Got the brother with the dreadlocks. Got the bow tie brother. Got the proud sweatshirt dude. Got the corporate suit brother. Got the Radio Shack regional manager suit brother. All these brothers at Morehouse. 1 white cat. And the white cat wins Valedictorian. What's next? White boy get MVP on the Harlem Globe Trotters?

Apparently my man was an ... African-American Studies major. (Don't vomit Fisher. I know racial harmony must turn your stomach like ice cream and orange juice.)
Um, i don't feel you on this one DV. You soundin kinda like Fisher.
Is it fair for a well rounded student, with a 4.0 GPA and involved in campus activities to not earn the title of valedictorian simply because of the color of his skin? Nope.
From what i understand, although a predominantly Black college, Morehouse is about the cultivation of young men into educated, value-adding members of society and if this young man represents the success of the institution in achieving it's mission, then why not show him to the world?
In a day that the utility of HBCUs is under question, I think this will do Morehouse a lot of good. Oops! Did i say that? Yup.
Nah Kalena.
You misunderstand me. LOL. I'm being facetious. Not Fisheresque.
I like the young brother. Actually proud of the cat. He's a kind of a Jackie Robinson for white people. Reminds me of a white Paul Robeson at Rutgers. This is a little example of a Global System of Black Superiority. The minority is the majority. The majority is the minority.
oh. true.
i actually came to work on time this morning, so it could've been a little too early for me to detect your sarcasm as i usually do ;-)
That's what I'm sayin'! I'm accustomed to me n u being simpatico.
I gotta spell shit out fo' erybody else. ;-}
Peep how the white boy has a little Black man swagger goin on. Just the way he even looks at the camera down below.
I we could charge for our swagger we'd be Isreal and China rolled into one.
"If we could charge for our swagger we'd be Isreal and China rolled into one."
PREACH! I was wondering if it was the swagger or the Global System of White Supremacy that had me thinking ol boy is HOT.
Must be the swag.
"If we could charge for our swagger we'd be Isreal and China rolled into one."
Aight aight aight aight ...
Robyn wins that one.
That sound some classic DV shit right there.
Wish I had said it.
"You soundin kinda like Fisher."
How does this kinda sound like me, Kalena?
Is this really busting stereotypes or reinforcing them?
I think he really only would have truly busted stereotypes had he gone there and won MVP in their hoop squad.
As it is, isn't he only reinforcing the stereotype that Whites have higher IQs than Blacks? Is James Watson patting himself on the back and tickled pink right now?
I do wonder what % of students attending Morehouse are non-Black, tho? That must be an interesting demographic.
Whatever the cause Kalena, that white boy is kinda cute, I must admit. :-)
"Don't vomit Fisher. I know racial harmony must turn your stomach like ice cream and orange juice.
Race = racism, DV.
That means your term "racial harmony" = "racist harmony".
What's "racist harmony"? Harmony for racists?
"Race = racism, DV." MF
Does it?
Coming from the man who said "Ayo" couldn't qualify as "The Most Beautiful Woman In the World" because she was "too light" ... that doesn't surprise me.
Does "Height = heightism"?
Does "Good lookin' = Good lookinism?"
Does a "Different = Differentism"?
Racial harmony = making race a non-issue.
"Coming from the man who said "Ayo" couldn't qualify as "The Most Beautiful Woman In the World" because she was "too light" ... that doesn't surprise me."
I didn't say that DV. You need to stop misquoting me. I said that you, in my judgment, have displayed attitudes which cause you to consider Ayo the most beautiful woman in the world because she is "light-skinned".
Thus the colorism thing is on you, not me.
I've also said that Ayo, as far as I am concerned, looks boyish and provided a picture of Miss Nigeria who I thought looked more feminine, that is more like a woman.
"Racial harmony = making race a non-issue."
If race was a non-issue to you, then, logically, you wouldn't be talking about "race' whatsoever. You wouldn't be talking about "black" and "white" either.
Like I said ad nauseum, despite what you have been taught to focus on (that is see), there is no such thing as a biological "race".
And since there isn't such a biological human group, the concept of "race" is a socio-political concept. Socio-politics is about power relationships. Thus "race" is about power relationships.
