Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Has Atlanta Become The Black San Francisco?


Intellectual Insurgent said...

Approximately 25 per cent of bottle-fed children in the US receive soy-based formula - a much higher percentage than in other parts of the Western world. An infant exclusively fed soy formula receives the estrogenic equivalent (based on body weight) of at least five birth control pills per day.

Male infants undergo a "testosterone surge" during the first few months of life, when testosterone levels may be as high as those of an adult male. During this period, the infant is programmed to express male characteristics after puberty, not only in the development of his sexual organs and other masculine physical traits, but also in setting patterns in the brain characteristic of male behavior. In monkeys, deficiency of male hormones impairs the development of spatial perception (which, in humans, is normally more acute in men than in women), of learning ability and of visual discrimination tasks (such as would be required for reading).

It goes without saying that future patterns of sexual orientation may also be influenced by the early hormonal environment. Male children exposed during gestation to diethylstilbestrol (DES), a synthetic estrogen that has effects on animals similar to those of phytoestrogens from soy, had testes smaller than normal on maturation.

Anonymous said...

ATL and SF. Good comparisons. I've been making that comparison for a solid year now. I've only been to ATL once and for only a day. But as much as I hear, see and read about the homo community in ATL, it seems like San Fran is its only counterpart.

So, soy milk makes young boys gay?

What effect (if any) does it have on young girls?

Interesting. Don't know how true this is, either way, I don't see myself feeding the Lil Big Wayne soy bottles.

Keep it coming, I need all the info I can get right now.

Big Wayne T minus 29 days and counting.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

As for girls, an alarming number are entering puberty much earlier than normal, according to a recent study reported in the journal Pediatrics. Investigators found that one per cent of all girls now show signs of puberty, such as breast development or pubic hair, before the age of three; by age eight, 14.7 per cent of white girls and almost 50 per cent of African-American girls have one or both of these characteristics.

New data indicate that environmental estrogens such as PCBs and DDE (a breakdown product of DDT) may cause early sexual development in girls. In the 1986 Puerto Rico Premature Thelarche study, the most significant dietary association with premature sexual development was not chicken - as reported in the press - but soy infant formula.

The consequences of this truncated childhood are tragic. Young girls with mature bodies must cope with feelings and urges that most children are not well-equipped to handle. And early maturation in girls is frequently a harbinger for problems with the reproductive system later in life, including failure to menstruate, infertility and breast cancer.

Undercover Black Man said...

Peep the future of Johannesburg... snap!

Anonymous said...

Hardly. There's barely any Black people left in San Francisco. 46% decline thanks to rising housing costs.

Anonymous said...


Did you really waste your time writing all that shit?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Hi Mel,

Thanks for your concern for my time. As a matter of fact, I didn't "waste" my time typing all that.

I cut and paste excerpts from an article written by some researchers reviewing the medical literature about about the health effects of soy.

Here's the link if you are interested in reading the entirety -


Anonymous said...

Hi Intel -
You're welcome for the concern.
I understood those weren't your words.

I have read studies on soy formula, and the health effects on babies.

A claim that soy affects physical growth....backed by medical research..... legit.

Suggesting soy formula contributes to homosexuality? ...Laughable.
You cut n' paste your medical tidbits not when prompted by a health concern for children, but when prompted by a photos of men embracing.

I can only repeat myself:

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Suggesting soy formula contributes to homosexuality? ...Laughable.

What's laughable about it?

Seems plausible that letting a male infant ingest the equivalent of 5 birth control pills a day could have some effect on his sexual hormonal balance.

I haven't heard any dispute from you on the substance. Just a lot of question marks.

Anonymous said...

No "dispute" needed.
I have a problem with the suggestion that people "become gay" because they're imbalanced, or drank some friggin' soy formula.

Michael Fisher said...

Why do they become gay?

I mean, looking at the plumbing of males and females, it would seem to me that nature didn't have gay in mind.

Anonymous said...

Although I really don't have an issue with gay men, I was disturbed at the number of YOUNG gay black men in the Atlanta area. They were everywhere, and I do mean everywhere. And the are bold in public. I actually felt sorry for the young girls because you can see they want the attention of the men. Man I'm not quite sure what's going on in Atlanta, but it looks to be a problem.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

I have a problem with the suggestion that people "become gay" because they're imbalanced, or drank some friggin' soy formula.

What if it's true?

Or are you unprepared to even contemplate such secular heresy?

Anonymous said...

What if it's true?

Then explain the history of homosexuality since BC??
Soy milk??

What about animals??
Soy Milk??

Intellectual Insurgent said...
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Intellectual Insurgent said...

What's the matter Casper?

Aren't you the great worshipper of the gospel of "studies"? Don't you worship the high priest of science, the researcher?

Does it upset you that a study has suggested something that doesn't fit with your PC sensibilities?

What do you think? Do you think giving infant boys the estrogenic equivalent of five birth control pills a day has no effect on their hormonal/sexual systems?

Anonymous said...

uh, casper pretty much won this one

Intellectual Insurgent said...

