Thursday, June 12, 2008

American Virgin II: American Model vs. Muslim Model - A Tale of Two Chicks

Henry said ...
On my wall, I have a picture of a Muslim woman shrouded in a burka.
Beside it is a picture of an American beauty contestant, wearing nothing but a bikini.

One woman is totally hidden from the public; the other is totally exposed. These two extremes say a great deal about the clash of so-called "civilizations."

The role of woman is at the heart of any culture. Apart from stealing Arab oil, the impending war in the Middle East is about stripping Arabs of their religion and culture, exchanging the burka for a bikini.

I am not an expert on the condition of Muslim women and I love feminine beauty too much to advocate the burka here. But I am defending some of the values that the burka represents for me.

For me, the burka represents a woman's consecration to her husband and family. Only they see her.

It affirms the privacy, exclusivity and importance of the domestic sphere.

The Muslim woman's focus is her home, the "nest" where her children are born and reared. She is the "home" maker, the taproot that sustains the spiritual life of the family, nurturing and training her children, providing refuge and support to her husband.

In contrast, the bikinied American beauty queen struts practically naked in front of millions on TV. A feminist, she belongs to herself. In practice, paradoxically, she is public property. She belongs to no one and everyone. She shops her body to the highest bidder. She is auctioning herself all of the time.

In America, the cultural measure of a woman's value is her sex appeal. (As this asset depreciates quickly, she is neurotically obsessed with appearance and plagued by weight problems.)

As an adolescent, her role model is Britney Spears, a singer whose act approximates a strip tease. From Britney, she learns that she will be loved only if she gives sex. Thus, she learns to "hook up" rather than to demand patient courtship and true love. As a result, dozens of males know her before her husband does. She loses her innocence, which is a part of her charm. She becomes hardened and calculating. Unable to love, she is unfit to receive her husband's seed.


J.C. said...

Sounds like libertarian bullshit to me.
Sounds like a statement conjured up by the sheople to control the Illuminist template.
Sound like a middle eastern mind fuck designed to subjugate and control female sexuality.
You dumb phucker... the women are aware of this and have you by the balls.
They get the same bullshit experience.
Contract marriage.
Designed to make you into a stable consumer.
Thou shalt not think.

J.C. said...

Shall we talk about honor killings now?
That is the next step in this thinking put forth as clever and wholesome.
The same group gangbangs and kills the women that violate this.
Is that ok also... does that sound like the tap root of the family?

You sick phuckers.

Denmark Vesey said...

But Skip ...
You have neither a woman, nor a soul - what makes you think you are qualified to comment on something that is beyond your capacity to comprehend?

G M said...

Is there perhaps some compromise - like a burkini? Lol..

Seriously tho - the real tale of the tape lies in the stats.

American: 50% divorce rate
40% babies born to single mamas

Muslim: WAAAYYYY less on both counts

Maybe Muslims and gangsta rappers can lead the counterstrike against feminism. Black gangsta rappers can get away with a lot more bitch & ho rhetoric without drawing criticism since the racism card trumps the sexism card. White males have already been castrated by so many accusations of -isms that they just look intolerant fighting feminism.

J.C. said...

That statement is what is referred to as Neuro Linguistic Programming.

It is what passes for an argument by those that must rely on disinformation.

Reality is that you do not know my personal situation.

So shove it up your ass D.V.

What about honor killing?
That ok?
Mr. Patriarch.
Now... slither your way out of that.
Marriage is legal prostitution.
Did you sign on the dotted line?

Denmark Vesey said...

I don't know about all that Byrd.

Only way to "fight feminism" is to get you a woman, marry her, raise a family and make it work.

Everything else is talk.

Rejecting feminism is one thing. Being mad at women is homo.

Denmark Vesey said...

Yeah yeah yeah Skip.

Neuro Yada Yada Yawn.


You can talk about "honor killings" all you want.

But no woman could ever dig ... really dig ... a spiritually bankrupt Secular fanatic who doesn't have enough soul to clap his hands.

You think we can't see through all your little pent up anti-spiritual hate?

Now. Skip.

'Tween me and you.

Tell the truth.

I won't tell nobody.

You aint got no woman ... do you?

But that's OK.

DV told you he was going to help you.

