Sunday, March 07, 2010


Earthquake survivor Yang Lingan, 82, is carried by her husband to a medical tent for treatment at a Chinese Red Cross refugee camp in Mianyang, China.

Imagine being 82. Surviving an earthquake. And having a husband who can carry you.

Conservative Black Woman said...

Imagine being an 82 year old Black Woman in America with a HUSBAND. I'm stuck right there.


that dude said...

Thank you for this. This is the real.

Anonymous said...

A closed mind toward the teachings found in eastern culture/philosophy is a self imposed disservice.

IWonderAsIWander said...

marriage = a mutual survival pact.

Dr. Love said...

Love is...... ride or die... I got your matter what we have been or going are my woman...I will take care of you and keep you safe....FOREVER!

Conservative Black Woman said...

"Imagine being 82. Surviving an earthquake. And having a husband who can carry you."

Imagine being an 82 year old Black Woman in America with a HUSBAND. I'm stuck right there.

Anonymous said...

How about just imagining being 82...

Are you saying that because of the low rate of marriage, or because life expectancy of black men in the US is about 73?

anon said...

Sheeit my Pops is 73 and looks 53... the males in my family all lived to at least grandpops smoked cigarettes and drank pabst blue ribbon up until the age of 94...

Illmathematical said...

Dr. Love thats howedo..

Conservative Black Woman said...

"Are you saying that because of the low rate of marriage, or because life expectancy of black men in the US is about 73?"

I'm saying that for both of those reasons. Although, black folks in my parents generation did marry at a much higher rate than the generations that followed. Hopefully, Black folks will stop blaming White folks long enough to figure out that the modis operandi we've cultivated isn't serving us very well....nope, I fear that's too much to hope for. Racism chasing is so much more gratifying to those you affectionately refer to as "plantation negros"

Anonymous said...


I think many people in that generation married at a higher rate, as it was the social norm, not just black or white people.

Not sure who you are including in your blaming white folks speech there.

Describe this modis operandi.

Why the microscope on black folks? Having just spent a year in the South, I think many of the problems you describe are more universal than you may believe, and not just he province of the "black community".

And racism chasing? I don't recall anyone on this thread injecting race into the topic.

And by the way, I don't use the term "plantation negro"....that's something made up by the host.

So back to my question. Women outlive men. Period. So being 82 year old woman with a husband is an accomplishment, regardless of ethnicity.

Black people in this country aren't the only group with a low rate of marriage, but you can't discuss marriage rates unless you also factor in multiple marriages and divorce. Furthermore marriage doesn't equal happy, loyal, and faithful (see my previous sentence). I'd rather be in a loyal committed relationship not recognized by church and state, than in a loveless marriage riddled with affairs.

CNu said...
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CNu said...

Ronald, why are pro-fetus, anti-life conservative kneegresses vitamin D deficient?