What's More "African" Than Ethiopian?
IllMath said ...

That's what ILLMATH has been trying to say all along!!!!!!! White people don't have a monopoly on any one feature except wispy hair.. I was making that point but nooooo Ain't nobody wanna listen to ILL.. :)This is MY favorite being on earth..aside from moms and pops etc.. She's beyond gorgeous..Uh DV Ima have to go with Mike on that one. I think you can come up with something better than BITCH.. how about "Blackest WOMAN on the planet award" For the record baby looks better with her hair natural and also Illmath would do ANYTHING( within reason) to be with her. (sigh) Ya'll don't even know...sigh
Intellectual Insurgent said...

You guys are very materialistic.
Forehead size this, too skinny that, meat on her bones, etc., etc.
Y'all need some God.
Do you not see her soul? Her grace? Is it not in those things where true beauty lies?
I'd bet if we put up photos of your wives', the peanut gallery could nitpick her skin tone, teeth, weight, forehead or whatever else for days. But did you marry her for those reasons?
Or was it because of a certain intangible something?
Bitch? You like calling women female dogs?
She IS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS....I don't know her name but I've seen her many times...and paused ...she is DEFINITELY striking...
Harpo, who dis woman?
Michael Fisher said...
"Bitch? You like calling women female dogs?"
You like being an old corny muhfuggah who selectively interprets colloquialisms literally?
That sounds like some of the stupid shit them old ass anachronistic readers on your blog write about Hip Hop.
That's what ILLMATH has been trying to say all along!!!!!!! White people don't have a monopoly on any one feature except wispy hair.. I was making that point but nooooo Ain't nobody wanna listen to ILL.. :)This is MY favorite being on earth..aside from moms and pops etc.. She's beyond gorgeous..Uh DV Ima have to go with Mike on that one. I think you can come up with something better than BITCH.. how about "Blackest WOMAN on the planet award" For the record baby looks better with her hair natural and also Illmath would do ANYTHING( within reason) to be with her. (sigh) Ya'll don't even know...sigh
She's OK. Too skinny for me. But I could see what other cats would dig it. I like Lovely Lady Lumps.
"She's OK." TSO
You're ridiculous.
That's one of the most beautiful women in the world. Your Sarina Williams fantasy got you twisted.
"You like being an old corny muhfuggah who selectively interprets colloquialisms literally?"
Ok then. How that little bitch of yours? How old is she again, 5, 6? And the other bitch, her mother.
Oh, and not to forget the bitch that gave birth to you...
So, this is your steez, DV?
I'm with Big J, She Aight. I can find a badder bitch on the USC or SMC campus any day of the week.
Cute? Sure.
En Vogue? Certainly
Attractive? I suppose.
Baddest B on the planet?
Not even remotely close.
Big Wayne has had better. Numerous times. Tell me how to post a photo. I'll show you.
And I ain't got no Serena Williams fantasy.
Lemme break her down.
Let's look at the photo by the horse.
Too much of her face is consumed by forehead.
Her eyes nose and mouth look like they are jammed into about 6 square inches of face.
Cheeks too pronounced, but that could be from the anorexia.
That could also explain what appears to be wrinkles and dark rings under the eyes.
Where are this girl's lips? You ever kissed thin white girl lips like this? Big Wayne's luscious soup coolers would engulf her whole mouth. I'm prefer soome volume and padding.
Where are her curves for that matter?
She's built like a little girl.
Big Wayne likes curves. Not Mike Fisher curves but some Jenny from the block curves.
Would Big Wayne kick her out of bed? No.
Would Big Wayne "do ANYTHING( within reason) to be with her."
Fuuuuux NO!
Ill, you have to evolve from this weak mindset. I think you have potential, so I'mma enroll you in one of the seminars I hold each week near LAX.
Lesson 1:
When you stop paying almighty homage to the coochie, you will find that it will seek you out. This may make no sense to you now. But as you work your way through my courses, you will realize the pearls that Big Wayne is bestowing upon you.
Let me know when you're ready for lesson 2.
DV, I'll save a spot for you too. ;)
One more thing, DV.
About a month or so a go, you posted a pic of a Black pageant model with a caption something like,
" I never understood sistas like this"
Now, a runway model is the Baddest Bitch on the Planet? HUH?
