it's about attacking the spiritual sanctimony of marriage between men and women.
Black folks didn't represent enough of a voting block in Cali to decide jack shit. That simple fact notwithstanding, the GOP strategerists have made hay dividing and conquering the fact-challenged.
Frank Rich took no prisoners in his post-election GOP post mortem yesterday morning.
there remains only one Republican idea for reaching out to minority voters: Richard Land, of the Southern Baptist Convention, recommends pandering to socially conservative blacks and Hispanics with yet more hyperventilation about same-sex marriage. Weird though it may be, gays were the sole minority group that actually voted slightly more Republican this year (though still going Democratic by 70 to 27 percent). Pitting blacks and Latinos against them [gays] could open up a whole new bloody front in the G.O.P. civil war.
It will be very interesting to see exactly what other new zero sum games of dog-eat-dog political expediency the GOP gets away with as we enter the initial phases of the Greatest Depression.
Thanks to the highly evolved GOP skills at playing dubs, it'll be even more interesting to see what kind of unselfconscious dumbasses go for that old dunce cap/klan hood okie doke being peddled by folks who God's son had on the ropes until the weak end of his coalition's bell curve showed its ass and got played..,
I dunno CNu,
I'm not sure I understand your position.
Correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to buy into the mainstream paradigm that contends blacks, along with bible thumping groups of others "irrationally opposed to same-sex marriage", were duped into victimizing legions of innocent homosexuals who want nothing more than to be allowed to marry and have sex with whom they please.
I don't think it's the bible thumping religious fanatics who have been duped.
This cause has very little to do with marriage.
I say again.
The cause has little to do with marriage.
Despite the hi-profile media attention given the spectacle of two men marrying and tongue kissing on the courthouse steps - VERY FEW HOMOSEXUALS ACTUALLY MARRY EACH OTHER.
So ... why all the fuss? Why the national media attention? Why the calls for Federal Laws Equating marriage between two men is no different from sex between a man and a woman?
I contend - & what the Mike Fisher types pretend not to hear - that the goal of those instigating this Group Identity Battle is not the civil rights of homosexuals - but the destruction of all sacred institutions and cultural traditions in order to replace them with a NEW WORLD ORDER.
De chao, ordo.
Out of chaos, order.
I submit that it's the laptop toting secular moderates who have been duped into supporting any cause spoon fed them as a "civil rights' issue with a built in "sympathetic helpless victim" to be saved.
10 years from now - they will be fighting for the civil rights of children to free them from their oppressive parents.
This GOP divide and conquer strategy is pure baloney. The GOP did not cause this gay racism. It was always there. Gays are just pissed because they cannot manipulate the black vote as the Democrats are able to do.
Gays are just pissed because they cannot manipulate the black vote as the Democrats are able to do.
Interesting observation.
Homosexuals are getting played exactly the way women were when they bought into feminism.
Women were told that they were missing something, and thus "oppressed", because they weren't working. They were convinced that they were victims of such horrendous injustice for not being in the workplace. So, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, women became "victims" and wanted that victimization remedied.
Same with homosexuals. Probably could care less about marriage, but after being told time and time again that they were "victims" because they couldn't marry, all of a sudden, assless-pants-wearing, HIV-infected, public-sex-having homosexuals got all holy and want nothing more than to have the State recognize their matrimony.
Indeed DV. 10 Years from now it will be the "victim" children who have to take orders from their parents. Did you hear about the case in Canada where a daughter sued her father because she didn't want to be grounded for not doing her homework - and the court agreed with the daughter?
^ Exactly. Just another permutation of Leo (Jew) Strauss's underclass agitation to fight the Parasite's war for him. In the end, all special interests lose and the Parasite wins.
See Communism and other Jewish schemes for "uplifting" the peasants...
Frankly, I think it's funny gays are fighting for marriage when hetero men are leaving that feminist trap in record numbers now...
BTW, why should all minorities be expected to act unilaterally anyways in some nondiverse rainbow coalition - to begin with?
A lot of these groups have some really different genetics, cultures, viewpoints, needs & concerns. Many even conflicting or competing in a zero-sum game.
But just because they are not "str8 White males," they're supposed to magically form some homogeneous monolithic mass?
Because you psychotic killer-apes have demonstrated yourselves the most genocidal organism in the biosphere.
Just about any sentient life-form is preferable to you and yours.
"I contend - & what the Mike Fisher types pretend not to hear - that the goal of those instigating this Group Identity Battle is not the civil rights of homosexuals - but the destruction of all sacred institutions and cultural traditions in order to replace them with a NEW WORLD ORDER."