I didn't realize this was a game with a scorecard. LOL!!

Denmark Vesey said...

Casper said...

"Then explain the history of homosexuality since BC?? Soy milk??

What about animals?? Soy Milk??"


This is what I'm talking about. Mind control. Casper is repeating things he has not even really thought about.

Animals can no more be "gay" than they can be kleptomaniacs.

Incidence of homosexual behavior has existed within human populations since the beginning of time. Just as has incest.

But there were never societies that had the proportion of homosexuals as does the city of Atlanta.

Anonymous said...

Michael Fisher - You will have to ask Nature what was intended by the plumbing we were given. Seems to me, love ain't got nothing to do with plumbing. Ask nature what was intended when we were given hearts that love.

Midnight -
Where to start? You have no problem with gay men, but are disturbed that there were so many of THEM, and that THEY are so bold in public? You spew the same poison that has plagued this country since its birth: "I have no problem with THEM as long as THEY stay in THEIR place and don't affect me or my family, because THEY aren't normal."

In this country, Heterosexual, White, Male and Christian have always been "normal".... and everybody else is THEM. Why is that?


Anonymous said...

DV -
There were never societies that had the proportion of homosexuals as Atlanta has??

First - What is the proportion of homosexual to heterosexual individuals in the city of Atlanta. Source please.

Second - Studies done in the past, that can parallel this Atlanta study and can prove there have never been societies with the same proportion of hetero to homosexuals, would be of great benefit to your point...Do you have access to any?

Third - What do you think might be the reason for openly gay individuals (celebrating their human right to be openly gay) to live in such cities as Atlanta or San Francisco?

Were they all born there?
Did they move there?
Or do they just have A LOT of soy formula drinkin' babies in those two cities?

Anonymous said...

Attack the message. Not the messenger.

" An infant exclusively fed soy formula receives the estrogenic equivalent (based on body weight) of at least five birth control pills per day..."

If this is true, then you must pay credence to the Insurgents position. I'm not so sure that people "turn gay" but I can certainly see how an imbalance of the hormones that make a little boy act like a little boy could make that little boy act in a feminine manner. I can already hear it, "So Prince Wayne, how does a little boy act?" Save that. We all know how little boys should act.

If that statement is not true, then refute it with sources and fact. This is clearly the jist of II's position. Cut off the head, the body will follow.

Mel, would you knowingly give your infant son the estrogen equivalent of 5 birth control pills per day? Prince Wayne wouldn't do it.
If you would, would it surprise you if he developed a switch and wanted to dress like mommy?

Denmark Vesey said...

"Second - Studies done in the past, that can parallel this Atlanta study and can prove there have never been societies with the same proportion of hetero to homosexuals, would be of great benefit to your point...Do you have access to any?" Mel

No study necessary.

Simple observation and deductive reasoning is all that is needed.

Any society with a sizable proportion of it's adult male population operating as homosexuals - would be at a reproductive disadvantage and become a Darwinian casualty.

Just as any society with a large number of the population practicing incest would eventually implode and fail to compete with societies and cultures that did not practice incest.

As far as "openly gay" and "celebration of rights" ... I think that is a head fake and non-issue.

Homosexuals can do whatever they please. Who cares?

Just don't ask others to pretend a man putting another man's penis in his mouth is normal or healthy.

It is pathology.

It is mental illness.

It is his right.

But call it what it is.

Anonymous said...

DV said; "Just don't ask others to pretend a man putting another man's penis in his mouth is normal or healthy "

Just a bit defensive, DV? You know what they say - Men that defensive aren't so comfortable with their own sexuality.....hmmmm.... maybe you oughtta talk to someone 'bout that.

Prince Wayne -
A boy who wants to dress like mommy is a crossdresser, not gay.
A boy who is "feminine" (and we'd have to define that) might be more likely to have gender identity confusion, might be transgender, but again....not gay.

I'm not attacking the messenger, I am attacking the message that II put forth. His take is that these soy formula induced hormonal effects on babies just might be makin' 'em gay.
You don't "become" gay....

Denmark Vesey said...

mel said...

"Just a bit defensive, DV? You know what they say - Men that defensive aren't so comfortable with their own sexuality.....hmmmm.... maybe you oughtta talk to someone 'bout that."


I really can't respond to DV's argument. I didn't know what I was talking about to begin with. I was just parroting self-righteous talking points spoon fed me by social engineers posing as liberal humanitarians. I'm a conditioned conformist who doesn't think. I am a sheep. Part of the herd. I am uncomfortable with people who dare challenge my presumptions and prejudices. I should thank DV for disturbing my plebian slumber.

Intellectual Insurgent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Intellectual Insurgent said...

Freud, the father of modern psychology, had his own theory on the origin of homosexuality -

Freud considered the successful resolution of the Oedipus complex to be key to the development of gender roles and identity. Freud asserted that the unsuccessful resolution of the Oedipus complex could result in neurosis, pedophilia, and homosexuality.

Makes you wonder about all those boys growing up in single mother households.

Anonymous said...