Waddafux up?
She's a pretty girl indeed but I'm w/wayne.
"we like the girls who aint on TV cuz they got more ass than the models" - Kan-Yeezy
I think some cats are intimidated by the "warm" that comes w/curves. Me, I seek it & don't settle.
Yall can keep the thick today, fat tomorrow stuff too. Proportion patna, proportion.
- KP
"Too much of her face is consumed by forehead.
Her eyes nose and mouth look like they are jammed into about 6 square inches of face.
Cheeks too pronounced, but that could be from the anorexia.
That could also explain what appears to be wrinkles and dark rings under the eyes. " Big Wayne.
Nigga, you need a new computer monitor.
I submit:
The suggestion that this woman is not beautiful ... is evidence of mental illness.
Not your style ... too skinny ... had better.
Whatever player. Cool.
Not beautiful? Yous A Fool.
Just copped a 37" LCD HD monitor. Got it mounted on the wall abut 5 feet from my desk. 37 INCHES HOMEBOY!
Also got a new wireless keyboard and mouse that has this cool magnifying feature.
Also, just got my new prescriptions for contacts filled.
My vision is fine.
"Not beautiful? Yous A Fool."-DV
Perception is reality. If it is your perception that this woman is beautiful, then in your world she is. By your standards, she is beautiful.
By Big Wayne's standards, she is a 7.75.
You startin to sound like Ill.
I'm definitely saving a spot for you in my seminar.
I prefer a woman who has some meat on her bones. I leave the models to Russell Simmons.
You guys are very materialistic.
Forehead size this, too skinny that, meat on her bones, etc., etc.
Y'all need some God.
Do you not see her soul? Her grace? Is it not in those things where true beauty lies?
I'd bet if we put up photos of your wives', the peanut gallery could nitpick her skin tone, teeth, weight, forehead or whatever else for days. But did you marry her for those reasons?
Or was it because of a certain intangible something?
Hey Insurgent, you must got a big forehead too.
Git yo ass up outta here!
This is man talk.
LOL!! Men have always been visual. We like to look at dinner before we eat it.
This ain't man talk.
It's materialistic, secular commodity talk.
Big forehead? LOL!! Nah. I got a perfect face on a perfect body that encases the immense Godly passion that shines through.
LOL Big wayne I appreciate your invite to your seminar but Ill is busy that week plus I took Mackin'101 in 4th grade. Now Ill HAS been known to fall head over heels for the ladies but it's never stopped me from getting the "almighty coochie." And yes I lay praise to it. It's unique pheromonal scent that awakens my ancient animal spirit, it's flowery rose petals invite me into in secret garden... sigh.. yes Big Wayne II fall in "love" at least once a day and want o marry about 4 per week.. that's just Ill. But really BW it ain't about the pussy.. but you can read about that in chapter 5 of my book "Handbook for the Lover of the Woman" great read.
Yes Intellectual insurgent this is man talk but shallow playful banterish man talk.. Be easy let your hair down my brotha.
Wayne said he's had better than Liya Kibebde
actually it was her cousin and she was on that show bout feeding the needy
I like my women bangin while big waynin' likes em greedy
You've had better? yeah on black exploited teenies your seminar near the airport is really a sex addict meeting
where you talk about the greeting you gave as a sex shop greeter
then a lil lamb breeder
and your torrid past as a secret skeeter for Derek Jeter
Hello. I am Insurgent Intellectualist and this is my list of Buzz Words that I think make me sound smart:
Group Think
There are others but these are my favoritest.
LOL. What up Lil' Willy where you been?
That was pretty funny.
Lyia ain't all that hot.
She's a pretty girl, but lacks sex appeal. Too skinny.
What you think she looks like in jeans?
She prolly wears a baggy g-string.
The image I just created for myself of her in a baggy g-string just dropped her to a 7.5.
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. So thank you. I'm flattered.
You forgot Nanny State though. That actually should be at the top of the list.
LOL!! Funny...
Ohhhhhhhhh. I get it.
Agree with DV’s selection of women or get labeled as a soulless, materialistic, no game havin, can’t cop a “light skinned” woman, lookin boy!
No doubt, this Ethiopian model is gorgeous, but believe it or not, some men just don’t share that view.