Keep lurkin' and learn something.

J.C. said...

Yeah right.... then you control her pussy .... right D.V. ?

By contract.

Sign here....
Welcome to corporatist, fascist America.
Babylonian devil worship.

Anonymous said...

I dont know who Henry is, but that piece on the front page aint original. I'm pretty sure I've read that before.

J.C. said...

You still ain't got no idea.

J.C. said...

Sure it is a rhetorical point that reinforces the back ass aspect of controlling womens pussy.

Straight out of D.V. Fantasy.

Denmark Vesey said...


If you knew anything about women or pussy, you'd have a woman.

You don't and you don't.

So you'd rather argue than learn something.

Which explains why you are still stuck in the "Technate" stage.

How played out is that?

Get a chick and get back to me.

G M said...

Only way to "fight feminism" is to get you a woman, marry her, raise a family and make it work.

Women - check
Marriage - If virgin brides are outdated, then so is marriage. You can't take some traditions out of context while ditching the rest of the package. And it gets real annoying when they start bringing the M word up everytime after only a few weeks because it's so ingrained in their programming.
Making it work - Good luck under the feminist-legislated legal and societal framework now. I honestly see no tangible benefit in it for men anymore - unless you're marrying a rich heiress.
Monogamous commitment is fine - but that does not require legal marriage.

Skip - Technocrappy is simply another version of Communist, dialectic, materialist, anti-spiritual science.

So tell me - who exactly founded it and who funded them?

J.C. said...

You insist on being a dumb ass.

G M said...

"Monogamous commitment is fine - but that does not require legal marriage."

Might I add - nor is it guaranteed by legal marriage. The latest surveys show that due to pro-female "no fault" divorce laws - Amarrycon wives now cheat at about the same rate as men - 60%.

So, if you're not buying exclusive sexual access (virginity) or fidelity with marriage - then what are you buying?

J.C. said...

Get a life birdie. No debate with you please. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. . . and you apparently wasted yours...

D.V. you and birdie belong together in blogger Babylonian hell.... forever struggling to justify bullshit with non starter double entendre

J.C. said...

By the way.... is it ok for these virgins to give blow jobs to insure their purity?
I am sure that is how it works...
Since screwing is normal and people that do not think so are a little......... sick.

So these virgins get the blowjob clause right?

CNu said...

dollars to donuts it's henry makow robyn...,

G M said...

Skip - And lifelong legal commitment of marriage is also abnormal. Therefore, if you want an "abnormal" commitment, you better prove that you can make a similar commitment with controlling your sexuality and are thus worthy of it.

Look, if women want to screw around a lot - fine. Just don't ask to be married then. Virginity and fidelity are cornerstones of marriage. If you knock those 2 legs out - it has none left to stand on. As we see today...

? said...

Apart from stealing Arab oil, the impending war in the Middle East is about stripping Arabs of their religion and culture, exchanging the burka for a bikini.

Just so you know the Muslims would make us exchange the bikini for the burka and believe me, you wouldn't like it.

? said...

Muslim: WAAAYYYY less on both counts

It's called 'you want a divorce? I'll just kill you instead"

J.C. said...

The religious angle that marriage is viewed from is based on controlling female sexuality.
Well thats like trying to make a pussy cat loyal to you.
Contract or not....

Women are well aware of this fault in men... and that men are brainwashed to want to control pussy... like D.V.

Yup.... Remember these people are scam artists of the worst sort.... Preachers and Politicians.

They are playing this thing for all it is worth to make money.
They are clueless except for that aspect.... and do not really have a creative bone in their bodies.
Put it another way.
Religion.... and religious dissemblers as a group = To peck like crows at a Jackals carcass.

These people are like Hagee and Parsley. McCain and Obama.

They are the very essence of what they are railing about.
Nasty ugly human beings that do not care one twit about the future.

Pussy control they care about.
Money buys pussy... even for the ugly and stupid.
A big plus for the money system.

""""""""It's called 'you want a divorce? I'll just kill you instead";;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Thas right.... The middle east tradition.
Old man control.

J.C. said...

So yeah the Burka then is a little like the Glory hole.

Just stick your dick in ... sign on the dotted line....

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Cnu. Guess I missed that one.

