"Anthrax ... may ... have come from Iraq" John McCain October 2001
Turned out to be American anthrax used by a government scientist, to kill Americans. The letters accompanying the anthrax included slogans like "Death to America and Israel!" and "Allah au Akbar!"
Who wanted a war between America and Arabs bad enough to send anthrax and pin it on Iraq?
The Lavon Affair
More actually than most folks can process - as it requires the institutional complicity of the FBI and a cast of hundreds (if not thousands) to enable the Big Lie that's played itself out over the 7 years of the Amerithrax investigation.
9II was a huge neocon setup from the jump.
The WTC was taken down by pre-rigged thermate.
Al-kda was a C1A fabrication (as you've posted on here before).
The connections between the "Saudi hijackers" and Afghanistan did not exist.
The connections between Al-kda and Saddam/Iraq were falsified by the CIA.
President Bush committed an impeachable offense by ordering the CIA to to manufacture a false pretense for the Iraq war in the form of a backdated, handwritten document linking Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda
As were the WMD charges.
And of course, so is the anthrax...planted as an "anti-Zionist/American" attack.
Etc, etc.
Justin Raimondo wrote one hell of a piece on this -
^ Yea, it sounds like a textbook C1A op to me.
Finger a patsy and then "suicide" him before a full investigation can be done him to prematurely put that case to rest. Dead men can't talk or defend themselves...
Chances are, the whole anthrax mailings were a follow-up C1A op to 9II.
Problem is, even Obama repeats the "war on terror" rhetoric just like his neocon predeccessors...thereby only reinforcing this neocon op.
When what we really need is a "war on our shadow gov."
Who wanted a war between America and Arabs bad enough to send anthrax and pin it on Iraq?
Why because he caused Haliburton to lose tons of money under his watch for his purchase of a company called Dresser. Dresser had to pay out billions of dollars for an asbestos lawsuit. Last question i shall you leave with. Who was the first U.S company to enter Iraq with a no bid contract?
Dina, thanks for a substantive, on-topic addition to the party amidst turdeye's useless, meandering signal noise....,
Where you been man?
Does it really require institutional complicity and a 'cast of hundreds' to enable this lie?
Sounds to me like a cabal of a dozen or so could pull off a False Flag operation like this.
Wouldn't be the first. You hip to the Lavon Affair?
LOL. And why you so hard on my man Byrdeye? Is not the Anthrax Lie a subset of the 911 Hoax?
cnulan - What specific points of mine do you disagree with?
Or are you just being catty?
DV, I been gettin my greasy nerd swerve on down in Acadiana - participating firsthand in the invisible shrinkage of some critical infrastructure.
I'll prolly be pretty irregular for the next few months until the workload lightens just a little bit.
You hip to the Lavon Affair?
and worse...,
And why you so hard on my man Byrdeye?
reflexive stoopidity aversion syndrome magne..., my bad.
Is not the Anthrax Lie a subset of the 911 Hoax?
On the serious tip DV, this topic goes to the heart of my interests and interrogatory - and it is sufficient unto itself to spawn and sustain a deep meditation - but focus and seriousness would be prerequisites for any such effort.
F'zample, Amy Goodman did a stellar deconstruction of the patsy chain and the dubious provenance of the state's key witness to Ivin's mental instability.
It's fascinating now to watch the intensifying focus on making the FBI the institutional fallguy for a much broader set of interlocking institutional failures, and, the fact of what has transpired in the biological weapons governance space in the intervening 7 years.
The real story - AFAIAC - is the underlying exponential government-financed proliferation of biological weapons technology.
The storylines by which we're being saturation bombarded on ALL media channels OTOH, reduce and misdirect the real story into a grossly simplified whodunnit.
Yes Bra CNu. Exactly.
Which begs the questions why & who?
Who would attack Americans with Anthrax and blame it on Muslims?
Who benefits from a perpetual war between the West and Islam?
Who has a history of False Flag operations?
From the US Liberty to Lavon the list goes on and on all roads point the Straussian NeoCons.
Now, I'm trying to understand you, but you seem reluctant to point the finger at the you-know-who's.
That's cool. That's OK. But dem muhfuggas guiltier than OJ.
So I don't understand this. As evidence piles like shit, even our smartest cats pretend they don't see the culprit.
I don't know. Maybe we need a slow speed chase with Richard Perle in a white Bronco before Americans act like they know.
From 911, to WMD's to Anthrax - was a Mossad Show.
How do you get Mossad out of this?
Until the anthrax attacks of 2001, Bruce E. Ivins was one of just a few dozen American bioterrorism researchers working with the most lethal biological pathogens, almost all at high-security military laboratories.
