Friday, August 29, 2008

Head Fake. False Flag. The Okey Doke. Was Islam Framed?

" There's one big elephant in the living room. It's the relationship between the United States and the state of Israel."


CNu said...

The wandering who....,

Anonymous said...

More on Biden (& Israel):

Biden, chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has long been considered strongly pro-Israel. His nomination as U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama's running mate had been expected to shore up the Democrats' strength with U.S. Jewish voters.

we will not tolerate anyone questioning Senator Biden's 35-year record of standing up for the security of Israel."

"Joe Biden's first trip as a Senator was to Israel, he has worked with every Israeli leader from Golda Meir to Prime Minister Olmert, and he takes a back seat to no one when it comes to protecting the relationship between Israel and the U.S. Senator Biden has consistently stated - publicly and privately - that a nuclear Iran would pose a grave threat to Israel and the United States and that we must prevent a nuclear Iran," the statement continued.

As recently as July 2008, in a Foreign Relations hearing, Senator Biden reiterated his long-held view on this subject and stated that "Iran's acquisition of a nuclear weapon would dramatically destabilize an already unstable region and probably fuel a nuclear arms race in the region. It is profoundly in our interest to prevent that from happening, the statement said.

Last year, in a widely quoted interview with year the Jewish American Shalom TV, Biden said, "I am a Zionist. You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist," adding that "Israel is the single greatest strength that America has in the Middle East," and that its presence as a strategic ally meant that America need station far fewer troops and warships in the region.

Now, I'm only curious abot Palin's stance on Israel. If she is staunchly Zionist too, we could have a clean sweep! All Pees & Veeps!

Anonymous said...

Oh. Need I even have asked?

U.S. Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin told the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC on Tuesday that she would "work to expand and deepen the strategic partnership between U.S. and Israel,"

Sources familiar with her schedule said that she also had a private session with Jewish Senator Joe Lieberman.

And more on Biden's kosher kawk-sucking:

U.S. Senator and vice presidential nominee Joe Biden assured older Jewish voters Tuesday that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama would be strong on protecting Israel, which he said is less secure now than when President George W. Bush took office.

Biden, Obama's running mate, laid out his own history on Israeli issues for the audience of several hundred at a Broward County retirement community in Florida and emphatically said Obama stands right along side him on Israel.

Biden said he has fought the sale of sophisticated weapons to Arab nations, has known every Israeli prime minister since Golda Meir and has co-sponsored legislation to fight Palestinian terrorism.

"I am chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee," Biden said. "I give you my word as a Biden: I would not have given up that job to be Barack Obama's vice president if I didn't in my gut and in my heart and in my head know that Barack Obama is exactly where I am on Israel. And he is."

Biden told the crowd to ignore the scurrilous things said about Obama on the Internet, including rumors that the Christian Obama is a Muslim.

He also said the terrorist threat to Israel has increased, along with the threat from Iran as it tries to develop nuclear weapons.

"By any objective fact, Israel is less secure today in the world than it was eight years ago," Biden said. "I promise you ... we will make it more secure."