Anonymous said...

Cant have Henry up in here plagiarizing.

Big Man said...

I just read a story in the NY Times about Muslim women who can't live up to their culture's expectations of virginity and have to resort to plastic surgery to recreate their hymens. I thought that was interesting.

Big Man said...

It would be cool if those society's just valued virginity. But, and of course this is based on biased news from the NY Times, it seems like the whole virgin thing is inforced through violence and fear. That's not cool. It also seems like men are not relegated to the same standards, which also is not cool. I'm not a feminist, but even from a strictly Biblical point of view there are not supposed to be different standards of sin for hte sexes.

Denmark Vesey said...

Well Big Man,

Articles in the NY Times that purport to represent the views of 1.4 billion Muslims, or their attitudes towards women and virginity should be met with skepticism.

Extremes of any faith, group, race, religion (Godly or Secular) can be used to demonize with broad categorical generalizations.

Imagine stories in the Tehran Tribune about American girls who have sex with horses on video, for money - legally.

The story would be true - but it would mislead the people of Iran about the typical experience of American women.

I think everyone missed the operative point of the piece. It wasn't designed to present the Muslim model as perfect.

It was designed to spur self-examination. As many of us arrogantly ignorant westerners go through the motions of "saving" Muslim women - should we not check the beam in our own eye?

They seem to be going to the extreme in an effort to protect the innocence of Muslim women.

We seem to be going in the extreme to rob Secular (American / Western) women of their innocence.

The Burka or the Bikini?

Which is truly the most feminine?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Goodness, I hate it when I'm late to the party and all the fun is already underway.

Where do I begin? Where do I begin....

Just so you know the Muslims would make us exchange the bikini for the burka and believe me, you wouldn't like it.

This is comedy gold. "Muslims want" as if there is one monolithic Muslim "want". But since Classical One wants to speak in such broad generalizations, here's a news flash - Muslims don't want to turn the bikini to the burka. Muslim men like the bikini.

Here's the clincher though...

Are you listening?....

They like it on YOUR women, who they view as whores. They don't like it on their women who they view as feminine and womanly. So don't you worry your pretty little White Christian American head about Muslims wanting to convert Western women to burkas. They won't. They'll fuck your whore women and marry their own women with whom they will build families.

It's called 'you want a divorce? I'll just kill you instead"

Really? I know many Muslim women who are divorced and still alive to tell about it.

But let's get to the heart of the matter. Americans peddle this nonsense because Muslim culture provides too much of a contrast for comfort. Because in order to believe that the bankrupt secular no-fault divorce model is better -in which divorce is as easy as a fishing license, designed to enrich lawyers and therapists and destroy families - they must vilify the alternative. The alternative is Islamic culture, which views marriage as the highest ideal and, thus, believes divorce should be the absolute last resort after all other attempts at reconciliation have been exhausted.

So no, divorce doesn't lead to death. But in the Islamic world, you wouldn't have a bunch of Byrdeye's sitting around griping about how useless marriage is and a bunch of Skips masturbating to Victoria's Secret catalogs.

So let's compare and contrast.

Muslim women generally married and with families at 35.

American women sitting with their cats watching Sex and The City reruns, eating cereal for dinner, trying to figure out why they aren't married.

Muslim women generally virgins until married (or at least pretend to be).

American women sitting around debating how many is "too many" and proudly displaying the mileage on the odometer to their husbands.

Muslim women dress modestly.

American women don't feel sexy if most of the goods aren't showing.

Another commenter recently sent a link to an article about a 10-year-old poor Muslim girl who was married off to a 30-year-old and got a divorce.

Even in poverty, Muslims are concerned with their womens' dignity. If that little girl was Thai, her parents would have sold her to a brothel where she'd be "had" by Western tourists from allegedly "civilized" cultures (but who sit and wag their self-righteous fingers at articles such as this). Or, if she were lucky, she'd be popping ping pong balls out of her twat in a Bangkok night club. And anyone who has been to Thailand knows that I'm not exaggerating AT ALL.

If she were American, she'd be getting gang-raped by her uncles in a trailer park somewhere, turn to porn and write a tell-all
book 15 years later after she went "female only" because she "fell in love" with a man. Or she'd be dating Bill Maher after f'ing everyone in rap music.