And. incidentally, talking about power relationships, no one here has yet provided me with even one institution run by "non-whites" that can not be overcome by an equivalent institution run by "whites".
"As it is, isn't he only reinforcing the stereotype that Whites have higher IQs than Blacks? Is James Watson patting himself on the back and tickled pink right now?"
The only stereotype that is being reinforced here is that certain white racists are dumb as a piece of wood., or alternatively think that black folks, particularly the one posting here are dumb enough to accept that illogical drivel.
The guy, Joshua Packwood, as I read the background story was Columbia University material (which incidentally means that he may not have qualified to get into Yale, Harvard, or Princeton). The students at Morehouse in their majority just as the majority of students of equivalent "white" colleges, would likely not have qualified to attend Columbia University.
That means that the curriculum at Morehouse (Don't hate on me now, Paul)is likely not as rigorous as it is at top Ivy League schools. Which means that the average black Ivy League student would likely have performed as well or outperformed Mr. Packwood.
That stuff has nothing to do with the IQ of anyone, but it certainly says something about your IQ - or that of those who accept your nonsense.
Good one Fisher,
And. incidentally, talking about power relationships, no one here has yet provided me with even one institution run by "non-whites" that can not be overcome by an equivalent institution run by "whites".
1) NBA
2) Hip Hop
3) Pullin' Women
4) Boxing
5) Education
The guy, Joshua Packwood, as I read the background story was Columbia University material (which incidentally means that he may not have qualified to get into Yale, Harvard, or Princeton). The students at Morehouse in their majority just as the majority of students of equivalent "white" colleges, would likely not have qualified to attend Columbia University.
That means that the curriculum at Morehouse (Don't hate on me now, Paul)is likely not as rigorous as it is at top Ivy League schools. Which means that the average black Ivy League student would likely have performed as well or outperformed Mr. Packwood.
Are you saying there were not also similarly over-qualified Black students there that chose Morehouse for the cultural experience (or other reasons) - vs intellectual rigor?
And why is Morehouse less rigorous to begin with?
And was Packwood smarter than the Black friends/families he was raised with? If so, was that due to Nature vs nurture?
And finally, might academic gentrification reverse Black flight, revitalize educational "ghettoes" and raise "intellectual property" values again?
Wendell Marsh, a junior English and French major who is black, said talking to Packwood as a high school senior helped make up his mind to come to Morehouse.
"Right now we live in a time where people say the black institution is obsolete, that you can get a better education at a majority institution," Marsh said. "To see a white guy who had declined Harvard for Morehouse, I figured it was good enough for me."
Packwood raised "the bar for everyone," said Stanton Fears, a senior economics major.
6) Golf :D
1) NBA - National Basketball Association owned and run in the vast majority by people classified as "white".
2) Hip Hop that's not an institution, but to the extent that it is institutionalized is exclusively distributed and thus controlled by institutions controlled and owned by "whites" (and that includes Youtube)
3) Pullin' Women - That's not an institution. But if white men decided to rape all black women tomorrow and were backed up by the police force and military of this country (institutions controlled by "whites") black men couldn't do shit about it except die fighting with an assorted collection of small arms here and there.
4) Boxing - The institutions that put on boxing matches are owned and controlled by people classified as "white".
5) Education - There is not one non-white educational institution in this country that has the material and intellectual resources of the best white-run educational institution.
"Are you saying there were not also similarly over-qualified Black students there that chose Morehouse for the cultural experience (or other reasons) - vs intellectual rigor?"
Yep, mostly.
"And why is Morehouse less rigorous to begin with?"
Because as most other colleges and universities it does not have the money, resources, and reputation to consistently attract the top teaching talent available.
"And was Packwood smarter than the Black friends/families he was raised with?"
How would I know? I don't have any data available. However, that question does beg the following question: Were the white folks you were raised around just as dumb as you appear to be?
"If so, was that due to Nature vs nurture?"
Again, how would I know? I don't have any data available. However, again, that question beg the following question: Is your particular level of intelligence due to Nature vs nurture?
"And finally, might academic gentrification reverse Black flight, revitalize educational "ghettoes" and raise "intellectual property" values again?
