CNN will put miscellaneous Negros, speaking from the pack, on TV all day and night. But wouldn't put Farrakhan on TV if he could make a car run on seawater.
To the average thinker CNN's video segment titled "Black Men" is an innocuous, gratuitous and altruistic effort on the part of the network to depict the experience of black people in America to a primarily black audience. You can almost hear the chorus: "Thank Ya Massa Fo Tellin' Us 'Bout Our Selves!! Yup! We Got Pwoblems! Yup! We Da Primary Carriers Ov Da HIV Virus! Yup! We'ze In Jail Massa! Yup! We Single Muvvas!! Yup! But We Mo' Den Dem Stereotypes Massa! Weze UpWadly Mobile Too!! Massa!!! Thank You Massa Fo Puttin Us On Teeee Veeeee!!!"
FastGirls said...

Nothing was there. I learned nothing. Experienced nothing. This show is not for us. Maybe the people thinking about voting for Barack want to see "where he comes from" Who knows.
I am afraid to see what they will do to the black man tomorrow. I didn't let my children watch for fear of the regular stereotypes that would pop up. wise decision.
{Edit} I lied. There was something there…the people making the most difference in the lives of black people, were black people. But I already knew that.
Truth Hurts said..

Because you have a man?
Is that NOT a reality for most educated upwardly mobile Black women? Or were you pissed that they're airing your dirty laundry to the world. I'm seriously interested in knowing why thats so offensive to you.
DV, I don't know if you saw the first episode, but Cornell West openly, freely, and explicitly acknowledged the following,
"Lil Wayne..Now that's a brilliant brotha. Brilliant!"
Now I know how you feel about educated corporate negroes, but his acknowledgment of the depth that Dwayne posses indicates that he may not be as much of a corporte cornball negro as previously thought.
Did you see it?
My man! What's up BW?
Cornell West? Cool brotha. In a 1998 sorta way. If he was a rapper he'd be about as relevant as Ras Kass.
Acknowledging "Lil Wayne's" greatness doesn't really impress me.
That's like acknowledging Shaquille O'Neil's height.
Nah man I didn't see the show.
I reject its fundamental implication: That there exists "a" single Black Experience in America.
Reducing the diversity of black Americans experiences to "a" single experience is a trap for Plantation Negros.
I submit our boy Big J's "light skin / mixed / negro features" rhetoric from last week, as an example of what happens when black people are conditioned to think of a single experience as a "black experience".
It's limiting.
CNN is a Jewish controlled media network.
When Spike Lee or Hype Williams directs "Jews In America" ... I will be more open to consuming this televised propaganda.
Personally I don't want to consume anything about black people that doesn't conclude with: "Black People Are The Baddest Muhfuggas On The Planet".
I'm not into that victim shit.
Am I missing something?
Yeah, I think you are missing a little something, but it's not your fault. The title of the show is misleading.
Your rejection of the notion that there is 1 experience in Black America was right on point. And IF that's what the show peddled, I would fall right in line with you.
However, I did actually watch the 1st episode, and what I noticed was not a bunch of "cosigning", there was actually a fair amount of contradiction and healthy debate amongst a respectable panel and audience members.
For example, public school systems in Black neighborhoods. You don't have to be sheeple to acknowledge the disparity in quality of public schools in black neighborhoods and white or the disparity in test scores between the two. That part is irrefutable. Where we may disagree is on the solution to the problem. I may say "pay the kids" you may say, " community volunteering". The show seems to address issues that, no matter what your experience as a black person in this country are, you will still have to acknowledge affect Black Americans...like rise in HIV rates, or single parent homes, or fatherless children. Did you know 7 out of 10 black children in this country are born to single parents? 7 OUT OF 10! Considering that half of black women don't marry, I find this scarily...credible.
"CNN is a Jewish controlled media network."
Maybe. Perhaps that is why they partnered with Essence on this piece, and staged it in New Orleans. It's not just a CNN show. Anderson Cooper probably wouldn't be hosting this one. I actually see it as a genuine effort to address these issues and find the solution(s).
Don't protest it, but don't rush home to see it. If you find yourself near a tv, give it a shot. If it's bs propaganda, just turn it off.
"Perhaps that is why they partnered with Essence on this piece, and staged it in New Orleans. It's not just a CNN show."
How the fcuk does one partner with oneself? Essence is owned 100% by the same folks that own CNN 100%, namely Time-Warner.
" How the fcuk does one partner with oneself? Essence is owned 100% by the same folks that own CNN 100%, namely Time-Warner."
Mike, I have read your comments many times on a myriad of topics, but this is the 1st time you've sounded so blatantly ignorant.
Despite their ownership group Essence and CNN are SEPARATE ENTITIES.
Mark Cuban owns the Dallas Maverics and HDNet fights. Two unrelated separate entities. By your logic, athletes from the Mavs could not partner with athletes from HDNet in a say...celebrity basketball game, since Mark Cuban signs everybody's check.
You are overly consumed with being right. This time, you are not.
Go head Wayne being articulate and cohesive...I aint know better I'd say you was a bad dude....
" Go head Wayne being articulate and cohesive...I aint know better I'd say you was a bad dude...." -Ill
What? You thought Big Wayne was just some unsigned lyrical genius and that was the extent of his depth?
well some one has to watch it, may as well be someone else
Sorry Wayne, but Fisher has a point on this one. I used to work for a few Time Warner entities and it's really hard to call it a "partnership" when two sister companies decide to do something together.
The only separation is the portion of the balance sheet where the assets and liabilities will be noted, but it's all the same folks calling the shots at the top. There really is no difference.
One more point...