Today, there are hundreds of such researchers in scores of laboratories at universities and other institutions around the United States, preparing for the next bioattack.
But the revelation that F.B.I. investigators believe that the anthrax attacks were carried out by Dr. Ivins, an Army biodefense scientist who committed suicide last week after he learned that he was about to be indicted for murder, has already re-ignited a debate: Has the unprecedented boom in biodefense research made the country less secure by multiplying the places and people with access to dangerous germs?
Brah.., you need to get that little jewish splinter out of your eye so's you can peep the much larger governance game in which Israel looks exactly like what it is, a meatshield and hate-magnet on an entirely inhospitable spit of land with shit for resources and nothing but enemies on all sides.
How you cats can't see the City of London as the capital of global governance, and instead stay distracted by whatever little squabbles jump off out of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv - is utterly and completely beyond me.
But then again, yo boy Turdie see's phukking exobiological entities behind the scenes pulling the strings of human history - so I guess it CAN always be worse...,
I've already said this numerous times. There's been a long alliance between Anglo royalty and Zionists.
The Zionist bankers got these Anglos by the short & curlies - who serve as their mercenary Golems.
Jews have financed British wars after wars...from the Opium War on China to the Iraq war...planned by neocons...who again are the same dynamic duo of Anglo elites & Zionist Jews. Unfortunately, many are blinded by Jewish propaganda not to see the Jewish side of this coin.
Of course, underlying this alliance is an even deeper common denomintor. Which I happen to believe right now ARE in fact, Reptilian aliens and their seedline. Now, I know this is like telling a flat-Earther the world is spherical...but just make a mental note of this and it might become more evident to you someday.
So DV, like I mentioned a while back, it's down to simple discrimination.
Give me the carefully documented historical analysis and resulting conclusions re global governance coming from James R. Maclean and Cheryl-Lynne Rose Henderson ANY DAY over the fervid madness coming from yo boy....,
Because at the end of the day, I genuinely want to triangulate what's around that signpost up ahead and not simply entertain folks as part of a digital prattling exhibition with a lunatic.
How do I get the Mossad out of an Anthrax false flag operation complete with "Death to America and ISRAEL" planted evidence?
How do you not?
A month after Mossad agents were arrested for photographing and celebrating the WTC attack?
How do you not?
A month after teams of Mossad agents were arrested in and around Manhattan, calling in police reports that "Palestinians" were planning to attack the Lincoln Tunnel?
How do you not?
Mossad is no more synonymous with Jews than is NeoCons. That entire nation is a front, that has about as much to do with Judaism as the mafia has to do with Catholicism.
Wrapping their secular asses in the protective veil of religious persecution is one of the ways the actual culprits keep you blaming "institutions" and "supremacy" and "hegemony" and the entire "FBI" ... instead of specific people.
How do I get the Mossad out of an Anthrax false flag operation complete with "Death to America and ISRAEL" planted evidence?
How do you not?
Did you skim the Rand report on governance of informatics and biotechnology I linked you to upthread at Subrealism?
Slow yo role Bro. Denmark.
When I connect dots, I connect dots.
We're looking at the same thing, I'm just not prepared to draw specific conclusions about what precisely I'm looking at.
For your part, the *conclusions* you proffer are based on fragmentary and unreliable evidence.
To the extent that you cheerlead for, or endorse the premature assignation of unsubstantiated conclusions about the larger phenomenon in question..., or, tolerate patently ridiculous conclusions - you weaken the usefulness of the discourse and its possible further elucidation.
A month after Mossad agents were arrested for photographing and celebrating the WTC attack?
How do you not?
A month after teams of Mossad agents were arrested in and around Manhattan, calling in police reports that "Palestinians" were planning to attack the Lincoln Tunnel?
How do you not?
Brougham - if you insist on going there, why not "go there" on topic?
Wrapping their secular asses in the protective veil of religious persecution is one of the ways the actual culprits keep you blaming "institutions" and "supremacy" and "hegemony" and the entire "FBI" ... instead of specific people.
pot - meet kettle.
Show me your list of names, and perhaps I'll show you mine.
To the extent that you cheerlead for, or endorse the premature assignation of unsubstantiated conclusions about the larger phenomenon in question..., or, tolerate patently ridiculous conclusions - you weaken the usefulness of the discourse and its possible further elucidation.
and I meant to add, "you may even be looking in the entirely wrong direction."
The chief suspect in one of the most notorious crimes in US history dies an unexpected death for non-natural causes and there's no autopsy? In most states the Chief Medical Examiner has the authority to release the body to the family and isn't required to do an autopsy but this seems like a very strange decision and I am sure I am not the only one to notice it.
mahphukkaz is gettin hella sloppy.....,
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