Denmark Vesey said ...

Well, apparently that aint enough
for some Herbs
who got the absurd nerve
to suggest
they deserve
to be in the same
league with DV
Why you little Pop Tart,
your attempt to outsmart fell apart the moment you forgot
DV is a Digital Mozart, wit mo' heart.
Sharp as a dart. Big Wayne. I'm sorry.
Your thesis fell apart.
Yeah, you my friend. And your presence is a Godsend.
But I portend this nonsense will come to an end
when you no longer pretend
you understand the feminine
the yin
the smooth skin
the shy grin
of women
like me my friend.
And another thing
You should hit backspace
before you tell people
where they can't find grace
Go for a stroll
before telling people
where they can't find soul
Every Instance
In my presence
is elegant
in every aspect
I display perfect intellect
when you select
Yet. You knew that
before we met.
Now tell me Wayne. How's that?
It's because grace, soul, elegance, and intellect travel in many formats.
Nice try, Mr. Vesey.
Keep my comments in context. We were talking about some model from the pages of some magazine. But since you want to take it here, Let's do so.
You went and picked a photo intended to evoke emotion. If I was in your position, backed into a corner with a big surly staffordshire terrier hulking over me, practically daring me to swing, I would have pulled out a picture of God's son on his wedding day as well. I mean how can I refute that right?
You have EXPERIENCED Barack Obama's eloquence. You did not see it in a photo.
You have EXPERIENCED Michelle's grace. You did not see it in a photo.
You have EXPERIENCED her elegance. You did not see it in a photo.
You have EXPERIENCED Barack's intellect. You did not see it in a photo.
So when you DO see these photos, you have prior experience to draw from, and can make a statement based on said experience, "Look at how Elegant Michelle looks".
Allow me to repeat myself.
You do not see grace, soul or elegance, or intellect in a photo, as these are not physical characteristics. You experience them.
Come on, DV. Is that the best you got?
"How wrong can a cat be?" -DV
Great question.
Post a pic of Superhead and I'll give my right foot if I don't see a whore.
The eyes are the window to the soul. It is that part of a photograph that will entrance the world.
Here is one of the most famous photos in the world -
Tell me you see something more than the size of this woman's forehead and the color of her eyes.
sorry Wayne they've got you on this one...I agree that you can experience a person through a photo...a glimpse into their soul...and DV you gave up a few photos that are excellent examples of just that. I am not sure why you chose to exclusively focus on Obama in those group of photos Wayne..
II I could not open that link is it correct?
sorry Wayne they've got you on this one...I agree that you can experience a person through a photo...a glimpse into their soul...and DV you gave up a few photos that are excellent examples of just that. I am not sure why you chose to exclusively focus on Obama in those group of photos Wayne..
II I could not open that link is it correct?
Try this one -
Big Weezy.. a great book to read is Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. It addresses this kinda thing from a psychoanalytical stance. I however was speaking spiritually of the intangibles in life that you haven't quite acquainted yourself with, young neophyte.. but perhaps approaching it from that standpoint may be more illuminating for you.
Soteria you right girl you know you right..
bueno ejemplo Intellectual Insurgent hopefully Wayne won't reduce it to the pigment of green in her eyes.. puff puff
Shout out to DV! A man with a plan!!
Come on Ill. YOu ain't know?
You are a master manipulator of the weak minded. I will give you that.
(Prince Wayne cracks knuckles)
You ever heard the saying,
"Don't judge a book by its cover"
Have you ever used it?
It Means exactly what Prince Wayne is saying. That you cannot determnine an indivual's character by a photo. Somebody/ANYBODY refute that.
(That was from the NBA 3 pt line)
Check it:
1. What you are all getting twisted is the difference between "Emotion" and "characteristics" Please learn to distinguish between the two.
The photos DV has posted are representative of historic moments in these peoples lives. Understandably, emotional times. Prince Wayne never once said that emotions don't come through in still shot. I said you cannot see a person's characteristics in a photo, you experience them. And Prince Wayne is correct.
Let's take Ali knocking out frazier. n that picture, you see Ali's intensity as he stands over this guy. You see his excitement and his anger, at the same time.
Intensity, excitement, anger - all emotions.
Does this photo capture Ali's work ethic or his generosity or his compassion or his eloquence? The answer is NO. It does not because these are CHARACTERISTICS which you would NEVER see in a photo. (Well you can stage a photo of the guy giving money to poor people, but that is the scene/backdrop which has created that image, not the individual) Characteristics are personality traits which you cannot determine sans some form interaction (or observation of interaction) with the individual.
Same from the Obama wedding.
You see the same EMOTIONS that you would see in my wedding photos, or DV's wedding photos or your own, for that matter.
That photo does NOT capture Barack's intellect.
It does not capture Michelle's generosity.
You won't know them without the experience.
DV got y'all on the hook, line and sinker. Specially you, Soteria. Learn to think for yourselves, instead of following the pack. The pack ain't always right.
"Don't judge a book by its cover"
Powerful words.
ILL, Insurgent, DV, Kim, Soteria:
If you have ever used that saying, you owe Prince Wayne an apology and an admission of wrongness. It takes a big person to admit being wrong. Are you that big?