Maybe so. But homosexuals have been around forever. I still don't see how two people of the same sex screwing each other and making some kind of socially and governmentally sanctioned commitment is going to usher in that New Wold Order of yours.
The fact that a bunch of homosexual white men and women use the fact that many black folks voted against gay marriage to come out of the closet with their racism is interesting, but not surprising. I would have been highly surprised if sucking dick or taking it up the rectum insulated anyone from being racist.
DV, you have failed to clarify what it is you find so repugnant about homosexuality.
You have an issue with men having sex....So please clarify - Are you ok with hetero anal sex? If so, what's the difference?
It's about the sex for you?
It must be if it ain't about love.
And when you say stupid shit like "Well none of 'em actually like to get married anyway" You DO sound like folks who once said shit like "Well they LIKE it here....none of 'em actually WANT to be free."
One thing is certain - It has been ONE group in this country who has excluded blacks, latinos, fillinanyoneofcolorhere, women, homosexuals, etc. from its club.
It's been the white/hetero/christian/male club.
All this fighting throughout history = good news for the club.
Latinos pissed off at blacks = good news.
Blacks pissed at LGBTs = good news.
Everybody pissed off at asians = good news.
I ain't spoon fed shit. We're talking about adults here. No kids involved. Break down what REALLY bothers you.
Don't you have daughters, DV?
Because one day, when one of your little girls says "Daddy, I'm not attracted to boys - I have a crush on another girl," What the hell are you gonna say and do? Disown the precious being you helped create? Deny her of who she is?
Or maybe cause her pain and sickness by making sure she understands that Daddy thinks who she is is sick and twisted and repugnant, to the point she must hide her true self?
Two words. Fuck. That.
Mel must be a big dike lezbo whose parents rejected her because she goes on psycho rants at the mere suggestion that homosexuality ain't normal.
The dialogue in the comment above is a sad reliving of the moment she came out of the closet to her parents.
Wow - Spewing hatred.
Nice, "Over it".
Funny thing is, (as if it matters), I'm not, and have never been gay....But if my 3 year old daughter says she is, I will love her no less.
Love not hate.
You're so loving Mel. What if your daughter tells you she thinks gays are gross and would never want to be friends with one? Will you "love her no less" or will you spew the hatred you spew at DV here?
You guys spend more time talking about gay people than you do about blatant racist hell bent on killing you if the opportunity presents itself... While money whoring CEO's and bankers are running the U.S. economy into the ground!... I guess what I am getting at is what is more dangerous. 2% of the population who want to have same sex behind closed doors and have a symbolic 2 hour ceremony (marriage) or a potential soup line and government cheese???? Some of you go for the head fake everytime!
Preach! I am really getting annoyed at being made to feel because I don't support gay marriage that I am a bigot. My pastor said it best, "Man didn't create marriage - God did. Therefore, man cannot change its definition."
I say love whoever you want, that has nothing to do with me. Civil unions give gays the same rights and benefits as married people. But for some reason that is not good enough and the gay lobby will not be satisfied until everyone accepts their choices as right. Everyone has a choice to go to hell, but society should not be the one to sanction and support it!
"Over it", would you care to point out where I resorted to namecalling or hatred on any level here? I haven't called ANYONE repugnant, or ANYONE less than another in the eyes of the Lord.
If my daughter said she wouldn't be friends with a gay individual, I would wonder how I raised my daughter to judge others.
Soteria -
I am so sorry that you are "annoyed", yet still able to marry whomever you want...
Civil Unions do NOT give same sex couples equal rights. If they did, nobody would be making a fuss on either side.
It is simply absurd that folks can marry on a whim, (after having premarital sex), divorce, marry again, cheat, divorce again....all under the title "marriage" (and I doubt God is ok with those things)......Yet two loving individuals who have been faithful for 5, 10, 20 years can't walk into a courthouse and taking a vow of love, honor and commitment.
You were right about one thing, Soteria, it has NOTHING to do with you.
Love. Not Hate.
Soteria said...
"Man didn't create marriage - God did."
God also created Gay people! No? So if God didn't want people who indulge in same sex acts to get married wouldn't God not create these people to begin with????
Some of you people killing me! Now I see why UFO's come here and don't stay! Trapped in your minds by outdated values!
Mel, I am ANNOYED because the gay lobby is mobilizing to FORCE people to accept their lifestyle choices and that is not right. I can respect you as a human being, honor you as a person and not agree with the choices that you make. The lobby would have us believe that if you aren't waving a rainbow flag saying yes Steve and Bob should get married, that- somehow you are a bigot. That is what I have a significant problem with. What exactly did I say that made you feel that I hate someone?