Often times the "partnerships" have to do with which company is a signatory to which union agreement, so if one isn't union for a particular production, they will put that as the front company so they can get around the unions.
I understand this is your blog, I respect that. But, I tend to access this page from work. It would really make things easier for me if you put that lovely pic of Beverly Johnson further down the page because I do not need the drama it causes as the first thing to pop up on the page. I would appreciate consideration on this.
Did you know 7 out of 10 black children in this country are born to single parents? 7 OUT OF 10! Considering that half of black women don't marry, I find this scarily...credible.
Yup, that's old news...been saying that here for months now.
In fact, that % has over TRIPLED since the Jewish Power Movement of the 60s.
1890: <20% single Black moms
1960s: 23% single Black moms (3.1% for Whites)
2000+: 70% single Black moms
Notice that between 1890 and the 1960s it only increased 3%. This was during the Jim Crow era, no less. Then the Jews made their US cultural takeover bid and all helllzzzz broke looose!
Liberated yet PWNED at the sme time. That's how Jews work a people. See all Communist countries where all the "proletariats" enjoyed "liberation" from their "bourgeois oppressors."
The only reason Cornel West is famous is his hair and his tuxedos. He's a caricature. His books are nearly incomprehensible and he is permanently calcified in the tradition of the "race man." He wastes his immense capacities explorin ad naseum racial issues that have long since become irrelevant.
The only reason Cornel West is famous is his hair and his tuxedos. He's a caricature. His books are nearly incomprehensible and he is permanently calcified in the tradition of the "race man." He wastes his immense capacities explorin ad naseum racial issues that have long since become irrelevant.
I'll check out the show and report back. Wont make me any difference if you act like you didnt watch.
RJ ... out of curiosity. What compels you to watch this show?
They say, you become what you gaze upon.
I submit black people have become the statistics we gaze upon.
I can only imagine the "state of" black men when their story is told by others.
I want to see what they are going to present as THE black female experience. Isnt today about the black female? and rather than sit back and hypothesize, I'll watch. If they get it wrong, I'll know and will say how.
It was more of the same. The caricature of the upwardly-mobile-single-black-woman who has the damnedest time finding a "qualified black man" made me want to loose my finger down my throat.
Nothing was there. I learned nothing. Experienced nothing. This show is not for us. Maybe the people thinking about voting for Barack want to see "where he comes from"
Who knows.
I am afraid to see what they will do to the black man tomorrow. I didn't let my children watch for fear of the regular stereotypes that would pop up. wise decision.
{Edit} I lied. There was something there…the people making the most difference in the lives of black people, were black people. But I already knew that.
I agree with FastGirl in that I could not detect why it was necessary to showcase the particular people in the piece -- meaning it wasnt earth shattering to know that there were poor, upwardly mobile, married, and single, HIV positive black women in this world. So, in that respect, my reaction to it all was "AND?"
However, the depiction of the poor folks (there was actually a man depicted as well) was valuable, not in terms of its encapsulation of a Black experience, but because the economic disparities in this fine country need to be highlighted. I dont think those sitting high on the hog realize how close they are to poverty and the folks experiencing it. They are definitely among us, and are not at all limited to the county line or to minimum wage jobs.
There was a women depicted who appeared to be a real estate agent in NY, who could not afford to pay rent.
That's a shame to say the least.
" The caricature of the upwardly-mobile-single-black-woman who has the damnedest time finding a "qualified black man" made me want to loose my finger down my throat." -FastGirl
Caricature? What made her a caricature and Why did it make you want to gag? Because you have a man? Is that NOT a reality for most educated upwardly mobile Black women? Or were you pissed that they're airing your dirty laundry to the world. I'm seriously interested in knowing why thats so offensive to you.
I knew it was going to be some bullshit, when my aunt in Texas called me ... all breathless:
I'm on the driving range. Phone rings.
"Hey baby it's Aunt Connie! Look you must watch CNN BLACK IN AMERICA! Tonight! On CNN. Just Watch It! It's On Now! I've gotta go! You Must Watch It! Maybe You Can Show It To The Kids!!! Bye"
I said to myself ... Lawd
Them crackas leading my people by the nose.
What strikes me as odd, is how black people are COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS to whom it is who is crafting this meditation on blackness.
The deep black voice, Gold and Brown negro colors and the Essence logo has lulled Negros into thinking this is our production.
It is not.
Imagine The Final Call Newspaper producing a series called "Jews In America".
Imagine it on Prime Time National TV for 6 hours over 3 days.
Would Jews be rushing to their TV sets and shepherding their kids to watch it?
CNN is as Jewish controlled as The Final Call is controlled by black Muslims. What's the difference?
Imagine The Final Call Newspaper producing a series called "Jews In America".
I actually can imagine that, ever heard of the book "the Secret Relationship?"
If the show lumping all black people together with a big generalization, (I did not see it) then why sweep all white people together with "crackas leading em by the nose" This "cracka" didn't have anything to do with producing that series.
" I am afraid to see what they will do to the black man tomorrow. I didn't let my children watch for fear of the regular stereotypes that would pop up. wise decision." -FastGirl
I just found the answer my own question. You have a problem facing the ugly part of reality. You don't want your dirty laundry aired. And you damn sure don't want your kids to see it.
No it wasn't the best show ever produced, but what it was NOT was about stereotypes. It was factual, and it was supported statistically. You didn't let you kids watch becuase you are trying to keep them in this bubble where mama can control and manipulate their minds and keep them oblivious to the plight many of our people face. I don't blame you for sheltering your children, but be real about the reason for doing so.
