"You are amazed sometimes at how deep the lies can be," she says in an interview. Referring to a character in a 1970s sitcom, she adds: "I mean, 'whitey'? That's something that George Jefferson would say. Anyone who says that doesn't know me. They don't know the life I've lived. They don't know anything about me."
Now her husband's presidential campaign is giving her image a subtle makeover, with a new speech in the works to emphasize her humble roots and a tough new chief of staff. On Wednesday, Michelle Obama will do a guest turn on "The View," the daytime talk show on ABC, with an eye toward softening her reputation.
Hey. No words of praise for the Celtics' triumph? I expected to see one of your signature photos or illustrations highlighting the achievement.
She should not endeavor to remake her image, but should, like her husband, tell it like it T-I-S. The Obamas will be done a disservice by anything manufactured, be it regarding his wife's image or his policy.
How does one even "remake" an image?
This entire discussion seems fishy. Seems like an attempt to disseminate a meme that she isn't acceptable or likeable, or whatever, so she needs to be altered.
Two months from now, if America starts to like Michelle, it's not that she's a great and admirable woman. It's that she had cosmetic surgery on her personality? And rest assured that the media, which have crucified her thus far, will reduce her popularity to that.
You are right Insurgent. The entire discourse is a head fake.
I believe the opposition / anti-Christ ... ;-} ..., is attempting to "other" Michelle Obama and exploit whatever inherent fears some white women may have by simply suggesting to them that Michelle is different.
When in fact, Michelle Obama and the majority of white women in America have far more in common with each other than Michelle Obama has with a mother in Nigeria.
I say let Michelle speak her peace.
This country preaches free speech and diversity...but if you actually try to use free speech to express a diverse opinion (see Wright) - you face ostracization.
America just wants some Oreos that look Black but act White so they can relieve their White guilt without having to accept any real differences. Reminds me of Israel. Sure, we can have peace with the Palestinians, as long as they do everything on our terms.
Anyhow, I'm sure she's going to cave in just like her hubby. :D
I'm surprised by your response. You're a regular meme catcher.
It's not about what Michelle says. That woman can get up there and recite the most beautiful poetry and the media would still go out of its way to explain why she didn't choose the right poem or recite it in the way Americans like to hear.
If the media keep saying, "she's having an image makeover", then the sheeple will not listen to what she says. They will dismiss it as part of the makeover.
So it won't matter if she speaks her peace. Kinda like how they did Jesus.
^ I don't disagree with you. They NLP-embedded that meme 1-layer deep.
That said, I wouldn't doubt that she might be a bit more militant.
And if she is, so what? Maybe that's a good way for someone to sidestep the blockade and gain a higher pulpit for her views. By piggybacking in with her spouse.
Not sure what her views are, but I would cream my pants if they were anti-Zionist/neocon. Altho, I'm pretty sure they are probably just more Black identity, if anything.
I just wish we had someone talking real up in there. And infiltrating the neo-Pharisee cult by using Obama as a Trojan Horse would just be a perfect strategy...
Although again, I don't really see her as some great messenger - so it's just a fantasy scenario for me. Hypothetically possible - but not at all probable.
Does Michelle Obama dislike whitey ? Maybe so, but who cares with Mcain on the other side? People need to start voting their pocketbooks and not bullshit side issues. Trying to play Obama as some black nationalist has failed, he is clearly not Rev. Wright or Farrakhan, so all you shitkickers out there should vote your interests this time and not some pablum the Republican party feeds you.
Obama has not caved in, he's just not who you thought he was.
Obama has not caved in, he's just not who you thought he was.
You mean he's not a Merovingian-descended, Zionist puppet working his ass off for the NW0?
I guess you're right tho, he was always the same - just showing his true colors more and more the closer he gets to the throne..
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