So say what you will about Islam. Yes, there are Muslims who do bad things to women. But all things being equal, Muslim women have it pretty darn good.

CNu said...

So don't you worry your pretty little White Christian American head about Muslims wanting to convert Western women to burkas. They won't. They'll fuck your whore women and marry their own women with whom they will build families.


But in the Islamic world, you wouldn't have a bunch of Byrdeye's sitting around griping about how useless marriage is and a bunch of Skips masturbating to Victoria's Secret catalogs.


We need slow motion replay on that two-fer BEEHOTCH SLAP....,

? said...

Intellectual Insurgent said...

"Liberation" of Muslim women, yada, yada, yawn...

That cliche is so worn and tired.

Perhaps Muslims should hold conferences on liberating secular American women. They sure could use the help -

J.C. said...

Interesting how a bunch of religious cranks love to crow about stupid ass custom and religion.
Intellectual Insurgent.... is a good girl. No doubt a virgin fair and square before marriage... never even gave a B.J.----- Not once.
Got her man fair and square. Would never in a million years think of entrapping some poor sucker with a contract... which pays off in Money Money Money.... if the sucker she married even twitches wrong.

Cnu you are always ready like a little dog who bites at the big dogs when they are trying to play ... to make idiotic remarks.

Lets get back to my question.
What about honor killings?
Common... no?

Rape sometimes before they kill them.... even in London...

If it happens in London ... how often does it happen in other back ass ward places in the Islamic world.
All the fucking time ... you god damned fucking religious retards.

How about genital mutilation?
Part of what a good African girl does .... Muslim girl...

You all are sick mother fuckers for promoting Islam.
Or Christianity for that matter.
Or Judaism.
Or Hinduism.
Or the sick cultural Political system that invented religion.

You all are the nasty cherubs that patrol the path.

Your language propels that flaming sword that prevents people from being free to be human.

Illuminist bullshit can be had ...
Just sign the contract.
Don't mind the maggots.

Funny thing how women and men (insurgent not intellectual) are afraid of female sexuality.

Want to control it for societal uses.... to make money.

Interesting that the original religion was all about sex..

The Jews and others got a hold of it and turned it into a cesspool of hate and guilt.

You are descended from that bunch.
Insurgent you are a Jew.
Thats fine.
D.V. you also. You bought into their hateful spiteful version of women as chattel.

Cuno you are just a dumb shit that believes in moonbeams and regurgitated bullshit.

So.... How about honor killing. ???????????????????
Not an issue for you Judaic traditional people .... with a little eternal life from the Egyptians thrown in.... via bullshit Jesus?

CNu said...

rotflmbao @skipper......,

J.C. said...

Insurgent apparently you are unaware of the multitude of Islamic porn sites?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Skip, Skip, Skip. What are you so upset about?

You know, if you liked women and had a woman, you would have more productive ways to channel all that aggression. :-)

For every honor killing, there is a secular woman who dies from AIDS or catches incurable Herpes. No, let me take that back. There are more secular women dying of AIDS than women who die from so-called honor killings.

For every Muslim woman being beaten or even raped by her husband, there is a meth-head being beaten by hers.

For every "genitally mutilated" Muslim woman, there is a woman stripped naked on a pole somewhere or sucking donkey dick in front of a camera in the San Fernando Valley.

No one is promoting Islam Skippy. You are way too literal.

Just challenging the notion that a bunch of secular fanatics, who whore out their women, who have strip clubs galore in every city and produce billions of dollars of pornography every year have any business talking about "liberating" Muslim women. GTFOOH with that shit. Liberate your own women you f'ing hypocrites.

Denmark Vesey said...



You kicking ass like Kimbo Slice.

I mean.

What could Skip possibly say to that?

Oh ... wait a minute let me guess.

"Technate! Babylon! Moron! Blow Job! Marriage sucks! Religious Quack. Holy Technocracy! God Does Not Exist!! I aint got no woman! oops."

J.C. said...

Guess you do not know my situation... do you insurgent ?... so I guess you are using a rhetorical polemic much like lawyering right?
Guess you are planting evidence with what is called a double entendre or double negative.
Is Neuro Linguistic Programming practiced by the law now?