If you don't want your kids to see the millions of black men in jail, or the impoverished conditions many Black Americans live, that is your option. But don't do it in the name of "stereotypes". Just say I am particular about what enters my childrens brains. Truth would not contest your decision.
And you didn't learn anything? You experienced nothing? SO...you knew that 1 in 20 people living in DC is HIV Positive. You knew DC's HIV rate is comparable to Uganda's. You knew that nearly half of all new cases of HIV are Black Americans, who make up only 13% of this country. And even if you did, that meant nothing to you? The Chocolate City is infested and infected and that means nothing to you? Wow.
You turned the show on already biased. And never put down your guard to give it a chance.
Honestly, DV, does it matter who writes down the statistics if they are true?
You startin to sound like Fast Girl...are you FastGirl?
" Only Black people can talk about Black people." Nonsense.
Your Favorite WhiteBoy Byrdeye talks at length about Black people. He's your favorite Whiteboy. CNulan has his own blog from a white man's perspective dating Black Women. He is a regular contributor here who has garnered YOUR respect. How much time do you spend debating Israel and the Jews? Puleez.
Get off the fence Big Bro. You can't have it both ways. If a fact is a fact, who delivers that fact is irrelevant.
Correction It is C1 who has that blog I mentioned earlier.
Sorry about that C1. Gotta give you your props.
"I actually can imagine that, ever heard of the book "the Secret Relationship?"
Yup. Heard of it ....
Wasn't on National TV for 6 hours of Prime Time.
I think they printed like 1200 copies of it.
My "Cracka" colloquialism was not meant to indict the entire white race.
No Mike Fisherism from me.
I meant "these" handful of Crackas responsible for "this" propaganda IV Tube injecting memes about blackness into the minds of black people.
Wasn't on National TV for 6 hours of Prime Time.
That's because the don't have a network. From what I've heard about the CNN program it sounds bad, I can understand why people are pissed.
Sorry about that C1. Gotta give you your props.
Hey, there are still plenty of guys who love blqck women ;)
" From what I've heard about the CNN program it sounds bad, I can understand why people are pissed."
C1. Then maybe you can explain it to me. Because I don't. I watched it and it stirred emotions in me too. Anger? Yep. But not at the shows producers, at the conditions our people live, and the struggles we endure. I am waiting for someone, ANYONE to tell me what was incorrect or wrong within the content of this show. What, exactly are you upset about?
But C1 prepare for the slight of hand, and smoke and mirrors because they are on the way. Soon, this debate will shift from the content of the show to "WHY black people are living in this condition and it's the gub'ments fault". And the reason that will happen is because the protestors will be largely unable to offer tangible examples of misinformation, sensationalization or exaggeration.
Truth Hurts called it first.
DV, I'm going to give you props right now. Because I've noticed that you give a voice to all people even when we disagree with your personal opinions. I like the way you place our recent comments on your front page, which many times offer conflicting stances.
Imagine The Final Call Newspaper producing a series called "Jews In America".
Imagine it on Prime Time National TV for 6 hours over 3 days.
Would Jews be rushing to their TV sets and shepherding their kids to watch it?
CNN is as Jewish controlled as The Final Call is controlled by black Muslims. What's the difference?
Exactly. How come Jews who own these networks...don't produce miniseries on themselves in America airing out all their dirty laundry and struggles for global domination and suppression of anti-Zionist free speech?
Why not:
Jewish in America
The Jewish Man
Instead, they always use Blacks as their most convenient proxy and smokescreen to hide behind.
They (UM, SBW) say they want someone who is “upwardly mobile,” meaning a man who has what his prospective mate has in terms of money, education, assets, goals, experiences. But what if she needs someone who can teach her that she is beautiful no matter that her mama said she’s not and her daddy wasn’t there to say anything? And what if he’s a doorman? Should an emotionally insecure/wounded doctor not marry a hardworking doorman because he’s not upwardly mobile enough? Even if he can be there to pick up the children while she’s in surgery?
Single women say they want to get married and then erect every conceivable barrier to doing so:
He needs to make more money
He’s not “saved” enough
He has kids
He doesn’t have a home
He has bad credit
He drives a bucket
Being a wife is an experience that is solely about growing your spiritual self, not enhancing your personal wealth. If you make 100k/year what does it matter that he makes only 45k. Maybe being with that “upwardly mobile” woman will serve as an encouragement to him. But a black women who imagines that at 30+, she is going to come up on the brother who has all of the material, spiritual and emotional gifts already in the bag, is playing to an empty crowd. Single brothers are rough around the edges for many reasons. Being in a relationship with a supportive, encouraging women, smoothes those edges. That is why happily married men are so attractive. There is more to marriage than meets the eye. Maybe because we have seen so few longstanding marriages, we have no idea what kind of work it takes to say, “We’ve been married for 40 years. Mostly it’s been beautiful.”
He needs to make more money
He’s not “saved” enough
He has kids
He doesn’t have a home
He has bad credit
He drives a bucket
Actually, those are all legit reasons not to legally marry (financially merge with) someone. At least by non-Black standards.
Particularly poverty and bad credit. And kids (if you have none yourself).
If you make 100k/year what does it matter that he makes only 45k.
Are you really a woman? Are you married to some guy making half what you do? This might sound ok on paper, but in reality it has shown to make both the man and woman feel uncomfortable over time. Women of all races do generally naturally prefer a man with more resources (for relationships). It's evo-psych.
I know who Fastgirls is.
I know who Fastgirls is.
(said in a 6th grade sing song tone).
Many of you know her too and should detect her right off, particularly from that last post.
" Why not: Jewish in America
The Jewish Man" -Byrd
Is that a White man Talking about Black People? Crucify him, DV. Byrd, you're out of pocket...Not really.