Define "academic gentrification"
Lawd, please send a sophisticated intelligent white racist to this blog.
"Islam" is not an institution, but a belief system, and the, most powerful, institutions of Islam are certainly not run by non-white people.
Measured along the numerous variables considered at Carnegie Mellon's JOSS - including frequency, consistency, and density of communications - in quantifiable social network terms, Islamic cultural formations meet and exceed the efficiency of the U.S. armed services.
That this 13 century old cultural framework incorporates 1.8 billion souls with vast global dispersion and assets up to and including deliverable nuclear weapons - suggests in no uncertain terms that it will persist long after the secular anglosphere has been eclipsed and bitten the dust.
by the way byrdeye, in the context you are using it, it's "nature or nurture".
Islamic law divides non-Muslims into several categories, depending on their relation with the Islamic state. Christians and Jews who live under Islamic rule are known as dhimmis ("protected peoples"). According to this pact, the personal safety and security of property of the dhimmis were guaranteed in return for paying tribute (jizya) to the Islamic state and acknowledging Muslim supremacy. Historically, dhimmis enjoyed a measure of communal autonomy under their own religious leaders, but were subject to legal, social and religious restrictions meant to highlight their inferiority.[118] The status was extended to Zoroastrians and sometimes to polytheists (such as Hindus), but not to atheists or agnostics.[119] Those who live in non-Muslim lands (dar al-harb) are known as harbis, and upon entering into an alliance with the Muslim state become known as ahl al-ahd. Those who receive a guarantee of safety while residing temporarily in Muslim lands are known as ahl al-amān. Their legal position is similar to that of the dhimmi except that they are not required to pay the jizya. The people of armistice (ahl al-hudna) are those who live outside of Muslim territory and agree to refrain from attacking the Muslims.
"Muslim Supremacy"
codified, accept no substitutes.....,
CNu ...
You a beast.
"That this 13 century old cultural framework incorporates 1.8 billion souls with vast global dispersion and assets up to and including deliverable nuclear weapons - suggests in no uncertain terms that it will persist long after the secular anglosphere has been eclipsed and bitten the dust."
Clearly you appear to have no understanding of Islam, its various factions and sub-factions,and sub-sub-factions. Besides that, the fact is, that the most powerful factions of Islam are controlled by folks who classify themselves as "white" (Wahabies and Iranian Schia), and that more Muslims are killed daily by other Muslims than by anyone else, and, moreover, a good case can be made that they mostly do so due to the manipulation of more powerful "whites".
Because as most other colleges and universities it does not have the money, resources, and reputation to consistently attract the top teaching talent available.
And why not? What about in other countries? Name the top Black university in the world for a fairer comparison, then.
And what types of societies generate advanced industries and wealth to begin with? Let's trace this back to the root of the problem here.
If you imply that Blacks lack aggregate wealth as a whole...why exactly is that?
I try to keep it hella simple DV.
Islam is a continuum of logic, language and values uniting a greater diversity of human beings into a daily common praxis and way of life than any other cultural formation on the face of the earth.
Only orthodox Christianity compares and the orthodox are an infinitesimal minority by comparison.
The "chosen people", by their endogamous mating habits and matrilineal membership requirements nearly destablized themselves out of existence 60-70 years ago.
The Islamic way of life will dominate long after the anglosphere and everything it entails is dust.
"And why not? What about in other countries? Name the top Black university in the world for a fairer comparison, then."
Compared to the top "white" universities there is none.
"If you imply that Blacks lack aggregate wealth as a whole...why exactly is that?"
Because of a scientifically administered systemic socio-political structure called the System of Racism/White Supremacy.
Perhaps I'm mistaken, and I'll defer to your judgement as my elder and better, but aren't the constitutionally Islamic republics of Pakistan and Iran giving the anglosphere fits right about now?
jes axin......,
By the way DV, let me know when the "republic of white supremacy" commences to ackin a fool - I'm as keen as you are on keeping tabs on those busters.
"Perhaps I'm mistaken, and I'll defer to your judgement as my elder and better, but aren't the constitutionally Islamic republics of Pakistan and Iran giving the anglosphere fits right about now?"