We all know you have a happy family and I am sure that your husband makes all the important decision's like when to have sex with you and so forth... right?

You probably wear your head scarf around the house... correct?

You may even consider having sex with it on.... why not.... your free... but then you are not compelled to wear it and you will not be punished for not wearing it... like in many places in the Islamic world. Thats cool.

What about Islamic porn.??.. oh you brush of genital mutilation..??? and honor killings??

Well good for you... Maybe Islam is not so bad after all. Do you believe in Allah and all?

Sweet.... good for you.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

oh you brush of genital mutilation..??? and honor killings??

And you brush off meth head whores, sucking donkey dick, popping ping pong balls out of one's twat, using one's twat as a bottle opener and stripping naked for money.

The hypocrisy would lie if Muslims were holding conferences on liberating secular American women from such abuse while ignoring what goes on with their women.

J.C. said...

Oh Really...?
What about the multitude of Islamic porn sites.


I was talking about Price System doings.

All sides do that. To make money.
That is the problem... maybe you do not see it though.

If you pay someone enough money you can get them to do damn near any thing.

Like kill a million people (Bush)
Or work as a wage slave.

Here is some real information for you that will affect your life.

Corn CBOT 739.50 +6.75 +0.92% 6/12/2008
2:34:00 PM

Now that may seem trivial to you... but it won't shortly.... because it is food that powers this nightmare of Political Religious control.

What ? Not aware of that. ???

Your priest kings made the whole thing up about religion so that people like you would sign contracts and pay them money.

Thats the price per bushel up there.
Oh clueless ones.

Denmark Vesey said...




She's killing you.

You think you are intimidating her with your vulgar sex talk (which obviously turns you on; and is further evidence you have no woman. but that's another story)but you are not.

It would be something different if you acknowledged the hypocrisy of your position, and that you are starting to sound like GW Bush in a debate with Edward Said.

"More Secular fanatics die of AIDS than Muslim women die from honor killings..."

How do you get around that Skip?

Don't run from it.

Don't hide behind old corny ad hominem.

ADDRESS the point Skip.

? said...

I have no desire to liberate Muslim women, I think we should leave them alone and certainely have no troops in their countries. They leave me alone, i leave them alone.

J.C. said...

"More Secular fanatics die of AIDS than Muslim women die from honor killings..."

No clue as to what this means. As far as I know mostly aids is killing people in Africa like crazy... because they are having sex.

The above was only a sad rhetorical device used by Insurgent (not intellectual) to dish out shit.

This is classic lawyering or disinformation language.

Really it means nothing.
Not really sure what a secular fanatic is ... but I assume it is some kind of hate speech perfected and perpetuated by you and a couple others for some odd reason.

Another example of leading on the bullshit of trying to convince people of things that do not make sense... so propaganda.. that makes you feel special somehow.

Really this site is disgusting. I will quit it sometime... although there are some intelligent posters besides me here... too far and few between though.
Answer the question?
No... you can not accept the real thing....
Religious bigotry is the main dish here.

J.C. said...

Just curious D.V.
How does it feel to know that you are a big shot that brags about pussy that you control?
Does that make you feel smart or intelligent???

Hope your money supply does not dry up because I have a feeling the other thing will also dry up on you then.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Awwww, I've got tears welled up in my eyes. Skip, you can't leave. If you didn't exist, we'd have to invent you. :-)

Here you go on how many deaths from AIDS happen in America each year -

On big years it's something like 50,000 and on slow years it's in the 17,000 range. I will bet any amount of money that Muslim women aren't dying in honor killings at even a percentage of these rates.

The point being, in case you missed it the first time, is that your "let's fuck everyone, it's natural" attitude is killing people. Far more people than the Islamic alternative.

Anonymous said...

"You may even consider having sex with it on.... why not.... your free... but then you are not compelled to wear it and you will not be punished for not wearing it... like in many places in the Islamic world. Thats cool." Skip

Agree Skip... it's all about the free will to choose between an American Model vs. Muslim Model ...

Anonymous said...

Skip - are you Jewish?

Ever had a blood test?

THIS THREAD PWNED BY DINA. It's her against 50 years of Jewish feminist propadogma as regurgitated by a lonely, confused man.