" Why not: Jewish in America
The Jewish Man" -Byrd
Really Byrd? Who is doing worse in this country? If you had to say one group is drowning and in dire need of exposure and action, who would it be? Blacks or Jews?
"If you don't want your kids to see the millions of black men in jail, or the impoverished conditions many Black Americans live, that is your option. But don't do it in the name of "stereotypes". Just say I am particular about what enters my children's brains. Truth would not contest your decision. "
I am the daughter of a 24+ year prison inmate. I take the calls, make the trips, talk to my children about papa in prison and pass them the phone when he says, "let me speak to my babies." Shelter from what's real, is not something i care to nor could provide.
What I can provide is perspective and a vast landscape in which my children get to explore who they are and where they come from. I just told a girlfriend who did not get to watch, "if you have ever seen "special" on black people, you saw it.
I' more about "being about it" than talking about it. if you know any black women who are ill and think "healthcare" and American doctors are going to save them, have 'em holla at me.
Fastgirl is above and beyond each of the evaluations you just offered. You should pretty much just stop.
Fastgirl, that was a nice monologue, but where are my answers? Was there a reason you opted NOT to address either of the topics I posed to you?
Of course there was.
We both know why you didn't. In fact, we all know.
Retract. We got crossed up.
And that was a good answer. Obviously, I have no way of knowing your family situations.
But talk to me about gagging. Talk to me about the the caricature of the black woman and why it made you want ot gag.
If you had to say one group is drowning and in dire need of exposure and action, who would it be? Blacks or Jews?
Definitely Jews. Not for their sake, but this country's.
In fact, the fact you even had to ask that question is testament to how snowed they got most Americans. Diverted onto the "Black" question instead of the "Jewish" one.
Only when the USD and this economy keep tailspinning into the dumpster, this country will eventually ask WHY and won't know what ever hit 'em.
Meanwhile, Presidents DIED trying to stop the FRB and other tentacles of the Jewish Mafia from sucking the life out of this country for many decades. But all to no avail. This is the REAL story and ball in play here - that CNN will never expose with a 100' pole, no matter how high ratings it would garner.
Forget it, if you haven't seen it by now, you won't even if it's pointed out to you.
The funny thing is that even Alex Jones won't touch the Jewish Mafia question...
Will any media in the US dare to?
Is this the Greatest Taboo in America?
What made her a caricature and Why did it make you want to gag.-TH
We all know that the reasons people act or do not act in a certain direction are myriad and complex. ALWAYS airing on television that educated, beautiful, financially independent black women are not married because there are no black men (or not enough men) of equal status is to negate the very real truth that many black women are afraid of being hurt, left, cheated on, lied to, and left to raise children alone. Because after all, this is what is happening to us according to the statistics, right?
And these might all seem like legitimate fears but there is risk in every venture and these women seem to have taken so many of these other brands of risk, where the odds we stacked against them as well (according to the statistics), yet prevailed. Black women carry in their very souls an experience of getting along without the black man. Mostly the reasons were beyond our control. Yet we have continued to love and want them. Now we have to be brave enough to risk what the world sells us as valuable to re-build what has been torn apart.
Is that NOT a reality for most educated upwardly mobile Black women? -TH
Reality is what you make it.
Word Byrd?
Millions of black men in jail.
Millions of black people living below the poverty line.
Half of black kids finish high school.
Number 1 cause of death for a black man in this country...Homicide.
And Jews have it worse in this country than Blacks? Lets see how much support you get on that one. Being DV's favorite Whiteboy doesn't mean that you have to make an arse of yourself on his behalf.
I'm going to borrow the eloquent words of RJEsq.
" You should pretty much just stop."
And Jews have it worse in this country than Blacks? Lets see how much support you get on that one.
To the contrary, let me re-clarify my point:
Jews are in dire need of exposure and action. Not for their sake, but this country's. Why? Because the fox is in the henhouse.
And has played a major role in causing the stats you just listed.
Truth ...
You become what you gaze upon.
One more time.
You become what you gaze upon.
What America gazes upon is pretty much dominated by a very small number of people. Less than 1% of the population leads the other portion of the population by the nose with control of media and finance.
The statistics you regurgitate with religious conviction about black people - have become what people see when they look at black people. These statistics have become what many black people see - when they look at themselves.
What came first the image or the behavior? The chicken or the egg?
It is quite possible for one to aggregate an enormous quantity of data about the pathology within the Jewish community, from divorce to suicide, to greed to guilt to mental illness, to hate, to addiction to prescription drugs, to addiction to plastic surgery, to Zionist fanaticism, to Tay-Sachs, to homosexuality, to spiritual bankruptcy ..... Bombard them with media representations of said pathology and watch them create a self-denying prophesy too.
What brother Wayne doesn't seem to understand is the importance of managing your self-perception.
Meditate on the warning from scripture which extolled us "To build no false idols".
This ... TV Show ... ostensibly representing the "Black Experience" is a False Idol.
" But C1 prepare for the slight of hand, and smoke and mirrors because they are on the way. Soon, this debate will shift from the content of the show to "WHY black people are living in this condition .." -Big Wayne
" Millions of black men in jail.
Millions of black people living below the poverty line.
Half of black kids finish high school.
Number 1 cause of death for a black man in this country...Homicide. " -Truth Hurts
" Jews are in dire need of exposure and action. Not for their sake, but this country's. Why? Because the fox is in the henhouse.
Damn, I'm good. Y'all don't want it with Big Wayne.
" What brother Wayne doesn't seem to understand is the importance of managing your self-perception."- My Brother, DV.