Some men prefer light skin; my husband prefers the kind that resembles a Hershey’s kiss.
It really doesn’t matter though; cuz ain’t no ONE GROUP with similar qualities got the lock on beauty!
GTFOOH with all that nonsense!
Ohhhhhhhhh. I get it.
No. You don't.
This is not a debate over whether light-skinned is better than skinny or whatever.
It is a challenge to the standards of beauty.
To reduce a woman's beauty to the size of her forehead, the meat on her bones or the tone of her skin is to reduce her to an interchangeable commodity.
I challenge any of the men engaged in this discussion to post pictures of their wives. Why? Because we're going to discover that when they have to put their money where their mouths are, their ideas of beauty transcend these superficial discussions of appearance.
Sure, appearance matters, but there are intangible parts of appearance that people fail to acknowledge.
I would bet money that if there were photos of two identical twins, one frowning and one smiling, people would choose the smiling one as more beautiful.
I'm sure you've heard people say, "oh she was pretty until I got to know her. Now she's ugly. Or, he wasn't that attractive, but the more I got to know him, the more attractive he became."
There is a reason for that.
" Ohhhhhhhhh. I get it.
No. You don't." -Insurgent
Neither do you. And unless you get a set of balls, you won't.
This ain't about none of that shit that y'all broads keep bringin up.
This is a PHYSICAL conversation.
You do not understand the term
" Bad Bitch "
It has nothing to do with all that basura you talkin.
" Do you not see her soul? Her grace"- Insurgent
I submit that you do not see soul and grace...you experience them.
And to make it worse, you even got DV on that feminist bullshit. DV of All People!
I know what happened. After I ripped Lyia skinny ass apart, and she aint so hot no more, DV changed his position to recognizing her "SouL and Grace"
"GTFOOH with all that nonsense!" -Kimberly
I second that.
Yada, yada, yawn Wayne.
Post a picture of your wife. The rest is talk.
Eh...That's Prince Wayne to you Insurgent.
And Prince Wayne's wife? Nah..you ain't ready for Prince Wayne's wife.
And what does Prince Wayne's wife have to do with man talk about how bad a bitch is?
" Big Wayne has had better. Numerous times." -Prince Wayne's alter ego.
And what does Prince Wayne's wife have to do with man talk about how bad a bitch is?
I submit that what you find beautiful is what you find Godly. You cannot divorce a discussion of physical beauty from a discussion of spiritual beauty.
And I've met Prince Wayne's wife before. She's beautiful. And it has nothing to do with the meat on her bones, her forehead or anything else.
She has a great spirit. No doubt that is what made her your princess. She is the Baddest Bitch in Wayne's Kingdom.
And if you nitpicked her the way you nitpicked Liya or any other woman, you wouldn't be married. Or in love. Or let her be the mother of your children.
"THIS IS MAN TALK. This is a PHYSICAL conversation. You do not understand the term
" Bad Bitch " Big Wayne
Um. Um. Um.
Just when I had hope...
Why you Country Ass Hooters Negro.
Whey dem bumbaclot get dat frum?
Wanna talk man talk? Let's talk man talk.
What kind of men pick their women by the pound?
Can a brotha get a little grace with that ass? Can I get a little dignity with them titties? A side order of style?
There's something to be said for posture, diction and demeanor.
She aint got to be a genius, but fuck that, what we gonna talk about? Her Gucci bag?
Nah Grasshopper. A Bad Bitch is way more than physical.
Tell you what. You Pay Pal me $500 and I'll give you an hour of DV's Bad Bitch 001.
Cuz you my boy. And Big J pretending like he don't get it.
OH! Now the Insurgent wants to pull the wife and baby card, huh?!
LMBAO Insurgent!!!
" You cannot divorce a discussion of physical beauty from a discussion of spiritual beauty."
YOU cannot make the distinction.
Prince Wayne does it every day.
See what I mean? You need some testicles to understand this.
What happened you let hubby take the communal set of testicles today?
You off your game.
DV, you can flip the script now that I've shredded your girl.
We can talk about the most black beautiful women alive. That's one conversation.
But when we talk about " A BAD BITCH " You know good and gatdamn well what we talkin about. And I ain't no Mike Fisher.
