Saturday, June 07, 2008

Pop Corn With Cellular Phones

Why You Should Never Hold One Of These Things Next To Your Brain
RoyalLD said ...
I thought it would take 20 years to learn about the effects of cellphones on our health. These kids completed the researched in less than 60 seconds.


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable, and very frightening.

David Royall said...

I thought it would take 20 years to learn about the effects of cellphones on our health. These kids completed the researched in less than 60 seconds.

Denmark Vesey said...


Damn good point.

I've read that cell phone use in the future will be viewed the way we now view smoking in the 50's and 60's.

My wife won't let the kids near a cellphone without earpieces.

I see why now.

Anonymous said...

I almost dont believe it. Okay, I do but would like to see it for myself.
Let's reproduce the experiment on Saturday.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Funny you should say that Robyn. I just sent the link to Hubby asking if we could try that at home.

That should be an entertaining activity for Saturday. :-)

Denmark Vesey said...

Watch. We going to have 40 cell phones and not 1 piece of pop corn.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Uh huh.

Of course, Hubby had to ruin the fun. He said he doesn't completely discount the possibility, but that the following article "made a lot of sense":