Mel, maybe you can cite for me exactly what in a civil union is different than in marriage, because all of the information that I have seen puts it as having the same rights. Correct me if I am wrong and guide me to that info...
I find it hilarious that the pro- gay lobby's fall back is constantly the dissoluntion of heterosexual marriages. What exactly is your point with that? Obviously every heterosexual has not engaged in premarital sex, infidelity, and divorce...similarly every homosexual person is not out whoring on a nightly basis sleeping with random people.
My point is and remains - God defined marriage and it is defined as that between a man and a woman. It is, what it is. No one is saying that they cannot love whoever they want. What is with the urgency of the title other than to get everyone else to accept their choices?
Casper, in response to your comments I personally do not feel that the majority of people who are gay are born that way. That again is based on my own interaction and conversations with people who are "gay". A lot of them have decided that it was a lifestyle choice that they enjoyed and they went that direction. I have however, met people who have said that they were that way from a child so I do believe that some are born that way. God does not love them less. Just like God loves us all regardless of what we do as well, however we are called to walk in a certain fashion in order to receive the blessings of God in our lives. God does not need your belief in order for truth to be truth. Truth just is.
"Mel, I am ANNOYED because the gay lobby is mobilizing to FORCE people to accept their lifestyle choices and that is not right."
Dang, Soteria. That is a real problem. These gay people are trying to FORCE me to adopt a gay lifestyle and swear off women?
Now them's fighting words!!!!
Let's go get 'em! Burn 'em at the stake! (They gonna burn in hell anyhow, yes?)
Apparently I am dealing with a bunch of people on here that cannot read...
Must be a defense mechanism from opening up your mind to what I have to say...
Actually Soteria,
That seems to be a common problem on this issue.
The Gay Lobby has conditioned most Americans and quite a few Negros (Casper) to view this issue only through the lens of victim politics.
They have been trained to view any challenge to the difference between toleration and acceptance as a No-No.
In fact they cave been conditioned like Pavlov's dog, to hurl the accusation of "hate" towards anyone who doesn't pretend homosexuality is healthy and normal. (Mel)
Some (Mike Fisher) get a perverse little thrill playing the role of the sexual provocateur by regurgitating the cliches of "Sexual Preference".
He's still spittin' that ol' pimp game from the late 80's when pretending to be homo-friendly made a cat appear sexually advanced.
Fact is - confronted with the reality of a homosexual act each one of these dupes would lose their lunch.
Yet they have been conditioned to pretend the revolting is benign and that anyone who thinks of it as revolting is a bigot.
The Gay Lobby Dupes who call you a bigot are the equivalent of Fox News Dupes who call people who question the Official 911 Story "unpatriotic".
"Fact is - confronted with the reality of a homosexual act each one of these dupes would lose their lunch."
What does my losing my lunch have to do with other consensual adults engaging in an activity that they and not I are engaged in?
Gay people need to have legal protection exactly because I find this type of activity by male homosexuals revolting. Because if I can prohibit someone from doing something that I personally find revolting, what prevents someone else from prohibiting me from doing something that they find revolting?
DV - Despite the fact that you STILL haven't answered my MF question about HETERO acts such as anal, BJs, LP (youfigureitout)....
Can not an individual be heterosexual without ever having had sex? I knew I was straight the minute I got my first hot tingly crush for a boy in elementary school.
Likewise, Gay is Gay whether you have sex or not. Just as I knew I liked men, some women know they like women.
How ignorant does one have to be to insist that gayness is a fucking hobby.
"Hmm....There ain't much to do around here....Maybe I'll get gay and liven things up."
Mel: How ignorant does one have to be to insist that gayness is a fucking hobby.
"Hmm....There ain't much to do around here....Maybe I'll get gay and liven things up."
Who said that it was their hoppy? Please clarify your point here.
meant to say hobby..
The Hate Lobby has conditioned most Americans and quite a few Oreos (DV) to view this issue only through the cracks of their asses!
Bigot is the definition!
>Pitting one marginalized group against another
Everything isn't about you, you cretin.
Gays require the right to marry for tax, medical, insurance and next-of-kin reasons.
If relatively few homosexuals exercise that right, that doesn't make it less important.
If there's a minority which forms 5% of the population, it's wrong to oppress them right?
Well you're arguing that it suddenly becomes okay if they're 0.5% of the population, which is bullshit.
And seriously, are you suggesting that the massive homophobia among blacks wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't an issue like this to bring it out into the open?
A bigot is still a bigot even if there aren't any blacks, queers or irish in his neighbourhood for him to harrass.
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