"Just when I had hope..."
Save it.
"Why you Country Ass Hooters Negro."
Nah Nah Nah, I like petite women, built like women. Not 12 year old girls. I like that kinda body when you see it naked you be like "DAMN! Where were you hidin all that ass" You like to play xylopone on your girls ribcage.
No fat bytches for the Prince.
" What kind of men pick their women by the pound?" Not too sure.
But according to you, Mike Fisher does.
" Nah Grasshopper. A Bad Bitch is way more than physical. " -DV
And just when EYE had some hope.
While this may be true, you cannot determine the degree of a woman's depth, grace, elegance or intellect by merely inspecting broad's photo alone. ( The suggestion that you could enlightens me to actual level of knowledge that you have about women.)
What you can determine by examining said photo is her physical characteristics, and whether they are physically attractive to you, as she stand sits or lies in the position that photographer has instructed her.
You do not see grace, soul or elegance, or intellect in a photo, Denmark, as these are not physical characteristics.
You experience them.
Wisdom comes with experience, not necessarily age.
Y'all don't want it with the Prince.
You do not see grace, soul or elegance, or intellect in a photo, Denmark, as these are not physical characteristics.
Then you aren't paying attention.
Put up a picture of Superhead next to one of Liya Kibede and let us know if you can't spot even one distinction between the two.
What is this Michael Fisher likes fat women bullshit?
I just don't like women that have bodies like boys. But that's just me. Other guys like boyish looking women. Hey, no problem. But to act like a typical Santa Monica Blvd queer and accuse a brother of (bended wrist) "He likes his girls by the pound", while parading boy-girls as the standard of all beauty don't become a supposedly hetero-sexual man too well.
As to this woman, she is very pretty. As usual, however, DV shows that he is stuck in a "as European looking as possible" value system.
" Put up a picture of Superhead next to one of Liya Kibede and let us know if you can't spot even one distinction between the two." Insurgent
(Restless Sigh)
I see you do not know when your position has been defeated. So I shall bludgeon you further.
If you gave superhead the exact same photographer, background, wardrobe, stylist, make up, etc as this woman has, I am certain that the photgrapher could capture a photo which you would deem as "graceful" or "elegant". I am certain of it.
This is more of a testament to everyone involved in the photo (all the people I mentioned above) than to the model herself.
"You do not see grace, soul or elegance, or intellect in a photo, as these are not physical characteristics. You experience them" -Prince Wayne
That's gold right there, folks.
Insurgent and DV, let's make a deal. I'll leave the topics relating to Secular Extremisms, Nuclear Proliferation and health conscious dieting to you two, where you are probably better equipped than Prince Wayne.
Y'all leave the topics related to women to Prince Wayne, where I am clearly better equipped.
" You like to play xylopone on your girls ribcage."
"Boy you good"
" Put up a picture of Superhead next to one of Liya Kibede and let us know if you can't spot even one distinction between the two." Insurgent
If you don't see the SPIRITUAL truth in that statement Princess Wayne than I am truly appalled.
If you would've read my book.. It's rule number 2:
"Know a Ho when you see a ho" right after rule number 1: "Never love an unmoldable ho"
I delve deeper in chapter 5 "the essence of a ho".
Wherine I divulge a well known fact to cats like you LIL BIG ASSED WAYNE. "the eyes are the window to the soul"
Now if you don't know a Superhead from a MS. KIBEDE by checking out her "initial get down"Big Wayne then your skills haven't been properly honed and Im having your "Retired players card" suspended until further notice. Do you honestly think that superhead or an unexperienced uncultured ill nurtured soul can instantly become graceful and lovely and confident. UH yeah.. that comes with experience and time young gunner. Get the book at amazon.com it will smooth the edges of your brutish ways and make you more of a connoisseur Herr Wayne.
Insurgent / DV / ILL
One down, 2 to go.
Ill, you my boy. But when it comes to women, that's what you are...a boy. Your level of understanding of a woman is Prince Wayne's level at about 19 yrs old.
" Do you honestly think that superhead or an unexperienced uncultured ill nurtured soul can instantly become graceful and lovely and confident."
Of course not, Junior. I am, however, certain that the photographer, wardrobe lighting make up, etc can offer one a photo of what is to be PERCEIEVED as elegancee or grace or confidence, almost regardless of the model used.