See where your anti-spiritual memes have gotten you, Skip?

Kill your spirit, kill da man, kill ya life. You got pwned by secular Jews, if you aren't one yourself.

And again - WHO FOUNDED AND FUNDED TECHNOCRAPPY? Their last names didn't rhyme with "stein," did they?

G M said...

Zionism and Technocracy
The Engineering of Jewish Settlement in Palestine

The creation of a Jewish homeland in modern Palestine represented a monumental technical achievement. This achievement, and the story of the Jewish technocrats from Central Europe who engineered it, is documented here for the first time—bringing together social, intellectual, and institutional history in a pathbreaking study.

Yea, a brutally-racist, occupationist apartheid. Some monumental achievement..

You support Palestine or Israel, Skip?

J.C. said...

You know Birdie you are one of the biggest racist Lizard heads on the NET. You know what a bigot is?

There are 4 blood types dope. Jews can come from any of those. All humans do... But you believe in the lizard people.. right dumb ass?

Do I support the Jews? or Israel ?
No. I do not support Christians or Muslims or Hindus or believers in the lizard people either.

So you race based hatred monger who thinks a Jew lurks in every corner and no doubt uses the Protocols as target practice....
You are a disgusting ignorant little person that does not know their fucking ass from a hole in the ground.

Blood type for racial profiling.?
Man you are dumber than I thought.

Howard Scott invented Technocracy dumb ass.
At least you could learn how to argue about something rather than just being and idiot and a bigot because you have read to many New World Order Conspiracy sites.
You Jack ass.

J.C. said...

Oh and Birdi... Why must you make every post a spam exercise in linking your bullshit views?
Why not just go to a NAZI group where you can put up a Swastika and let it all hang out.

Really man. You are one sick mother fucker.
Jews are not special as you think. They are just another scam political religious group.
All those groups are interested in money making.
Christians ... Muslims... etc.

J.C. said...

The Egyptian authorities have banned a 92-year-old man from marrying a 17-year-old girl, the Egyptian al-Akhbar newspaper has reported.

The ministry of justice invoked a law which says the age gap between spouses should not exceed 25 years.

Egypt brought in the law prohibiting the marriage of elderly men to very young girls during the Gulf oil boom.

It was an effort to prevent wealthy men from the Gulf states seeking young poor brides from the Egyptian countryside.

Not much is known about the 92-year-old man who tried to marry an Egyptian girl of 17 except that he is an Arab from the Gulf.

An Egyptian justice official said by refusing to endorse their marriage it would now be impossible for the girl to travel abroad with her husband.

However, in special cases, the justice ministry does allow foreign men to marry Egyptian women more than 25 years their junior if they deposit a very large sum of money in the name of their wife at the Egyptian National Bank.

Both husband and wife also have to report in person to the ministry which checks their marriage is genuine to prevent any kind of trafficking in women.

According to the al-Akhbar newspaper, 173 such marriages were allowed in the past year after the foreign husband deposited a sum equivalent to about US $80,000 and was screened.

In other words you can get all the virginal nookie you want if the Price is Right.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

It was an effort to prevent wealthy men from the Gulf states seeking young poor brides from the Egyptian countryside.

Operative word: POOR.

Poverty is ugly. It produces all sorts of perversions like 10-year-old murderers in America, 10-year-old prostitutes skilled in the art of ping pong balls in Thailand or 10-year-old brides in the Arab world.

Oh, I know, but if we adopt the technate, none of this would happen because there would be no money and we'd all live happily ever after.

J.C. said...

'''Oh, I know, but if we adopt the technate, none of this would happen because there would be no money and we'd all live happily ever after.'''

You sure do not have a logical mind.
Empty rhetoric is more lawyering.
Petty statements do not make an argument.
Most crime is connected with money.

J.C. said...

Keep in mind insurgent that if someone takes your debt tokens (money) and what ever other ''commodities'' you have ... then you will be poor.
Operative word.... poor.

Then you will be in the same position of ping pong balls... as you crassly put it.
Your logic sucks.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Skip, your inconsistencies are quite telling.

When we're talking about a White woman sucking donkey dick and getting gang-banged in every orifice (presumably to make money and provide for herself), you call that free will. In fact, you encourage it.