I've read about the connection of soy milk and the high levels of estrogen in boys. I don't know about it making on egay but little Malcolm drinks rice or almond milk no soy. I've lived in both ATL and San Francisco and I gotta tell everyone S.F. is not the gay capital of the U.S., Atlanta is. I lived in what was once a predominantly Black area in "The City", Fillmore and I never saw gay people. Worked in the business district and saw gays occassionally, kicked it and clubbed in many areas and didn't see a lot of gays. The Castro, gay as hell, but I never went there. If you go the ATL, there is pretty much no area where you can go and not see gay people. And it really is disheartening to see that it's young Black men. I believe that some people are just 'born gay' but in the nature vs. nurture debate I put a lot of credence on the side of nurture.

Anonymous said...

Wow DV,
Gays have mental illness, I'm a conformist sheep......
That's some good shit.

I wonder though, what you call someone who cuts and pastes many of his blog topics from other people's sites? A reeeal thinker?

Pull out any Fifth Grade name calling bullshit you want.... and sit back and say "Homosexuals can do what they want...who cares" - When they CAN'T do what they want. They CAN'T get married, something your so-called heterosexual self has a right to do.

I'd much rather be in a herd of sheep fighting for the rights of those who don't have them - Working to stop Prop 8 from passing, Working to register voters and productively volunteering for Obama's campaign, than to follow your homophobic ass anywhere.

Denmark Vesey said...

"When they CAN'T do what they want. They CAN'T get married, something your so-called heterosexual self has a right to do."


The arrogantly ignorant foolishness continues. Gays "marry" everyday, Mel. Cut on the local news.

Some of the most beautiful and evolved human beings the world has ever known, have also happened to be homosexuals.

I can love, accept and admire a person's HUMANITY - without pretending their HOMOSEXUALITY is not aberrant, dysfunctional and perverse.

I love Miles Davis, but I do not have to endorse his heroin addiction. Can I appreciate the works of James Baldwin without endorsing sex between men?

It's fake little liberals like you who must pretend a person IS what they DO with their penis, and not what they do with their character.

Homosexuality is no more an "identity" than is incest.

Mel, you should read more.

The medical profession classified homosexuality as mental illness up until the 1973 when the American Psychological Association was bullied into proclaiming homosexuals "normal".

Look it up.

As far as this blog, if you know a more interesting eclectic spot that invites as diverse a discourse - post a link.

Anonymous said...

In how many states in this "free" country are Gay marriages legal, DV?

Well now if you should have me believe what I read, specifically that :
the "medical profession" (wtf is that?) classified homosexuality mental illnes until 1973, and then was "bullied" (now there's some scientific terminology for ya) into proclaiming it normal...
Then I should further believe what your "medical profession" had classified people of color as too, yes? I mean let me go "read" those scientific studies about racial inferiority and bust out some meaningful DV shit.....
No thanks.
I don't buy any homophobic bull anymore than I buy the racist bull we've been dumped - you go ahead.

And who was it that brought up the issue of boys sucking dick?
Hmmm.....wouldn't have been me.
Seems like YOU were the one deciding people are what they do, or let others do, to their dicks.
I actually countered with a question about love - You know that word?

Check it out while you are trying to figure out what HUMANITY really is.
Again, spewing that "Hey, you're my friend, BUT..." poison.

Funny thing is, you are the one who posted the topic on your site....Clearly not focusing on the HUMANITY of those men in the pictures - And infact, I don't see anybody sucking dick, so how is it that you KNOW these men are gay, DV?

Denmark Vesey said...

"the "medical profession" (wtf is that?)" Mel

The same people who have convinced intellectually lazy conformists like you that two men boning each other in the ass is ... now ... "normal", and the picture of mental health.

Mel, a man who has sex with another man is as mentally ill as a man who has sex with his sister.


What's the difference?

What if it' the brother and sisters "preference"?

Oh. Not so liberal any more huh?

There's a difference? What?

Anonymous said...

Imagining DV as a 5th grader, chest puffed out, hands flailing "what?! huh?!"

Save it DV.

I'm not reducing myself to getting further into it with someone who starts the "It's like screwing your sister, or a goat on a boat or a fox in a box" babble.

Denmark Vesey said...

Of course you're not Mel.

Because you are parroting political talking points not discussing the nature of homosexual sex.

You've fallen for the oky doke.

The bait n switch.

Homosexuality packaged as a "Gay Rights" is as misleading and deceitful as - abortion packaged as "Women's Rights".


Homosexuality is sex between the same sex and abortion is the termination of a life.

But you couldn't persuade people if you took things at face value.


You gotta spoon feed the Mel's of this world goblygook about"gay marriage" and "oppression" and "just like race".

They'll believe anything if it is presented as a sob story and gives them a chance to play the role of the Self-Righteous Defender of the meek.

Nah. Mel this is not an assault on homosexuals.

This is an assault on arrogant ignorance and mindless conformity.

Anonymous said...

Go hang out with your Buddy, ByrdEye - Y'all make a great couple.....err.... I mean a great pair.