PFFF. That the best you got, DV? Next time try posting a photo of the Tupac autopsy or the LA riots or something. I'll shred those too.
Game tied 5 seconds left on the clock:
5.....4....Kobe crosses up Raja Bell..OH! Raja's ankle just fell off 3... Kobe storms to the rack with only Shaq to beat. Looks like he's going to test the diesel...2...he takes off for the 1....MOOOOONSSSTTTEEEERRRRR JJAAMMMM!!!
It's over! It's Over! Kobe does it again! Can anybody stop this guy?
ILL, Insurgent, DV, Kim, Soteria:
The Prince will be waiting.
"The eyes are the window to the soul"
OK. Somebody tell me all about the man in the photo with the yellow headwrap.
Tell me his story. Tell me about his passions. Tell me what makes him laugh. Tell me about his disappontments. Tell me about his generosity. Or his eloquence. Tell me about his leadership abilites or his intellect.
But there's a catch. I need you to only give me facts about this man. Not your interpretation.
You can all create your own stories about this man because you don't know shit about him, because you have never EXPERIENCED him.
That's all you would be doing, creating a story, which could be the furthest from reality.
The Prince can't be stopped.
Wayne, Wayne, Wayne.
Here is your original thesis -
"You do not see grace, soul or elegance, or intellect in a photo, as these are not physical characteristics. You experience them"
Now you're demanding a damn biography on the subject of the photo. LOL!!
Like I said before, if you do not experience a photo, if you do not get a "feeling" from looking at someone, you aren't paying attention. Or the photo ain't that good.
Photography is art and with all good art, there is God in it. The measure of art is precisely how you experience it -- or people wouldn't rush to museums to see paintings and photos.
So what did you see in the photo of the Afghan Girl?
Insurgent Insurgent Insurgent
" Don't judge a book by its cover "
What does that mean to you?
And forget the life story.
Tell me any one characteristic about that man.
Just one.
I certainly agree that photography is art where emotion can indeed be captured; however, what gives people the right to call folks out on their personal preferences.
Okay, so someone doesn’t find someone else attractive, big deal. That does not necessarily make them “materialistic”. DV prefers them a little less thick. I don’t hold that against him.
" I certainly agree that photography is art where emotion can indeed be captured; " -Kim
So, Kim, was that the closest to an apology and admission of wrongness that Prince Wayne will get from you?
If that's all you could muster, The Prince will accept it.
Kim / Insurgent / DV / Ill / Soteria
1 down four to go.
Prince/Big Weezy...
Ok, I get what you are trying to convey...
However, as II pointed out the original thesis was
"You do not see grace, soul or elegance, or intellect in a photo, as these are not physical characteristics. You experience them"
And I am sorry but I disagree...I have seen grace...I have seen elegance...can't say I've seen intellect...but you get the point. All of those can be conveyed in a photo...
Anyway...as Kim said...you either like the skinny Ethiopian chick or you don't...how did the conversation get to this point?
This WAS a MALE conversation on the physical beauty or lack thereof of this woman...so back to the original point. Wayne things that ole girl is a 7.5. Fair enough. Everyone ain't for everybody...
Next topic!
"You make a great point" -ILL
" I certainly agree that photography is art where emotion can indeed be captured; " -Kim
" Prince/Big Weezy...
Ok, I get what you are trying to convey..." -Soteria
Noticing anything, DV? LMBAO!
Insurgent, you're up next.
" However, as II pointed out the original thesis was..."
Soteria, you almost there, Ma.
What you quoted was my thesis paraphrased. My actual thesis was more like this:
"You cannot determine an individual's, soul, grace, elegance, intellect, etc by merely inspecting a photo. You must experience them"
" I have seen grace...I have seen elegance."
No, you haven't. Not in a photo. What you saw was the end result of the combination of wardrobe, lighting, makeup, staging, posturing, etc. OR you saw a photo of an individual who you have previously interacted with, and therefore, have first hand experience of their qualities.
Naomi Campbell was "elegant" and "graceful" in all those shots, covers and runways, wasn't she? Turns out she was the biggest fuckin bitch in the industry. The furthest from elegance that you can imagine. WHAT YOU SEE IN THAT PHOTO HAS SHIT TO DO WITH WHO THAT PERSON REALLY IS. "
You with me yet?
You cannot determine an individual's character by his photo.
And this is where our conversation started. This is where the Prince keeps it.
And THIS is why I am the Prince.
Ill / KIM / Soteria / DV / Insurgent
3 down, two to go.
Whus crackin'.
" I am not sure why you chose to exclusively focus on Obama in those group of photos Wayne.." -Soteria
Sorry I forgot to answer this one.
The reason is because last night when I wrote that commentary, the picture of the Obamas was the ONLY photo DV had posted. After he read my anihilation of that feeble endeavor, he added the remaining photos, as an attempt to "strengthen his point" AKA "sway weaker minds".
And it appeared to have temporarily worked.
Stick with the Prince, I will unshackle your minds from the hold that Mr. Vesey has over you.
