"WASHINGTON, July 4 — When the TransAfrica Forum..."
Fuck a TransAfrica, Cap.
Transafrica never led jack. All they did is lead diversion.
The anti-apartheid movement was initiated and led by black folks who were Pan-Africanists under the demand "Africa for the Africans, at home and abroad".
Organizationally that took the form of the African Support Liberation Committee founded in 1971 by Owusu Saudaki (Howard Fuller) and the Anti-divestment student movement founded by yours truly and another brother within the organizational structure of the Black Student Alliance at Yale as well as a now deceased Korean-American Yale student name of Sergei Demanyenko in under the guidance of David Sibeko, the leader of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (South Africa) who was assassinated in Tanzania in 1979.
It was us black kids who trained these white kids how to do anti-apartheid work and it was us black kids who set up NECLSA (North East Coalition for the Liberation of Southern Africa - the largest American anti-apartheid student movement ever with anti-apartheid committees at hundreds of campuses) as well as it's Mid-West and West Coast counter-parts.
Transafrica was brought in and financed by white "liberals", Communists, Trotzkyites, etc. in order to divert the liberation support work from "African Land to Africans" to "Let's have the right to take a shit next to white people".
The Mandela ANC was never led by black people. Everything the ANC did internationally was led and determined by the American Committee On Africa (led by George Hauser and South African white Trotzkyite Jennifer Davis) and in Britain by the Anti-Apartheid Movement.
Why the hell do you think that white folks throughout the planet are celebrating Mandela's birthday in Hyde park? Because he liberated South Africa from them?
Be real. Study history
So...you're saying it was subjugated? Or eerily similar to the US Civil Right's Movement where integration was prized above [or mistaken for] equality?
Yup. Same cast of characters, too.
Though DV, what does that video have to do with this?
By the way DV. When you put my comments on the front page, please do me the favor and clean up my typos, like "divertion" instead of "diversion". at least.
Zimbabwe: Mandela Breaks Silence And Calls Mugabe Regime 'A Tragic Failure'
W Radio Africa
26 June 2008
Posted to the web 26 June 2008
Mandela said: "Nearer to home we had seen the outbreak of violence against fellow Africans in our own country and the tragic failure of leadership in our neighbouring Zimbabwe." The statement was short and to the point, but the applause he received for finally speaking out publicly was thunderous. It was as if the world breathed a sigh of relief because Mandela was the one voice that was still missing, as global condemnation of the recent state sponsored violence intensified this week.
Ivor Jenkins, Director of the Institute for Democratic Alternatives in South Africa, described Mandela's comments as 'fantastic and significant' because the respected world leader no longer comments on world events that he says current leaders should be dealing with.
Jenkins said: "The fact that he has spoken speaks volumes, because it means that one of the highest moral people in this world has in strong terms, even if it was one line, condemned what is happening in our neighbouring country."
"white "liberals", Communists, Trotzkyites, etc."
As usual...the root of all national government mutation stems back to da Zionist Jews...
TransAfrica Forum
Board of Directors
Danny Glover, Chairman
International Human Rights Activist/Actor
San Francisco, CA
Dr. Sylvia Hill, Vice Chair
Professor of Criminal Justice
University of the District of Columbia
Washington, DC
Dr. James Davis, MD, Treasurer
Washington, DC
Manthia Diawara, Secretary
Director, Institute of African-American Affairs
University Professor
New York University
New York, NY
Willie E. Adams
International Secretary-Treasurer
International Longshore & Warehouse Union
San Francisco, CA
Karen Bass
Majority Floor Leader
State Capitol Office
Sacramento, CA
Harry Belafonte
President, Belafonte Enterprises, Inc.
Fresh Meadows, NY
Johnnetta B. Cole, PhD
Chair of the Board, Johnnetta B. Cole Institute
Greensboro, NC
Chuck D
Hip Hop Artist/Activist
New York, NY
Adwoa Dunn-Mouton
Mouton Insurance Brokerage
Washington, DC
James C. Early
Director, Cultural Heritage Policy, Smithsonian Institution Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Washington, DC
Walter Mosley
New York, NY
Charles J. Ogletree, Jr.