What would happen if the United States, the Soviet Union, France, and the UK, and Israel (all of which are "white"-run countries), decided to tomorrow to tactically nuke each and every Muslim country in the world not to speak of releasing their bio-weapons agents?
The Islamic way of life will dominate long after the anglosphere and everything it entails is dust.
Not sure about that. Semitic parasites can not live without their hosts. And if you'll notice, most of those Semitic countries have no real industry of their own. Israel only has the US and the rest simply have oil.
Compared to the top "white" universities there is none.
White countries have given Africa $4 trillion in aid over the last few decades. So, why not? Shouldn't that be more than enough money to build dozens of elite unis?
Because of a scientifically administered systemic socio-political structure called the System of Racism/White Supremacy.
Does this really keep Blacks down...or lift them up? How do Blacks living in White countries compare to those living in Sub-Saharan Africa under Black rule?
IOW, if r-gamers move to welfare societies built by K-gamers - who is getting the better end of the deal here?
If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.
Typically DV, I leave discussions of artificial facts levied in support of constructed realities to others.
If you'd care to pursue absurdities, by all means knock yourself out. The facts delineating the current world problematique speak for themselves. Consequently, my simple factual observations on the topic are now complete. But please, please, please brother, should you hear about the "republic of white supremacy" ackin a fool, give me a shout out so I can get ready.
"White countries have given Africa $4 trillion in aid over the last few decades. So, why not? Shouldn't that be more than enough money to build dozens of elite unis?"
If nothing else, read "The Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man"
"How do Blacks living in White countries compare to those living in Sub-Saharan Africa under Black rule?"
The "white" countries are the Big House and the "black" countries are the plantation. House slaves always tended to live better than field slaves. But that doesn't change the power relationship.
Russia accused of annexing the arctic.....,
"The message from Vladimir Putin is that Russia will no longer be shackled to treaties signed by Yeltsin when he was half drunk or when Russia was on its knees,"
Russia rivals Saudi Arabia as the world's largest oil producer and is estimated to have the largest natural gas supplies. Energy earnings are funding a $189 billion (£97 billion) overhaul of its armed forces.
"If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride"
What you are saying is that these folks have chosen not to use these arsenals. Or do you seriously suggest that there is one non-white country, including China and India combined, in the world that can overwhelm even little Germany?
As noted in April - In a radically altered world— where Russia is transformed from battered Cold War loser to arrogant broker of Eurasian energy, and the United States is forced to compete with the emerging “Chindia” juggernaut—the only route to survival on a shrinking planet, lies through international cooperation.
"Russia rivals Saudi Arabia as the world's largest oil producer and is estimated to have the largest natural gas supplies. Energy earnings are funding a $189 billion (£97 billion) overhaul of its armed forces."
And Russia is run by people classified as what?
If nothing else, read "The Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man"
I actually would, if I had the time...
The "white" countries are the Big House and the "black" countries are the plantation. House slaves always tended to live better than field slaves. But that doesn't change the power relationship.
So, why did it turn out this way? How did Whites surpass Blacks in the world of commerce and technology?
I mean, regardless of any racial tribal enmity between the 2 - how did one achieve more collective power than the other to create the power relationship as you see it to begin with?
IOW, are they "supreme" and Blacks "inferior" because of this dynamic...or does this dynamic exist because Whites are "superior" to Blacks in this facet?
DV, one last kwestin, then I'm out.
Would you happen to know, offhand, why so many jews chose to leave Russia?
As noted in April - In a radically altered world— where Russia is transformed from battered Cold War loser to arrogant broker of Eurasian energy, and the United States is forced to compete with the emerging “Chindia” juggernaut—the only route to survival on a shrinking planet, lies through international cooperation."
Well, let's say that is so. In this case Cindia is competing with the white-run United States due to the arrogant brokerage of Russia which is run by people classified as what?
Would you happen to know, offhand, why so many jews chose to leave Russia?
MF - Is the "GSWS" ultimately the cause of "White supremacy" in commerce...or the product of it?
Are "advanced" societies the cause of higher IQs and K-gaming...or the product of it?
I believe the solutions to your lifelong struggles are in the honest answers to these questions...
CNu -
How Uncle Fish can pretend Islam is not an institution is baffling.
