Friday, November 21, 2008

The Denmark Vesey Blackest Men On The Planet Award - The Somali Pirates

The U.S. foreign policy blundering has created a new violent hotbed of anti-Americanism in the turbulent Horn of Africa by orchestrating the Ethiopian invasion of another Muslim capital of the Arab League, in a clear American message that no Arab or Muslim metropolitan has impunity unless it falls into step with the U.S. vital regional interests.

The U.S.-backed Ethiopian invasion of the Somali capital, Mogadishu, on Dec. 28 is closely interlinked in motivation, methods, goals and results to the U.S. bogged down regional blunders in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Sudan as well as in Iran and Afghanistan, but mainly in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories.

Mogadishu is the third Arab metropolitan after Jerusalem and Baghdad to fall to the U.S. imperial drive, either directly or indirectly through Israeli, Ethiopian or other proxies, and the fourth if the temporary Israeli occupation of Beirut in 1982 is remembered; the U.S. endeavor to redraw the map of the Middle East is reminiscent of the British-French Sykes-Pico colonial dismembering of the region and is similarly certain to give rise to grassroots Pan-Arab rejection and awaking with the Pan-Islamic unifying force as a major component.

Their nation devastated by NeoColonial Imperialism - These brothers have grabbed guns, taken to the high seas and collected $150M in ransom this year alone. Hustle Hard.


Complicated Lexicality said...

These pirates are definitely worthy of your award.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's just simple biology, really...

R-gamers know how to steal by force from K-gamers, but not create industry by themselves from scratch. Even after $4 trillion in guilt payments from White nations, lol.

So, these guys are just following their genetic coding.

If these guys really wanted to rise up on their own, they'd buckle down and create their own independent industry like Japan & China have, instead of boatjacking. Which is nothing more than an unstustainable crutch. However, it's not been proven that a Black nation can do that yet.

Would you ever buy a car Made in Africa?

CNu said...

faced with the impending collapse of the west, which went to great lengths to destroy the Islamic Council government in Somalia over the past 24 months, this monkey-breath muhphukka gots MUCH nerve talking about what a Black nation can or cannot do.

double-tap this fool and dump his carcass by the side of the road....,