Jesse Climenko Professor of Law
Founding & Executive Director,
Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race & Justice Harvard Law School
Cambridge, MA
Fish so white people funding brother's and sister's is such a bad thing huh?
Barack Obama (D)
Top Contributors
This table lists the top donors to this candidate in the 2008 election cycle
Goldman Sachs $571,330
Lead by Lloyd Blankfein (Chairman) & (CEO); Gary Cohn (President) & (COO)
University of California $466,410
UBS AG $364,556
JPMorgan Chase & Co $364,157
Citigroup Inc $360,304
National Amusements Inc $322,050
Lehman Brothers $319,147
Harvard University $315,624
Google Inc $309,714
Sidley Austin LLP $294,445
Skadden, Arps et al $278,163
Time Warner $264,977
Morgan Stanley $260,376
Jones Day $249,375
Exelon Corp $236,211
Latham & Watkins $220,865
Wilmerhale Llp $220,230
University of Chicago $219,707
Microsoft Corp $206,942
General Electric $206,579
"Fish so white people funding brother's and sister's is such a bad thing huh?"
Casp, while I vastly prefer that black folks fund their own activities (given that, in the aggregate, black folks in the United States are richer than all the Jews on the planet combined, it shouldn't really be necessary for anyone to fund us), I don't mind taking money from anyone, including white people as long as there are no strings attached.
However, as I pointed out before, Transafrica was used to redirect the strategic goal of the African liberation struggle from the reconquest of African land to sharing the doo-doo potty with white folks.
As to Mandela. He is the last one to talk. If there is any African leader who has failed his people it is Mandela. At the end of his tenure with the exception of a small strata of Africans, the vast majority of Africans were worse off than they had been under apartheid. 87% of the land in South Africa still belongs to the whites just as during the worst days of apartheid. If you'd like to know why that is so, I'd ask you to read the following posts:
So, WhoReally Did Liberate South Africa?
South Africa - Land Or Toilets?
South Africa Is A White Man's Country
Cry Zimbabwe, Cry Azania
Listen Fish my overall point is not defend Transafrica (diversion) nor Goldman Sachs... The greater issue that began this debate centers around African's in Zimbabwe. Now please provide this forum with valid facts as to why Africans and African descendants should support Mugabe in this current campaign?
That Casper's a rather relentless f*cking idiot...,
Coward Said
That Casper's a rather relentless f*cking idiot...,
"Now please provide this forum with valid facts as to why Africans and African descendants should support Mugabe in this current campaign?"
And where did I say that one should support Mugabe?
Read the posts, Casp and then get back to me.
Guess Barack and I are both idiots then!
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) today released the following statement following the Senate’s passage of a resolution he introduced to condemn the Zimbabwean government for repressive and violent actions against its people. Obama introduced the resolution, (S.Con.Res.25), in March 2007.
Mugabe is obviously not dumb, he has six degrees, but he is a nut. Nobody forced him to become a despot or kill his own people or ruin his economy with inflationary spending. Zanu-PF and Mugabe are to blame. The British are fools too, they never should have even been there, same with the dumbass white farmers. But Mugabe needs to fess up like a man and just admit he's a dictator who serves his own needs. His reputation is gone anyway.
And where did I say that one should support Mugabe?
Well me think that's the rational for DV posting your comments on the front page Fish. If I were to guess you support DV's position concerning supporting Mugabe. I could care less about TransAfrica otherwise. And as far as DV chiding me on some position that the UK media may also agree with well so does his Prophet. Thus you need to chide his ass for only posting the policies that he and his Prophet agree on. Otherwise, DV is really a Ron Paul supporter after all. He should Keep It Real!and stick with that looser!
Classic One
he has six degrees
How many are honorary C.O.?? How many where taken back ??
The quotes of Mugabe's that DV posted were an accurate description of the British motivations, Casper. That didn't mean Mugabe was correct in his practice, but his rhetoric reflects reality.
You, on the other hand regurgitated the British bullshit uncritically. In so far DV's chiding you was correct.
As to Mugabe's degrees. He earned those while he was imprisoned by Ian Smith. None of them are honorary.