Also, do you think he can name "5 institutions that whites control"?
Using his fluid definition of white and control will make his answer interesting.
Mike. I am not familiar with the type of whiteness that you have encountered that seems to possess magical powers unavailable to us melanin blessed.
But to suggest whites run basketball, "NBA [is] run in the vast majority by people classified as "white", is ridiculous.
The men who defy gravity, hit breathtaking buzzer beaters and execute jaw dropping cross-overs are the reason millions of people tune in all over the world to watch.
The 'David Sterns' are mere functionaries. Flunkies. Accountants. Middlemen. As the basketball business model evolves in the digital era - they too will go the way of the dodo bird.
To suggest Kobe's commissioner controls basketball is like suggesting Picasso's accountant controlled painting.
Hip Hop can no more be "owned" than can poetry.
As we blog perhaps 700 million young people around the world are listening to the streams of consciousness of black MC's piped directly into their brains via iPods like digital IV's pumping memes into their veins.
GSWS my ass.
"I mean, regardless of any racial tribal enmity between the 2 - how did one achieve more collective power than the other to create the power relationship as you see it to begin with?"
Apparently because someone somewhere came up with a very simple and thus powerful idea: divide people along the lines of "color" rather than left big toe size.
"IOW, are they "supreme" and Blacks "inferior" because of this dynamic..."
"...or does this dynamic exist because Whites are 'superior' to Blacks in this facet?"
Logically, white are not biologically superior because they is no such thing as a biological white race.
However, the socio-political system of Racism/White Supremacy which is scientifically maintained and administered generated "whites", that is "white supremacists" (no, not the garden-variety that you belong to) who are socio-politically in supreme position due to the existence of same system.
"Also, do you think he can name '5 institutions that whites control'?"
I already did, DV. more than that number. Don't pretend I didn't.
"The men who defy gravity, hit breathtaking buzzer beaters and execute jaw dropping cross-overs are the reason millions of people tune in all over the world to watch."
Does Shamu run Sea World?
Clearly the white folks who ran slavery in this country and elsewhere were lazy fucks with little physical stamina.
They still ran slavery.
Because they got Negroes like you to close their eyes and pretend otherwise.
White folks like that loooooveeee guys like you.
Apparently because someone somewhere came up with a very simple and thus powerful idea: divide people along the lines of "color" rather than left big toe size.
No, I asked that once it was divided into 2 teams...why did one team whup the other in the game of commerce? That has nothing to do with the "arbitrary" team division, itself. So, don't dodge the issue here.
What made the "White" team better than the "Black" team in head-2-head technological and commercial competition?
Logically, white are not biologically superior because they is no such thing as a biological white race.
If whites don't biologically exist...then what are we talking about? How can the GSWS even exist? And how come you are not a proud member of it?
iPods like digital IV's pumping memes into their veins
Does Shamu run Sea World?
Lol, ok Soundbites of the Day!
"No, I asked that once it was divided into 2 teams...why did one team whup the other in the game of commerce?"
What you call "commerce" especially in the European context after the discovery of the Americas is just...
Violence and deception on an unprecedented, unimaginable, scale.
And no it's not that other folks "of color" had not thought of stuff like that. However, the "whites" who thought off and instituted this shit lacked the moral compass, the ethics not to implement it. They thus were morally able to take this thing to the logical extremes when other people could not do so because they were constrained by their ethics, as faulty as these ethics might have been.
If you wanna call that "superior", then go ahead.
"If whites don't biologically exist...then what are we talking about? How can the GSWS even exist?"
We are talking about a system of deception. You get enough folks to believe that there is such a thing as a white race, shit runs real smoothly.
"And how come you are not a proud member of it?"
Because I'm not classified as white. Plus when the offer came, I turned it down. I'm not into mistreating people, especially not on the basis of "color".
"Does Shamu run Sea World?" MF
No. He runs the ocean.
Free your mind Mike.
Your slavery is mental.
Or do you need Skip to "Liberate" you again?
Your problem Mike, is that deep down inside, you want to be white.
You define all that is good as white. All that is desirable as white. It's something that plagues your pre-Hip-Hop generation.