Nah DV. I am quite aware of the importance of how I see myself. While I don't disagree with most of what you say, it all sounds to me, like a fancy way of saying...
" I don't want our dirty laundry aired"
You did not refute any of the statistics or information provided by the piece.
It sounds like you are saying ignore these conditions, or let's get together in a back alley and post a "Blacks Only" sign and work this out.
Now from DV's perspective, what you say makes sense. You are uber intelligent and very informed. MOST are not. Many of us NEEDED to hear that Washington DC's HIV rate was comparable to Uganda's. Not ashamed to admit that I had no idea shit was that bad. THAT SHIT IS REAL!
"You are what you gaze upon. "
If only that were true I would watch Tiger Woods play every day.
I watch a bunch of different shit.
I watch Nat Geo sometimes, I watch sports, I watch History channel, A sitcom or 2. A reality show here and there. I am none of those things. This is almost a documentary piece. I've watched a ton of those. But because the Truth is so ugly, we should ignore this one.
I don't know about that one Big Bro.
And back to an earlier question.
" If a fact is a fact, does it really matter who delivers it? "
The statistics you regurgitate with religious conviction about black people - have become what people see when they look at black people. These statistics have become what many black people see - when they look at themselves.
And if the stats are accurate.. Then what Einstein??? Just keep on golfing I suppose?
Casper, you're probably a white Dude by that name. How dare you comment on Black People.
DV, Can you say "Race Cop?"
I'm just effing with you Casper. You, me and Truth seem to see the same thing from DV and company.
"Thank Ya Massa Fo Tellin' Us 'Bout Our Selves!! Yup! We Got Pwoblems! Yup! We Da Primary Carriers Ov Da HIV Virus! Yup! We'ze In Jail Massa! Yup! We Single Muvvas!! Yup! But We Mo' Den Dem Stereotypes Massa! Weze UpWadly Mobile Too!! Massa!!! THANK YOU MASSA FO PUTTIN US ON TEEEE VEEEEE!!!"
It's official. I was right. Your only problem with this is that it was aired for America to see. That is the only problem that ALL of you have with this piece. That millions of white people saw it. You were embarrased, and understandably so.
Again, the problem is not airing dirty laundry. The problem is, why is ours the only laundry worthy of tri-annual, super glossy prime-time coverage and delivered up for mass consumption so that American can be sure they got it right about us.
And why only air the panties that didn't come clean but not the pretty little dresses my daughter wears to school every day? Why talk at such length about how black men don't qualify for these amazing black women without talking about how emotionally unstable and unprepared most of these single black women are to shoulder a true "grown folks" relationship with anyone. If she can't buy the things she wants with HIS money, he don't fit the bill????
Just tell a side of the story we haven't heard. I mean, If you're going to keep chatting about us, make it interesting.
And Big Bro. Wayne. If you are just getting hip to the fact that black women are dropping like flies from AIDS in america, that is reflective of how you spend your time, not the fact that it hasn't been regurgitated over and over with all of the other dismal facts about "who black people are and what ails them."
How come they didn't go INTO the schools to see how disparate the conditions are between where our children go and their children go....oh, we've already seen that.
or have we?
I think that white people are well aware of the staitstics that have been mentioned here already. I really don't think there is much that has not already been discussed before.
Fastgirl, I like you. You remind me of this other hot chick I know.
So, since you watched the piece, you know it opened talking about the Rand Family. A family of over 300 members who have maintained an unbreakable bond for generations, and rent a tourbus to drive to Atlanta for their family reunions.
Or of the other successful parents who graduated 5 of their 6 children from college, and the 6th just graduated High School.
You must have missed the portion of the show where they showed the couple who owned a successful construction company or where they discussed the 40% growth of Black owned small businesses over the past decade.
You preprogrammed yourself to only see the negativity in this piece. And clearly, that's what you got.
Yes, I did know Black women were dropping from HIV. What I DIDN'T know was that 1 in 20 in Washington DC is HIV Positive. I didn't know that DC's HIV rate was comparable to Uganda's. You knew that? Does that NOT stagger you?
" I think that white people are well aware of the staitstics that have been mentioned here already. I really don't think there is much that has not already been discussed before." -C1
I don't. I think you have multiple Black influences in your life, and are, therefore, more aware of this. Most don't and aren't.
FastGirls said...
Again, the problem is not airing dirty laundry. The problem is, why is ours the only laundry worthy of tri-annual, super glossy prime-time coverage and delivered up for mass consumption so that American can be sure they got it right about us.
You aint hear her:
Again, the problem is not airing dirty laundry. The problem is, why is ours the only laundry worthy of tri-annual, super glossy prime-time coverage and delivered up for mass consumption so that American can be sure they got it right about us.
You aint hear her:
Again, the problem is not airing dirty laundry.
The problem is, why is ours the only laundry worthy of tri-annual, super glossy prime-time coverage and delivered up for mass consumption so that American can be sure they got it right about us.
The problem is, why is ours the only laundry worthy of tri-annual, super glossy prime-time coverage and delivered up for mass consumption so that American can be sure they got it right about us.
Translation: I'm not saying that anything mentioned in the piece was inaccurate, misleading, or exaggerated. I'm just saying why they gotta put us out there like that.
Translation: Why they gotta air our dirty laundry?
Answer: Because our people are in dire need. Do you not see that? Who is doing worse in this country as a group than Black people? Jews? Mexicans? Whites? Muslims? Who?
And if you think that all black people know how bad it is, you are mistaken. I just found out that 70% of black kids are born to single parents. I thought it was still 50. I knew about high school graduation rates, but not about HIV in DC. Why won't you talk about that?
Big Wayne ... Big Wayne
You slippin'.