And no, C1, Mugabe ain't a nut. He is a very rational and calculating man.
Oh well Fish!
By Obert Madondo
Last updated: 05/24/2008 02:35:43
EDINBURGH University in Scotland and the United States’ University of Massachusetts and Michigan State University are considering recalling the honorary doctorate of laws degrees they conferred on Robert Mugabe
You, on the other hand regurgitated the British bullshit uncritically. In so far DV's chiding you was correct.
What was the bullshit exactly Fish?? Secondly, why is he or you not chiding me for the Obama supposed bullshit? Biased maybe????
Me smelling Fox News in the hizzy!
Like I said, Casp. Do some due diligence.
from Wikipedia:
"Originally graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Fort Hare in 1951, Mugabe subsequently earned six further degrees through distance learning including a Bachelor of Administration and Bachelor of Education from the University of South Africa and a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Laws, Master of Science and Master of Laws, all from the University of London External Programme.[19] The two Law degrees were taken whilst he was in prison, whilst the Master of Science degree was taken during his premiership of Zimbabwe.[20]"
These honorary degrees from UMass and UMich were conferred in addition to his earned degrees.
"Secondly, why is he or you not chiding me for the Obama supposed bullshit?"
Oh, you wanna that I say something about Obama's position on the matter?
Obama is full of shit.
Plus he ought to know better given that he was a member of the Trinity United Church for twenty years.
One of the most prominent members of that church is Rev. Dwight Hopkins of the University of Chicago's divinity school and a fellow Harvard graduate (though ten odd-years before Obama, I think class of 1978)
Did I mention that Dwight was instrumental in building the aforementioned NECLSA as well and that he had exactly the same position on the Southern Africa liberation struggle as I did? That he knew the same people? That, while I had differences with him on some of his politics, we worked closely together on NECLSA?
Knowing Dwight, and I've known him since 1975 or so, there is no way that he didn't educate Obama about the real deal in South Africa and Zimbabwe.
But Mugabe last Saturday told a conference of his ruling ZANU PF party that lack of proper planning in the land reform exercise, corruption, lawlessness on farms and vandalisation of irrigation equipment and infrastructure, coupled with shortages of fertilizer and seed had exacerbated the effects of poor weather.
"All this translates into low production and food insecurity," said Mugabe, in a surprisingly frank assessment of his land reform project.
CORRUPTION... hmmm... Brits weren't far off base now huh??
These honorary degrees from UMass and UMich were conferred in addition to his earned degrees.
I stand corrected on his degree's Fish and C.O.
"CORRUPTION... hmmm... Brits weren't far off base now huh??"
Given those master corrupt Brit mofos, they ought to know corruption when they see it. Casp. You're starting to disappoint me.
I ask again concerning the UK media?
"what was the bullshit exactly Fish??"
Cuz I know neither you or DV have been in the country of Zimbabwe to substantiate what they hell is or is not occurring YESTERDAY and TODAY not in 1975. The Mugabe govt. hires American spin doctors just like every other govt. Read up on the main Zimbabwe Unversity. You'll see apprx. half of the professors have jetted. Two are my friends and former ZANU-PF party members here in NYC. Mugabe is human Fish. Shit happens. Sometimes people do bad things with good intentions.
Fish you ever been to the ice caps?
Are you aware that they are melting?
I aint never been to Zimbabwe.
But I am aware that the plight of the Zimbabwean people is a direct result of US & British pressure.
I don't blame Mugabe for the economic casualties of NeoLiberal policy warfare.
I blame the NeoLiberals whether they be World Bank con men or manipulative PR organizations disguised as do-good charities.
I find your acquaintance with ANC members in the 70's interesting, but not a prerequisite to recognizing Mubabe is a valuable symbolic figure whose image is being intentionally marred to keep sheep like Casper from appreciating the significance of returning resource rich African land ... to Africans.
His fanatical regurgitation of NWO propaganda fuels my contempt.
If we discuss this issue further, I propose we build off of the following work: http://www.counterpunch.org/elich05072005.html
Fish you ever been to the ice caps?
Are you aware that they are melting?
DV have you every been to Iraq or Iran.?
Are you aware that they have WMD's?