Yeah yeah you give lip service to liking dark skinned women ... and white women's pussy lips are too thin yada yada ... but it comes off like you are compensating.
My experience as a black man has been quite different from yours.
I'm accustomed to being the object of envy. By white and black alike.
That process creates a different type of man.
Yes Mike. You are right. You do suffer at the hands of system of Supremacy.
However it has nothing to do with your tangential blackness.
No. He runs the ocean.
Well, last time I saw that big mofo he was confined to his "basketball court", a pool in Orlando, Florida. How did he get out? Catch a bus?
"You define all that is good as white. All that is desirable as white."
Th mistreatment of people based on color is "good"? DV, you're trippin'.
"Your problem Mike, is that deep down inside, you want to be white."
Is that so?
"white women's pussy lips are too thin"
I think you're misquoting me again. I'm pretty sure I didn't say to thin. Besides I was talking about a certain phenotype.
"I'm accustomed to being the object of envy. By white and black alike."
I'm not so sure that being envied is such a good thing. It tends to create enemies. However, rest assured that I don't envy you.
Well, last time I saw that big mofo he was confined to his "basketball court", a pool in Orlando, Florida. How did he get out? Catch a bus?" MF
Is Kobe confined to his 16,000 sq. ft. ocean side mansion?
Can he not leave his private jet?
Is he not allowed to see his beautiful wife and children when he pleases?
Why the projection of cages where there is none?
You WANT to see slavery Mike.
It's your comfort zone.
"Is Kobe confined to his 16,000 sq. ft. ocean side mansion?
Can he not leave his private jet?
Is he not allowed to see his beautiful wife and children when he pleases?"
Interesting that you used the word "allowed".
In any case.
Shamu is fed fish, Kobe is fed much better. Them black athletes are still are $40 million slaves.
Golden cage.
"Shamu is fed fish, Kobe is fed much better. Them black athletes are still are $40 million slaves. " MF
Mike. Name a white boy, any white boy, on the planet - wouldn't trade places with Kobe Bryant.
Because I'm not classified as white. Plus when the offer came, I turned it down. I'm not into mistreating people, especially not on the basis of "color".
So, if you're not classified as white - but were still offered membership, then why is it still a GSWS? If you don't really have to be white to get in?
Also, aren't you a member of it already on a supporting level simply by choosing to live in a white country, follow white rules & customs and consume products and enjoy benefits produced by the GSWS? Thereby subsidizing and supporting it with your very livelihood? As opposed to unplugging here, moving to Africa and starting your own GSBS to compete?
What's stopping you from doing that?
So, if you're not classified as white - but were still offered membership, then why is it still a GSWS? If you don't really have to be white to get in?"
Byrdeye, how did you get to be a white person?
"Also, aren't you a member of it already on a supporting level..."
I'm not a member, I am subjected to it.
"by choosing to live in a white country"
White country?
"...Thereby subsidizing and supporting it with your very livelihood?"
Yup. Can't help that until the system is abolished and replaced.
"moving to Africa..."
What about the term "Global" in the phrase Global System of White supremacy don't you understand?
"Name a white boy, any white boy, on the planet - wouldn't trade places with Kobe Bryant."
For 40 million Dollars? Probably not many that wouldn't trade. But what about $1.--?
Michael Fisher said...
For 40 million Dollars? Probably not many that wouldn't trade. But what about $1.--?
OK. Mike,
Name a white boy wouldn't trade place with a 6'8" handsome black man with 13" Johnson?
Oh, another one.
John Holmes (if he still were alive)
That's two. Want more?
1)Why wouldn't they Mike?
2)How could you know?
3)Name a white boy with whom you would trade places?
1) Ask byrdeye
2) I read what byrdeye had to say.
3) My dick is big enough. I don't need to trade with anyone.
I am asking you Mike.
Byrdeye is not on the internet making these statements about white advantage and supremacy - Mike Fisher is.
Now me. Moi. I wouldn't trade places with Bill Gates.
As a matter of fact, I don't know too many men who would trade places with another man - except bitch asses who don't like themselves anyway - and they happen to be of all races.
"Byrdeye is not on the internet making these statements about white advantage and supremacy..."
Oh, you can't read?
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