The reality is that there are 30 million Truths and Facts about black Americans.
He who picks which ones to hilite ... defines black America.
To be defined by others is the definition of slavery.
What's up with Black America?
Go to DenmarkVesey.Net
We Baddest Muhfuggas on the planet.
That's a Fact.
That's a Truth.
But nah. Aint gonna see no DV's
on TV. Nuttin but sucka ass victims claiming HIV in DC is a Black Tragedy and not the consequences of Gay Activity.
“So, since you watched the piece, you know it opened talking about the Rand Family. A family of over 300 members who have maintained an unbreakable bond for generations, and rent a tourbus to drive to Atlanta for their family reunions.
Or of the other successful parents who graduated 5 of their 6 children from college, and the 6th just graduated High School.
You must have missed the portion of the show where they showed the couple who owned a successful construction company or where they discussed the 40% growth of Black owned small businesses over the past decade." - BW
Nope. I saw it all. Pre show. Primetime show. (nauseous by this point) AND post show (which was LITERALLY the pre-show and primetime show, remixed. Hmmmm…)
We know that black people are as close as cornrows and generations deep in love with who they are and where they come from. Highlighting it makes it seem like headline news; some anomaly. Something to be shocked by. We are rich and poor, educated and ignorant, healthy and dying but so is every other group in this county. So again, the question begs, why highlight us? and why the steady diet of narrow memes?
Whne was the last time you sat down to watch
"Mexican in America"
"Indian in America"
"Jewish in America
Hell, "Stupid in America"
Not ever. That's when. We get a show to update america on how far we've fallen or how stagnant we've stayed or how fragmented we've become, EVERY THREE YEARS! And they advertise it like it will be the first time anything of its kind has been aired.
single parenthood going from 50% to 70% doesn't appall me, babies without daily access to their fathers appalls me. one or one million, it's all the same to me. If we didn’t spring into action about 1 million black women having AIDS what is going to make us spring into action about 10 million? Black women who truly want the experience of, but can not seem to "get married" alarms me because I know that there are answers as to why. I aim to help these sistas uncover these answers. CNN does not aim to help these sistas or these children or these men. They simply seek to "highlight" and the question is why? for whom?
Sistas, truth tellin' time. Name just one reason, America hasn't heard, about why you have not yet gotten married.
For real.
Since black folks have just as much access to the American value system as white folks (or Asians for that matter), what accounts for this aberrant behavior?
So let's deal with the elephant that's standing in the room. That being the following question:
Are black people innately mentally inferior in comparison to other people?
that is the elephant standing in YOUR room. don't be an idiot (in public) Michael.
You had to take it the Mike Fisher. I tap danced around that all day long.
You had to take it THERE, Mike Fisher. I tap danced around that all day long.
"that is the elephant standing in YOUR room. don't be an idiot (in public) Michael."
Well, fastgirls, if black people are not innately mentally inferior in comparison to other people, to what then do you attribute the fact that this aberrant behavior is significantly more prevalent among black people than other people?
hierarchy of needs.... and watching the television born out of this depraved nations bosom. you think like you think cause you eat their food and drink their drink.
Name just one reason, America hasn't heard, about why you have not yet gotten married.
Tell us men why we should anymore? Cuz when we do the math now in the post-feminist era, there honestly is no net benefit to - but only high net cost and risk.
Are black people innately mentally inferior in comparison to other people?
IQ-wise on average, most evidence says so. Although, that's really only symptomatic of a deeper and broader evo-psych survival strategy - that also includes rapid breeding and minimal parenting.
The real answers are already out there - and the more they get ignored, the worse the problems fester...as we've seen over the last 50 years.
"hierarchy of needs.... and watching the television born out of this depraved nations bosom. you think like you think cause you eat their food and drink their drink."
Last I turned on the TV, every program that was accessible to non-blacks is accessible to blacks. Same with food and drink.
In light of this, do you think that the statement quoted above answered the question?
"IQ-wise on average, most evidence says so."
Well, any black folks in here that will second byrdeye's conclusion that black people on the average are dumber than other racial groups of people.
What about you, C1. What do you, as a white person think? Can you second byrdeye on that?
you're assuming their watching because you are, and that their watching what you're watching.
I can assure you the people who make billions canning food, only eat fresh. but we see that Swansons or DelMonte commercial and think it will make our already tough lives easier. this is why the only redeeming quality of last night's show to me was seeing that black people will have to be the ones who help black people. In the home and beyond.
You can fancy yourself inferior all day. what is circumstantial can always be altered by new circumstances. starting with the way we think.
"IQ-wise on average, most evidence says so."
I live, work and play amongst them. I can assure they are not. And it is precisely this knowledge that makes then act so skitchy and covetous.
Well, any black folks in here...white person think
Wait, black and white? What are those again?
I live, work and play amongst them.
Do you work in a top physics or math lab? If not, then here do you work and what qualifies you to judge (at a distance) if someone has a high IQ?
"but we see that Swansons or DelMonte commercial and think it will make our already tough lives easier."
Do white people watch these commercials as well?
LOL! you think all the smartest people in this country work in math labs and a physicists? And why so doubtful that I might know, work with, sleep with them?
Interesting thing to doubt.
So is Byrdeye still your "Favorite White Boy" ?
Wassup Mike Fisher,
Big Wayne wants to apologize for attacking you the other day.
I didn't have to take it there.
Byrdeye, let me ask you a question.
Why exactly is it that you break your neck, day in and day out, to rub elbows and experience "the dumbest folks on earth" or the "worst reared people on earth."
You have mastered the historical ins and out of our struggle at the hands of jews and evil government.
You dabble in our music, our art and even our vernacular.
