Monday, October 20, 2008


The Doc said...
Hey DV,

I'm a big Marvel comics fan, and they have this big story they're doing where green skinned aliens have begun "body snatching" human beings, replacing superheroes and political leaders with Skrulls. Lately, they've been doing ads that say, "Embrace Change" across the top, and underneath it you see three kids sitting eating ice cream. Only one of them is a green skinned Skrull.

Google "Marvel Embrace Change"

Now, maybe i'm reading too much into this, but could they perhaps be subconsciously implying something else here. I mean, it's only too obvious which candidate's entire platform has been change. And these ads seem to be saying, Yeah, embrace change and you'll have green skinned aliens holding hands with your kids. (And after reading the "Matrix" thing from Mike's blog, I have the "all monsters in all movies are supposed to represent black people." thing on my mind.) Anyway, just something I was thinking about.


CNu said...

Skrulls been meddling with humans since remote antiquity. Catch up on your deep Inhuman's history magne.

It's a whole cosmic saga going back through Captain Marvel and the super Skrulls and Adam Warlock and all kinda wild isht that I only vaguely remember from back in the day when I had thousands of comics and no female companionship...,

Denmark Vesey said...

Sounds like a trailer for Byrdeye's Lizard People theory.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know the skrulls have been around for awhile. They've been secretly assuming people's identities for years, but until now they've always been a minor threat, almost a joke. Hulk had problems with them back in the early 90's, I believe, when he was Maestro under Peter David's run. My comic reading pedigree is thorough, my dude. As DV might say, Ya Wan Come Tess?

But I don't think they've ever used this sort of advertising to promote them. (Or anything else, for that matter.) Really... "Embrace Change". There's blatant, and then there's blatant.

p.s. My eyes bugged out when I checked the page today. (Holy-- he actually put it up!)