I will free you from the intellectual tyrant that we know as DV.
I will be your Brain's Moses, leading you from the darkness into the light.
Nice, DV.
Is that Baldwin? He sure looks intelligent.
Is that beautiful little angel yours? She sure looks she has a great sense of humor.
I've summarily shredded every argument on every photo. SO you post different ones. Hoping to get a stronger reaction and get your "sheeple" back in the stable?
Nuh uh.
They mine now.
And why you lurkin and hiding? Come face me! You waiting for your minions to wear me down then you just deliver the fatal blow? LOL!
Byrd, where you at!
Nah. Big homie. Not gonna go down.
I am strong.
Bring what you got. And let's not drag this on for another day.
You're Cotto.
I'm Margarito.
We all know how this one ends.
Although this thread got a little stuffy because of Big Wayne/Prince Wayne’s self proclaimed victory/ego enlarged while proving his point, I have to give him credit because he made a very solid case… "You cannot determine an individual's, soul, grace, elegance, intellect, etc by merely inspecting a photo. You must experience them."
AWWWWW Souky Souky now!
DV, come out of your cave and play.
The Prince promises not to hurt you.
(fingers crossed behind his back)
Before you step, DV.
Remember you got followers.
They watchin you.
Your next move is critical.
It can negate 12 months of brainwashing.
Probably best that you don't respond.
" Now tell me Wayne. How's that? "
(Prince Wayne shakes his head in extreme disappointment)
DV, you serious? That's all you got?
Talk about anti-climactic.
I waited all day for that?
I feel like a bully now.
Man, I'm disappointed. I've grown to expect more.
Now I know where Byrd gets it.
You should have taken this advice:
" Probably best that you don't respond. "
Sleep tight, Cotto.
Firstly let me say that Im proud of you for owning your swag. I can't help but to think ILL had something to do with that. You make a good argument Weezy but Im too high to explain the SPIRITUAL aspect that you convieniently overlook..Instead resorting to hackneyed americanisms disguised as didactics to make your point...No Wayne you "don't judge a book by it's cover" because you can't read the words inside of a book and without READING you can't understand... a book. But these are not... books.Theyre spiritual beings. People.
Read Gladwell.
"money is the root of all evil"
Lack of money is the root of all evil.
"stick and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me"
Words are more powerful than a stick or stone could ever be.
"row row row your boat..."
Nah cuz life is real it ain't a dream"
"Money can't buy happiness"
Uh... well it's keeps me from getting too sad :)
Get where Im going Prince wayne??
These are memetic oppressors that have been injected into your receptors
peppered in our sector
with extra conjecture lil big feller.
your the buyer
their the sellers
you waiting for pie in the sky
they got heli propellers.
"you can't judge a book by it's cover"
I contend that you can. I can draw from the Title the Publisher Where it was published When it was published the Author thus gauge his previous works the Summary in the jacket the awards won nyt best awards logo paperback/hardback etc and with the PROPER knowledge..one CAN draw conclusions about a book. So Wayne you CAN judge a book by it's cover. Read Gladwell. Can I give you the twist and turns of the plot? No. But I can tell if it's a mystery a romance sci fi or a "DL brotha romance novel" book that byrdeye takes a liking to.
Naomi Campbell was "elegant" and "graceful" in all those shots, covers and runways, wasn't she? Turns out she was the biggest fuckin bitch in the industry. The furthest from elegance that you can imagine. WHAT YOU SEE IN THAT PHOTO HAS SHIT TO DO WITH WHO THAT PERSON REALLY IS. "
Elegance and grace are visceral my kinsman. VISCERAL! You've made good points in theory but truth is MUCH deeper than that young schola. muy mas profundo. (cough cough) touche' to think Naomi isn't graceful because she threw a phone at guy that called her a golliwog( ugly black)_ or perhaps smacking an ungrateful subordinate for not giving her due respect. Do you know who she is? She is the epitomy of grace even with her right nostril afill (should be a word) with rare columbian white. what must a Black supermodel endure? Without the skewed lense of what some would deem the jewish media (I love jews) I see an elegant graceful goddess of a woman that has been an exploited benefactor in a western system of perversion. But "Prince" Wayne just sees another angry Black bitch. I'd expect that myopathy from Byrd but not you BDUB.. (empathetic sigh)
Now your RP card is hereby reinstated conditionally pending thereof.
Now like Soteria said "next topic"
" Prince, yous a bad dude. "
Thanks, Ill.
I know.
But you trying too hard.
Im high.. Ill holla in the morning
Ok its morning...
"But you trying too hard."
uh... Im a college dropout but I learned about projection. Above is a prime example. remember the line I see myself in all of my brothas here
" Prince, yous a bad dude. "
Never said that. But your one of the good guys prince wayne
Man that is a damned cute kid DV. She looks like she's going to be a hellraiser someday. And trust I mean that in the nicest possible sense of the word. Seriously you should look into putting her into child modeling or acting or something. Well if youre ok with that sort of thing. Also when she gets to Jr High buy a shotgun. And make sure all her classmates know you own it. Just trust me on that one.
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