Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Is Sarah Palin Low Class?


CNu said...

Is the pope catholic?

G M said...

Typical Britney...

But, where is Obama's lectures on teen sluts getting crunked and popping out babies?

Where is Joe Biden's lectures to women about family planning and underage drinking? Instead of more legislation like his "Violence Against Women Act?"

Why is it "Violence Against WOMEN," and not just "Domestic Violence"...especially when more domestic violence is actually committed by women against MEN today!

As usual, the gynocratic jury remains silent when it's women behaving poorly. When women are at fault, they are simply quietly not held accountable.

But you can damn well sure bet that if this were a black son who had knocked up some ho, Obama would be all over men's asses like stink on shit.

F'n dickless cunts! i can't believe men are going to vote these vag-kissing manginas into office! Who needs Hillary when you got these dynamic dildos!

Anonymous said...

They check out Sarah Palin background. Yeah right, that's why they just sent a team of republicans lawyers to find the dirt they missed. I bet you Cindy told John you should place her on the ticket before a check was fully made.

Submariner said...

P...W....T I wonder when CNN is going to do an in-depth special on White 'Amuruhkins'.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Is she low class?


Most of America is low class these days. She is a perfect reflection of what America is today. Low class getting passed off as "classy", whether we're talking about Paris Hilton or Sarah Palin.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid she is indeed low class.

CNu said...

Definite family values/parent material there....,

Anonymous said...

I hear the cash register going off in the background. Better yet the sound of a slot machine going crazy because someboby just hit pay dirt.