But I am aware that the plight of the Zimbabwean people is a direct result of US & British pressure.
That's funny... That's not how Mugabe described their problems. Let the horse himself explain...
But Mugabe last Saturday told a conference of his ruling ZANU PF party that lack of proper planning in the land reform exercise, corruption, lawlessness on farms and vandalisation of irrigation equipment and infrastructure, coupled with shortages of fertilizer and seed had exacerbated the effects of poor weather.
"All this translates into low production and food insecurity," said Mugabe, in a surprisingly frank assessment of his land reform project.
Time runs out for Mugabe
Patrick Wilmot
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Robert Mugabe began his political life as a freedom fighter, a guerrilla leader whose successful struggle against the racists of the so-called Rhodesia gave him the right to be called the father of his nation. To celebrate this momentous event, Bob Marley sang at the independence of Zimbabwe where he is still remembered after 28 years. The qualities which people most admired in Mugabe were his intelligence, humility, and asceticism.
In the brutal prisons of Ian Smith, Mugabe gained several degrees by correspondence courses, a feat beyond the ability of most of his countrymen and women outside. He dressed modestly, ate the food of the people, and lived in a house that did not alienate the people with its gratuitous luxury. He applied his intelligence to organising his society so the people who were deprived by the racist inheritors of British colonialism could receive education, health care, and economic opportunities.
Twenty-eight years after Independence Mugabe is not even a shadow of the man he was in 1980. People all over Africa and the diaspora, who once worshipped his talents and modesty, now regard him with contempt. He now lives in a 25-bedroom mansion on 44 acres in an expensive suburb, which allegedly cost £8 million. People who have been inside speak of marble, granite, ornate chandeliers, expensive furniture. His tailored suits now make him look like a playboy.
Mugabe's intelligence became a liability when he started to believe that he was the brightest man in existence, without whom his country could not function. Instead of using it to make the lives of his people better, he sent out tanks and cannon to silence them. When his hungry people tried to replace him, he rigged elections as shamelessly as his counterparts in Nigeria and Kenya. With his complete disregard for human life he was even more ruthless than Babangida, Abacha, Obasanjo and Kibaki.
For almost two decades the people were deprived of the land which they had fought to liberate. Mugabe did not seize European-owned land until he was politically cornered by opponents who tried to articulate the needs of the people. And when he did, it was a disaster. Instead of resettling farmers on the millions of hectares of unused land, he seized working farms which were the backbone of the agricultural economy. And instead of giving the land to people who could work it, he gave it to family and cronies in politics, business, the military and security forces who abandoned it.
Economic mismanagement meant that funds from the rich minerals of the country were not invested in education, health, roads, industry or public housing. People had to queue for bread in a land which once fed its neighbours. Put perhaps nothing exemplified Mugabe's failure more starkly than the 100,000 per cent inflation which forced poor Zimbabweans to queue to buy food with millions of dollars which weighed more.
I get it now... DV are you afraid of Mugabe son!
Zimbabwe Journalists Charged with Defaming Mugabe
Peta Thornycroft
11 Jan 2004, 16:46 UTC
In Zimbabwe, police have charged the editor and two employees of an
independent weekly newspaper with criminal defamation. Police also locked up
a magistrate and a ruling party member of parliament in separate cases.
The three journalists were charged at the Harare central police station with
defaming President Robert Mugabe for reporting that he had commandeered a
passenger plane from Air Zimbabwe while he was vacationing in Asia with his
The Independent claimed the presidential trip not only inconvenienced Air
Zimbabwe passengers, but cost the hard-pressed airline a substantial sum.
The editor of the weekly Independent newspaper, Iden Wetherell, news editor
Vincent Kahiya and reporter Dumisani Muleya are expected to appear in court
Their lawyer, Linda Cook, says the three journalists deny the charges.
The three were arrested Saturday, after the information minister, Jonathan
Moyo, said their article had defamed Mr. Mugabe.
"Oh, you wanna that I say something about Obama's position on the matter?
Obama is full of shit."
Wasup DV!... You afraid of Fish for bashing your Prophet... No retort for Fish? Or you still hurting from Kobe's ass whooping!
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