To be so inferior, we Black folks sure do captivate the hell out of you. And you aint even laid eyes on any of us.
You might shit your pants if you got to experience the greatness of Black folk live and in color.
I'd have fore more respect for you if you just came right out and expressed how in awe you are, instead of attempting to self-treat the condition with statistics and racist bullshit.
See Byrd, you should have just listened earlier when I said "you should just stop".
But NOOOO you got your head so far up DV's ass that you can see what he had for lunch. Now, you have dug this hole for yourself.
Let's see if DV will grab a shovel and help you dig out, being that you are his "Favorite White Boy" .
I took a look at the info on Byrd's site. I've looked into those stats before but there is never really any explanation given to why they would be grouped that way. I can't think of any explanation either, so i can't really answer your question.
Hats off to you. That was - hands down - one of your best recitations EVER!
Should be in a book or a magazine or, dare I say - a 3-part series. :-)
Lol at people attacking the messenger here when they can't attack the message! :D
BTW, when DV stereotypes Blacks as having bigger dongs or real "soul," I don't throw a fit...and I don't see anyone else here, either.
Sooo, I guess only some racial stereotypes are taboo?
Meanwhile, MF claims races don't exist with one breath and then starts yapping about Black vs White with every other.
Look, get off your high horses hypocrites. There are clearly some racial bell curves, that lie deeper than just nurture. The existing race-denying paradigm is simply WRONG and is not upheld by REALITY, FOLKS. I AM NOT WRONG ON THIS. It is plain as daylight. If you gotta problem with that, then take your beef to God.
I swear this entire culture has been hypnotized to ignore the obvious and believe the opposite of what they see.
Now, for all you who REALLY wanna debate me - put your $$$ where your mouth is. I will bet anyone here $3000 that the winner of the 100m sprint in the 2008 Olympics will be a Black man. Is that racist stereotyping? You betcha! Is it WRONG? If you really think so, then pony up $3000.
Any takers who can walk their talk???
Why exactly is it that you break your neck, day in and day out, to rub elbows and experience "the dumbest folks on earth" or the "worst reared people on earth."
Who says I do?
I'm not here to "git down wit" Blacks.
I'm primarily here because I enjoy the free-wheeling, NHB, geopolitical intellectualism. The Black identity politics does add an interesting twist and allows more open race discourse, but is more incidental.
Now, for all you who REALLY wanna debate me - put your $$$ where your mouth is. I will bet anyone here $3000 that the winner of the 100m sprint in the 2008 Olympics will be a Black man. Is that racist stereotyping?
Damn. Every four years, I expect the winners of the 200m thru 800m to be black (i.e. a person with obviously brown skin from America or the Islands). I expect the gold-medal gymnast to be white. And I expect to see the (mostly black) American basketball team to take the gold. And I expect the longest-distance runner to be a black from Africa. Do I know the source of these expectations? History? Or something more?? ::sigh::
"Meanwhile, MF claims races don't exist with one breath and then starts yapping about Black vs White with every other."
Yapping, eh?
"There are clearly some racial bell curves, that lie deeper than just nurture. The existing race-denying paradigm is simply WRONG and is not upheld by REALITY, FOLKS. I AM NOT WRONG ON THIS. It is plain as daylight."
Well, if it is plain as day light, then you ought not to have any trouble defining biological race. Yes?
So here's the challenge:
Which genetic attribute(s) out of the myriads of such attributes that humans have in common is(are) the one(s) that should be used in order to stick people into races? And why select the genetic attribute(s) that one ultimately selects? Based on what scientifically objective non-random criteria without any hint of socio-political values in the selection of the same involved?
Good luck!
Lemme see, C1. On another thread you said: "Race is obviously a social construct like Class."
and now, in response to my question "[will you, C1] second byrdeye's conclusion that black people on the average are [biologically innately] dumber than other racial groups of people" you answer with "i can't really answer your question."
Apology accepted Big Wayne
Well, facts are facts. And the fact is, that these days on the aggregate black folks apparently behave in ways that are not exactly smart. So those of you black folks that maintain that black people are NOT biologically innately dumber than other "racial" groups of folks need to come up with a credible explanation that looks at sources for thatoutside the biology of black people. Unless you can do that, cold hard logic would tell us that Byrdeye is absolutely correct.
So what would that credible explanation be?
Lemme see, C1. On another thread you said: "Race is obviously a social construct like Class."
Yes, Mike I was saying I don't have an anwser as to why the scores of blacks are lower than those of whites or other groups. I've yet to see a biological reason as to why that would be and I don't thin there will be one. I don't thin blacks are biologically or innately inferior.
MF, we've all been over this, but:
The DNA of human races differ by about 240,000 base pairs.
Ancestry-informative marker are stretches of DNA which have several polymorphisms that exhibit substantially different frequencies between the different populations. Using these AIMs scientists can determine a person's continent of origin based solely on their DNA. AIMs can also be used to determine someone's admixture proportions.
Africans are the most divergent continent with all other groups being more related to each other than to Africa.
The "genetic distance" between Europe and Africa is 16.6, compared to 9.7 with East Asia, for instance.
Sorry, but your Jewish science that boldy states, "race is just a social construct"...is simply wrong. And if you keep trying to believe it, the resulting cognitive dissonance will turn you into another neurotic Jew just like them. :D
^ "The DNA of human races differ by about 240,000 base pairs (on average)"
Anyhow, Jewish racial science today reminds me of the old Catholic Church hanging onto insane flat-earth beliefs like the universe revolving around the Earth simply because they feared the greater ramifications of the truth. And anyone who dared believe otherwise was viciously persecuted.