Take a lesson, son. Naomi Campbell was "elegant" and "graceful" in all those shots, covers and runways, wasn't she? Turns out she was the biggest fuckin bitch in the industry. The furthest from elegance that you can imagine. What you see in that photo has SHIT to do with who this person really is.
You can no more see a person's elegance or grace in a photo than you can see his generosity or selfishness.
" You do not see grace, soul or elegance, or intellect in a photo, as these are not physical characteristics. You experience them." -Prince Wayne
That's game right there.
Ill, stop trying to find feeble ways of combating game superior to yours. The results shall eternally be the same. Just embrace it. Embrace me.
But then again, I'm talkin to a dude who deems a woman from the pages of a magazine, a woman who don't know you from jack shit, "Your favorite person on earth".
Nah..You ain't on Prince Wayne's level.
Insurgent / Ill / DV
Two down. 1 to go.
DV, batter up.
Insurgent / DV / ILL
One down, 2 to go.
Ill, you my boy. But when it comes to women, that's what you are...a boy. Your level of understanding of a woman is Prince Wayne's level at about 19 yrs old.
" Do you honestly think that superhead or an unexperienced uncultured ill nurtured soul can instantly become graceful and lovely and confident."
Of course not, Junior. I am, however, certain that the photographer, wardrobe lighting make up, etc can offer one a photo of what is to be PERCEIEVED as elegancee or grace or confidence, almost regardless of the model used.
Take a lesson, son. Naomi Campbell was "elegant" and "graceful" in all those shots, covers and runways, wasn't she? Turns out she was the biggest fuckin bitch in the industry. The furthest from elegance that you can imagine. What you see in that photo has SHIT to do with who this person really is.
You can no more see a person's elegance or grace in a photo than you can see his generosity or selfishness.
" You do not see grace, soul or elegance, or intellect in a photo, as these are not physical characteristics. You experience them." -Prince Wayne
That's game right there.
Ill, stop trying to find feeble ways of combating game superior to yours. The results shall eternally be the same. Just embrace it. Embrace me.
But then again, I'm talkin to a dude who deems a woman from the pages of a magazine, a woman who don't know you from jack shit, "Your favorite person on earth".
Nah..You ain't on Prince Wayne's level.
Insurgent / Ill / DV
Two down. 1 to go.
DV, batter up.
You can no more see a person's elegance or grace in a photo than you can see his generosity or selfishness.
Oh! Don't hurt 'em.
I was about to give this dude some props til I looked up and realized...I wrote it!
Well my alter ego wrote it.
Sometimes we don't know what the other one is doing.
Either way, that's game for yo ass!
You aight wit me Wayne but read my chapter brotha... haven't you seen america's top model? (Ive dated a couple.) Those broads are eliminated because they ooze the wrong type of sex appeal or clunky etc. they're eliminated because of what WAS or what was lacking in the EYES! Simple.. Those girls can be in the amazon forest with perfect lighting, stellar photographers.. all the bells and whistles that you mention but the broad can't take a descent photo.... it's called the "it" factor and either she got "it" or she don't
"Your favorite person on earth".
(sigh) I was merely illustrating my affinity for her by being overly ...illustrative.
AND furthermore Wayne I do take into account that miss KIBEDE is making 10 mil + a year and that's certainly gonna help provide the offspring with a good education. You make a great argument though.
See that's your problem right there Big baby Wayne..
Naomi cambell NEVER was elegant or graceful... she was a seductress with the devil in her eye. Grace Jones was a sexual beast and Tyra was a Black Barbie doll that you wanted to just admire. THIS woman here is what I would deem "the truth" Elegant and graceful. If you don't know the difference between a TYRA and a GRACE and a LIYA than you fail to recognize the "gradient subtlety" that women posses that can't be faked airbrushed feighned fixed emulated imitated not even for a nano second even if we were using planck time... Your submission for reinvocation to the Retired Players Club is under review but a grade A infraction was committed when you gave LIYA K. a 7.5 chapter 12 will explain further the concept of "gradient subtlety" until then sir your membership is not reinstated.
You like to play xylopHone on your girls ribcage.
I'm over here in tears!
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