The State Of . . . said...
You're not the first psuedo-negro leader to avoid dark skinned black women. I note that nearly ever member of the Black Panthers that is still living was or is married to a white woman. (Plantation Negro Myth) I'm always wary of the so-called "black militant." Usually, he secretly admires the white man and wants exactly what the white man has, including his woman.
It's obvious to the whole world (Negro Race Cop panders to the gallery) that a black woman is not beautiful to you unless her skin is light and her hair is long and wavy. (Nah. Them women just happen to dig me. If they dug you, the conspiracy theory would be unnecessary.) Like I said, you prefer black women of mixed racial heritage. (LOL. Do you know any black women who are not of mixed heritage? This is where the Negro Thought police turn into intellectual keystone cops. Sadly Plantation Negros have been conditioned to associate beauty with whiteness. Straight aint ... "straight". Straight is white. Kinky aint Kinky. Kinky is "black". Smooth skin and aquiline features aint black ... it's "mixed".) Just stating facts, my "revolutionary" brother. (Fact? Revolutionary? Parenthesis? Sucka Negro I revolutionized you ass. It's not them little biographies you get from Amazon each month. It's DV.
I'm releasing you from the shackles of mental slavery and self-hatred by daring to like what the fuck I like and by defining blackness the way I choose. Plantation Negros play race cop ... For Massa ... by trying to enforce little ignorant ghetto ass notions about complexion and hair texture. Still blaming "da white man" for how you feel about yourself.
Any person who experiences the female imagery on this blog who concludes there is a "preference for light skin" is a Plantation Negro projecting their fear and attempting to pass their individual self-doubt off as a group/race issue.
It's an insult to black people.
Did you see the latest news about your Jewish friend who hates Obama?
You're not the first psuedo-negro leader to avoid dark skinned black women. I note that nearly ever member of the Black Panthers that is still living was or is married to a white woman. I'm always wary of the so-called "black militant." Usually, he secretly admires the white man and wants exactly what the white man has, including his woman.
It's obvious to the whole world that a black woman is not beautiful to you unless her skin is light and her hair is long and wavy. Like I said, you prefer black women of mixed racial heritage. Just stating facts, my "revolutionary" brother.
Baby IS fine.
"I note that nearly ever member of the Black Panthers that is still living was or is married to a white woman"
Back in the day - they called that "Talk Black, Sleep White"
Even "Rev" MLK misspent donated SCLC funds to cheat on his Black wife with White hookers:
"I'm fucking for God!" and "I'm not a Negro tonight!"
Well, not only was he cheating on his wife, subjecting her to STDs & embezzling money earmarked for charity...but directly contradicting his public claims that he didn't want "White women," just to become brethren (or something like that).
Meanwhile, behind closed doors he was fighting for the right to freely chase White pussy like a man possessed... :D
Oops, guess you won't be reading about all that in Whitewashed history books tho...
Do White people sit around and say that if you date brunettes, you don't really like White girls?
How can my opinion be an "insult to black people?" Isn't that race/group think at it's finest?
You represent the typical Panther 1970s mentality - talk all that pro black ish and then secretly lust for blondie. It's OK. I'm not hating. I like white women, and light skinned women, and latina women, and african women, etc.
Well, he's got a point. In my college days as a black nationalist I had a cute Mayflower-descended red-headed white girl creeping up to my crib through the side entrance at night on the regular.
Those white girls just loved a militant brother. The more militant the better.
The hypocrisy on my part was that, fine as she was, I wouldn't be caught dead with her in the day light.
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