Really, it's the exact same thing today. James Watson got publically lynched and David Irving is rotting in jail for neo-heresy.
9:07 p.m. and you havent been able to tear yourself away from us yet.
Incidental huh?
Whatever you say.
If race exists, then everyone should have a racial classification, no?
If race exists, please tell me what race are Japanese people.
"The DNA of human races differ by about 240,000 base pairs."
By how many base pairs does the DNA of each and every human individual differ from any other human individual?
Now, assuming that human "races" are objectively established by 240,000 base pairs. How much testing for these base pairs have folks like William Shockley, Charles Murray, and Richard Herrnstein et al done on each individual that was tested for IQ?
How and when did they then correlate the test results with IQ levels?
"I've yet to see a biological reason as to why that would be and I don't thin[k] there will be one."
If there is no biological reason (source), what then is the source, C1?
Which, of course, brings us back to the question I posed to you originally:
What is the functional content of "race"?
byrdeye. Question to you. Since you posit the biological basis for "racial" intelligence and human achievement and given the fact that, according to you, "The Jews" who are but a tiny weenzy minority on the planet, have taken over the planet without the rest of you white folks' consent...
Given all that, does it then not follow that the Jewish "race" is the biologically most intelligent, smartest, and most capable group of people on the planet and that they therefore deserve to rule?
what race are Japanese people
Primarily East Asian, with some historical admixtures.
does it then not follow that the Jewish "race" is the biologically most intelligent, smartest
Yup, that's old news. Ashkenazi Jews and East Asians have been shown to statistically have the highest IQs on average.
But "fitness to rule" includes a lot of ethical and moral standards as well. For example, I wouldn't say a serial killer with a 200 IQ is fit to rule anything.
All else being equal though, yea I wish we had much smarter folks in charge.
Now here's some more on race, genotype & HIV for ya:
researchers found that a genetic trait -- found in 60 percent of African-Americans and 90 percent of Africans -- makes HIV infection 40 percent more likely. The trait is virtually nonexistent in whites.
The trait also protects people against a form of malaria that is now uncommon.
It appears that the genetic makeup of some Africans evolved to give them protection against the form of malaria, Dolan said. Unfortunately, the trait ultimately "set up the African continent for increased susceptibility" to HIV, he said.
Dolan estimated that the increased susceptibility could account for millions of extra cases of HIV.
On the other hand, people who have the trait live an average of two years longer with the disease once they get it, the researchers found. "It's a two-edged sword,"
So that would mean that 40% of African-Americans and 10% of Africans are not of the same race. Correct?
The whites who do have the genetic trait (virtually non-existent means that some whites have it) are thus of the same race as the 40% of African-Americans and the 90% of Africans that also have the genetic trait.
Ergo you have two races:
A genetic-trait-having race
a genetic-trait-not-having race.
Which one has the higher IQ?
You done the testing yet?
^ No
By how many base pairs does the DNA of each and every human individual differ from any other human individual?
It's not just how many, but which ones.
And that would depend on the 2 individuals being compared.
As was said, 2 individuals of different races would differ by at least 240,000 base pairs on average, just on account of the race differene alone.
MF - You do realize that I have now formally disproven your assertion that "race is just a social construct?"
Because, if scientists have now identified an average of 240,000 cross-racial base pair differences and can even locate someone's origin based SOLELY on a blood sample (DNA vs culture), then that PROVES there IS some biological basis for race.
So now you are only questioning the DEGREE of genetic difference.
Mark this day in your calendar, Mike. It is the beginning of the end of your old way of thinking.
why the physical (genetic) trait "color" objectively scientifically is of any greater legitimacy in constructing race that the physical (genetic) trait hair-follicles-on-people's-ass.
Yes, the groups chosen are not merely arbitrary - but correlate to migration patterns and divergent evolution from such extended isolationism. This creates a much more meaningful, holistic taxonomy - than just choosing a bunch of random traits.
byrdeye, you are not being the shining example for superior white mental acuity that you ought to be.
I never said that there are no genetic differences between people. I didn't even say that there are no genetic differences or similarities between groups of people. Fact is, I said the opposite.
I said that I can take any one or several of the myriad of genetic, that is, physical attributes and construct a race out of them.
I can construct a race out of color, another out of nose size, another out of the number of hair follicles on people's ass, or, for that matter, another out of having-HIV-genetic-trait.
The question is, which race that is constructed in that fashion is any more or less legitimate than any other race so constructed?
In addition, I bet you that I can correlate IQ with the hair-follicles-on-people's-ass having race as opposed to the hair-follicles-on-people's-ass not having race.
In other words, the notion of biological race is meaningless because I can construct as many biological races as I desire.
Unless, of course, you can make a conclusive and convincing argument why the physical (genetic) trait "color" objectively scientifically is of any greater legitimacy in constructing race than the physical (genetic) trait hair-follicles-on-people's-ass.
Can you do that?
"Yes, the groups chosen are not merely arbitrary - but correlate to migration patterns and divergent evolution from such extended isolationism. This creates a much more meaningful, holistic taxonomy - than just choosing a bunch of random traits."
Assuming that is correct (and it isn't), let me ask you this then: Which migration patterns are you talking about and why did you choose the patterns you chose?
How did the migration patterns (whose migration patterns) end up correlating with which color (exactly what color)?
"This creates a much more meaningful, holistic taxonomy - than just choosing a bunch of random traits."
Oh yeah? Why?
Forty-five percent of black women in America have never been married, compared with 23 percent of white women
Today, black women outnumber black men almost 2-to-1 in higher education.
"Today, black women outnumber black men almost 2-to-1 in higher education."
Why is that byrdeye?
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