But when we talk about a Muslim woman marrying an older man (presumably to be financially taken care of), somehow free will disappears. Now it's oppression. Contracts. Money system.

So, just to recap Skip's opinions -
Sucking donkey dick = Freedom
Marriage = Oppression

If this is what the technate has to offer, it's no wonder people aren't beating down your door trying to get a piece. LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

"But when we talk about a Muslim woman marrying an older man (presumably to be financially taken care of) / when we're talking about a White woman sucking donkey dick and getting gang-banged in every orifice (presumably to make money and provide for herself)..." will...


"Another commenter recently sent a link to an article about a 10-year-old poor Muslim girl who was married off to a 30-year-old and got a divorce."


G M said...

Skip, why can't you just answer the questions? We've already been over this - "racism" charges are red herring dodges used to duck questions.

Call me whatever you want - but it has nothing to do with who founded and funded Technocrappy.

BTW, it's amazing how many progressive pundits worldwide are independently arriving at the very same conclusions as I:

For example:

Anti-Semitism is anti-Satanism

For millennia the ancient Babylonian secret slave driving cults have used the Jews like a matadors’ cape, to distract people from the real source of their anger. When the Jews are attacked, they are forced to huddle around the slave drivers for protection. Later, the cultists appeal to good heart of the people by making them feel guilty about their attacks on the Jews. In Europe and North America, humanity’s natural kindness has been used to brainwash us into a knee-jerk reaction against anything that is labeled Anti-Semitism. The way to remove this brainwash is to compile a database of everything that is called Anti-Semitic and remove from that database anything that is anti-Jew. The remaining body of knowledge can be renamed anti-Satanism. It will be useful in identifying the real villains and the things they are trying to hide.

How the Celtic peoples were enslaved by Babylonian tyrants.

I mean, anyone can cherrypick out anecdotes about Muslim abuses against womyn. But we have just as many, if not far more here. Not to mention, a helluva a lot more abuses against Men, too.

The big irony here though is that the more you kiss feMEnist ass (even of women who don't want it), the more they are repelled by you. Have you not learned their game yet? Guess not...!

Denmark Vesey said...

So, just to recap Skip's opinions -
Sucking donkey dick = Freedom
Marriage = Oppression

The Secular Switch•A•Roo

J.C. said...

'''''''''''''When we're talking about a White woman sucking donkey dick and getting gang-banged in every orifice (presumably to make money and provide for herself), you call that free will. In fact, you encourage it.''''''''''''''''

Insurgent... you are one fucked up idiot. Neuro Linguistic Programming may work when you are fucking over peoples minds in the courtroom... but not with me.
And D..v you are also a fucking idiot.
Birdie .
Do you fly the Nazi flag at home?

Insurgent. Was your marriage contract written in menstrual blood?
Was that part of the performance?

What the hell has donkeys got to do with any thing I have mentioned?


D.V. you will as Insurgent say any damn thing to get over with nonsense bull.

Women sign a slave contract as men do also.
Poverty can be the alternative.
And Insurgent you would run the camera to make money filming the donkey if that was the job that you were offered to escape poverty.

What about Islamic Muslim porn... forget about that?
I really hate people that are so utterly stupid as the crew of the three musketeers. Insurgent... the anti women women... D.V. the chattel slave owner... and birdie the Neo Nazi.
Have a nice day.

J.C. said...

Birdie that link you posted about the Sumerians and Babylonians is one the the dumbest things I have ever read. You obviously do not know shit from shinola as regards the history of that area... Here is some accurate history for you. I am sorry it does not appeal to your dumbed Nazi way of looking at things... but then bigots and racist's do not much depend on actual history and reality ... right?
Money-history&energy accounting.
You seem more the dangerous lunatic than any thing.
There is no connection beyond being in the same language group... semitic.. and the Babylonians and the Jews.
The Jews showed up in about 1300 bc... and were not connected to Sumeria except by stealing their stories.

J.C. said...

''''''''''So, just to recap Skip's opinions -
Sucking donkey dick = Freedom
Marriage = Oppression''''''''''''

No... that was Intellectual insurgent that made those points.... so no... only in your fantasy D.V.

You people are really sick.
In the fantasy dept.
In the brainwash zone.... Ha.